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E-Structural is a scientific journal that is managed and published by the English Department of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Semarang, Indonesia. It is committed to publishing studies in the areas of English linguistics, literature, translation, and culture. E-Structural is published twice a year, in June and December. The articles published in E-Structural undergo a peer-review process by local and international reviewers
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A Contrastive Analysis between English Idioms and Their Indonesian Translations in the Novel The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (2015) Dian Novita Sari; Jumanto Jumanto
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (123.572 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i01.1824


Abstract. This study explores to find out the similarities, the differences, and the learning problems in a particular context, through a contrastive analysis. The researchers have employed a descriptive, qualitative method during the research since the aim of this study is to find out the similarities, differences, and the learning problems of English idiom and its Indonesian translation in the novel The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins (2015). Based on the analysis that has been done, the researchers have found out that there are 16 verbal idioms, 6 informal idioms, 4 idioms with special keywords, 2 idioms related to special themes, and 2 idiomatic pairs. About the similarities and differences, the researchers have concluded that there are 13 of 16 English idioms similar to its Indonesian translations and 3 of them different. In the informal idiom-type, there are 3 English idioms similar to its Indonesian translations and also there are 3 English idioms different from its Indonesian translations. In the idioms with special-keyword type, there is no English idiom similar to its Indonesian translation, but there are 4 English idioms that are different from its Indonesian translations. In the idioms related to special-theme type, there are 2 English idioms similar to its Indonesian translations and there is no difference. In the idiomatic-pair type, there are 2 English idioms similar to its Indonesian translations, but there is no difference in this type. Indonesian learners should note these similarities and differences between English idiom and its Indonesian translation in the novel, so they will not face learning problems or make translating mistakes when translating idioms from English into Indonesian. This is essential, especially in a translation concerning the differences between the English and Indonesian idioms.Keywords: contrastive analysis, English and Indonesian idiom, idiom translation, Paula Hawkins’ The Girl on the Train Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan, serta masalah belajar dalam konteks tertentu, dengan metode analisis kontrastif. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif, untuk menemukan persamaan, perbedaan, dan masalah belajar atau penerjemahan idiom dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dari novel  The Girl on the Train karya Paula Hawkins (2015). Dari hasil analisis, ditemukan bahwa ada 16 verbal idioms, 6 informal idioms, 4 idioms with special keywords, 2 idioms related to special themes, dan  2 idiomatic pairs. Terkait  dengan persamaan dan perbedaan, disimpulkan berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa ada 13 dari 16 idiom bahasa Inggris yang sama dengan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia, dan 3 idiom yang berbeda. Dalam tipe  informal idiom, ada 3 idiom bahasa Inggris yang sama dengan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia, dan juga ada 3 idiom bahasa Inggris yang berbeda dari terjemahan bahasa Indonesia. Dalam tipe idioms with special keywords, idiom bahasa Inggris tidak ada yang sama dengan terjemahan  bahasa Indonesia, tapi ada 4 idiom bahasa Inggris yang berbeda dari terjemahan bahasa Indonesia. Dalam tipe  idioms related to special-theme type, ada 2 idiom bahasa Inggris yang sama dengan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia, namun tidak ada perbedaan. Dalam tipe idiomatic pair, ada 2 idiom bahasa Inggris yang sama dengan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia, namun tidak ada perbedaan. Pembelajar Indonesia harus mengenali persamaan dan perbedaan dari idiom bahasa Inggris dan terjemahan bahasa Indonesia yang ada di dalam novel, sehingga mereka tidak akan mengalami masalah belajar bahasa atau melakukan kesalahan penerjemahan ketika menerjemahkan idiom bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hal ini sangat penting, utamanya terkait dengan penerjemahan yang harus memperhatikan perbedaan yang ada antara idiom bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Kata kunci: analisis kontrastif, idiom bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, penerjemahan idiom, The Girl on the Train Paula Hawkins 
The Role of The Villain as A Determinant of The Existence of The Main Character Anindya Putri Pradiptha
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1449.683 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i01.1823


