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Model Dinamika Sistem untuk Analisis Kebijakan Pengembangan Biodiesel Jatropha Curcas di Indonesia Nurdiansyah, Yodi; Nugraha, Cahyadi; Rispianda, Rispianda
REKA INTEGRA Vol 1, No 3 (2013): Edisi Ketiga
Publisher : REKA INTEGRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.912 KB)


Abstrak Kebutuhan terhadap sumber energi terbarukan bahan bakar nabati mendasari pengembangan biodiesel berbasis minyak Jatropha di Indonesia. Pemerintah mentargetkan penggunaan biodiesel sebanyak 20% dari penggunaan solar (51 milyar liter) yaitu sebesar 10,22 juta kilo liter pada tahun 2025. Penelitian ini berisi pengembangan suatu model dinamika sistem untuk menganalisis kebijakan pengembangan industri biodiesel Jatropha. Struktur dan perilaku dari sistem yang kompleks dapat disimulasikan sehingga pengaruh kebijakan pemerintah berupa subsidi, pajak dan kewajiban pencampuran solar-biodiesel dapat diketahui. Artikel penelitian ini menyajikan alternatif kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencapai target penggunaan biodiesel tersebut berdasarkan model dinamika sistem yang dikembangkan. Kata kunci: biodiesel, minyak jarak pagar, dinamika sistem   Abstract The need for renewable energy sources of biofuel is underlying the development of biodiesel based on Jatropha oil in Indonesia.The Government is targeting the use of biodiesel as much as 20% of the use of petrodiesel (51 billion liters), amounting to 10.22 million kiloliters in 2025. This research contains the development of a system dynamics model to analyze the biodiesel industry Jatropha development policy. The structure and behavior of complex systems can be simulated in order to understand the effect of government policies such as subsidies, taxes and mandate of diesel-biodiesel blending.This paper presents a study of alternative policies that can be done to achieve the target usage of biodiesel based on the developed system dynamics model. Keywords: biodiesel, jatropha oil, system dynamics
REKA INTEGRA Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Edisi Keempatbelas
Publisher : REKA INTEGRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (439.04 KB)


Sistem distribusi barang merupakan salah satu pendukung utama dalam pemasaran produk, tidak adanya kontrol yang baik dalam proses pendistribusian barang dapat berdampak buruk bagi perusahaan. Ketepatan waktu kirim serta penentuan rute distribusi yang baik sangat membantu perusahaan dalam meminimumkan biaya distribusi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode nearest neighbour sebagai metode awal dalam penentuan rute, selanjutnya digunakan metode tabu search dan metode branch and bound sebagai metode perbaikan dari metode awal. Dengan menggunakan metode awal nearest neighbour diperoleh total jarak tempuh untuk 27 titik pelanggan sebesar 141,49 km dengan total waktu tempuh 18,51 jam. Setelah diperbaiki dengan metode tabu search diperoleh total jarak tempuh sebesar 140,94 km dan total waktu tempuh 18,49 jam dan perbaikan dengan menggunakan metode branch and bound menghasilkan total jarak tempuh sebesar 135,39 km dengan total waktu tempuh sebesar 18,26 jam. Kata Kunci: Vehicle Routing Problem, Traveling Salesman Problem, Nearest Neighbour, Tabu Search, Branch and Bound Abstract Distribution system in production cycle is one of the main element in product marketing. Uncontrolled distribution system brings negative impact to the company. Accuracy in delivery time and good distribution route quotation can help the company to decrease distribution cost. Nearest neighbor method is used as the first method in determining the distribution route. Then, tabu search method and branch & bound method are used as the improvement method. By using nearest neighbor method, the distance for 27 customer points is 141.49 km and total time is 18.51 hours. After improved by tabu search method, total distance turns 140.94 km in 18.49 hours. And by using branch and bound method, total distance is 135.39 km and total time is 18.26 hours.
REKA INTEGRA Vol 3, No 4 (2015): Edisi Keduabelas
Publisher : REKA INTEGRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (513.106 KB)


Pendistribusian menjadi salah satu faktor penting dalam kegiatan supply chain. Ketepatan waktu dalam pengiriman produk akan meningkatkan kepuasaan pelanggan. PT. Agronesia adalah salah satu perusahaan yang memproduksi es kristal yang harus didistribusikan setiap hari kepada para pelanggan. Tidak diterapkannya metode khusus pembentukan rute membuat perusahaan mengalami kendala waktu yang sangat panjang dalam kegiatan pendistribusian. Permasalahan ini dikategorikan kedalam permasalahan Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) dengan karakteristik single depot, multiple trip dan split delivery. Metode Nearest Neighbouryang termasuk kedalam metode heuristik menjadi metode pendekatan yang akan menghasilkan solusi awal yang selanjutnya akan dilakukan perbaikan menggunakan salah satu metode metaheuristik Genetic Algorithm.   Kata kunci:distribusi,vehicle routing problem, nearest neighbour, genetic algorithm ABSTRACT Distribution is an important factor in supply chain activities. On schedule delivery product increase customer satisfaction. PT. Agronesia produce ice tube which must be distributed everyday to customers. There is no special methodstodetermine the route that’s impact on completion time of distribution. These problems are categorized into Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) with the characteristics single depot, multiple trips and split delivery. Heuristic methods, Nearest Neighbour give initial solutionto this problem and then the solution revised by Genetic Algorithms. Keywords:distribution, vehicle routing problem, nearest neighbour, genetic algorithms
Pendampingan Implementasi Dashboard Kebijakan Persediaan Obat di Puskesmas Babakan Tarogong, Kota Bandung Seto Sumargo; Prafajar Suksessanno Muttaqin; Yodi Nurdiansyah; Suci Andini
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2024): JAMSI - Maret 2024
Publisher : CV Firmos

