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Indonesian Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 3 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Association of Indonesian Islamic Kindergarten Teachers Education Study Program

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Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan membilang 1-20 dengan metode jari magic di RA Muslimat NU 105 Carangrejo 2 Sampung Ponorogo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Action Research yaitu Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelompok B RA Muslimat NU 105 Carangrejo 2 Sampung Ponorogo yang berjumlah 27 anak. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes tertulis. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik diskriptif yang berupa presentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan membilang pada anak kelompok B RA Muslimat NU 105 Carangrejo 2 Sampung Ponorogo dapat ditingkatkan melalui metode jari magic. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan kemampuan membilang yaitu pada pra tindakan kemampuan membilang anak kelompok B nilai rata rata 50.74 (92,6%) dengan kreteria kurang. Pada siklus I nilai rata-rata mencapai 73,70 (48%) dengan kreteria Baik dan pada siklus II nilai rata-rata mencapai 91,85 (89%) dengan kreteria memuaskan. Hal ini menujukkan bahwa pada siklus II anak sudah mencapai peningkatan dalam pembelajaran membilang 1-20 sesuai target yang ditetapkan. Kesimpulan akhir penelitian ini adalah dengan metode jari magic dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membilang 1-20 pada anak kelompok B RA Muslimat NU 105 Carangrejo 2 Sampung Ponorogo. Raudlatul Athfal dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran membilang 1-20.   Kata kunci: membilang, anak usia dini, jari magic                                                                                                                      Abstrack: This study aims to determine the increase in the ability to say 1-20 with the magic finger method at RA Muslimat NU 105 Carangrejo 2 Sampung Ponorogo. This study uses the Action Research method, Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of this study were the B RA Muslimat NU 105 Carangrejo 2 Sampung Ponorogo group students which numbered 27 children. The data collection of this study uses observation, interviews, documentation, and written tests. The technical analysis of the data used is descriptive technique in the form of percentages. The results showed that the ability to say to Muslimat NU group B RA 105 Carangrejo 2 Sampung Ponorogo children can be improved through the magic finger method. This can be seen from the increase in numeracy ability, namely in the pre-action ability to count children in group B with an average value of 50.74 (92.6%) with less criteria. In the first cycle the average score reached 73.70 (48%) with the criteria of Good and in the second cycle the average score reached 91.85 (89%) with satisfying criteria. This shows that in cycle II children have achieved an increase in learning to say 1-20 according to the set target. The final conclusion of this study is that the finger magic method can improve the ability to say 1-20 in the group B RA Muslimat NU 105 Carangrejo 2 Sampung Ponorogo. Raudlatul Athfal in carrying out learning spells 1-20.   Keywords: counting, early childhood, magic fingers
Pengasuhan Demokratis dalam Pengembangan Sosial Emosional Anak Usia Dini di Tempat Penitipan Anak Ibunda Ponorogo Suci Midsyahri Azizah
AL-MURABBI: Jurnal Studi Kependidikan dan Keislaman Vol 6 No 1 (2019): Juli 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP3M), STIT Islamiyah Karya Pembangunan Paron, Ngawi, Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.041 KB) | DOI: 10.53627/jam.v6i1.3631


Early childhood grows and develops so fast one of which is social development. Child Care Center (TPA) is one way for children to continue to get good education and care as long as parents are busy working. This study uses a research approach that is qualitative with the type of research that is a case study. This research was conducted in Ibunda Child Care Center Jln. Sumatra Banyudono Ponorogo, using data collection techniques namely by observation, interview, documentation and triangulation techniques. Based on the analysis of the data it can be concluded that, firstly, the parenting strategies carried out in the Ibunda's Day Care Center use democratic parenting by promoting children's social emotion based on children's enthusiasm, feeling happy and happy and not giving rules that curb children's expression. The rules that are made in TPA are to control the attitudes and traits for the purpose of forming a better character. Secondly, the implications of the pattern of democratic care in the Ibunda's Child Care Center have a significant positive effect. The children who are entrusted to the TPA, become more confident, independent, and can be more friendly and have good self-control.
Pengasuhan Demokratis dalam Pengembangan Sosial Emosional Anak Usia Dini di Tempat Penitipan Anak Ibunda Ponorogo Suci Midsyahri Azizah
AL-MURABBI: Jurnal Studi Kependidikan dan Keislaman Vol 6 No 1 (2019): Juli 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP3M), STIT Islamiyah Karya Pembangunan Paron, Ngawi, Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53627/jam.v6i1.3631


