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Ihdi Karim Makinara
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Ihdi Karim Makinara
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Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
Kota banda aceh,
Media Syari'ah: Wahana Kajian Hukum Islam dan Pranata Sosial
ISSN : 14112353     EISSN : 25795090     DOI :
This journal focused on Islamic Law Studies and present developments through the publication of articles, research reports, and book reviews. SCOPE Ahkam specializes on Islamic law, and is intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 208 Documents
JEJAK PARSI DI NUSANTARA: Interplay antara Agama dan Budaya Yusni Saby
Media Syari'ah Vol 15, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v15i1.1761


The relationship of Nusantara, in particular Aceh, to the Persian is not new. It has been done since long time ago. In fact, the relationship is much earlier than with the Arabian Peninsula. This is due to the following reasons. Geographically, Persian, as compared to Arabian Peninsula is closer to Nusantara; Persian has experienced growth of knowledge, including in sailing activities; and Persian is also surrounded by the sea at the South and the West which enable them to travel to Nusantara earlier than Arabian Peninsula. This relationship has brought implication to the Nusantara in religious life and culture. This article aims to explore the influence of Persian to the Nusantara in particular Aceh which are manifested in religious life and culture.
Dayah, the Traditional Islamic Education System of Aceh 1900-2000 Stephen Roche
Media Syari'ah Vol 14, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v14i2.1879


This article is an extract from my dissertation which offers a historiography of the Dayah, Aceh’s traditional institution of Islamic education and picks up at the point of Aceh’s history where its Dutch colonial experience began. The section presented here details some of the theological, philosophical and political factors that contributed to the development of the regions current variety of educational institutions. However, despite the effects of such historical and ongoing developments, that continue to inform the theological understanding and social concerns of Aceh’s ulama, the Dayah still manages to represent a distinct Muslim identity that express the richest cultural heritages of the region within an orthodox religious framework. Therefore, the Dayah of Aceh continues the traditional Islamic educational experience for the Muslims of the region despite the historical and ongoing influence of cultural, political and social developments.
Dawr al-Zakat fi Mu'ulalajat al-Musyki lat al Iqtisadiyat kayfiyat hisabiha Abu Nasir
Media Syari'ah Vol 16, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v16i1.1795


Aplikasi Maqasid Al-Syari'ah dalam Pembiayaan Golongan Fakir Menerusi Harta Zakat Abdul Nasir bin Haji Abdul Rani; Kamaru Salam bin Yusof
Media Syari'ah Vol 18, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v18i1.1834


Setiap hukum yang diturunkan oleh Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala pasti mempunyai rahsia tersirat atau objektif tersembunyi – dikenali dengan Maqasid al-Syari’ah – yang mungkin tidak disedari oleh ramai orang. Akibat daripada kejahilan dan kealpaan manusia serta tatacara pelaksanaan yang tidak komprehensif telah menyebabkan suatu hukum itu tidak mencapai maqasidnya. Hukum Zakat tidak terkecuali daripada berhadapan dengan senario ini. Umat Islam tahu bahawa mengeluarkan Zakat adalah merupakan satu ibadah, bahkan satu kewajiban yang dituntut oleh Syarak kepada mereka yang telah memenuhi syarat-syarat wajib mengeluarkannya. Namun tidak ramai yang tahu tentang kesan yang sepatutnya lahir daripada pengagihan harta Zakat tersebut. Kajian saintifik tentang Zakat sebagai salah satu elemen pembiayaan Islam yang efektif dalam menyelesaikan banyak permasalahan sosial masih belum banyak dilakukan. Kertas ini berusaha untuk mengkaji beberapa kesan positif yang sepatutnya lahir daripada praktik agihan Zakat jika ia dilakukan dengan cara yang betul kepada golongan fakir. Kajian ini akan menggunakan kaedah kepustakaan terutama sekali dalam menghuraikan prinsip Maqasid al-Syari’ah yang seterusnya digabungkan dengan beberapa teori moden untuk melihat keberkesanan pelaksanaan Zakat. Kajian kepustakaan dilakukan untuk memastikan prinsip Maqasid al-Syari’ah tidak terpesong daripada ruh sebenar penurunan hukum Zakat kepada manusia. Sementara proses penggabungan teori moden pula dilihat penting kerana ia banyak disandarkan kepada realiti semasa yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa pembiayaan Zakat kepada golongan fakir jika ia dilaksanakan dengan betul sudah pasti akan dapat mencapai pelbagai maqasid di samping menangani pelbagai permasalahan sosial. Untuk itu, kajian ini juga akan menganjurkan beberapa saranan penstrukturan semula dalam proses agihan Zakat yang dijalankan sekarang.
Pengaruh Suku Bunga Terhadap Kinerja Perbankan Syariah di Provinsi Aceh Bismi Khalidin Khalidin
Media Syari'ah Vol 19, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v19i1.2015


