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Keandalan Papan Lapis dari Kayu Damar (Agathis loranthifolia Salisb.) Terpadatkan sebagai Pelat Buhul pada Arsitektur Konstruksi Atap Kayu The Strength of Densified Agathis (Agathis loranthifolia Salisb.) Plyboard as Gusset in Wood Roof Construction Rilatupa, James; Surjokusumo, Surjono; Nandika, Dodi
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis Vol 2, No 1 (2004): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.418 KB)


The aim of this research is to know the densified agathis plyboard characteristics and reliability is used for semi isotropic gusset in wood roof construction, and also to look for suitable models of its connectors for roof construction.  The material use for this research is agathis board with dimension of 36 cm (L) x 12 cm (T) x 2 cm (R).  This board has been densified until it reached 1 cm in thickness (R). Glue used for this research is epoxy with the trade name Eurepox-710 (resin) and mixed with Euredur-140 (hardener).  The bolt used for the testing of embedded strength is bolt St.37 with diameter of 11.12 mm.The result showed that densification could increase physical nature and mechanical strength. The physical nature and mechanical strength also indicated that densified agathis board could be used as gusset in wood roof construction.  Results of bolt embedded strength and its ANOVA showed that the gusset of densified agathis plyboard will be reliable for each connection angles, and indicated that the Hankinson theory could not be implemented to forecast the bolt embedded strength for another connection angles. Based on questioners model of the gusset will revealed which is in accordance with the roof construction as issued for the second drawing of the gusset for each connection type.  This model has been considered to posses aesthetical and harmonically features wood roof construction of a building
Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (787.617 KB) | DOI: 10.24912/jbmi.v2i1.4314


Kemajuan teknologi digital menyebabkan manusia bersifat individualisme khususnya golongan menengah ke atas, maka diperlukan suatu wadah untuk warga berkumpul. Universitas Tarumanagara dengan kegiatan di bidang pengabdian pada masyarakat bersedia membantu mewujudkan rancangan bentuk gedung dengan tidak menyimpang dari isu tadi. Pada pembuatan rancangan perlu dipikirkan bagaimana wadah ini menjadi aktif dan bermanfaat bagi warga dan juga pengurus warga. Metode yang digunakan adalah: Pertama, mengumpulkan kebutuhan ruang dari pemangku jabatan, kemudian mengkaji konsep Hybrid dan Symbiosis pada bangunannya; Kedua, konsep ini dapat diaplikasikan pada bangunan yang dirancangan; Ketiga, setelah itu dibuatkan gambar prarencanan dan pelaksanaannya. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah mengekspresikan bentuk sesuai dengan konsep hybrid untuk dilaksanakan di lapangan. Sehingga rancangan ini dapat digunakan pada kantor-kantor RW lainnya, khususnya daerah Pluit
MODUL Vol 21, No 1 (2021): MODUL vol 21 nomor 1 tahun 2021 ( 8 articles)
Publisher : architecture department, Engineering faculty, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mdl.21.1.2021.43-50


Kebanyakan rumah susun yang sudah terbangun menunjukkan kesamaan desain selubung bangunan pada berbagai orientasi, baik dalam hal desain, luas bukaan maupun materialnya. Tingkat radiasi matahari dari masing-masing orientasi fasad tersebut tentu berbeda, dan akan berakibat pada perbedaan tingkat energi selubung bangunan masing-masing orientasi unit hunian. Jika unit-unit rumah susun tersebut dikondisikan dengan pengkondisian udara buatan (AC), tentu juga akan menghasilkan tingkat konsumsi energi yang berbeda. Bagaimana tingkat perbedaan energi fasad unit hunian dan konsumsi energi pada masing-masing arah orientasi?Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat perbedaan energi selubung bangunan unit hunian sisi barat dengan unit hunian sisi timur pada Rusunawa Cibesut Jakarta Timur, dan mendapatkan alternatif upaya yang bisa dilakukan untuk menghasilkan tingkat energi selubung bangunan yang relatif sama pada kedua orientasi serta aplikasinya pasca konstruksi. Penelitian ini dijalankan dengan melakukan perhitungan termal selubung bangunan (OTTV) dan simulasi komputer untuk mendapatkan hasil. Pada opsi penerapan insulasi glass wool  dan gybsum board sebagai lapisan proteksinya, rata-rata EUI bisa turun hingga 10,7 %, dan mencapai tingkat konsumsi energi yang relatif sama pada kedua orientasi unit.
Co-Working Space in Open Space A Case Study in Green BSD Office Park (Open Space) Yuamardi, Hadi; Rilatupa, James ED
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.4171


Technology and Information are currently growing rapidly and the influence of the lifestyle of the millennial generation has also changed the way we work. One of the changes in this process is that work does not have to be in the office. A study by VMware MeConomy, (2014) revealed that the Gen Y workforce has a mobile mindset, with 79% of respondents working at APJ (the Asia Pacific and Japan) saying they could work anywhere, with response rates working at APJ (85 %). working anywhere (work on the go), followed by the company office and then the coffee shop. The development of co-working spaces in Jabotabek is increasingly mushrooming based on Savills Indonesia's research; the total in Jakarta reaches 120,000 square meters. This change in work procedures that do not only have to be sitting in an office room, allows for the human desire to work in open areas to get a new and interesting atmosphere for activities and collaboration. The author correlates how this co-working design is carried out in an open area because it has similar goals, flexibility, and collaborative nature and form. For this reason, the author wishes to examine the potential and constraints of using open space as a co-working space.
Pengembangan Daerah Pariwisata melalui Pemanfaatan Upacara Adat Rambu Solo Kabupaten Toraja Utara James Rilatupa; Uras Siahaan; Margareta M. Sudarwani
JURNAL Comunità Servizio : Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, terkhusus bidang Teknologi, Kewirausahaan dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): APRIL
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Univesitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/cs.v2i1.1509


