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PERILAKU PETANI DALAM PEMBELIAN BIBIT KOPI ARABIKA (Coffea arabica) ANDUNG SARI I PETANI KOPI KABUPATEN KARO Posman HP Marpaung; Lyndon Parulian Nainggolan; Fandri Siburian; Iyon Ginting
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v5i1.542


Andung sari 1 coffee seeds made in Suka Mbayak Village have a large fruit production, but not too high, do not have many wild shoots, are resistant to pests and stems so that farmers are more interested in planting Arabica coffee seeds (Coffea arabica) Andung sari varieties 1. The research method in the research area was determined purposively or deliberately based on the primary data of 20 families of Andung sari 1 arabica coffee farmers, with the characteristics of the respondents described by gender, education, age and occupation. Based on the results of respondents in the field according to gender, the male andung sari coffee farmers were the most respondents (90.1%). Based on the latest education, the most respondents were junior high school and high school students (38.8%). According to respondents, the most age groups were respondents aged 31 - 40 years (65.6%) and while based on job respondents the most respondents were coffee farmers (60.5%). Based on the results of the above research, it can be concluded that cultural, social, personal and psychological factors simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the decision to purchase Arabica coffee seedlings of Andung Sari 1 variety, this can be seen in the value of F count> F table (18,144> 2,494 ) and the significant value is smaller than the significant level 0.05 (0.000 <0.05), then the fifth hypothesis is accepted, meaning that it simultaneously has a positive influence on the decision to purchase Andung Sari 1 coffee seedlings.
STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN AGRIBISNIS PRODUK BUNGA KRISAN (Chrysanthenum indicum L) DI KABUPATEN KARO Royjon Sinaga; Lyndon Parulian Nainggolan; Kiki PS Munthe
JURNAL AGROTEKNOSAINS Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Agroteknosains
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v4i1.291


The study was done to see how chrysanthemum flower products developed from the way chrysanthemum flower production and marketing was developed. To know internal and external strategies and swot analysis support the development of chrysanthemum products in Karo regency. Adhesive control of research areas. The sample is a goatherd, a farm group, a chief of the service who endear the farm service, a goat merchant, and an entire agency of Suka village. Data retrieval through interview, documentation and observation questionnaire. The result of the study are internal factor : Stregth (natural resourches, human resourches, security strive) Weakness (limited markets, limited land, lack of government support), External factor : Opportunities (regional auotnomy, chrysanthemum flower derivatives, markets that are open locally and abroad, opening up new agrotourism) Threats (pests and disease, competitor flowers, chrysanthemum price fluctuations) and strategy of a swot matrix, which is to improve the natural resourches quality through training and expand its chrysanthemum farm effort, increase productivity and the quality of chrysanthemum flower and their markets, increase productivity and the quality of chrysanthemum flower to be able to compete with foreign market, open up new agrotourism with the support of natural resourches and regional autonomy.
JURNAL AGROTEKNOSAINS Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Agroteknosains
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v2i2.149


The research was aimed to formulation combination of composite flour as partly substitution of wheat flour from blend of wheat flour, sweet potato flour and taro flour. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Non Factorial, with different level of substitution in percents, i.e :T1 = wheat flour (100%), T2 = wheat flour (75%) : sweet potato flour (25%), T3 = wheat flour (50%) : sweet potato flour (50%), T4 = wheat flour (25%) : sweet potato flour (75%), T5 = wheat flour (75%) : taro flour (25%), T6 = wheat flour (50%) : taro flour (50%), T7 = wheat flour (25%) : taro flour (75%). The parameters analysed were moisture content, ash content, protein content, fat content,carbohydrate content and hedonic value of colour, aroma, flavour and texture. The results showed were significant differences (p<0.5) difference formulation combination of composite flour with different level of substitution. The proximate composition showed that wheat flour had higher protein content (9.46%) and lower carbohydrate content (87.77%), while sweet potato flour had protein content(3.96%) and carbohydrate content (92.92%); taro flour had protein (5.62%) and carbohydrate content (92.83%). The sensory analysis of cake showed significant differences between 100% wheat flour and formulation combination of composite flour samples. It was concluded that formulation composite flour T4 into wheat flour gave the cake with the best overall quality acceptabily.
JURNAL JUSTIQA Vol 3, No 2 (2021): VOL 3 NO 2 TAHUN 2021
Publisher : Universitas Quality

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Handling the problem of land transfer in Indonesia into plantation and agricultural landis increasingly happening, especially forest land and / or former plantation land managedby the State. The province of North Sumatra is one of the areas that has many areas thathave a transition of land functions into plantation land and / or agricultural land ownedby the community, so it needs attention by the central government and local governmentin providing legal certainty and protection to the community. Endorsement or recognitionof land that is transferred to plantations and or agriculture must get special attentionfrom local governments, especially the central government, so that the transition of theuse of land that was once forest land and or plantation land is clearly allotment. The purpose of this research is to find out the legal arrangements on legal protection ofplantation land and / or agricultural land owned by the community, and to know theallocation of land in its use by the community both in the field of plantations and / oragriculture so that it can be said productive land. The research method used today is thelibrary review approach, by describing in writing form, in relation to laws andregulations related to forests and plantations and agriculture. The targeted external isoutside the mandatory Journal of Justiqa published by the Faculty of Law, University ofQuality.
OKUPASI HENDERSONIA KE DALAM AKAR TANAMAN KELAPA SAWIT (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) UNTUK MENCEGAH PENYAKIT GANODERMA (Ganoderma boniense) Donatus Dahang; Robert Sinaga; Kiki Pagar Sinalsal Mangatasi Munthe; Lyndon Parulian Nainggolan
Publisher : Universitas Quality