It is widely known that interest rate is the core variable in a banking industry. Moreover, the performance of conventional banks are absolutely determined by the rate. However, the rate is prohibited to be utilized in an Islamic banking system. This paper aims at exploring the influence of interest rate towards the performance of Islamic banks in Aceh Province. In the other word, the paper is to know whether the rate influences Islamic banks or not. By Using two statistical softwares, E-Views 7 and SPSS-19, this research finds that the interest rate does not influence the performance of the Islamic banks.The performance of the banks under the research limites only deposits and financing of the banks. Either Granger Causality Test or Pearson Correlation indicates that there are no correlation between the variables in the model. However, the research does not have enough data, therefore the same research with more completed data is recommended.
Media Syari'ah Vol 13, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v13i2.1785


Orders about the Friday shalat: sermon, shalat, tribune and khatib stick, until opinion of i`adah zuhur after Friday is the parts of Friday ritual made progressively detailed and confessed by some of moslem scholar as Jumhur opinion, at least Syafi`iyah, so that public society assume it as permanent form come from teaching of Rasulullah saw. This article describes construction of Friday at period of Rasul covering history, kaifiyat, categorize the mukallaf, sermon position, and Friday substansi. Research done indicate that there was no complete theorem about procedures of shalat and Friday sermon. This result it become the religious service which multi interpret; very supple, not tighten, and rich with the different idea, so that opened a possibility to be re-expostulated. Theorem of opinion of faction “minority» about orders of Friday can be told stronger rather than Jumhur. Important finding, Friday substansi is syiar of Islam and Friday founded have to with the governmental permit.
Stagnansi Perwakafan di Aceh: Analisis Faktor Penyebab Azharsyah Ibrahim
Media Syari'ah Vol 16, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v16i2.1750


As showed from the data obtained from preliminary research, the condition of waqf endowments in Aceh post tsunami disaster tended to stagnate, especially during the period of 2005 – 2010. Therefore, this article is intended to identify and analyze the determinant factors of the waqf stagnation post disaster in Aceh. Data for this study is gathered through in-depth interviews with 15 respondents consisting of selected waqf officials from the provincial and district offices of Ministry Religious Affairs in Aceh, heads of KUA as waqf managers in some selected districts, the Imam of the selected mosques/meunasahs, and the wakif and/ or their descendants. The findings show that four factors have been identified as the cause of the stagnation. First, the significant increase of land prices. Second, the shift of the Acehnese values to be more materialistic. Third, the fading of social values and brotherhood (ukhwah) among Acehnese. Fourth, there are number of waqf property in Aceh were unproductive.
Konsep dan Teori Manajemen Aset dalam Islam Ridwan Nurdin; Muslina Muslina
Media Syari'ah Vol 19, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v19i2.2026


