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The Effectiveness of Virtual Learning Process on Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Course Lutfia Isna Ardhayanti; Adelia Anju Asmara; Noviani Ima Wantoputri; Elita Nurfitriyani Sulistyo; Nelly Marlina
International Journal of Chemistry Education Research VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1, April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/ijcer.vol6.iss1.art6


The impact of advanced technology is perceived in every sector, including education. As the Ministry of Education and Culture program, distance learning has become applied in Indonesia, especially with this pandemic COVID-19. The learning model used in the course will affect student understanding in this situation, especially for an experimental study that aims to enhance student skills in the laboratory. The virtual laboratory practice is an additional learning model used in Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Course. Before, the Environmental Laboratory Course used only video to deliver learning materials. This research is experimental research that aims to evaluate the additional virtual laboratory practice's impact on student grades compared to the previous method. The research result was obtained by comparing the practical course's assessment results in 2019/2020 to 2020/2021. A questionnaire was also used to collect student opinions about the new learning method. The number of samples in this research was 395 students. The results show that the average students' grades using explanatory video only is 89, then with additional virtual laboratory practice are 88. From the questionnaire, 46% of the respondent said the application increased their understanding of the learning materials, and they also enjoyed using the application. It could be concluded that the virtual laboratory practice did not improve the assessment result of the course but enhanced the student interest. Keywords: Distance learning, Laboratory course, virtual laboratory practice
A COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF SEPTAGE MANAGEMENT IN BANTUL, YOGYAKARTA Adelia Anju Asmara; Suphia Rahmawati; Andik Yulianto; Margita Rahayu Abay; Dilla Arlina; Dhandhun Wacano
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1210.274 KB) | DOI: 10.25105/urbanenvirotech.v4i2.7624


Aim: This study aims to assess the entire process of septage management comprising regulation, operational procedures, finance, community involvement, and water quality analysis to maximize the initial and hugest human fecal sludge treatment called Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (IPLT) in Yogyakarta. Methodology and Results: The Modified EHRA (Environmental Health Risk Assessment) method was applied which focused only on wastewater treatment aspect. Several regulations including standard quality methods (SNI) were utilized and made a comparison between baseline rules and obtained results. Furthermore, quality assessment was accomplished by observation and interview. The results showed that the human sector needs to improve not only the amount of operators but also urgently put up protective personal equipment during the suction process. The dissemination of attractive information about sludge suction service done by PUPKP as a representation of the local government among the dwellers ought to upgrade a lot. Technologies employed which are carriage transportation and vacuum machine, are good enough. Contrarily, septage treatment plants require extra-effort to enhance it as most water quality parameters barely meet the standard quality. BOD, COD, ammonia, total coliform, oil and grease do not meet the third class of water quality (Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No. 82/2001). Subsequently, the effectiveness of each unit i.e. anaerobic tank and stabilization ponds are under 50% and the loading rate has a maximum capacity of 87.5m3/day, and 60m3/day minimum capacity. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Therefore, almost all aspects of septage management in Bantul Yogyakarta are required to improve
A COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF SEPTAGE MANAGEMENT IN BANTUL, YOGYAKARTA Adelia Anju Asmara; Suphia Rahmawati; Andik Yulianto; Margita Rahayu Abay; Dilla Arlina; Dhandhun Wacano
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/urbanenvirotech.v4i2.7624


Aim: This study aims to assess the entire process of septage management comprising regulation, operational procedures, finance, community involvement, and water quality analysis to maximize the initial and hugest human fecal sludge treatment called Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant (IPLT) in Yogyakarta. Methodology and Results: The Modified EHRA (Environmental Health Risk Assessment) method was applied which focused only on wastewater treatment aspect. Several regulations including standard quality methods (SNI) were utilized and made a comparison between baseline rules and obtained results. Furthermore, quality assessment was accomplished by observation and interview. The results showed that the human sector needs to improve not only the amount of operators but also urgently put up protective personal equipment during the suction process. The dissemination of attractive information about sludge suction service done by PUPKP as a representation of the local government among the dwellers ought to upgrade a lot. Technologies employed which are carriage transportation and vacuum machine, are good enough. Contrarily, septage treatment plants require extra-effort to enhance it as most water quality parameters barely meet the standard quality. BOD, COD, ammonia, total coliform, oil and grease do not meet the third class of water quality (Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia No. 82/2001). Subsequently, the effectiveness of each unit i.e. anaerobic tank and stabilization ponds are under 50% and the loading rate has a maximum capacity of 87.5m3/day, and 60m3/day minimum capacity. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: Therefore, almost all aspects of septage management in Bantul Yogyakarta are required to improve