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54082/jamsi.1093


UPTD Puskesmas Babakan Tarogong berlokasi di Jalan Babakan Tarogong no. 46 di Kota Bandung. Terkait pelayanan kesehatan, puskesmas berperan menyediakan obat-obatan dasar, mengelola stok obat dan memantau penggunaan obat dengan efisien sehingga mencegah terjadinya kekurangan atau kelebihan. Namun, evaluasi kinerja dari tahun 2019-2022 menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan obat dan bahan medis habis pakai masih belum mencapai target, dengan tingkat stockout terendah mencapai 30% pada tahun 2021. Stockout obat dapat mengganggu layanan kesehatan dan menurunkan mutu pelayanan, yang pada gilirannya berdampak pada kepercayaan masyarakat. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, dikembangkan sebuah perancangan dashboard berbasis Ms. Excel yang membantu dalam perencanaan dan pengendalian persediaan obat. Tujuan utama perancangan dashboard ini adalah untuk mengurangi stockout, mengoptimalkan biaya persediaan, dan meningkatkan layanan kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model persediaan periode tunggal dengan distribusi uniform. Metode ini cocok karena diketahui berdasarkan data historis pengeluaran barang dari beberapa bulan terakhir. Selain itu karena terdapat sistem persediaan baru di puskemas menyebabkan data persediaan yang tercatat juga baru beberapa bulan. Menggunakan data yang tersedia dengan sampel data obat domperidone 10mg dan masukan data tersebut pada dashboard yang dibuat dapat disimpulkan kuantitas pesanan optimal pada bulan desember 2023 sebanyak 400 unit. Selain itu nilai evaluasi kegiataan ini sangat baik yaitu 100% pihak puskesmas menerima dan berharap kegiatan ini berlanjut.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 11 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri : Jurnal Keilmuan Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jitiuntar.v11i3.26999


The opportunities for developing grapes on an agribusiness and agroindustry scale in Indonesia are very high but have not been widely implemented. The aim of this research is to analyze the obstacles to the development of the current downstream grape supply chain. To develop the downstream grape supply chain, the first step is to identify the sub-elements that are part of the affected sector elements, the obstacles that occur and the programs needed. Identification of sub elements is carried out using ISM. Based on the results of the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) analysis, the results showed that the obstacles to the downstreaming of the wine supply chain were that it had not paid attention to farmers who were the most important actors, had not designed a quality assurance system which was a program that should have been designed from the start of downstream planning and didn’t pay attention to the availability of materials. standard which is the main obstacle that has not been implemented so far. These three sub-elements can be integrated for institutional design to make downstream activities easier.
Streamlining Warehouse Process: A UHF RFID-Enabled Smart Warehouse System Design Soesanto, Rayinda Pramuditya; Nurdiansyah, Yodi; Kurniawati, Amelia
Jurnal Internasional Penelitian Teknologi Terapan Vol 5 No 2 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : Bandung State Polytechnic (Politeknik Negeri Bandung)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35313/ijatr.v5i2.143


In the era of digital transformation, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a pivotal force in information technology. This research addresses the pressing need for companies to integrate IoT technology, specifically Ultra-High Frequency Radio-Frequency Identification (UHF RFID), into their warehouse systems. The study aims to tackle the challenges faced by companies during peak periods, such as online shopping promotions, where transaction volumes surge, demanding efficient inventory and shipment management. The proposed solution involves implementing an IoT-based warehouse management system leveraging UHF RFID technology. This system seeks to optimize inventory and shipment management through real-time data collection, processing, and analysis. By continuously monitoring inventory and delivery processes, companies can swiftly identify and address issues. The integration of UHF RFID with the information system not only enhances order fulfillment efficiency during peak times but also reduces costs and time associated with inventory management. This research advocates for the strategic adoption of an IoT-based warehouse management system, emphasizing the benefits of UHF RFID integration, including enhanced accuracy, reduced labor costs, and overall improved business efficiency. The findings provide valuable insights into the practical implementation of IoT technologies, offering a roadmap for companies seeking to optimize warehouse operations and meet customer demands with precision in today's competitive digital landscape.