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Perancangan Monitoring Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik di Dinas Komunikasi Informasi dan Persandian Kota Surakarta Agus Purbayu
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v7i1.67570


AbstrakSistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE) adalah penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk memberikan layanan kepada pengguna SPBE. Pada saat ini penggunaan SPBE di kota Surakarta sudah menjadi hal wajib dilaksanakan demi terwujudnya smart city dan selalu memerlukan pemantauan setiap tahunnya. Pelaksanaan SPBE di Surakarta perlu sekali di monitoring dan dievaluasi sehingga dapat disesuaikan dengan tujuan secara nasional yaitu ditujukan untuk untuk mewujudkan tata kelola pemerintahan yang bersih, efektif, transparan, dan akuntabel serta pelayanan publik yang berkualitas dan terpercaya.  Selama pelaksanaan SPBE di kota Surakarta belum terdapat monitoring digital SPBE sehingga berkas-berkas monitoring belum terdokumen secara tersentral.Metode yang digunakan untuk membuat rancangan sistem monitoring SPBE ini dengan menggunakan metode waterfall dengan melakukan observasi lewat wawancara dan mempelajari dokumen yang tersedia  kemudian dilakukan perancangan aplikasinya,Hasil dari Penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan rancangan sistem monitoring SPBE kota Surakarta yang dapat menjadi rujukan untuk pembangunan aplikasi SPBE kota SurakartaAbstractElectronic-Based Government System (SPBE) is a government administration that utilizes information and communication technology to provide services to SPBE Users. At this time the use of SPBE in the city of Surakarta has become mandatory for the realization of a Smart City and always requires monitoring every year. The implementation of SPBE in Surakarta is adjusted to national goals, which are aimed at realizing clean, effective, transparent, and accountable governance as well as quality and reliable public services. The governance and management of the electronic- based government system nationally is also needed to improve the integration and efficiency of the electronic-based government system. ( In its implementation in the city of Surakarta there needs to be monitoring so that achievements and shortcomings can be monitored regularly company.The method used to design the SPBE monitoring system uses the waterfall method by observing through interviews and studying available documents and then designing the application.The results of this study were to produce a design for the SPBE monitoring system for the city of Surakarta which can be used as a reference for the development of the SPBE application for the city of Surakarta
Pengembangan Aplikasi Berbasis Desktop Food photography Sebagai Media Edukasi Bagi Masyarakat Umum dalam Memasarkan Makanan Secara Digital Tantan Nugraha
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v7i1.61847


Abstrak Perkembangan dunia fotografi dalam berbagai sektor cukup berkembang pesat. Food photography  adalah  jenis fotografi yang banyak disukai oleh masyarakat saat ini. Dengan memanfaatkan food photography , pemasaran secara digital suatu produk makanan atau minuman dapat berkembang secara signifikan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan sebuah media edukasi yaitu aplikasi Foodgrapps berbasis desktop untuk menunjang pemasaran produk makanan atau minuman secara digital. Teknik Penelitian dan Pengembangan dengan model ADDIE dipilih sebagai metode penelitian dalam riset ini. Dalam penelitian ini juga dilakukan proses verifikasi media yang dilakukan oleh ahli media dan ahli materi terhadap aplikasi yang dibuat. Berdasarkan hasil verifikasi  oleh ahli materi didapatkan rata-rata poin 3,90 yang termasuk pada kelompok layak sementara validasi oleh ahli media didapatkan rata-rata poin 5,00 yang termasuk pada grup klasifikasi sangat layak. Setelah dilakukan validasi selanjutnya dilaksanakan uji coba lapangan terbatas terhadap masyarakat umum yang mendapatkan hasil rata-rata penilaian 4,42 dengan kategori sangat layak.AbstractThe development of the world of photography in various sectors is growing rapidly. Food photography  is a type of photography that is favored by many people today. By utilizing food photography , digital marketing of a food or beverage product can develop significantly. In this study, an educational media was developed, namely the desktop-based Foodgrapps application to support digital marketing of food or beverage products. Research and Development Techniques with the ADDIE model were chosen as the research method in this study. In this study, the media verification process was also carried out by media experts and material experts on the applications made. Based on the results of leveraging by material experts, an average point of 3.90 was obtained which was included in the appropriate group while validation by media experts obtained an average of 5.00 points which was included in the very feasible classification group. After validation, a limited field trial was carried out on the general public who got an average test result of 4.42 with a very feasible category.
Analisis Performa Transmisi Data Log Berbasis IoT Cloud Pada Kunci Pintu Pintar Menggunakan Rekognisi Wajah Dania Putri Nur'Aini
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v7i1.63795