Burial ceremonies have become very important icons for tourism in Toraja, especially North Toraja. All the attention of the population, including the North Toraja Regional Government will be focused on this ritual activity. Houses (Tongkonan) and Lumbung Padi (Alang) buildings are maintained and maintained to carry out the ceremony, so that the existence of these traditional houses is maintained. In research on the preservation of the burial ceremony building, the principles of conservation and revitalization of the ceremonial building have been conveyed. In Community Service Activities, the PPM team of the UK PPs Masters of Architecture Study Program has conducted several counseling on issues of conservation and revitalization of the Funeral Complex. The funeral ceremony tradition also has a negative impact on the use of vast land, the problem of environmental preservation and unlimited use of bamboo material, which should be preserved and cultivated. In addition, building maintenance techniques and the use of other materials that are more sustainable will be one way to preserve and cultivate bamboo plants. With the development of building techniques and funeral implementation systems, this tradition will continue to be preserved and the cost of the funeral can be an alternative to saving the cost of the funeral Keywords: . Funeral Ceremony, Building preservation,Rambu Solo
Identifikasi Kerusakan pada Gedung Gereja Suara Kebenaran Injil (GSKI Perdatam) di Perdatam, Jakarta Selatan James Rilatupa; Sahala Simatupang
JURNAL Comunità Servizio : Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, terkhusus bidang Teknologi, Kewirausahaan dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Univesitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/cs.v2i2.2213


Abstract The potential for damage to a building, whether old or relatively new, is very large. Generally, the appearance of the damage that occurs is visible after the building starts operating. This community service aims to predict the value of the construction conditions of the GSKI Perdatam building on Jl. Pengadegan Utara Raya No. 29, Pancoran, South Jakarta. In addition, this PKM is also useful for knowing the cause of the damage to the building components, so that it can help the management of the GSKI Perdatam Building in its maintenance aspects. The method used is to identify the type of damage, both in terms of architecture, construction management and maintenance. Damage to the GSKI Perdatam building occurred in the roof, ceiling, walls, floors, utilities and sanitation components. Damage weight ranges from 10 - 75 percent for each of the damaged components. Most of the damage caused by rainwater seepage. The smallest damage was found in the floor components (10 percent) caused by popping; and the largest in the wall component (75 percent). Keywords: damage identification; building components.
Penyuluhan tentang Pemeliharaan Bangunan dengan Metode Anti Rayap di Kelurahan Pulau Tidung - DKI Jakarta James Rilatupa; Yophie Septiady; Uras Siahaan
JURNAL Comunità Servizio : Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, terkhusus bidang Teknologi, Kewirausahaan dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): APRIL
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Univesitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/cs.v4i1.3724


Pulau Tidung Besar dipilih sebagai lokasi kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM). karena Pulau Tidung Besar merupakan salah satu pulau yang memiliki jumlah penduduk tertinggi wilayah di Kabupaten Kepulauan Seribu. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah untuk memberikan penyuliuhan tentang pemeliharaan bangunan rumah tinggal mereka yang umumnya bekerja sebagai nelayan. Pelaksanaan PKM dilakukan dengan 2 (dua) tahap (kunjungan), yaitu tahap awal dan tahap akhir. Pelaksanaannya tahap awal yang dilakukan adalah kunjungan pertama untuk mendapatkan pemetaan lokasi sasaran PKM. Sementara itu, pada tahap kunjungan kedua akan dilakukan identifikasi kerusakan dan penyuluhan kepada masyarakat. Selain itu, tim PKM dibagi menjadi 2 (dua) kelompok kegiatan. Kelompok pertama bertugas untuk melakukan kegiatan penyuluhan door-to-door dan memberikan anti rayap, agar mereka dapat merawat rumahnya dengan baik. Sementara itu, kelompok kedua bertugas untuk menyelesaikan tugas administrasi yang terkait dengan PKM, termasuk mengumpulkan data statistik yang ada di kantor kelurahan, termasuk untuk mendapatkan nomor surat MOU yang telah ditandatangani oleh lurah. Kata Kunci: penyuluhan, identifikasi, anti rayap
Pemetaan Budaya Suku Dayak Tomun di Sekitar Kota/Kabupaten Lamadau Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Untuk Penunjang Pariwisata Kota dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Lokal James Rilatupa; Yophie Septiady; Uras Siahaan; Ramos Pasaribu
JURNAL Comunità Servizio : Jurnal Terkait Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, terkhusus bidang Teknologi, Kewirausahaan dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2022): OKTOBER
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Univesitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/cs.v4i2.4191


Lamandau Regency which is known to have a unique culture, because there is a relationship between the Dayak Tomun tribe which is more or less influenced by Minang culture from the Pagaruyung Kingdom in West Sumatra. In every community life is regulated or organized by customs, and rules regarding various kinds of units in the environment in which they live and socialize from day to day. Of course, this cultural mapping and community readiness is important, because it is related to local community acceptance and the development planning of Lamandau City itself. The materials used in this investigation are several locations of the Dayak Tomun tribe ecosystem around the City of Lamandau Regency. The ecosystem can be in the form of villages or villages of the Tomun Dayak tribe who still carry out and maintain the preservation of their tribal culture. To be able to do this, the investigation method was carried out by visiting each location of the cultural ecosystem of the Dayak Tomun tribe around the City of Lamandau Regency. Then determine the locations that are considered potential. From the implementation of this community service, cooperation was obtained with the Lamandau Regency Government to find out the City Spatial Plan (RUTRK) of Lamandau City Regency related to tourism programs in its area.