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Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma (JIKW) is a periodically scientific publication that contains articles written in Indonesia or english. JIKW receive articles in the scope of Biomedical Sciences, degenerative diseases, infections, congenital abnormalities and public health. JIKW published twice a year. The articles will be published in JIKW only manuscript that has never be published or published in other journal. Writers who will publish the article please follow the JIKW guidelines. The entire management process both admission and review the article is done by online.
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Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

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Osteoarthritis is the common form of arthritis. Indonesian prevalention of radiologic knee osteoarthritis was 15.5% in man and 12.7% in women. Indonesian prevalention of osteoarthritis was high and need special attention because of the complication which occurred, such as patient handicap and movement problems. While increasing of Indonesian time period of life expentancy caused higher number of osteoarthritis population. According to data of WHO: Indonesian time period of life expentancy was 68 years old at 2009 which asummed follow by one to two million handycap patient. This number getting higher and higher in the future equal with increasing of senille population in Indonesia. Osteoarthritis is caused by multifactorial and chronic progressive disease, so it badly impact to patient morbidity. Pathogenesis of osteoarthritis not clear enough, some scientists declared that osteoarthritis was a degenerative disease and the others declared as an inflamation disease. According to many predispossing factors caused to ostheoarthritis, an adequate prevention was available to depress number of osteoarthritis case in the future. Therefore some continuing study of epidemiology, pathogenesis, risk factors as basic science, to provide development of compact pathogenesis process to support an adequate preventional management in the future.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

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Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh latihan aerobik dan latihan anaerobik  terhadap glikogen hati. Penelitian ini menggunakan “eksperimen laboratorik” dengan rancangan penelitian “Randomised Post Test Only Control Group Design”. Sebagai sampel adalah tikus putih jenis wistar sejumlah 30 ekor. Sampel dibagi dalam 3 kelompok dengan cara random masing-masing kelompok 10 ekor. Kelompok eksperimen 1 diberi perlakukan latihan aerobik dengan renang secara terus menerus selama 13 menit, kelompok eksperimen 2 diberi perlakuan latihan anaerobik berupa renang secara intermiten dengan 4 set dan rasio kerja : istirahat = 1:3, sedangkan kelompok kontrol tidak diberi perlakuan. Latihan dilakukan selama 8 minggu, dengan frekwensi latihan 3 kali per minggu. Glikogen hati diperiksa secara histologis dengan menghitung jumlah sel hati yang mempunyai kandungan glikogen dengan masing-masing skornya. Data dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif, analisis varian pada taraf signifikansi 5 %, disimpulkan : (1) Latihan aerobik  dalam penelitian ini tidak meningkatkan glikogen hati (2) Latihan anaerobik  dalam penelitian ini tidak meningkatkan glikogen hati (3) Pengaruh latihan aerobik dan latihan anaerobik terhadap glikogen hati dalam penelitian ini tidak berbeda secara bermakna (p > 0,05).
PROFILE OF TETANUS IN CHILDREN AT PROF.KANDOU HOSPITAL 2002-2008 Sanjaya, Ayling; Rampengan, Novie Homenta; Rampengan, Tommy Homenta
Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

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Backgrounds. Tetanus or lockjaw is an acute disease dwelling central nervous system caused by tetanoplasmin toxin produced by Clostridium tetani. Muscle spasm without consciousness disorder is distinguishing symptoms of tetanus. Tetanus in children remains as a health problem in developing countries including Indonesia.Objectives.  To study the profile of tetanus in children.Methods. Retrospective review of children diagnosed as tetanus at Prof. Dr. R.D.Kandou Hospital from 2002 to 2008. The datas were analyzed descriptively.Results.  There were 17 children with tetanus with age range 1-8 years, 12 males and 5 females. Seven of them had no tetanus immunization dan the rest of children with immunization never got booster immunization . Twelve children had otitis media and 5 children had untreated wound on their lower extremities as focus of infections. Period of getting wounded until symptoms appeared is approximately 3 days to 1 month.Common symptoms are trismus, convulsion, fever, opistotonus in all children. Complications such as bronchopneumonia occurred in 5 children, 4 children with severe tetanus and complications died in 19 hours to 18 days of treatment and the rest of 8 children had no complications.Conclusions.  Tetanus in children remains as health problem. Promoting prevention awareness in community and health providers is very important to decrease tetanus mortality and morbidity in children.
ASPEK LABORATORIUM Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) AML-M3 Rahmawati, Febtarini
Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

