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Jurnal Planologi Sultan Agung
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Jurnal Planologi is a journal study of urban and regional planning issued by the Department of City and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang, Indonesia. the articles are published every six months, that is, April and October (2 issues per year). The editor receives scientific articles and research results in accordance with the nature is Regional and City Planning
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Jurnal Planologi Vol 15, No 2 (2018): Oktober, 2018. Thema Kawasan Cagar Budaya dan Perkembangan Kota
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v15i2.3525


ABSTRACTSocio and cultural system which believed as the result of relationship, communication, individual socialization in society has an effect on the form of the society’s environmental order. The effect of relationship, communication and socialization which created a social system of society that makes the society divided into layers or positions based on believes values, norms and customs in society. This study uses literature study in reviewing the effect of social stratification with taking case study in Solo, Bali and Madura. The result of this study can be concluded that social stratification has a role in the formation of society settlements. That social stratification then forms a society environmental order in both spatial and physical architecture of buildings. Keywords: social stratification, settlements formation, settlement pattern ABSTRAKSistem sosial dan budaya yang dipercayai sebagai hasil hubungan,komunikasi, sosialisasi individu dalam masyarakat mempunyai pengaruh atas bentuk tatanan lingkungan masyarakat. Akibat dari hubungan, komunikasi dan sosialisasi dalam masyarakat sehingga terciptalah sistem sosial masyarakat yang menjadikan masyarakat terbagi dalam lapisan-lapisan atau kedudukan berdasarkan kepercayaan, nilai, norma dan adat istiadat dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi literature dalam mengkaji pengaruh stratifikasi sosial, dengan mengambil studi kasus di Solo, Bali dan Madura. Hasil dari kajian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa stratifikasi sosial mempunyai peran pembentukan permukiman masyarakat. Stratifikasi sosial tersebut kemudian membentuk tatanan lingkungan pola lapisan permukiman masyarakat baik yang bersifat spatial maupun fisik arsitektur bangunan..Kata Kunci: Stratifikasi Sosial, Pembentukan Permukiman, Pola Permukiman
Kualitas Instrumen Pengendalian Pemanfaatan Ruang Berdasarkan Kelengkapan Materi Ketentuan Umum Peraturan Zonasi Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah di Kabupaten Kendal Jamilla Kautsary; Salmaa Shafira
Jurnal Planologi Vol 16, No 1 (2019): April, 2019. Thema Lahan dan Perkotaan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v16i1.4372


ABSTRAK General Provisions for Zoning Regulations are a tool for controlling space utilization. This tool contains general requirements for spatial use and for managng in all regency. This tool contains at least the rules of activity and the intensity of utilization of space, minimum standards of facilities and utilities, provisions on the use of space that were through by network system and special provisions. These minimum prerequisites sometimes cannot fulfill, consequently this making it difficult to implement control of spatial use. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of the land use control instruments of Kendal regency. This research uses quantitative rationalistic deductive method, with descriptive empirical technical analysis. The results of this study indicate that the completeness of zoning regulations for  spatial plan  in the Kendal Regency didnt not in accordance with the minimum standards (the provisions of the activities, the provisions of building intensity and the minimum standard provisions for utilities and facilities were incomplete and these dint not according to standard). Some of the influencing factors include lack of understanding in compiling regional regulations and plurality of interests in spatial planning. Keywords: Control, Utilization, Land, Zoning Ketentuan Umum Peraturan Zonasi  merupakan satu alat pengendalian pemanfaatan Ruang. Alat ini berisi persyaratan pemanfaatan ruang secara umum dan ketentuan pengendaliannya di seluruh wilayah kabupaten. alat ini minimal berisi aturan kegiatan dan intensitas pemanfaatan ruang, standart minimum sarana-prasarana,  ketentuan pemanfaatan ruang yang dilewati sistem jaringan dan ketentuan khusus. Prasyarat minimal ini kadang tidak bisa dipenuhi, akibatnya menyulitkan dalam implementasi pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi kualitas instrumen pengendalian (Ketentuan Umum Peraturan Zonasi) kabupaten Kendal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deduktif kuantitatif rasionalistik, dengan teknis analisis desktriptif empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kelengkapan peraturan zonasi dalam rencana tata ruang wilayah Kabupaten Kendal belum sesuai dengan standart minimum(ketentuan kegiatan, ketentuan intensitas bangunan dan ketentuan standart minimal prasarana dan sarana tidak lengkap dan tidak sesuai standart). Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi diantaranya adalah kekurang pahaman penyususun peraturan daerah dan kemajemukan kepentingan dalam penyusunan tata ruang. Kata Kunci: Pengendalian, Pemanfaatan, Lahan, Zonasi
Identifikasi Transformasi Fisik Berdasarkan House Extension di Kampung Sekayu Kota Semarang Wakhidah Kurniawati; Nurini Nurini; Diah Intan Kusumo Dewi; R Rafii Bisatya Rahmat
Jurnal Planologi Vol 17, No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v17i1.7555