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36764/ja.v6i2.935


Penelitian okupasi Hendersonia kepala sawit di pembibitan dan pasca-penanaman telah dilakukan di PTPN III Kebun Pulau Mandi dan Kebun Tanah Raja, Maret 2018-Januari 2020. Umur bibit 3 bulan digunakan GanoEF 50 gr/ pokok, umur bibit 6 bulan GanoEF 50 gr/ pokok, dan umur bibit 9 bulan GanoEF 50 gr/ pokok. Untuk tanaman di lapangan, Kontrol/ perlakuan I: kontrol, Perlakuan II: Bibit yang tidak menggunakan GanoEF saat pembibitan dan diberikan GanoEF sebanyak 500 gr di lubang tanam saat penananaman, Perlakuan III: Bibit yang telah diberikan 100 gr GanoEF saat dipembibitan dan diberikan GanoEF sebanyak 500 gr di lubang tanamsaat penanaman, dan Perlakuan IV: Bibit yang telah diberikan 150 gr GanoEF saat dipembibitan dan diberikan GanoEF sebanyak 500 gr di lubang tanam saat penanaman. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif yaitu dengan menghitung persentase jumlah potongan akar ditemukannya Hendersonia berbanding seluruh potongan akar yang diamati dikali 100%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, rata-rata okupasi Hendersonia di pembibitan setelah dua kali aplikasi (100 gr/ bibit) sebesar 36,7% dan setelah tiga kali aplikasi (150 gr/ bibit) adalah 70%. Hasil percobaan terhadap tanaman yang sama setelah tiga bulan ditanam di lapangan ditemukan adanya okupasi Hendersonia sebesar 57,32% untuk tanaman yang diberikan Hendesonia di lubang tanam (perlakuan II), 68% Hendersonia pada perlakuan III, dan 74,76% Hendersonia ditemukan pada perlakuan IV. Setelah tanaman berumur satu tahun di lapangan dilakukan pemeriksaan kembali kandungan Hendersonia di dalam akar dan ditemukan, terdapat 0% pada perlakuan I, 69,28% pada perlakuan II, 73,32%  perlakuan III, dan 77,3% pada perlakuan IV
Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Gula Aren di Desa Buluh Awar Kecamatan Sibolangit Ruth Dameria Haloho; Lyndon Parulian Nainggolan; Robert Sinaga; Adli Putra Ermanda
Jurnal Pengembangan Penyuluhan Pertanian Vol 19, No 36 (2022): Desember
Publisher : UPPM Politekik Pembangunan Pertanian Yogyakarta Magelang (Polbangtan Yoma)

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Salah satu hasil pertanian yang dapat dipergunakan dalam industri pengolahan adalah dari tanaman Aren. Nira yang diperoleh dari tanaman aren tersebut dapat diolah menjadi Gula Aren. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor internal yang mempengaruhi strategi pengembangan agroindustri gula aren dan menganalisis faktor-faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi strategi pengembangan agroindustri gula aren. Jumlah responden sebanyak 30 orang petani aren. Analisa data dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT.Hasil dari penelitian adalah Desa Buluh Awar memiliki kekuatan dan peluang. Kekuatan yang dimiliki adalah sumber daya alam, akses transportasi, lahan dan SDM. Peluang yang dimiliki adalah prospek pasar sehingga dapat memanfaatkan peluang yang ada dengan menggunakan kekuatan yang di miliki. Strategi pengembangan yang sesuai dengan posisi agroindustri gula aren di Desa Buluh Awar adalah strategi S-O. Pengembangan agroindustri berada pada posisi “sedang”, melalui beberapa strategi yang dapat di implementasikan yaitu: Strategi SO, memanfaatkan pohon aren yang ada untuk menarik investor sehingga menjadi sentra produksi yang semakin berkembang. Dan memanfaatkan dukungan pemerintah untuk perkembangan agroindustri gula aren di Desa Buluh Awar. Strategi WO, meningkatkan kerjasama antar pengrajin dalam perkembangan agroindustri gula aren. Dan meningkatnya industri makanan berbahan baku gula aren serta memaksimalkan promosi untuk menarik komsumen. Strategi ST, menjaga pohon aren untuk generasi pengrajin dalam berkembangnya industri gula aren di sekitarnya. Dan SDM (pengrajin) harus bisa trampil dalam membuat atau mencetak gula aren. Strategi WT, memperbaiki rantai pemasaran.  Posisi strategi pengembangan agroindustri gula aren di daerah penelitian berada pada kuadran I (pertama) pertumbuhan yang agresif.