Abstract. Comic is one of the popular literary works that combining pictures and languages. It can be a work if it consist of story that using language as the medium. The aims of this study is to explain the formula of the comic by using theories of comic, escapism, and the narration’s structure of an adventure comics, The Life and Times Of Scrooge McDuck created by Don Rosa. To get relevant data, this study is employ one method, namely; library study. In this paper, the writer used theories of comic by Scott McCloud, escapism by Cawelty, and the narration’s structure of Vladimir Propp. The result indicates that in this comic, there is the reality of the idea that the existence of the main character is manifested by the presence of the villains. Comic is a complete books that can teaching the reader which is not only understand the stories, but also the world view inside, it is the good  ideology of the existence from the bad side.Keywords: comic, escapism, narration, existence, and the villains.Abstrak. Komik adalah salah satu karya sastra populer yang menggabungkan gambar dan bahasa. Hal ini dapat bekerja jika itu terdiri dari cerita yang menggunakan bahasa sebagai media. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan formula komik dengan menggunakan teori komik, melepaskan diri, dan narasi struktur komik petualangan, hidup dan Gober Bebek dibuat oleh Don Rosa. Untuk mendapatkan data yang relevan, studi ini menggunakan satu teknik, yaitu;\ studi perpustakaan. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis menggunakan teori Komik oleh Scott McCloud, eskapisme oleh Cawelty, dan struktur narasi Vladimir Propp. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa di komik ini, ada realitas gagasan bahwa keberadaan karakter utama diwujudkan oleh kehadiran penjahat. Komik sebuah bacaan yang berisi, mendidik, dan berbobot, karena melalui komik pembaca tidak hanya memahami ceritanya saja, tetapi realitas ide di baliknya, yakni ideologi baik dari keberadaan si pelaku kejahatan.Kata kunci: komik, eskapisme, narasi, keberadaan, dan para penjahat.
Speech Functions Used by Speakers in Allison L. Randall’s Short Story “End of the Line” Ely Fathonah; Sri Mulatsih
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (184.547 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i01.1818


Abstract. Conversation is a process of exchanging two variables, there are speech role and commodity exchange, the combination between them is called speech function. This thesis is entitled “Speech Function Used by All Speaker In Allison L. Randall‘s Short Story End of The Line”. This study aims at describing the kinds of speech function and interpersonal role created by all speakers in Allison L. Randall’s short story “End of The Line”. They are Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Postmaster, Zedekiah Smith and Caleb. This study used qualitative research   method. Qualitative research method  was used to collect and analyze data that cannot be represented by number. Descriptive research was used in the literal sense of describing situation and event. The result of this study shows that there are 10 kinds of speech functions produced by all characters (Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Postmaster, Zedekiah Smith and Caleb). They are 11 statements, 8 commands, 5 offers, 7 questions, 2 acknowledgements, 3 contradictions, 2 acceptances, 2 rejections, 2 answers, and 2 disclaimers. The highest speech function is ‘command’ produced by Liza because she demands the bank robber to release her from the captive. She also produced highest speech function ‘question’, because she is the main character. She is a talkative who wants to know everything. The highest speech function produced by Zedekiah Smith is ‘statement’ because he is bank robber who comes back again to release Liza.Keywords: Conversation, Short Story, Speech Function, UtterancesAbstrak. Percakapan adalah proses perubahan 2 variabel, yaitu peran berbicara dan perpindahan peran. Kombinasi di antara keduanya disebut fungs tutur. Penelitian in iberjudul Fungsi Tutur yang digunakan oleh Seluruh Karakter Pada Cerita Pendek Allison L. Randall “End of The Line. Penelitian ini berhubungan dengan analisis fungsi tutur fokus pada ujaran yang digunakan oleh semua karakter pada cerita pendek Allison L. Randall “End of The Line”. Mereka adalah Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Kepala kantor Pos, Zedekiah Smith, dan Caleb. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Metode penelitian kualitatif  digunakan  untuk  menyeleksi  dan  menganalisa  data  yang  tidak  dapat dipresentasikan dengan angka. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode deskripsi. Metode deskripsi digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan situasi dan peristiwa. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan bahwa 10 jenis ujaran yang dibuat oleh semua karakter di dalam cerita pendek (Liza, Frank, Noah Crawford, Kepala Kantor post, Zedekiah Smith, dan Caleb) adalah 11 pernyataan, 8 perintah, 5 penawaran, 7 pertanyaan, 2 pengakuan,3 kontradiksi ,2 penerimaan, 2 penampikan, 2 jawaban, 2 penyangkalan. Pelaku yang paling banyak menghasilkan fungsi tutur perintah adalah Liza karena Liza meminta kepada perampok untuk dibebaskan dari sekapanya. Dia juga paling banyak menghasilkan fungsi tutur pertanyaan karena dia adalah peran utama di dalam cerita. Pelaku yang paling banyak menggunakan fungsi tutur pernyataan adalah Zedekiah Smith, dia adalah perampok bank yang kembali untuk menyelamatkan Liza. Kata kunci : cerita pendek, fungsi tutur, percakapan, ujaran
Evaluative Language as Portrayed in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movie Review by Roger Ebert: An Appraisal Analysis Eva Crystalia; Sunardi Sunardi
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.046 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i01.1817