Perkampungan pusat kota yang terletak di kawasan segitiga emas jalan Pandanaran-Pemuda-Gajahmada (Pandama) Semarang saat ini memiliki masalah kebertahanan dan keberlanjutan. Kampung-kampung tersebut awal mulanya merupakan kampung pribumi pembentuk struktur awal Kota Semarang. Seiring perkembangan waktu, terjadi perubahan guna lahan di sepanjang jalan utama, dan berdampak pada perubahan guna lahan di kampung-kampung bagian dalam. Pembangunan pusat perbelanjaan, hotel, apartemen, membutuhkan lahan dan sarana prasarana pendukung yang mengokupansi kampung sekitar. Kampung yang notabene merupakan kampung lama Semarang ini semakin tergentrifikasi dan terancam eksistensinya. Letak strategis kampung menjadi dilema bagi keberlanjutannya di masa depan. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah mengeksplorasi transformasi fisik yang terjadi di Kampung Sekayu akibat kegiatan komersial kawasan segitiga komersial Pandama berdasarkan ‘House Extention’ dan dampaknya pada kebertahanan dan keberlanjutan kawasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deduktif kualitatif rasionalistik dengan teknik deskriptif empiris. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Kampung Sekayu sebagai salah satu kampung tertua di Kota Semarang telah mengalami transformasi bangunan baik dalam fungsi maupun fisik. Kampung Sekayu berada di lokasi yang sangat strategis karena berada di dalam segitiga emas Kota Semarang yang sebagian besar pemanfaatan lahannya saat ini lebih didominasi oleh perdagangan dan jasa. Lokasi yang strategis ini membuat Kampung Sekayu harus beradaptasi terhadap perkembangan kawasan sekitarnya. Bentuk adaptasi yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat penghuni di Kampung Sekayu adalah menambah fungsi bangunan yang tidak hanya sebagai tempat tinggal saja. Transformasi yang terjadi di Kampung Sekayu dalam dalam bentuk ekstensi rumah antara lain seperti ekstensi dalam bentuk teras, ekstensi ruang untuk melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari, ekstensi untuk tempat parkir, ekstensi untuk tempat bersantai dan ekstensi sebagai tempat berjualan.
Stabilitas Struktur Dan Sistem Sambungan Pada Platform Rumah Apung Dengan Bahan Expanded Polystyrene / Styrofoam Henny Pratiwi Adi
Jurnal Planologi Vol 17, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v17i2.10930


Flooding due to rising sea levels is the most common problem in Semarang city, especially in coastal areas. This flood can be prevented or minimized its impact, one way is to build a floating house. This study aims to analyze the use of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) or styrofoam as a floating home platform. The building that was designed was a building that functioned as a residential house with an area of 85 m2 using light steel material as a component of the upper structure, wood material as a sloof structure, floors and walls and styrofoam as a platform material. The analysis shows the total weight of the upper structure and platform structure (G) of 555,887.5 Newton with a safety factor of 1.2. The strength of the buoyant force (Fa) of the platform structure using Styrofoam is equal to 588,000 Newton. The connection system on the floating house platform is a bolt connection system, 3 cm in diameter with a length of 22 cm anchor totaling 4 bolts on each connection. The connection between the filling materials can use Styrofoam glue and then arranged and made one unit with the platform frame.Keywords : floating house, platform, styrofoam
Jurnal Planologi Vol 15, No 2 (2018): Oktober, 2018. Thema Kawasan Cagar Budaya dan Perkembangan Kota
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v15i2.3522


