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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jse.v3i1.1267


Kedip tegangan merupakan gangguan transien pada system tenaga listrik. Penurunan tegangan pada system dapat menyebabkan gangguan pada peralatan lain, terutama peralatan-peralatan yang peka terhadap fluktuansi tegangan. Terminonologi yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan besarnya penurunan tegangan yang masih sering membingunkan “sag 20 persen’’. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kedip tegangan yang disebabkan adanya pengasutan motor induksi 3 fasa dengan Mathlab Simulink. Metode penelitian ini memiliki 6 tahapan:  1. Asynchronous Machine SI Units 2. Three Phase Progammable Voltage Sources  3. Voltage Measurement  4. Active and Reactive Power  5. Block Parameter Active and Reactive Power  6. Parameter Bus Selector. Dari pembahasan simulasi dan hasil, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada saat dilakukan starting simulasi motor induksi sebesar 1500 RPM terjadi kenaikan kecepatan motor 1503 RPM pada t = 1 kemudian kecepatan turun stabil pada nilai 1486 RPM pada t = 2 s dan secara bersamaan terjadi penurunan nilai puncak (peak values) tegangan sebesar 326 volt dengan total arus 372 Amp sedangkan untuk nilai RMS (nilai efektif) tegangan sebesar 230 Vrms (tegangan efektif) dan arus sebesar 263 Arms (arus efektif).

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jse.v1i2.602


Gedung Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang merupakan salah satu sarana proses belajar mengajar yang terbagi menjadi dua gedung, yaitu gedung A dan gedung B. Menyediakan tenaga listrik di Gedung Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah harus memenuhi persyaratan teknis dan ekonomis baik daya listrik yang disediakan maupun energi listrik yang digunakan untuk mengoperasikan semua peralatan yang ada agar dapat berlangsung secara terus-menerus.Intensitas Konsumsi Energi (IKE) merupakan istilah yang digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemakaian energi pada suatu bangunan. Energi yang dimaksudkan disini adalah energi listrik. Nilai intensitas konsumsi energi penting untuk dijadikan tolak ukur menghitung potensi penghematan energi yang diterapkan di setiap ruangan atau seluruh area bangunan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk  mengetahui daya listrik terpasang dan pakai, untuk mengetahui beban puncak dan rendah serta untuk mengetahui peluang penghematan energi pada Gedung Fakultas Teknik. Setelah dilakukan perhitungan beban terpasang dan beban terpakai didapat hasil evaluasi beban terpasang sebesar 113.266 Watt. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, penggunaan beban terpakai selama 9 jam kerja adalah sebesar 349.603 Watt. Untuk beban puncak pada gedung A terjadi pada jam 14.00 yaitu sebesar 8.602 Watt sedangkan gedung B terjadi pada jam 12.00 yaitu sebesar 38.522 Watt, dan beban rendah pada gedung A terjadi pada jam 16.00 yaitu sebesar 2.618 Watt sedangkan pada gedung B terjadi pada jam 16.00 yaitu sebesar 21.318 Watt. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan peluang penghematan pada Gedung Fakultas Teknik adalah sebesar Rp 4.756.612,7 /bulan. 
Path Loss Propagation Evaluation and Modelling based ECC-Model in Lowland Area on 1800 MHz Frequency Alfaresi, Bengawan; Barlian, Taufik; Ardianto, Feby; Hurairah, Muhammad
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 5 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1534


Propagation modeling is the most important part of mobile wireless network planning. Wireless network planning requires an accurate calculation of the path, which depends on different environmental conditions. It requires accurate path loss modeling of the characteristics of a specific region. The study aimed to obtain a path loss propagation model by modifying the ECC model and using linear, logarithmic regression in lowland areas. The measurement used drive test method, located in the Jakabaring area that represented the lowland area. This research used four existing path loss models, namely Okumura-Hatta, COST-Hatta, Ericsson Model, and ECC Model. It was found that the Okumura-Hatta model had the largest RMSE value, 34.90, followed by the Ericsson model, 27.07, while the ECC model had the smallest RMSE value, 8.43. The ECC model required to be modified using logarithmic, linear regression to obtain the proposed model. The results of the evaluation showed that the proposed model improved with RMSE 4.93, MAPE 2.71, and MAD 3.91, whereas the values of the existing ECC Model before modification were 8.43 for RMSE, 4.72 for MAPE and 7.09 for MAD. The proposed model provided an accurate prediction of the path loss propagation in a lowland environment. The results of the study can be used for planning engineers to plan, design, and implement the wireless communication networks in lowland area conditions.
Analisis Kapasitor Bank Untuk Memperbaiki Tegangan Barlian, Taufik; Apriani, Yosi; Savitri, Nina; Hurairah, Muhammad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jse.v4i2.2562