Abstract. This paper analyzes the appraisal system of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre  movie review by Roger Ebert. This study aims at analyzing the evaluation given by the reviewer toward the movie. The data of this research are all clauses containing appraising items toward the movie. The data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method and analytical frameworks suggested by Martin and White (2005) and Martin and Rose (2003) on appraisal system in systemic functional linguistics (SFL). Based on the analysis, the researcher found that the kind of appraising item mostly used by the reviewer is attitudinal lexis (35%) and the least used items are relational process (1%) and modality clause (1%). The attitude is mostly appreciation (59%), followed by affect (26%) and judgment (15%). For the engagement, the evaluations are classified as monogloss (99%) and heterogloss (1%). For the graduation, the evaluations are classified as down-scaled (76%) and up-scaled (24%). It can be concluded that the reviewer tends to use attitudinal lexis in his evaluation. The evaluations are mostly sourced from the reviewer himself. The reviewer tends to evaluate things more than people, and his evaluations are mostly to be negative toward the movie.Keywords: appraisal system; movie review; evaluation languageAbstrak. Paper ini membahas tentang sistem appraisal pada teks review yang ditulis oleh Roger Ebert dari film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Data penelitian mencakup seluruh klausa dalam teks review yang dikaji yang memuat kata-kata appraisal terhadap film yang ditelaah. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan kerangka analisis yang dikemukakan oleh Martin, Rose, dan White tentang sistem appraisal dalam linguistik sistemik fungsional (SFL). Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa lebih banyak menggunakan attitudinal lexis (35%), dan sedikit menggunakan proses relasional (1%) dan klausa modalitas (1%). Jenis-jenis attitude yang digunakan adalah apresiasi (59%), afek (26%), dan judgement (15%). Dalam engagement, jenis evaluasi yang digunakan meliputi monogloss (99%) dan heterogloss (1%). Dalam graduation, evaluasi dilakukan secara down-scaled (76%) dan up-scaled (24%). Sumber evaluasi sebagian besar berasal dari penelaah (reviewer) sendiri. Sebagian besar materi yang dievaluasi adalah benda daripada orang, dan penilaian terhadap film ini cenderung negatif.        Kata kunci: sistem appraisal; teks telaah film; bahasa evaluatif
Subtitling Strategies of Po’s Utterances in Kung Fu Panda Movie Hiroka Putra Adinusa; Rahmanti Asmarani
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (165.152 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i01.1825