ABSTRACTLasem is one of Sub Districts in Rembang Regency located in north coast of central part of Java Island. The strategic position of Lasem that is located on maritime and over-land trading route has made this area since 500 BC inhabited and has passed many different periods of human settlement ranging from prehistory, classic (Hinduism-Buddhism), Islam, colonial periods and until today. That long period of human settlements has left for us now heritages of various cultural influences including Javanese, Chinese, European, Hinduism-Buddhism, and Islamic culture.  Heritage is finite and un-renewable in its nature so that it needs to be managed in order to outlive and to be inherited to the next generations. In Lasem, people have been relatively aware of that. Communities in Lasem represented by their organizations have their agendas of appreciating and preserving their heritage. However, they did them individually or not in good coordination of each other. The situation then generates an idea of coordinating activities done by communities in Lasem. Active role of those communities have to be guided and developed so that the purpose of appreciating and preserving their heritage can be achieved. This is intended as for management of heritage can be done continually. Key words: Lasem, Heritage, Heritage Management, Community based  ABSTRAKLasem adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Rembang yang terletak di pesisir utara Pulau Jawa bagian tengah. Lasem memiliki potensi luar biasa antara lain terletak di jalur perdagangan laut dan darat yang telah didiami sejak 500 tahun Sebelum Masehi diawali oleh manusia masa prasejarah, klasik, Islam, kolonial, hingga saat ini. Masa hunian manusia yang panjang di Lasem meninggalkan warisan budaya dengan berbagai pengaruh budaya diantaranya Jawa, Cina, Eropa, Klasik, dan Islam yang sebagian masih dapat dijumpai hingga saat ini.  Namun demikian, warisan budaya bersifat terbatas dan tidak dapat diperbaharui sehingga perlu untuk dikelola agar berusia lebih panjang agar dapat diwariskan kembali kepada generasi selanjutnya. Pengelolaan warisan budaya yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Lasem selama ini masih bersifat terpisah-pisah satu sama lain. Namun, peran aktif masyarakat terus dibina dan ditingkatkan agar tujuan pengelolaan warisan budaya yang berbasis masyarakat dapat segera dicapai. Pemilihan pengelolaan oleh masyarakat setempat bertujuan agar pengelolaan yang dilakukan dapat berkelanjutan.  Kata Kunci: Lasem, Pengelolaan, Warisan Budaya, Basis Masyarakat.
Jurnal Planologi Vol 14, No 2 (2017): Oktober 2017. Thema Open Space dan Pasar Tradisional
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v14i2.3869


Governments of Salatiga City is being heavily – incessant increase open green space in order to apply the 30% region used as green open space. Tingkir Park is a form of implementation of the Government program by implementing various concepts in it such as Green Design, Green Open Space, Green Water, and Green Waste. Garden Tingkir can also be used as a playground and sport park equipped with facilities of his supporters so that this becomes the attraction of citizens to make use of the garden. A strong appeal in the region triggered the emergence of a wide range of user activity (public) space by utilizing a variety of spaces in the area Tingkir Park.  The goal of the research is going to do that is to find the character space of the area Tingkir park which is a new park strive Government Salatiga city and Office of Copyright works and Spatial Salatiga city to meet the needs open green space in the city who is now a visitor attraction capable of being of local people. The research uses qualitative descriptive method with the deductive approach of Phenomenology .There are two types of green open space in the Park area, namely Tingkir Park and Tingkir Green Corridor. Open green space Parks Tingkir is active open space and applying the concept of Green Design, Green Open Space, Green Water, and Green Waste. While the green corridors have elongated pattern following the road and serves as a shady, air, and absorption of pollutants. The character of the spaces the Park area was discovered through some Tingkir processes such as find sub themes, themes, and concepts. Sub themes found in the utilization of space in the Park area Tingkir. The theme of the Tingkir Park area  found as the lounge, waiting, playing, exercising, and selling. While the concept of identity in the form of categorized into plazas, playgrounds, garden design; the structure of the form of the waiting room, leisure, economy; and meaning in the form of relaxing space. The third component of the space character of area Tingkir Park formulating as the recreation space Keywords: Green Open Space, City Parks, Characters
Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Permukiman Kumuh di Kota Bukittinggi Wilko Rahmad Zulkarnaini; Elfindri Elfindri; Delfia Tanjung Sari
Jurnal Planologi Vol 16, No 2 (2019): Oktober, 2019. Thema Pengelolaan Lahan dan Wisata
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v16i2.5047