Tenaga Listrik disalurkan kekonsumen melalui sistem tenaga listrik yang terdiri dari beberapa sub sistem yaitu  pembangkit, transmisi, dan distribusi. Penyulang Gurami Gardu Induk Kedukan mengalami penurunan tegangan pada 4 bus yaitu 43, 45, 47, dan 49. Dengan nilai penurunan bus 43 sebesar 19,599 kV, bus 45 sebesar 19,596 kV, bus 47 sebesar 19,595 kV, dan bus 49 sebesar 19,594 kV. Bus- bus tersebut mengalami penurunan dengan kondisi marginal (2%). Cara meningkatkan tegangan pada Bus bisa dilakukan dengan cara menambahkan kapasitor bank yang berfungsi meningkakan tegangan pada bus,  dengan menaikan faktor daya beban dari 0,85 menjadi 0,95 pada bus 43, 45, 47, dan 49. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode segitiga daya, Metode ini dipakai jika data yang diketahui adalah daya aktif (P) dan daya nyata (S) serta power factor sebenarnya ( dan power factor yang diinginkan . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah dipasang  kapasitor bank pada bus yang mengalami penurunan terjadilah peningkatan tegangan dengan nilai peningkatan di bus 45 sebesar 19,62 kV, bus 45 sebesar 19,617 kV, bus 47 sebesar 19,616 kV, dan bus 49 sebear 19,615 Kv. Pada saat bus-bus yang mengalami penurunan (43,45,47, dan 49) dipasang  kapasitor bank maka terjadinya peningkatan tegangan pada bus- bus tersebut sehingga mengakibatkan peningkatan tegangan kembali.Electricity is channeled to consumers through an electric power system consisting of several sub-systems, namely generation, transmission, and distribution. The Kedukan substation feeder Gurami feeder experienced a decrease in voltage on 4 buses namely 43, 45, 47, and 49. With a reduction in bus 43 of 19,599 kV, bus 45 of 19,596 kV, bus 47 of 19,595 kV, and bus 49 of 19,594 kV. The buses have decreased with marginal conditions (2%). How to increase the voltage on the bus can be done by adding a capacitor bank that serves to increase the voltage on the bus, by increasing the load power factor from 0.85 to 0.95 on buses 43, 45, 47, and 49. This study uses the triangle power method, This method is used if the data known are active power (P) and real power (S) as well as the actual power factor (cos?_1) and the desired power factor (cos?_2). The results showed that after the capacitor bank was installed on the bus that experienced a decrease there was an increase in voltage with an increase in value of bus 45 of 19.62 kV, bus 45 of 19,617 kV, bus 47 of 19,616 kV, and bus 49 of 19,615 Kv. When the declining buses ((43,45,47 and 49) are installed with bank capacitors, an increase in voltage on these buses results in an increase in voltage again.
Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Alternatif dengan Bantuan Pully dan Belt Motor DC sebagai Penggerak Alternator Sofiah, Sofiah; Hurairah, Muhammad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jse.v5i1.2692


ABSTRAC Electricity is a source of energy that is widely used for the needs of household electrical appliances that are needed within 24 hours of continuously supplying electricity. Most of the mains voltage is supplied from the state 220 volt. When the electricity goes out, the electrical equipment cannot function properly, therefore there must be an alternative source of electricity to replace it. The purpose of this research is to design an alternative power plant from the initial drive system of a dc motor with mechanical motion transfer using pully and van belt as the drive for the dc alternator. The research method used in this research has the following stages: 1). Designing a dc motor and a dc alternator as a producer of electrical energy, 2). Installing AS bearings, vanbelt and pully, 3). testing and measuring dc motors and dc alternators, 4). Calculate and analyze the design results. From this research, the direct current generated by the accumulator with a voltage of 12 Vdc with a current charge of 10 AH, so that it can be used to turn on the inverter as a means of converting the voltage of a direct power source into an alternating current with a voltage of 220 V to turn on household electrical appliances when supplied. from PLN experiencing a blackout. So that our daily work can run smoothly without any constraints on the flow of electricity.Keywords: MotorDC, PullyVanBelt, Alternator
Pengenalan Teknologi Telekomunikasi pada Generasi Muda dalam Menyongsong Era Baru Teknologi Generasi Kelima (5G) Bengawan Alfaresi; Feby Ardianto; Muhammad Hurairah; Taufik Barlian; Rika Noverianty
Jurnal Gema Ngabdi Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Gema Ngabdi
Publisher : Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jgn.v2i2.88