Sistem pengelolaan aset menurut ketentuan Islam merupakan suatu profesi baru dalam dunia modern saat ini, sehingga tidak banyak literatur yang dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam mengkaji hal tersebut. Di sisi lain, kebutuhan akan sistem ini semakin dirasakan oleh para akademisi dan praktisi khususnya praktisi lembaga keuangan syariah. Manculnya konsep pengelolaan aset atau lebih dikenal dengan Manajemen Kekayaan Islam (Islamic Wealth Management) atau Perencanaan Keuangan Islam (Islamic Financial Planning) merupakan jawaban praktis atas kebutuhan tersebut. Meskipun demikian, hadirnya dua konsep ini setidaknya memberikan gambaran awal pengelolaan aset secara halal. Bila dikaji dalam perjalanan sejarah Islam, sebenarnya manajemen aset telah dijelaskan oleh Asy-Syaibani dalam kitabnya al-kasb dengan teori infaq. Teori ini sangat umum, namun mempunyai hubungan signifikan terhadap pengelolaan aset menurut perspektif Islam. Inilah alasan penulis menghubungkan pengelolaan aset dalam Islam dengan teori infaq Asy-Syaibani. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan karya ilmiah ini ialah metode content analisis, yakni menganalisis teks-teks dalam buku yang mempunyai hubungan dengan pembahasan ini. Hasil kajian tersebut ialah konsep pengelolaan aset dalam Islam merujuk pada konsep khalifah dan keshalihan. Konsep khalifah mewajibkan setiap orang memakmurkan bumi dengan bekerja. Sedangkan konsep keshalihan merupakan konsep yang mengharuskan pemilik aset memanfaatkannya dan mengembangkannya dengan cara yang halal dan mempertimbangkan aspek kemanfaat bagi dirinya dan orang lain. Konsep ini tergambar jelas dalam teori al-kasb dan infaq menurut Asy-Syaibani. Dalam teori al-kasb diuraikan alasan orang bekerja, yakni untuk memehuni kebutuhan dharuriyat, hajiyat dan tahsiniyyat. Sedangkan dalam teori infaq mengharuskan seseorang untuk membelankan dan mengembangkan asetnya dengan cara yang halal serta memperhatikan tingkatan prioritas yang utama.
FIQH FOR MILITARY SERVICE: Guidance for the Muslim Minority in Australia Hyder Gulam
Media Syari'ah Vol 15, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v15i2.1776


The term ‘Muslim Minority’ is used to refer to those Muslims that form an Islamic community in countries where Muslims are neither the majority, nor form the governing polity i.e. non-Muslim lands. This paper introduces Islamic Law and Fiqh, before discussing the rights and obligations of the Muslim Minority in militar y ser vice. This paper then discusses the relevant ‘ibadah rulings (literally meaning religious rituals such as prayer, fasting) and how these may be practically applied in the context of ser vice as a loyal and effective sailor, soldier or airman. The Muslim minority and their militar y ser vice in Australia will be used throughout the paper as an illustrative case study.
Media Syari'ah Vol 13, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jms.v13i1.1741


The shattering defeat of PAS in the 2004 general elections, while holding on to the reins of government in the state of Kelantan by a tiny majority, heralded an era of introspection for party leaders and strategists. PAS had misread popular sentiment for justice and good governance, which had propelled it into recording massive gains at the expense of its arch-rival UMNO in 1999, as an endorsement of its Islamic state agenda. Its adamant retention of this agenda, costing it an alliance with the Democratic Action Party (DAP) in the Barisan Alternatif (BA) coalition, was most vividly displayed by its revelation of the Islamic State Document (ISD) in late 2003. While PAS does not claim to have disavowed the ISD, deliberations on the ISD seem to have stalled in preference for internal party reforms. Prodding for the reforms are the young professionals whose influx into the party in the mid-1990s transformed the landscape of PAS which in the 1960s was closely identified with the Malay peasantry class. Clearly, the impact of globalization and the rise of the middle class during the era of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s Premiership have not eluded PAS. This paper traces such changes, focusing on the realms of political economy and ideological modernization. Internal pressures for changes have accelerated since the electoral setback of 2004 and a string of by-election defeats, at the risk of alienating grassroots party activists who hold the conservative ulama leadership in high esteem. This paper contends that any structural transformation in PAS will necessarily take a long time. Internal fissures are not automatically solved by electoral success, as experienced by PAS in the March 2008 elections, when PAS not only retained the state of Kelantan, but also shared the spoils of power in Kedah, Perak, Selangor and Penang as a component party of the newly assembled People’s Pact (PR: Pakatan Rakyat) coalition.

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