Abstrak Data logging yang diterapkan pada suatu alat bertujuan untuk mencatat setiap kondisi yang terjadi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sistem log yang bersifat real time dan fleksibel agar pengguna dapat melakukan monitoring perangkat dengan mudah. Internet of Things (IoT) yang merupakan suatu konsep dimana suatu sistem dapat terhubung dengan perangkat lain melalui jaringan internet yang terintegrasi dapat dikembangkan untuk memaksimalkan fungsionalitasnya dengan menggabungkan antara IoT dan cloud. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan penerapan IoT dengan membuat sistem keamanan kontrol kunci pintu rumah dengan sistem log berbasis cloud. Sistem keamanan kontrol kunci pintu rumah menggunakan keakuratan pengenalan biometrik berupa wajah sebagai verifikasi penghuni rumah. Ketika verifikasi wajah dilakukan maka akan dikirimkan log informasi berupa hasil dari verifikasi tersebut ke database dan Aplikasi Telegram menggunakan service cloud. Hasil Penelitian ini telah berhasil dalam merancang dan membangun sistem log berbasis cloud menggunakan service dari Amazon Web Service (AWS) berupa AWS IoT Core yang digunakan sebagai broker untuk meng-handle data log dari ESP32-cam ke DynamoDB dan Amazon SNS. Dalam melakukan penyimpanan data log didapatkan nilai successful rate sebesar 100% dan notifikasi berhasil dikirim ke Aplikasi Telegram dengan delay 2 hingga 3 detik. Pengujian performa pengiriman data didapatkan rata-rata delay sebesar 245,9374 mili detik dengan kategori Bagus, rata-rata nilai throughput 3.686 bps dengan kategori Sangat Bagus dan packet loss sebesar 0% dengan kategori Sangat Bagus berdasarkan standar TIPHON.AbstractData logging applied to a device aims to record every condition that occurs. Therefore, a log system that is real time and flexible is needed so that users can monitor the device easily. IoT (Internet of things) which is a concept where a system can connect with other devices through an integrated internet network can be developed to maximize its functionality by combining IoT and Cloud. This research aims to implement IoT by creating a home door lock control security system with a cloud-based log system. To be able to send logs from IoT devices to the cloud requires good data transmission performance so that users can monitor home conditions. The home door lock control security system uses the accuracy of biometric recognition in the form of faces as verification of home occupants. When face verification is done, information logs will be sent in the form of the results of the verification to the database and Telegram application using cloud services. The results of this study have succeeded in designing and building a cloud-based log system using services from AWS (Amazon Web Service) in the form of AWS IoT Core which is used as a broker to handle log data from ESP32-cam to DynamoDB and Amazon SNS. In storing log data, the successful rate value is 100% and the notification is successfully sent to the Telegram application with a delay of 2 to 3 seconds. Testing the performance of data transmission obtained an average delay of 245.9374 milliseconds in the Good category, the average throughput value of 3,686 bps in the Very Good category and packet loss of 0% in the Very Good category based on the TIPHON standard.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Presensi Perkuliahan Dengan QR-Code di D3 Teknik Informatika Universitas Sebelas Maret Nanang Maulana Yoeseph
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v7i1.63829