ABSTRACTCities are spatial plans on the surface (land) with administrative boundaries that have been determined where there is concentration of the population in it along with various economic, social and political activities. The city is a residential spatial structure with a large number of people on limited urban land, which is generally non-agrarian. The development of the city does not always have a positive impact, but it has a negative impact including the emergence of slum areas around the city center. Around the city center there are various centers of activity including tourism, health, education and trade as well as services in the city, provincial and national levels. The five activities are developing quite rapidly which has resulted in the development of residential areas around the city center and the poor development of slums in these locationsThe purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the development of slums. The research location is in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra Province. This study uses primary data by distributing questionnaires to households throughout the City of Bukittinggi. The analysis used is logistic regression analysis. The results showed the factors that influence the development of slums including the Quality of Dwelling, Building Density, Education and Road Accessibility. These influencing factors can be used as a reference for alleviating slums in Bukittinggi City.Keywords: cities, households, slum areas. ABSTRAKKota merupakan suatu tempat pemusatan berbagai kegiatan manusia baik dari kegiatan sosial, kegiatan ekonomi, maupun kegiatan politik dimana berkonsentrasi pada satu tata ruang di atas permuakaan (darat) yang memiliki batas-batas wilayah administrasi yang sudah ditetapkan. Kota merupakan suatu tata ruang permukiman berpenduduk dengan jumlah yang banyak di atas lahan perkotaan yang terbatas, yang pada umumnya bersifat non agraris. Perkembangan kota tidak selalu menimbulkan dampak positif, namun memiliki dampak negatif diantaranya munculnya kawasan permukiman kumuh di sekitar pusat kota. Di sekitar pusat kota memiliki berbagai pusat  kegiatan diantaranya pariwisata, kesehatan, pendidikan dan perdagangan serta jasa baik di lingkup kota, provinsi maupun nasional. Kelima kegiatan tersebut berkembang dengan cukup pesat yang mengakibatkan berkembang kawasan permukiman di sekitar pusat kota dan buruknya berkembang permukiman kumuh di lokasi tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan permukiman kumuh. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kota Bukittinggi Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan menyebarkan kuesioner ke rumah tangga se-Kota Bukittinggi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan permukiman kumuh diantaranya Kualitas Hunian, Kepadatan Bangunan, Pendidikan dan Aksesibilitas Jalan. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan guna pengentasan permukiman kumuh di Kota Bukittinggi.Kata kunci: kota, rumah tangga, permukiman kumuh.
Kinerja Pelayanan Petikemas Di Pelabuhan: Komparasi Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak Surabaya Dan Pelabuhan Di Asia Dwi Cahaya Widiyono; Artiningsih Artiningsih
Jurnal Planologi Vol 17, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v17i2.7915


The focus of this paper is to evaluate the container services at Port of Tanjung Perak and compare it with other ports in Asia. A list of twenty (20) attributes is used as an assessment indicator with a five-point Likert scale, then analyzed using Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) matrixes to measure service quality from users perspective. The results of the analysis addressed the CSI value of this study was 69.21% which refers to the service of the Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya included in the category of satisfied. The IPA matrixes of the Port of Tanjung Perak confirm that three attributes were the main priorities for improved performance, namely related to congestion at the port, efficiency on-dock operation of containers at port and integration into intermodal transport system. In the ‘Assurance’ dimension, Port of Tanjung Perak is in the fourth position, above the Shanghai Port in China. In the ‘Tangible’, ‘Relability’, ‘Emphaty’ and ‘Responsiveness’ dimensions,  Port of Tanjung Perak still needs to make continous improvements.
Jurnal Planologi Vol 15, No 1 (2018): April, 2018. Thema Fasilitas Perkotaan dan Heritage
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v15i1.2761


