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Desain Primer dan Amplifikasi Gen PhtD dari Streptococcus pneumoniae secara in silico Sebagai Kandidat Vaksin Pneumonia Independent Serotype Berbasis Protein Risma Wiharyanti; Fera Aulia; Astiningdiah Merdekawati
Consilium Sanitatis: Journal of Health Science and Policy Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April
Publisher : EDUPEDIA Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (636.629 KB) | DOI: 10.56855/jhsp.v1i2.283


Purpose: The aim of this study was to obtain a primer design capable of amplifying the PhtD gene from various S. pneumoniae bacterial serotypes as a protein-based pneumonia vaccine candidate that does not depend on bacterial serotypes.Methods: Primary preparation was carried out through a bioinformatics approach using several software followed by testing the use of primers in the amplification process which was carried out in silico.Results: The results of this study were a pair of primers capable of amplifying the PhtD gene from several S. pneumoniae serotypes.Conclusion: The PhtD gene of the 6 serotypes of S. pneumoniae has high similarities, making it suitable for use as a protein-based vaccine candidate. Based on the consensus of the six serotypes, a pair of primers was obtained that were able to amplify 17 S. pneumoniae strains from several serotypes contained in the reference sequence in silico.