Abstrak Dengan berkembang pesatnya teknologi seperti saat ini, kita dituntut untuk bergerak cepat dan efisien. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan memanfaatkan teknologi yang ada dengan baik. Presensi yang menjadi bukti kehadiran mahasiswa dalam suatu perkuliahan haruslah dilakukan secara efisien. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan penggunaan teknologi, dalam hal ini perangkat lunak, agar bisa menjadikan presensi kehadiran menjadi efisien dan reliabel. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat perangkat lunak yang mampu memberikan kemudahan bagi dosen dan mahasiswa dalam mengisi daftar kehadiran dalam suatu perkuliahan dimana metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah System Development Life Cycle. Fitur dalam sistem ini antara lain halaman web untuk admin dan dosen, memanajeman logbook, serta membuat aplikasi android untuk mahasiswa melakukan scan QR code. Hasil dari sistem informasi presensi perkuliahan ini adalah sebuah sistem presensi yang mampu meningkatkan efisiensi dalam proses presensi perkuliahan, dengan fitur antara lain, mampu memindai kode QR yang dibuat dalam setiap perkuliahan untuk presensi mahasiswa, membuat logbook perkuliahan, merekap logbook dan presensi mahasiswa.AbstractWith the rapid development of technology today, we are required to move quickly and efficiently. One way to do this is by making good use of the available technology. Attendance, which is proof of a student's presence in a lecture, must be done efficiently. Therefore, the use of technology, in this case software, is needed to make attendance recording efficient and reliable for both lecturers and students. The purpose of this research is to create software that can provide convenience for lecturers and students in recording attendance in a lecture, using the System Development Life Cycle method. The features in this system include a web page for admin and lecturers, logbook management, and creating an Android application for students to scan QR codes. The result of this lecture attendance information system is a presence system that is capable of improving efficiency in the lecture attendance process, with features such as the ability to scan the QR code created for each lecture to record student attendance, create a lecture logbook, and record student logbooks and attendance.
Precautions for Pneumo-Orbital in Cases of Maxillofacial Trauma: Data Mining for Artificial Inteligence of Air Localization on CT-Scan Karla Kalua; Muchtar Hanafi; Rachmi Fauziah Rahayu
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v7i1.66522


Along with rapid mobility, the incidence of traffic accidents is increasing. Maxillofacial trauma often accompanies traffic accidents. Facial bone fractures need serious concern, considering that the face contains several important organs and an important aesthetic aspect daily. Pneumo-orbital, in which air is found in the orbital cavity, is a threat to vision. The development of diagnostic modalities for maxillofacial trauma is developed continuously for determining the accuracy and improving rapid diagnosis. A radiologist is greatly facilitated by the presence of a CT scan that is able to detect certain abnormalities through artificial intelligence (AI) features. The data of this study are preliminary data showing the incidence of pneumo-orbital that was often missed in maxillofacial trauma cases. The maxillofacial trauma cases (classified as Le Fort fractures) were collected from January 2022 to July 2022 consecutively and determined into Le Fort fractures with pneumo-orbital and without pneumo-orbital. From 19 cases, 13 cases (68%) were accompanied by pneumo-orbital, while 6 cases (32%) were not. Multiple pneumo-orbitals with relatively visible sizes are detected easily on CT scan but a single and relatively small pneumo-orbital has potentially not to be seen on CT scan. It is concluded that CT scan nowadays is not only used to see anatomical abnormalities, but also equipped with AI-based features; such as the intracranial bleeding volume calculation and calcium score estimation on cardiac CT. It is possible that a CT scan can also detect the presence of air particles. Thus, the sensitivity of pneumo-orbital detection can be increased.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Lomba Start-Up Berbasis Web Yudho Yudhanto
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v7i1.59328