ABSTRACT: In a city it is the most complicated creation, taste, intention, and human work throughout civilization. The city can be regarded as a crowded place and inhabited by heterogeneous (diversified) people in terms of livelihood, religion, customs and culture. On a network of custom houses with high population with socio-economic strata. The physical characteristics of a city vary greatly but the physical characteristics of a design city must have economic facilities such as markets or supermarkets, adequate parking space, recreational and sports venues, squares, government buildings, Kudus is the city with all its beauty . Of the 35 cities and regencies in Central Java, Kudus has an area of 425.5 sq. Km. One of the most unfortunate ones is the open space or open space that can be used publicly. Kudus city has an open space which is also owned by other cities, namely the square which is one of the landmarks that exist in the sanctuary. Being in the middle of the city makes this Kudus square always crowded in the place of people from various cities because almost all the way is centered to this square. Various elements which is the most important element in the arrangement of urban space. It is interesting to be studied because there are still many things that need to be studied and meticulously in the square kudus. Analyze case studies on the researchers will use 2 (two) theory. The goal is to know what elements of the elements exist in the city zone in the holy city. The author conducts research in the field with the aim of collecting data contained in and assisted by the literature and others.Keywords: Kudus Square, Urban Dimension, Urban Space      ABSTRAKDalam sebuah kotamerupakan hasil cipta, rasa, karsa, dan karya manusia yang paling rumit sepanjang peradaban. Kota bisa dibilang sebagai tempat yang padat dan dihuni oleh orang-orang yang heterogen (beraneka ragam)baik dalam hal mata pencaharian, agama, adat, dan kebudayaan. Pada sebuah kota kesatuan jaringan kehidupan manusia ditandai dengan kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi disertai dengan strata sosial ekonomi. Ciri fisik sebuah kota sangat beragam akan tetapi ciri fisik sebuah kota jika dilihat dari seorang urban design harus mempunyai Sarana perekonomian seperti pasar atau supermarket, Tempat parkir yang memadai, Tempat rekreasi dan olahraga,  Alun-alun, Gedung-gedung pemerintahan, Kudus adalah kota dengan segala keindahannya. Dari 35 kota dan kabupaten di Jawa Tengah, Kudus memiliki luas 425,5 km persegi. Salah satu unsur yang penting dalam suatu kota adalah ruang terbuka atau open space yang dapat digunakan untuk aktivitas umum. Kota kudus memiliki ruang terbuka yang juga dipunyai oleh kota-kota lain, yaitu alun alun alun alun kudus sendiri merupakan salah satu landmark yang ada di kudus. Berada pada tengah kota membuat alun alun kudus ini selalu ramai di kunjungi masyarakat dari berbagai kota karena hampir semua jalan terpusat ke Taman alun alun kudus ini. Terdapat berbagai macam elemen yang dimana merupakan elemen terpenting dalam menataan urban space.Hal ini menarik untuk diteliti dikarenakan masih banyak hal hal yang perlu dipelajari dan di teliti di alun-alun kudus.Dalam menganalisa studi kasus di atas peneliti akan mengunakan 2 (dua) teori . Tujuan penulis adalah untuk mengetahui elemen elemen apa saja yang terdapat pada kawasan kawasan yang ada di kota kudus. Penulis melakukan observasi singkat dilapangan dengan tujuan mengumpulkan data kongkrit yang berada di sana dan dibantu oleh literature dan sumber yang lain.Kata kunci: Alun-Alun Kudus, Dimensi perkotaan, Urban Space.
Jurnal Planologi Vol 14, No 1 (2017): April 2017. Thema Permasalahan Transportasi Perkotaan
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpsa.v14i1.3859


Sukun region located in the southern city of Semarang is an activity node meetings between Semarang Upper and Lower part. In addition to the node activity, regional transport node Sukun is also because of the intersection between Setia Budi roads and highways. The rapid growth of traffic is felt at Setia Budi roads, this is because of the way as the initial point of entry into the city of Semarang from the south ( Yogyakarta - Solo ) both vehicles are going to Semarang and the entrance to the highway with a wide range of purposes. And trading activity and the presence of onsite services that are in the area resulted in increased activities of road users, the incidence of traffic generation and the high side barriers, which at certain hours of congestion and delays often occur. The research methodology used in this research is by using Deductive Quantitative Methods Rationalistic. With the technique of factor analysis and analysis of transportation, so it can be determined Level Of Service and factors - factors driving the cause of congestion in the area Sukun Banyumanik. The final results obtained from the analysis of the factors driving the causes of congestion on area Sukun is that congestion is due to the on site activity, the high capacity of the road, next to the barrier height and geometric conditions of the road.

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