Indonesian Journal of Computer Science
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2017): April 2017

Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web untuk Mempercepat Penyeleksian Calon Penerima Beasiswa PPA dan BBP di Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis

Hendrianjas, Hendrianjas (Unknown)
Wati, Lidya (Unknown)
Kurniati, Rezki (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
04 Aug 2018


In determining receiver candidate of PPA and BBP scholarship in Bengkalis State Polytechnic, its need to collects files applicants requirements of the applicants to make the selection. The selection consume much time in determine scholarship candidate. The purpose of research was to make scholarship selection information system. In this system, sorting data apply ascending and descending, so that data are sorted from highest priority to lowest priorty or lowest priority to highest priority. Resolving this problem, the research use PHP programming language and MySQL database. This research result was a scholarship selection information system that can sort priority scholarship receiver based of Grade Point Average (GPA), type and total certificate, parents income, and another completeness requi-rement

Copyrights © 2017

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