AbstrakRencana proposal bisnis merupakan suatu pernyataan formal atas tujuan berdirinya sebuah bisnis, serta suatu alasan mengapa pendirinya yakin bahwa tujuan tersebut dapat dicapai, serta strategi atau rencana-rencana apa yang akan dijalankan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. D3 Teknik Informatika UNS merupakan suatu Lembaga yang bergerak di bidang Pendidikan yang salah satu tujuan dari lembaga ini merupakan memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan dalam bidang rekayasa bisnis teknologi informasi. Dengan adanya tujuan tersebut, maka D3 Teknik Informatika UNS berupaya untuk meningkatkan jiwa kewirausahaan dengan mengadakan perlombaan kompetisi rancangan bisnis sebagai salah satu cara mewujudkan tujuan tersebut. Dengan adanya lomba tersebut, diharapkan akan tercipta dan ditemukan banyak mahasiswa yang berjiwa kewirausahaan dan bisnis untuk mengajukan rancangan bisnis yang akan atau sudah ditekuni dalam kompetisi. Berdasarkan upaya yang akan diadakan oleh D3 Teknik Informatika UNS, maka diusulkanlah suatu sistem yang dapat mempermudah dalam pendataan, pengerjaan, pemantauan, serta pengelolaan proposal bisnis dimana proposal tersebut merupakan suatu syarat utama dalam mengikutin perlombaan yang akan diselenggarakan. Hasil dari penelitian ini merupakan sistem informasi e-proposal rancangan bisnis berbasis website  yang memiliki fitur pengelolaan pendaftaran, penginputan proposal oleh peserta lomba, serta penjurian yang dilakukan oleh juri yang terdaftar. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan dengan metode Blackbox melibatkan mahasiswa, staff dan dosen.AbstractA business proposal plan is a formal statement of the purpose of establishing a business, as well as a reason why the founder believes that these goals can be achieved, as well as what strategies or plans will be implemented to achieve these goals. D3 Informatics Engineering UNS is an institution engaged in the education sector, one of the goals of this institution is to have an entrepreneurial spirit in the field of information technology business engineering. With this goal in mind, D3 Informatics Engineering UNS seeks to increase the entrepreneurial spirit by holding a business design competition as a way to achieve this goal. With this competition, it is hoped that it will create and find many students who have an entrepreneurial and business spirit to submit business designs that will or have been occupied in the competition. Based on the efforts that will be held by D3 Informatics Engineering UNS, a system is proposed that can facilitate data collection, execution, monitoring, and management of business proposals where the proposal is a main requirement in participating in the competition to be held. The result of this research is a website-based business design e-proposal information system that features registration management, input of proposals by contest participants, and judging by registered judges. Application testing is carried out using the Blackbox method involving students, staff and lecturers.
Rancang Bangun Pengembangan Games pada Aplikasi Augmented Reality (AR) Halo Kids 2.0 Taufiqurrakhman Nur Hidayat
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v7i1.67067


Abstrak Teknologi augmented reality merupakan teknologi yang menggabungkan antara dunia virtual dan dunia nyata yang mengolah informasi virtual lalu diolah dan ditampilkan dengan visualisasi 3 Dimensi sehingga terlihat seolah-olah nyata. Augmented reality sendiri juga dapat diterapkan sebagai media pembelajaran maupun hiburan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti game edukasi yang menerapkan teknologi augmented reality sebagai media ajar sekaligus media hiburan. Penelitian ini dikembangkan menggunakan metode Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC). Penelitian ini merupakan hasil pengembangan game edukasi anak menggunakan teknologi augmented reality yang dibangun menggunakan Unity game engine. Game edukasi ini menggabungkan permain tradisional ular tangga yang diberikan quiz berdasarkan 4 kategori tema pada aplikasi AR HALO KIDS dengan target pengguna untuk anak berusia 5-12 tahun. Pengujian yang dilakukan menggunakan black box testing, guerilla usability testing dan pengujian end-user. Hasil dari yang dilakukan terhadap aplikasi AR HALO KIDS 2.0 adalah fungsional aplikasi dapat berjalan sesuai dengan kondisi yang diharapkan. Tombol-tombol interaktif pada aplikasi dapat ditekan dan menampilkan atau mengarahkan ke tampilan sesuai fungsi tombol, SDK Augmented Reality dapat dijalankan dengan baik namun terdapat beberapa kesulitan seperti posisi Ground untuk mendeteksi dadu yang berubah ketika sudut yang diarahkan ketika pertama kali bermain 0° atau 90° sehingga dadu yang diroll pertama kali tidak akan terdeteksi dan permainan tidak akan bisa dimulai sehingga perlu memulai lagi dari awal.AbstractAugmented reality is a technology that combines the virtual world and the real world and processes the virtual information into a process then displayed as 3 Dimension visualization that looks as if it were real.  Augmented reality can also be applied as a medium of learning and entertainment. This study aims to examine educational games that apply augmented reality technology as a teaching medium and entertainment media. This research was developed using the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) method. This research is the result of developing children's educational games using augmented reality technology which was built using the Unity game engine. This educational game combines the traditional snake and ladder game which is given a quiz based on 4 theme categories in the AR HALO KIDS application with the target user for children aged 5-12 years. Tests were carried out using black box testing, guerilla usability testing, and end-user testing. The result of what was done to the AR HALO KIDS 2.0 application is that the functional application can run according to the expected conditions. The interactive buttons on the application can be pressed and displayed or directed to the display according to the function of the button, the Augmented Reality SDK can run well but there are some difficulties such as the Ground position to detect the dice that changes when the angle that is directed when first playing 0° or 90° so that the first rolled dice will not be detected. The game will not be able to start so it is necessary to start again from the beginning. 
Penerapan Metode Support Vector Machine Dalam Klasifikasi Bunga Iris Anita Desiani; Irmeilyana Irmeilyana; Herlina Hanum; Yuli Andriani; Sri Indra Maiyanti; Clarita Margo Uteh; Ira Rayyani
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v7i1.61486