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Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) adalah subtipe M3 dari Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), sesuai klasifikasi French-American-British (FAB). APL mempunyai beberapa varian yang bisa dibedakan dari pemeriksaan molekular dan sitogenetika. Lebih dari 95% APL hipergranular (M3 klasik), 15%-20% dari APL adalah varian mikrogranular (hipogranular, M3v) dan varian APL yang jarang (<1%) adalah basofilik dan Promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger        (PLZF/M3r).Gejala klinis penderita APL yakni anemia meliputi pusing, kelelahan, sesak ketika kerja fisik, pucat. Perdarahan terjadi karena pasien dengan APL mengalami penurunan jumlah trombosit dan gangguan sistem koagulasi. Sel darah putih pada umumnya meningkat ditandai dengan gejala panas badan dan infeksi serta pembesaran limpa juga nyeri tulang akibat infiltrasi sel-sel leukemia ke periosteal.Tes skrining penderita leukemia akut adalah pemeriksaan darah rutin dan evaluasi sediaan hapusan darah tepi. Pemeriksaan penunjang diagnostik lainnya adalah hapusan dari aspirasi sumsum tulang, pengecatan sitokimia, Immunophenotyping, sitogenetika dan biologi molekular. White blood cell (WBC) > 10 X 109/L, trombositopenia < 50 X 109/L. Hapusan darah tepi pasien dengan APL didapatkan gambaran eritrosit normokromik normositik dengan poikilositosis dan kadang-kadang normoblas. Gambaran sel-sel muda didominasi oleh promielosit. Sebagian besar hipergranular, morfologi mieloblasnya dengan nukleus berlekuk dan Auer rod. Pada hapusan sumsum tulang umumnya hiperseluler dengan jumlah sel-sel muda promielosit ≥30%. Morfologi promielosit pasien dengan APL lebih besar daripada promielosit normal. Auer rods positif kadang-kadang didapatkan faggots cell. Aktivitas eritropoiesis dan trombopoiesis tertekan. Varian hipergranular APL diketahui dengan pemeriksaan sitokimia, immunophenotyping, sitogenetika dan teknologi biologi molekuler.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

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Manusia adalah makhluk hidup yang selalu mengalami perubahan dari waktu ke waktu. Bermula dari proses pembuahan yang terjadi dalam bentuk menyatunya sperma sang ayah dengan sel telur ibu, terbentuklah serangkaian organisme yang kemudian tumbuh menjadi janin. Dari proses inilah yang akan menentukan menjadi manusia yang akan menjalani hidup dengan proses gerak yang terus-menerus dan berkelanjutan. Bagaimanakah peran hereditas dan genetika dalam menghasilkan manusia yang unggul (berprestasi) dalam bidang olahraga perspektif ilmu perkembangan manusia ? Hereditas dan genetika belum dapat mempengaruhi prestasi olahraga, faktor lingkungan yang mempengaruhi prestasi olahraga. Faktor genetika dapat mempengaruhi jenis olahraga yang ditekuni (Gen tanpa faktor varian R577X plasma ACTN3 untuk olahraga sprint/power, dan Varian R577X pada plasma ACTN3 untuk olahraga ketahanan/endurance)
Utilization of infrared radiation to human health Rianti, Emillia Devi Dwi
Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

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Infrared radiation is an electromagnetic wave, which has a wavelength between 700 nm and 1 mm. Electromagnetic wave itself has a definition, is a wave that can propagate even if there is no medium. Infrared light has a longer wavelength than visible light, but shorter than radio waves radiation. It is known that the red (from the Latin infra, "below"), red is the color of visible light with the longest wavelength. Infrared light covers 1011 Hz frequency range up to 1014 Hz or a wavelength region 10-4 cm to 10-1 cm. Today the use of infrared is widely used in the health field. Because infrared characteristics can not be seen by humans, can not penetrate opaque materials, can be caused by components that generate heat, at infrared wavelengths have the opposite relationship or inversely proportional to temperature, and when the temperature increases, the decreasing wavelength. Infrared heat produced can be used to detect health problems in organs. The purpose of this paper is, provide information  regarding the relationship between infrared rays with health.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

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The research was designed to find out the toxicity of 2-methoxyethanol (2-ME) to the number of spermatogenic cells. Ten mice divided into 2 groups, control group was administered by 0.5 % CMC (negative control) and treatment group were administered by 2-ME dose 100 mg/kg body weight. Days thirteenth until sixty thirth, the mice were administered by aquabides orally, andat  the end of the treatment, the mice were sacrified.  The number of spermatogenic cells were observated histologically with Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. The observation shows that 2-ME decreases the number of spermatogenic cells, especially spermatocyte I. Exposure of 2-ME destructs anatomy of tubulus seminiferusin testicular, which is affects degradation of ephitellium and atopy of testicular.
PROFILE OF TETANUS IN CHILDREN AT PROF.KANDOU HOSPITAL 2002-2008 Ayling Sanjaya; Novie Homenta Rampengan; Tommy Homenta Rampengan
Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/jikw.v2i1.43


