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Land Husbandry is one soil conservation technology using rice straw as a soil amendment material in the form of biochar, which serves as a source of organic material plays an important role in improving soil physical and chemical properties. The purpose of this study is the improvement of soil quality in the cultivation of sesame (sesamum indicum.L.) To improve soil quality in conservation technology and land husbandry. This research method using Random Design Group (RAK) with 3 repetitions. The experiment was conducted in Nganjuk, East Java, Indonesia from April to November 2015. The Treatmeny used (P1) single rows 50 cm x 25 cm (control group), (P2) single rows 60 cm x 25 cm + biochar 5 t / ha, (P3) double row 40/80 cm x 25 cm + biochar 5 t / ha, (P4) double row 50/80 cm x 25 cm biochar 7.5 t / ha, (P5) double row 40/100 cm x 25 cm + biochar 5 t / ha and (6 ) double row 50/100 cm x 25 cm + biochar 7.5 t / ha. The result showed that the use of biochar can improve the physical properties of soil, including soil bulk density, porosity, water holding ability (water retention) and the permeability of the soil. The addition of biochar with a dose of 5 tons / ha has been able to increase the soil bulk density of 1.20 g / cm3, and lead the ability to hold water to increases to 38.20%. Application ofbiochar also raised the pH, and macro nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and KTK. The addition of biochar at a dose of 7.5 tons / ha increased the pH of 5.55 and KTK15.29 cmol / kg and macro nutrient uptake increased significantlyKeywords: Biochar Applicatioan, sesame cultivation, soil quality 
PEDULI: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1689.739 KB) | DOI: 10.37303/peduli.v1i1.22


: Diwilayah kabupaten kecamatan Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang terdapat beberapa kelompok tani  – ternak Kambing PE yang tersebar di beberapa desa. Akhir- akhir ini terjadi perubahan iklim yang sangat ekstrem, dimana tidak ada perbedaan antara musim kemarau dan musim penghujan. Situasi ini menyebabkan semakin  sulitnya mencari bahan pakan alami yang tumbuh disekitar wilayah tinggal mereka, sehingga pada kahirnya andalan mereka hanyalah sisa limbah dari lahan tegakkan yang mereka kelola. Keterbatasan kesediaan pakan ini berakibat pada asupan gizi yang diperoleh ternak kambing PE ini juga relative rendah Beberapa kelompok tani di kedua kecamatan tersebut mulai berfikir untuk mencari solusi alternatif yang lebih efisien dalam meningkatkan asupan gizi pada ternak kambing PE ini. Solusi alternatif banyak diakukan dan salah satunya Dengan pengembangan teknologi tepat guna dan praktek pembuatan starter fermentasi ini secara khusus untuk penggunaan bagi pakan ternak kambing PE
The effectiveness of cover crops on soil loss control in Gede catchment of Malang Regency, Indonesia Nurul Muddarisna; Eny Dyah Yuniwati; Heni Masruroh; Aulia Rahman Oktaviansyah
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management Vol 8, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15243/jdmlm.2021.082.2673


Cover crop is an important factor which affects soil loss. The lost of soil potential is affected by plant morphology. The aim of this study was to elaborate on the effectiveness of the type of cover crops to soil loss in the same morphology and characteristic of soil. The study was carried out by applying erosion plots. Soil loss measurements were conducted four times in each demonstration plot. Soil loss for each plot was analyzed in the laboratory. The result showed that the most erodible soil with the highest amount of soil loss was in the pre onion plot and the most effectiveness for soil loss control was carrot plot. The amounts of soil loss for carrot, cabbage, and pre-onion were 0.040991 kg/8 x 10-4ha, 0.069901 kg/8 x 10-4ha, and 0.077800 kg/8 x 10-4ha, respectively. The highest runoff of 60.554 L/8 x 10-4ha,  was observed at the pre onion plot. Based on the result, the most effective cover crop for soil control was the carrot. The important parts of cover crops which influenced soil loss were the shape of shade leaves and type of roots. 
Publisher : Departement of Agribusiness Faculty of Science and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/aj.v14i1.16309


Perkembangan teknologisaatini mendorong munculnya gaya hidup serba cepat, serba mudah, dan serba instan dalam semua aspek kehidupan termasuk mobilitas dan penyediaan kebutuhan dasar manusia. Untuk menjamin kebutuhan masyarakat tersebut, saat ini telah lahir perusahaan penyedia transportasi online salah satunya adalah Grab. GrabFood merupakan fitur yang terdapat dalam Grab yang sudah ada sejak tahun 2016. Munculnya GrabFood tidak langsung diterima oleh masyarakat, melainkan terdapat faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penerimaan dan penggunaan GrabFood. Konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dimana TAM bertujuan untuk menyelidiki cara suatu faktor eksternal memengaruhi sikap, niat, dan perilaku melalui tanggapan terhadap beberapa variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian sebelumnya. Metode dasar penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan analitis. Penentuan lokasi sampel dilakukan secara sengaja. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengankuesioner secara onlinedan pencatatan. Metode penentuan responden adalah purposive samplingdengan jumlah responden sebanyak100 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresilinierberganda.Hasil penelitianinimenunjukkan bahwa faktor yang memotivasi niat pembelian makanan dan minuman melalui GrabFood di Indonesia adalah persepsi kemudahan, persepsi kegunaan, persepsi hedonis, dan potongan harga, sedangkan faktor yang paling dominan berpengaruh adalah persepsi kemudahan.
BUANA SAINS Vol 15, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.616 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/bs.v15i2.376


