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Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
ISSN : 24073865     EISSN : 26551993     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
The publication of Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah certainly participates in disseminating the results of research and review of science and technology development conducted by lecturers and researchers especially from UM Palangkaraya and other universities. This edition contains 6 articles consisting of Islamic Studies and Islamic Law topics.
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Articles 101 Documents
Batasan Kedewasaan dan Kecakapan Hukum Pewasiat Menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata Sanawiah Sanawiah; Muhammad Zainul
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (185.699 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v5i1.157


Limitations of adulthood and lawfulness of the pewasiat both in terms of the position of limits and the ability of the pewasiat, the requirements of the pewasiat and the various limits of the age of the pewasiat according to different views and opinions among the Imam of the School in the determination of its law. The purpose of this study is to to assess the Limitations of adulthood and legal proficiency of pewasiat by Compilation of Islamic Law and Civil Code contained in the Compilation of Islamic Law Article 194 paragraph 1 and Book Civil Law Article 897. In Compilation of Islamic Law Article 194 paragraph 1 concerning the will specifies that the person who intends to reach the age of 21 full and sensible this is a requirement for mlekukan wills must reach the age that has been determined. The Civil Code states that in Article 897 it states that the person who intentions must reach the age of 18 full years, this is a condition of determination to perform the testament. Normative legal research methods analyze, related legislation presented through descriptive and deductive methods which are then analyzed to see the location of similarities and differences between the Compilation of Islamic Law and the Civil Code. The result of this research is the equation of Law Compilation of Compilation of Islamic Law and Civil Code which states the condition of the person having the will should be sensible, while in the determination of maturity 21 years based on article 330 Civil Code. As for the legal proof of Article 426 Civil Code aged 18 years.
Bisnis Dalam Islam Ariyadi Ariyadi
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (643.456 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v5i1.158


Islam regulates all human activities including in doing muamalah by providing restrictions on what can be done and what is not allowed. In sharia business, the business must be based on sharia. All laws and rules are done to keep businessmen to get a lawful fortune and in ridhai by Allah SWT and the realization of equal distribution of welfare. Then ethics or rules about sharia business have an important role also in syari'ah-based business. The essence of business in Islam besides seeking material gain is also seeking immaterial benefits. The immaterial advantage is the profit and happiness of ukhrawi. It is in this context that the Qur'an offers an advantage with a business that never recognizes the harm which the Qur'an termed the "lan tabura". Because even if materially Muslim businessmen lose money, but in essence he remains lucky to get reward for his commitment in running a business in accordance with sharia.
Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Ipa dengan Model Pembelajaran Scramble-Media Visual Peserta Didik Kelas IV SDN 4 Panarung Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 Rahmi Yantol; Diplan Diplan; Nurul Hikmah Kartini
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (139.608 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v5i1.159


This study aims to: (1) describe the learning activities of grade 4 students of SDN 4 Panarung at the time of science teaching using Scramble-Visual media, (2) to know the learning outcomes of science students of grade IV SDN 4 Panarung by using the learning model Scramble-Visual media. The method and type of research used in this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). The results showed that: (1) Students' learning activities in good category became better in science lesson using visual media assisted media scramble model in fourth grade of SDN 4 Panarung in academic year 2017/2018. Learners play an active role, motivated, cooperate with each other to improve the concentration and speed of thinking during the learning process in cycle I. The results of observers of teacher activity on the learning process conducted by observers I and observer II during the process of learning science (natural) the teacher activity is 3.61 with very good criteria and the average activity of learners is 3.55 with very good criteria. (2) There is an improvement of science learning outcomes of students of class IV in SDN 4 Panarung academic year 2017/2018 after using the model of learning scramble with visual media assisted. This shows the results of learning through the average score of the class on the initial test is 43 and the percentage of learning mastery learners classically 9.52% with the criteria not achieved. In the first cycle, the average score of the class is 70 and the percentage of students' learning completeness classically is 100%, from the predetermined criteria that is KKM is 65 and the criteria completeness 85% classically achieved category.
Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay-Two Stray-Media Video pada SDN 8 Langkai Palangka Raya Rita Rahmaniati; Supardi Supardi; Abdul Malik
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.25 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v5i1.160