Backgrounds. Tetanus or lockjaw is an acute disease dwelling central nervous system caused by tetanoplasmin toxin produced by Clostridium tetani. Muscle spasm without consciousness disorder is distinguishing symptoms of tetanus. Tetanus in children remains as a health problem in developing countries including Indonesia.Objectives.  To study the profile of tetanus in children.Methods. Retrospective review of children diagnosed as tetanus at Prof. Dr. R.D.Kandou Hospital from 2002 to 2008. The datas were analyzed descriptively.Results.  There were 17 children with tetanus with age range 1-8 years, 12 males and 5 females. Seven of them had no tetanus immunization dan the rest of children with immunization never got booster immunization . Twelve children had otitis media and 5 children had untreated wound on their lower extremities as focus of infections. Period of getting wounded until symptoms appeared is approximately 3 days to 1 month.Common symptoms are trismus, convulsion, fever, opistotonus in all children. Complications such as bronchopneumonia occurred in 5 children, 4 children with severe tetanus and complications died in 19 hours to 18 days of treatment and the rest of 8 children had no complications.Conclusions.  Tetanus in children remains as health problem. Promoting prevention awareness in community and health providers is very important to decrease tetanus mortality and morbidity in children.
Utilization of infrared radiation to human health Emillia Devi Dwi Rianti
Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (511.474 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/jikw.v2i1.27


Infrared radiation is an electromagnetic wave, which has a wavelength between 700 nm and 1 mm. Electromagnetic wave itself has a definition, is a wave that can propagate even if there is no medium. Infrared light has a longer wavelength than visible light, but shorter than radio waves radiation. It is known that the red (from the Latin infra, "below"), red is the color of visible light with the longest wavelength. Infrared light covers 1011 Hz frequency range up to 1014 Hz or a wavelength region 10-4 cm to 10-1 cm. Today the use of infrared is widely used in the health field. Because infrared characteristics can not be seen by humans, can not penetrate opaque materials, can be caused by components that generate heat, at infrared wavelengths have the opposite relationship or inversely proportional to temperature, and when the temperature increases, the decreasing wavelength. Infrared heat produced can be used to detect health problems in organs. The purpose of this paper is, provide information  regarding the relationship between infrared rays with health.
ASPEK LABORATORIUM Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) AML-M3 Febtarini Rahmawati
Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Wijaya Kusuma Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Edisi Mei 2013
Publisher : Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732.281 KB) | DOI: 10.30742/jikw.v2i1.35


Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) adalah subtipe M3 dari Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), sesuai klasifikasi French-American-British (FAB). APL mempunyai beberapa varian yang bisa dibedakan dari pemeriksaan molekular dan sitogenetika. Lebih dari 95% APL hipergranular (M3 klasik), 15%-20% dari APL adalah varian mikrogranular (hipogranular, M3v) dan varian APL yang jarang (<1%) adalah basofilik dan Promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger        (PLZF/M3r).Gejala klinis penderita APL yakni anemia meliputi pusing, kelelahan, sesak ketika kerja fisik, pucat. Perdarahan terjadi karena pasien dengan APL mengalami penurunan jumlah trombosit dan gangguan sistem koagulasi. Sel darah putih pada umumnya meningkat ditandai dengan gejala panas badan dan infeksi serta pembesaran limpa juga nyeri tulang akibat infiltrasi sel-sel leukemia ke periosteal.Tes skrining penderita leukemia akut adalah pemeriksaan darah rutin dan evaluasi sediaan hapusan darah tepi. Pemeriksaan penunjang diagnostik lainnya adalah hapusan dari aspirasi sumsum tulang, pengecatan sitokimia, Immunophenotyping, sitogenetika dan biologi molekular. White blood cell (WBC) > 10 X 109/L, trombositopenia < 50 X 109/L. Hapusan darah tepi pasien dengan APL didapatkan gambaran eritrosit normokromik normositik dengan poikilositosis dan kadang-kadang normoblas. Gambaran sel-sel muda didominasi oleh promielosit. Sebagian besar hipergranular, morfologi mieloblasnya dengan nukleus berlekuk dan Auer rod. Pada hapusan sumsum tulang umumnya hiperseluler dengan jumlah sel-sel muda promielosit ≥30%. Morfologi promielosit pasien dengan APL lebih besar daripada promielosit normal. Auer rods positif kadang-kadang didapatkan faggots cell. Aktivitas eritropoiesis dan trombopoiesis tertekan. Varian hipergranular APL diketahui dengan pemeriksaan sitokimia, immunophenotyping, sitogenetika dan teknologi biologi molekuler.

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