Sesame seed production in rice field one of possible factor is low that needs to be improved. Planting arrangement is expected to increase sesame production. The experiment was conducted in Nganjuk, East Java in April to November 2014. Split Plot Design was used and 3 times replication. The main plot consists two sesame varieties (Winas-1 and Winas-2). Subplot consisted of six plant arrangements, (1) a single row of 50 cm x 25 cm, (2) a single row of 60 cm x 25 cm, (3) double row 40/80 cm x 25 cm, (4) double row 50/80 cm x 25 cm, (5) double row 40/100 cm x 25 cm and (6) double row 50/100 cm x 25 cm. The results showed that the growth, yield components and seed production per hectare of sesame were affected by varieties and plant arrangement. Winas-1 produced a specific leaf weight, leaf area index, leaf relative water content and the number of capsules per plant was higher than Winas-2. Number of branches per plant, weight of 1000 seeds and light interception within and below of shoot were produced Winas-1 lower than Winas-2. Seed production both varieties did not differ. The double row planting arrangement 50/100 cm x 25 cm produced the growth, yield components and seed production per hectare highest and followed by a double row planting arrangement 40/100 cm x 25 cm
PKW Jambu Gondangmanis Produk Unggulan Kab. Jombang Eny Dyah Yuniwati, Indah Prihartini dan Dewi Tri Wulandari Eny Dyah Yuniwati; Indah Prihartini; Dewi Tri Wulandari
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 4 (2017): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Jombang regency has superior product of Jambu gondangmanis, namely guava, planted in Gondangmanis Village, Kec. Bandar Kedungmulyo. The original name is guava Darsono (Javanese languange) and the latin (Syzygium malaccense). The cashew is currently extinct, but in Gondangmanis Village, the guava can grow well and the production of many, is a staple in the village. Guava has potential, among others, economic value is quite high In the management of this cashew production continues to decline due to decreased soil fertility and lack of maintenance. In addition, the absence of post-product products if cashew, which can be added value. This added value to raise the area of ​​Gondangmanis Village became one of the leading locations of Jambu Gondangmanis products that exist only in the village of Gondangmanis Kedungkandang district, Jombang. The goal to be achieved is to create the superiority of local guava gondang manis especially Gondangmanis Hamlet and Gondanglegi Hamlet in line with the local government program of Jombang which will feature local seeds of the region. The method used is to apply a technology that is implemented in a comprehensive, integrated and sustainable. The outcomes that have been achieved are social mapping of cashew gondangmanis farmers, training of Land Husbandry technology (especially organic fertilizer processing, pest plant eradication) and diversification training of post-cashew products into additional guava gondangmanis products (instant drinks, jams, candied sweets, and jelly ). Diversification training of superior product of jambu gondang manis and the result is very satisfactory, Jambunya farmers are very excited to make the training as a means for the development of village products.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Terhadap Prospek Unggulan Jambu Gondangmanis Menjadi Desa Wisata (Di Desa Gondangmanis, Kec. Bandar KedungMulyo, Kab. Jombang) Eny Dyah Yuniwati; M. Dullah; M Cholil; Yulianita Verlandes
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jpm.v4i2.3618


Gondangmanis guava production decreases every year, this is caused by pests and plant diseases, due to decreased soil quality, and soil fertility. In addition there are no good cultivation techniques so that Gondangmanis guava only grows conventionally. The purpose of this activity, for assistance, training and development of Gondangmanis guava picking tourism village. Implementation activities begin from April 2019 until August 2019, in Gondangmanis Village, kec. Bandar kedungmulyo, Jombang. The method used is a demonstration plot, and in-depth interviews. From the results of the assistance in this 3rd year, it can be concluded that there has been assistance, training and cultivation of Gondangmanis guava production. Community participation, especially those involved in guava development activities, and utilization of livestock waste is very high. Likewise, support from community leaders and village and district level officials was very supportive. Also pioneered the formation of tourism Gondangmanis guava village. The Guava Gondangmanis Community Group and the Tourism Awareness Group (POKDARWIS) have been formed. The role of the Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and the Regional Government of Bappeda in Jombang Regency is also very high, because during the preparation and coordination process, it always receives attention from the leadership of the Regional Government, as evidenced by the formation of leading tourism in Jombang.
Eksplorasi Potensi Alami Waduk Menuju Rancangan Wisata Desa Purwosekar Tajinan Kabupaten Malang Nurin Fitriana fitriana; Eny Dyah Yuniwati; Azhar Adi Darmawan; Rizalnur Firdaus
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 3 (2020): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v4i3.3900


