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Liesnoor, Setyowati Dewi

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Geo-Image Vol 7 No 1 (2018): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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Emissions are substances, energy and or other components resulting from an activity which enter and or in the ambient air of stuffed into that have and or have no potential as polluter. On-campus UNNES emissions resulting from two sources, namely, from motor vehicles and the use of the genset. The population of this study is the tree and emissions. The variable in this study i.e. the distribution of the trees, the fuel consumption and carbondioxide emissions of the oil, the ability of tree in absorbing emissions. Data analysis technique use is describtive analysis, analysis of the quantity of emissions, absorptions analysis and comparison analysis. The result showedthat the area that has the most land is the Rectorat, ith a total of 10.264 tree. Total direct emissions generated in the campus UNNES is 1,395,709.52 Kg/year, and emission absorption by trees in UNNES is 6,289,250.38 Kg/year. This means that all existing on-campus area of UNNES was able to absorb the emissions it generates. This research shows that the more wide open green space then the number of trees that exist therein are also more and more, but the number of trees that many donot guarantee the magnitude of emission absorption ability on a tree because every region has different in absorbing emissions. This research shows that the more wide open green space then the number of trees that exist therein are also more and more, but the number of trees that many do not guarantee the magnitude of emission absorption ability on a every region because every tree because has different capabilities in absorbing emissions.
Strategi Penghidupan Rumah Tangga di Das Garang Hulu Yesy, Latifunnisa; Liesnoor, Setyowati Dewi
Geo-Image Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Geo-Image
Publisher : Geo-Image

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The research aim  to examine the livelihood strategies of houshold in the Garang Hulu watershed. The population in this research are 7.652 households which spreads in 4 villages there are Munding, Lerep, Kalirejo, and Pakintelan with 99 households as the sample. Area sampling and purposive sampling methods are used to decide which households near the river and to divide the research areas into two part there are  upstream area of DAS and downstream area of DAS. Data collection tools and techniques used were documentation, questioners, interviews, and observation. Data analysis techniques in this research used were quantitative descriptive and spatial analysis. The results showed that the intensification strategy in the upstream watershed was agroforesty while in the downstream watershed area was ‘panca usaha tani” strategy. The diversification strategy through livestock and trade was taken in the upstream area, while the downstream area was dominated by the service sector as the employees or workers. The migration strategy  permanen and “menglajo”with the reason of working in the upstream area, while migration with the reason of marriage in the downstream watershed area.