Abstract. This research is entitled “Subtitling Strategies of Po’s Utterances in Kung Fu Panda Movie”. The aim of this research is to find out the subtitling strategies of Po’s Utterances in Kung Fu Panda Movie. This research used descriptive qualitative method to describe then analyze the subtitling strategies of Po’s utterances in Kung Fu Panda movie. The steps of analyzing data are: collecting the data, identifying the data, classifying the data, analyzing the data, and the last step is drawing the conclusion. Transfer strategy has the most frequency in Po’s utterances in Kung Fu Panda movie, the percentage reaching 53,91% over half of Po’s utterances. Transfer strategy is translated more easily because this strategy translating the source language completely and accurately into the target language. So it is easy to make the audience understand from the source language to the target language with the original meaning from this movie. Meanwhile, transcription has the least frequency in Po’s utterances, the percentage is 2,90%. Transcription strategy is found rarely because this strategy is used to translate a language when there exist unusual term in the source language (SL), like nonsense language and third language. So it is difficult to find out transcription strategy in Kung Fu Panda movie.Keywords: Subtitling Strategies, Transcription, Transfer, UtterancesAbstrak.  Penelitian ini berjudul “Strategi Penerjemahan pada Ujaran Po sebagai tokoh utama di Film “Kung Fu Panda” dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui strategi penerjemahan ujaran Po di film Kung Fu Panda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis strategi penerjemahan ujaran Po di film “Kung Fu Panda”. Tahapan-tahapan analisis adalah : mengumpulkan data,  mengidentifikasi data,  mengelompokkan data, menganalisis data, dan tahap terakhir adalah mengambil kesimpulan. Strategi transfer memiliki frekuensi paling tinggi dalam ujaran Po di film Kung Fu Panda, dengan persentase mencapai 53,91% lebih dari setengah ujaran Po. Strategi transfer merupakan strategi yang lebih mudah digunakan karena strategi ini menerjemahkan bahasa sumber secara lengkap dan akurat ke dalam bahasa sasaran. Jadi lebih mudah untuk membuat penonton mengerti bahasa sumber ke bahasa target melalui makna asli dari film tersebut. Sementara, transkripsi memiliki frekuensi terendah dalam ujaran Po, persentasenya 2,90%. Strategi transkripsi jarang ditemukan karena strategi ini digunakan untuk menerjemahkan bahasa ketika ada istilah yang tidak biasa dalam bahasa sumber (BS), seperti kata-kata yang tidak bermakna atau bahasa lain. Dengan demikian strategi transkripsi tidak banyak ditemukan dalam film “Kung Fu Panda” ini.Kata kunci: strategi penerjemahan, transkripsi, transfer, ujaran
Analyses of Short Stories Using Lacan’s Psychoanalysis Muhammad Arief Budiman; Ikha Listyarini
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 01 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (375.884 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i01.1816


Abstract. Short stories tell story about imaginative people called characters, including the ones in the monthly magazines and online sources. The purpose of this research is to know the characteristics of the characters portrayed in the short stories published in monthly magazine “Nurul Hayat” and online sources. This research is qualitative descriptive. The subject of research is 15 short stories; 12 short stories from monthly magazine “Nurul Hayat” and three short stories from websites. Data collection tools use documentation. Data analysis techniques are using Miles and Huberman techniques. The results indicate that the short stories published in “Nurul Hayat” magazines and in the website deliver positive and constructing ideas. Those stories tell that as a person we should not easily give up when facing difficult obstacles. They also say that all obstacles can be overcome as Lord does not create them exceeding the human capability. It means that when we try our best, there will be solutions to the problems we face. For that, the researchers agree if these kinds of stories will be used as teaching media to the children.Keywords: lacanian psychoanalyses, short stories Abstrak. Cerita pendek (cerpen) mengisahkan tentang orang khayalan yang disebut karakter, termasuk cerpen-cerpen dalam majalah bulanan dan online. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik tokoh-tokoh yang digambarkan di dalam cerita pendek yang terbit dalam majalah bulanan “Nurul Hayat” dan sumber online lainnya. Penelitian ini  merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 15 cerita pendek; 12 cerita pendek dari majalah bulanan “Nurul Hayat”  dan tiga cerita pendek dari sumber online. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik  Miles and Huberman. Hasil dari peneltiian ini mengindikasikan bahwa cerpen-cerpen yang terbit dalam majalah bulanan “Nurul Hayat” dan sumber online memberikan ajaran positif dan membangun. cerpen-cerpen itu mengajarkan bahwa kita tidak boleh menyerah dengan mudah ketika kita menghadapi berbagai macam masalah. cerpen-cerpen tersebut juga mengisahkan bahwa semua masalah dapat diatasi seperti pepatah yang mengatakan bahwa Tuhan tidak memberikan cobaan melebihi kemampuan manusia. ini berarti bahwa ketika kita mencoba yang terbaik, maka akan ada solusi untuk masalah yang kita hadapi. untuk itu peneliti setuju jika cerpen digunakan sebagai media bahan ajar.Kata kunci: psikoanalisis Lacan, cerita pendek
The Appraisal of the Teacher’s Talk to Enhance Students’ Critical Thinking Skills Through Narrative Text in Design Thinking Pedagogy Inggy Yuliani Pribady
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 02 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (366.24 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i2.2144