The maximum empowerment of village potential is one way to improve the economy. Purwosekar Village, Tajinan Subdistrict, Malang Regency, has the potential of natural and human resources that can be developed. Ownership of a reservoir that was previously neglected, a lot of garbage, sediment, and wild plants will be a very valuable asset if conceptualized water tourism. Moreover, the village community has many skills and handmade products, which are still confused about the marketing media. Thus it is necessary to plan and conceptualize steps to empower the reservoir to become a tourist site which will later be a means of promoting processed products for villagers. The activities carried out are aimed at 1) providing design designs using the SketchUp Pro 3D Design Program for tourism reservoir concepts 2). Provide stages of activities to develop the potential of village tourism village design. This community service activity has an output target in the form of a tourism reservoir design. So that through this service activities can help disseminate the promotion of products created by the village community
Edukasi Budidaya Sayuran dan Bunga Hias Organik pada Yayasan “Cahaya Alam” Desa Kucur Kota Malang Eny Dyah Yuniwati; Umi Afdah
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang Vol 6, No 2 (2021): May 2021
Publisher : University of Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/abdimas.v6i2.5116


Organic farming is a natural cultivation system without using chemicals. These organic vegetables and ornamental flowers are cultivated naturally by compost and using organic pesticides. The fertilizer used in this educational process is compost fermented with Local Micro Organisms or MOL, at the location of the Cahaya Alam Foundation which is located in Kucur Village, Dau District, Malang Regency. The method used is to educate about growing organic vegetables and ornamental flowers properly, with limited land conditions. The solution given was to create an effective planting medium for cultivating organic vegetables and ornamental flowers in accordance with the limited land available at the Cahaya Alam Foundation. The planting medium uses polybags, and a simple screen house for organic vegetable nurseries. The output obtained from organic farming education is to provide assistance in the cultivation of organic vegetables at the demonstration plot, construction of screen houses and simple polybags, providing counseling, mentoring and learning to solve problems in cultivating organic vegetables and ornamental flowers at the Cahaya Alam Foundation.DOI:
Gerakan Pemuda Sadar Literasi di Sekitar Kampus Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang (GEMAR LITERASI) Dian Rokhmawati; Novita Rifaul Kirom; Eny Dyah Yuniwati
JAST : Jurnal Aplikasi Sains dan Teknologi Vol 6, No 1 (2022): EDISI JUNI 2022
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/jast.v6i1.3007


The World Economic Forum (WEF) 2020 report on the "Top 10 Skills of 2025" states that the skills needed in 2025 include innovation skills, active and strategic learning, solving complex problems, critical thinking, and analysis, originality and initiative, leadership skills and social influence, use of technology, programming skills, and argumentation. One essential skill that is urgent, fundamental, and a prerequisite for mastering other skills is literacy. Sawojajar Village, RW. X is the environment around the Wisnuwardhana University Malang campus which is the target of the GEMAR LITERASI service program (The Youth Movement of Literacy Awareness Around Wisnuwardhana University). The targets in this activity are youth, including members of the youth group. The purpose of the SEMAR MESEM program is to encourage youth to develop essential literacy skills actively, namely reading and writing through short story writing and blogging training. From this activity, 78% of participants (33) considered this training necessary. The overall condition of youth literacy is still low, represented by 32% who rate their literacy insight as good, only about 56% of youth update information/news, 45% of youth review the truth of information, and only about 35% of youth like to write or record important information.ABSTRAKLaporan World Economic Forum (WEF) 2020 mengenai “Top 10 Skills of 2025” menyebutkan bahwa keterampilan yang dibutuhkan di tahun 2025 antara lain keterampilan berinovasi, belajar aktif dan strategis, memecahkan masalah kompleks, berpikir kritis dan analisis, orisinil dan inisiatif, ketrampilan memimpin dan mempengaruhi secara sosial, pemanfaatan teknologi, ketrampilan programming, dan membangun argumentasi. Salah satu ketrampilan dasar yang urgen, fundamental dan prasayarat penguasaan ketrampilan lainnya ialah literasi. Kelurahan Sawojajar RW. X merupakan lingkungan di sekitar kampus Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang yang menjadi sasaran program pengabdian GEMAR LITERASI (Gerakan Pemuda Sadar Literasi di Sekitar Kampus Universitas Wisnuwardhana Malang). Target yang dilibatkan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pemuda termasuk anggota karang tarunanya. Tujuan program ini adalah mendorong pemuda untuk giat mengembangkan kemampuan berliterasi dasar yaitu membaca dan menulis melalui pelatihan penulisan cerpen dan blogging. dari kegiatan ini 78% peserta dari 33 orang menilai pelatihan ini penting. Kondisi literasi pemuda secara keseluruhan masih rendah yang direpresentasi dengan 32% yang menilai wawasan literasinya baik, hanya sekitar 56% pemuda melakukan update informasi/berita,  45% pemuda melakukan penelaahan terhadap kebenaran informasi dan hanya sekitar 35% pemuda gemar menulis atau mencatat informasi penting.