This research aims to: (1) To know the activity of students of class IV SDN-8 Langkai by applying TSTS learning model and video media on science learning, (2) To know the improvement of science learning result after applying TSTS learning model and video media on science learning. Subjects in this study were all students of class IV SDN-8 Langkai Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, amounting to 35 people where there are 15 male students and 20 female students. The research method used by researcher is using classroom action research method (PTK) with two cycles. Analytical techniques in this study using qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The result of the research shows that: (1) Activity of the students is very active after applying TSTS and video media model in science learning subject, (2) Improving learners' learning outcomes by applying TSTS learning model and video media in science grade IV SDN- 8 Langkai Palangkaraya is increasing. This is evidenced from the achievement of learning outcomes of learners on the results of observations obtained an average value of 63.61 and 44.44% of completeness in the classical, included in the criteria has not been achieved. Then in the first cycle increased with an average value of 66.28 and 50.42% classical completeness, also still included in the criteria has not been achieved. Then on the second cycle increased with an average value of 77.85 and 88.57% classical completeness or 31 students who complete learning IPA in the material kinds of styles.
Manajemen Kelas MIN 1 Palangka Raya Muhammad Tri Ramdhani; Widya Widya
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (104.911 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v5i1.161


Classroom management is a conscious effort to plan, organize, actualize, and implement supervision or supervision of programs and activities in the classroom so that the learning process can take place systematically, effectively, and efficiently, so that all potential learners can be optimized. Classroom management activities include two activities that outline consists of First learner settings, Both facility settings. Results from the observation of students in MIN 1 Palangkaraya students in class III amounted to 30-39 students so that class management is less effective, and students in the class are doing activities that interfere like chatting with friends so that in the learning process difficult to understand. And also the results of observation of facilities and infrastructure in MIN 1 Palangkaraya, for the facilities are still sufficient such as adequate building for learning process activities, then the absence of LCD facilities in the class tesebut. So less supportive in teaching and learning process. While the infrastructure in MIN 1 Palangkaraya such as yard, school park, the road to school is adequate. In addition, the techniques used in data collection are interviews, observation techniques, note notes, and documentation.
Problematika Muallaf Dalam Melaksanakan Ajaran Agama Islam Di Desa Tumbang Runen Kecamatan Kamipang Kabupaten Katingan Supriadi Supriadi
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 5 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (154.917 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v5i1.162


Muallaf is a new convert to Islam and his faith is still very weak and requires consolidation in his new religion. Therefore the need for guidance for the converts, so that kedepanya still better and remain firm aqidahnya in Islamic teachings. The formulation of the problem in this research is how problematic faced by the muallaf family in implementing Islamic teachings and how to overcome the problems faced by the muallaf family in implementing the Islamic teachings in the village of Tumbang Runen Kamipang District Katingan Regency. This study aims to determine how the problems faced by the mufallaf family in implementing Islamic teachings and how to overcome the problems faced by the family of muallaf in implementing Islamic teachings in the village of Tumbang Runen Kamipang district Katingan regency. This research is a qualitative research, the data collected in the form of words that use some data collection techniques that include interview techniques, observation and documentation. Subjects in this study are 5 people convert. The results showed that the problem of muallaf in implementing the teachings of Islam in the village tumbang runen kamipang district katingan district of the data collected muallaf families facing problematics in implementing Islamic teachings, especially the pillars of Islam which is a problem of the family of muallaf especially the sense of lazy in performing prayers and fasting Ramadan, lack of awareness from the hearts of the converts, the hesitation in carrying out the obligations, taking the time to carry out the obligations and looking for compatibility in studying the teachings of Islam.
Pergeseran Bahasa Dayak Pada Masyarakat Loksado Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Ida Komalasari; Kamal Hasuna; Heppy Lismayanti
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.619 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v4i2.481


At this time Indonesia has occurred the shift in the use of local languages among the speakers. This shift is feared to be able to make the younger generation as the successor to the nation is slowly leaving and did not know the language and the local wisdom of his forefathers. Various factors certainly have affected the occurrence of such a shift. This is particularly of concern for experts, observers, activists, researchers, and local languages, including the press, as well as employees of the Government. Various efforts need to be made by all parties in order to pemertahanan the language of the area. The issues facing the BD is currently the position and its functions no longer correspond to the position and the function of which was given to him. Local languages are no longer made as a boast of identity, as well as their functions are no longer made as the main communication language in family life and community supporters. The problem of language extinctions is starting to attract the attention of many circles, not just from among linguists, but also by the general public. Formulation of the problem: (1) how did the Dayak language shift conditions on the Dayak Society Hill in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency Loksado?, (2) what are the factors that affect the shifting language of Dayak Dayak Society Hill in Hulu Regency Loksado South River. In this study used a qualitative approach. This research is located in district Loksado District South of the River in South Kalimantan Province. This research data is data Dayak language shift conditions in various domains. First, in the form of speech is spoken by the Dayak communities when communicating, namely in the form of words, sentences, and phrases to know the condition of the Dayak Language usage in a variety of domains. This data was obtained by recording the event said at a time when the situation in the family, neighbors, education, religion, transactions, and Government.
Nilai Budaya Dalam Legenda Kapuas Lastaria Lastaria
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (380.049 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v4i2.482