The development of telecommunications technology has developed very rapidly. This is in line with the increase in internet data traffic which is growing tremendously. The use of the Internet has been used in all layers of the age segment both the older generation to the younger generation. Global competition in the future is very tight and required knowledge of technology, especially telecommunications technology. This is the basis of community service activities for young people to be given knowledge and education about telecommunications technology and its development and to prepare young people to welcome the 5G era to have competitiveness to face the competition map going forward. In this dedication activity, the method used is direct material exposure to students with the implementation of pre and post-tests as material for evaluating activities. Community service activities carried out in Palembang Muhammadiyah 6 Junior High School with a duration of community service activities for 1 day. The number of students who took part in the service was 60 people. In this service, it was found that almost all students have used the Internet with various uses both in the use of email, social media and social messenger, where Facebook is the most favorite social media for junior high school students. From the results of the pre and post-test evaluation, it was found that the level of student retention regarding telecommunications has increased. 
Path Loss Propagation Evaluation and Modelling based ECC-Model in Lowland Area on 1800 MHz Frequency Bengawan Alfaresi; Taufik Barlian; Feby Ardianto; Muhammad Hurairah
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 5 (2020): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1534


Propagation modeling is the most important part of mobile wireless network planning. Wireless network planning requires an accurate calculation of the path, which depends on different environmental conditions. It requires accurate path loss modeling of the characteristics of a specific region. The study aimed to obtain a path loss propagation model by modifying the ECC model and using linear, logarithmic regression in lowland areas. The measurement used drive test method, located in the Jakabaring area that represented the lowland area. This research used four existing path loss models, namely Okumura-Hatta, COST-Hatta, Ericsson Model, and ECC Model. It was found that the Okumura-Hatta model had the largest RMSE value, 34.90, followed by the Ericsson model, 27.07, while the ECC model had the smallest RMSE value, 8.43. The ECC model required to be modified using logarithmic, linear regression to obtain the proposed model. The results of the evaluation showed that the proposed model improved with RMSE 4.93, MAPE 2.71, and MAD 3.91, whereas the values of the existing ECC Model before modification were 8.43 for RMSE, 4.72 for MAPE and 7.09 for MAD. The proposed model provided an accurate prediction of the path loss propagation in a lowland environment. The results of the study can be used for planning engineers to plan, design, and implement the wireless communication networks in lowland area conditions.
Uji Kerja Alat Pengering Makanan Berbasis Sumber Energi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Hurairah, Muhammad; Yujian, Saldes; Eliza, Eliza; Barlian, Taufik
JURNAL SURYA ENERGY Vol 7, No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32502/jse.v7i2.5842


Indonesia merupakan negara yang banyak menanam tanaman dan memiliki banyak lahan yang dapat digunakan untuk bekerja oleh daerah sekitarnya. Tujuan dari sistem pengeringan adalah untuk menghilangkan air dari produk hortikultura sehingga kadar airnya dapat dikurangi atau bahkan dihilangkan. Ada dua pendekatan yang berbeda untuk pengeringan, yaitu pengeringan biasa dan pengeringan palsu. Salah satu sumber energi yang paling menjanjikan dari sumber daya berkelanjutan lainnya adalah energi berbasis sinar matahari, yang telah digunakan di masa lalu. Pembuatan serta pengujian alat pengering makanan ini bertujuan petani agar mudah untuk melakukan proses pengeringan sehingga hasil dari pertanian tersebut dapat disimpan lebih lama. Secara keseluruhan alat pengering makanan terdiri dari panel surya, inverter, baterai, solar charger controller, dan thermostat. Serta proses pengujian berfokus pada daya keluaran panel dan proses pengosongan baterai dengan menggunakan beban konstan. Perangkat ini diuji selama tujuh jam untuk mengetahui tegangan dan arus beban. Baterai dilepaskan (dikosongkan) selama dua jam dengan beban normal sebesar 120,92 watt, dengan tegangan awal baterai 12,17 Volt pada pukul 08.00 turun menjadi 11,68 Volt pada pukul 10.00, yang menunjukkan bahwa baterai masih berfungsi normal.