Design thinking has become a new trend at schools in different countries. There are many educators who are eager to adopt Design thinking as an effective strategy for helping their students to learn through solving real-world problems. For Indonesian context, Design Thinking provides a new innovative ground of teaching English in EFL setting. Teachers engage the students in collaborative problem solving, creative challenge, and foster social –emotional balance and stability.  The paper portrays how the teacher conducts learning activities in the Empathy stage of Design Thinking to build students’ critical literacy from the start. The attitude domain of the appraisal theory is used to disclose the way of the teacher to guide the students to express their emotional reaction toward the story, to assess the behavior of the characters and construe the value of things in the text.The classroom discourse analysis shows that the teacher’s talk by employing the attitude resources plays important role in supporting the students to develop their critical thinking capacity and build their narrative’s content knowledge.The result of the study is expected to enrich the reference of appraisal discourse analysis theory and provide the example of the teaching practice for enhancing students’ critical thinking capacity in Narrative learning through Design Thinking pedagogy.
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 02 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (122.38 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i2.2142


This is a descriptive qualitative research aiming at exploring the use of mobile apps to promote autonomous learning for students of English Education study program in Syntax subject. Syntax is given in the fourth semester and the lesson objective is students are able to analyze sentence construction in their correct structures. There are three mobile apps used namely Quizlet, Socrative, and They are used randomly based on certain subtopic in the semester. Purposive sampling is applied for data collection. The data are then analyzed using content based analysis. It is found out that the use of mobile apps is able to promote students’ autonomous learning since they are eager to dig more and learn further to find materials for their subject namely Syntax. They are challenged to find answers to some problems given by the lecturer. They become more creative in presenting ideas as well as doing tree diagram analysis on sentence constructions.
The English Translation of Goenawan Mohamad’s On God and Other Unfinished Things with Special Reference to Poem No. 15: Reiss’ Method Application Almira Ghassani Shabrina Romala; Harris Hermansyah Setiajid
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 02 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.354 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i2.2137


This paper aims to explicate and examine one of the poems written by Goenawan Mohamad, Poem No. 15, which is included in his poem and poetic essay collection entitled Tuhan dan Hal-hal yang Tak Pernah Selesai, which was translated into On God and Other Unfinished Things by Laksmi Pamuntjak by applying Reiss’ method. This method scrutinizes the translation shift, especially the expression shift and the intralinguistic criteria comprising semantic, lexical, grammatical, and stylistic features. As a creative composition and a piece of literary work that illuminates the imaginative, emotional, and intellectual experience and creativity of its author, a poem is classified in the expressive text type based on Reiss’ text-type category. The result shows that there are several intralinguistic criteria and stylistic features maintained and also modified by the translator in the English translation of Goenawan Mohamad’s Poem No. 15 in On God and Other Unfinished Things, that is done not only to preserve the aesthetic dimension of the language used in the poem but also to fulfill the expressive function of the text. By employing various translation shifts and metaphor translation to make the target text more natural, preserving the relevant aspects of the semantic content, and taking the standpoint of the author in translating the poem, the English translation of Poem No. 15 can fulfill its quality assessment required by its expressive text type.
"This Broadcast Is Being Watched Live by Millions of Americans": Vague Language in Jimmy Kimmel's Oscars 2017 Opening Monologue Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih; Nina Setyaningsih
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics) Vol 1, No 02 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (146.964 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/es.v1i2.2135


When delivering a speech or talk, a speaker shares a great deal of background knowledge to the audience. However, as human being, the speaker often gets nervous and forgets the words to say. Sometimes the speaker is not able to memorize all information that s/he wants to present to the audience. In fact, during the talk, the speaker must speak fluently to maintain a good situation and communication to the audience. Therefore, to fill a gap during a talk because the speaker could not memorize every detail of information to be presented, using vague language sometimes becomes an option. Vague language may also be used for other purposes besides nervousness and memory problem, i.e. as a tension management (Trappes-Lomax, 2007). This research explores vague language as tension management device used by Jimmy Kimmel as the host in the Oscars opening monologue in 2017. The method used in this research was qualitative descriptive since it describes the data in the form of word or sentence. The results demonstrate that Jimmy Kimmel used vague language types such as conventional indirectness, category and quantity approximation, hedges, modal expressions, implicitness, euphemisms, softeners and down toners as tension management devices. Furthermore, vague language can function as hedges for Jimmy Kimmel’s statements when the information he presented is not precise.