Abstrak Data mining adalah proses melatih komputer untuk mengenali suatu pola menggunakan teknik statistika mapun matematika. Salah satu teknik data mining yang sering digunakan adalah klasifikasi, yakni mengelompokkan data ke dalam suatu label menggunakan atribut. Pada klasifikasi, Support Vector Machine (SVM) merupakan salah satu metode yang paling banyak digunakan. Penelitian ini akan memanfaatkan metode SVM dalam melakukan klasifikasi bunga Iris. Data yang diteliti menggunakan sebanyak 150 data dengan menggunakan dua metode data latih, yakni percentage split dan k-fold cross validation. Data diolah melalui tahap pre-processing, lalu diklasifikasi menggunakan metode SVM melalui 2 metode data latih, percentage split sebesar 80% dan k-fold corss validation dengan k=10, perhitungan hasil prediksi menggunakan confusion matrix. Pada metode percentage split diperoleh nilai akurasi sebesar 96,7%, presisi 97,6%, recall sebesar 95,3%, dan F1-score sebesar 96,3%. Pada metode k-fold cross validation diperoleh nilai akurasi sebesar 92,6%, presisi 92,6%, recall sebesar 92,6%, dan F1-score sebesar 92,3%. Dengan demikian metode SVM menggunakan kernel polynomial dengan metode data latih percentage split dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam sistem klasifikasi bunga Iris.AbstractData mining is the process of training a computer to recognize a pattern using statistical and mathematical techniques. One of the data mining techniques that are often used is classification, which is to group data into the label using attributes. In classification, the Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the most widely used methods. This research will utilize the SVM method in classifying Iris flowers. The data studied used 150 data using two training data methods, percentage split and k-fold cross validation. The data is processed through the pre-processing stage, then classified using the SVM method through 2 training data methods, percentage split of 80% and k-fold cross validation with k = 10, and calculation of prediction results using a confusion matrix. In the percentage split method, the accuracy is 96.7%, precision is 97.6%, recall is 95.3%, and F1-score is 96.3%. In the k-fold cross validation method, the accuracy is 92.6%, precision is 92.6%, recall is 92.6%, and F1-score is 92.3%. So that the SVM method using a polynomial kernel with the percentage split training data method can be implemented into the iris classification system.
An Approach to Handling Spatio-Temporal Contexts on Linked Open Data for Points of Interest Nurul Firdaus; Naoki Fukuta
IJAI (Indonesian Journal of Applied Informatics) Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ijai.v7i1.73148


Many people and organizations, including governments, for example, publicly disseminate data in various ways and for various reasons. For publishing data on the Semantic Web, the Linked Data principles have become the norm. However, numerous difficult jobs and problems must be resolved while linking the vast amount of data by utilizing Linked Open Data (LOD) sources. This thesis outlines our contributions to understanding spatiotemporal contexts to address those issues. Creating various housing options and opportunities is one of the core ideas behind smart growth. As a result, geographical elements like Points of Interest (POIs) affected the real estate market and buyers' choices. Using data from diverse sources, we provide a domain-specific strategy in this work. When estimating instance value for POIs, this work attempts to handle spatiotemporal contexts. We refer to the POI evaluation events that include spatiotemporal notions of the target real estate site as spatio-temporal contexts. We gather the data and format it into a common format to forecast the instance value of an object. Then, we construct a domain-specific ontology to evaluate the application of control in city planning. The instances are then filled using Federated SPARQL Query using data from Endpoints. The design of our prototype system to manage spatio-temporal contexts on LOD for POIs has now been prepared and put into practice.

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