Cultural Values in the Legend Kapuas. Cultural values are the conception of ideal or ideal image of something that is seen and recognized precious lives in the mind; stored and embodied in the norms, rules, and laws; and articulated, unrevealed, and externalized in speech, action, action, and the behavior of most members of society as the unity and integrity. Of the eight legends Kapuas found some kind of cultural values, namely: (1) the amount of culture in the human relationship with the Lord, consisting of three cultural values which, thank god, like prayer, trust Kaharingan; (2) the cultural values of mankind's relationship with nature is a natural utilization of cultural values; (3) cultural values in human relationships with the community, there are three, namely consultation, cooperation, vigilance; (4) cultural values in human relationships with other human beings there are four, namely helpfulness, harmony, honesty, and sorry-forgive; and (5) the cultural values of mankind's relationship with itself, there are two, namely to try and strong-willed, self-confidence.
Manajemen Rekrutmen Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Islam Terpadu Nur Hidayah Surakarta Kecamatan Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo Arif Supriyadi
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.578 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v4i2.483


This research used a descriptive qualitative approach. The implementation of this research was four months beginning from January until April 2014. The object of this research was SMAIT Nur Hidayah of Surakarta. The subject of this research was recruitment teams, including of recruitment chief, the vice of recruitment chief, and candidate of new teacher’s assessors. The informants of this research were chief of the institution, Principal, teachers, and administration officers. Data collecting method applied observation, interview, and documentation, while, data validation techniques used triangulation method and sources. The method of data analysis used interactive model consisting of data collecting, reduction, performing, and verification. Research results show that recruitment management of new teachers in SMA IT Nur Hidayah of Surakarta, Kartasura district, Sukoharjo regency provides excellent quality of new teachers. The purpose of recruitment can be achieved because recruitment management of new teachers has been done well, including a) planning of new teacher’s recruitment by analyzing of teacher’s needs; b) organizing has been done by the making a particular team in new teacher’s recruitment; c) executing of recruitment including socialization announcement of new teacher’s acceptance, administration selection, writing, interview, reading and memorizing of Qur’an, and microteaching tests; d) controlling of recruitment team has been done by the institution party and Principle of SMA IT Nur Hidayah Surakarta in executing of new teacher’s recruitment. Teacher’s recruitment management by school party has been done effectively. In this matter, it can be seen in the new teacher’s recruitment process with has been done by the recruitment team selectively and systematically. Therefore, it provides qualified teachers.
Tindak Tutur Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli Intan di Pasar Martapura Kabupaten Banjar Johan Arifin; Fitharatun Nisa; Akhmad HB
Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah
Publisher : ​Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.499 KB) | DOI: 10.33084/jhm.v4i2.484


Speech Acts in Diamond Sale and Purchase Transactions at Martapura Market in Banjar Regency. Disclosure of intent and purpose in different language events. In the process of buying and selling, speech between traders and buyers often contains different intentions according to the statement acts used when spoken. This study aims to determine the types of speech acts used in the process of buying and selling diamonds at Martapura Market. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data obtained in this study comes from the spoken language spoken by traders with traders and traders with buyers who are buying and selling transactions. The source of the data in this study is the recording of the process of buying and selling diamonds at Martapura market and written documents in the form of transcripts of speech. Data collection was obtained by using the referring method and followed by competent involvement techniques and note-taking techniques. The results of this study found the types of speech acts used as follows: 1) representative statement acts, 2) directive speech acts, and 3) expressive speech acts. Representative speech acts are used by traders and buyers to confirm, give reasons, explain, insist, advise, swear, complain, give advice, and notify. The directive speech acts used by traders and buyers are to give orders, requests, restrictions and information. Meanwhile, expressive speech acts are used by traders and buyers to express feelings of worry, pleasure, pronunciation, praise, and apology. The most frequent speech acts found in this study are representative speech acts.

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