Early childhood grows and develops so fast one of which is social development. Child Care Center (TPA) is one way for children to continue to get good education and care as long as parents are busy working. This study uses a research approach that is qualitative with the type of research that is a case study. This research was conducted in Ibunda Child Care Center Jln. Sumatra Banyudono Ponorogo, using data collection techniques namely by observation, interview, documentation and triangulation techniques. Based on the analysis of the data it can be concluded that, firstly, the parenting strategies carried out in the Ibunda's Day Care Center use democratic parenting by promoting children's social emotion based on children's enthusiasm, feeling happy and happy and not giving rules that curb children's expression. The rules that are made in TPA are to control the attitudes and traits for the purpose of forming a better character. Secondly, the implications of the pattern of democratic care in the Ibunda's Child Care Center have a significant positive effect. The children who are entrusted to the TPA, become more confident, independent, and can be more friendly and have good self-control.
AL-MIKRAJ Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Studi Keislaman dan Humaniora
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (169.829 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almikraj.v2i1.762


This research is based on the problem of suboptimal development of children's language. The objective to be achieved is to obtain a picture of children's language development in TK Tunas Indah through the application of the role playing method which is formulated as follows: (1) What is the condition of children's language development before applying the method of role playing in TK Tunas Indah? (2) What is the process of applying the role playing method in improving children's language development at TK Tunas Indah? (3) what extent is the improvement in the language development of TK Tunas Indah children after applying the role playing method? and (4) What constraints do teachers experience in implementing the role playing method? The research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) to improve the learning process of children's language development through the application of the role playing method. Classroom Action Research was carried out in two cycles, with the subjects of group A children in TK Tunas Indah, totaling 15 children. From the results of the implementation and observations made, there was a significant increase, especially in the second cycle. It is recommended for teachers that language development is further optimized, both in learning, implementing and evaluating learning. For further researchers, it is expected to make research on the development of children's language through other methods.
AL-MIKRAJ Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Studi Keislaman dan Humaniora
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.825 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almikraj.v1i2.763


The characteristics of transformational leadership play a very strategic role in determining the progress and setbacks of an educational institution. Educational institutions need a leader figure to advance, develop and bring the institution they lead to a better direction. Transformational leadership is a modern leadership style that is able to change from vision and mission to action and is done by making a clear vision, motivating staff to be creative, innovative, building a learning culture, and building effective communication. The characteristics of transformational leadership become the basis for how a leader should behave and act on his members. The characteristics of transformational leadership include: Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, and Individualized Consideration. It seems that these characteristics are in line with the leadership of the Indonesian education figure, Ki Hajar Dewantoro, known by the motto "Ing ngarso sung tulodo ing madyo mangun karso tut wuri handayani", a leadership slogan applied to various forms of organizations or institutions, especially in educational institutions. Karakteristik kepemimpinan transformasional memegang peranan yang sangat strategis dalam menentukan kemajuan serta kemunduran sebuah lembaga pendidikan. Lembaga pendidikan membutuhkan sosok pemimpin untuk memajukan, mengembangkan serta membawa intitusi yang dipimpinnya menuju ke arah yang lebih baik. Kepemimpinan transformasional salah satu gaya kepemimpinan yang modern yang mampu mengubah dari visi misi menjadi aksi dan dilakukan dengan membuat visi yang jelas, memotivasi staf untuk menjadi kreatif, inovatif, membangun budaya belajar, serta membangun komunikasi yang efektif. Karakteristik-karakteristik kepemimpinan transformasional menjadi pijakan bagaimana seorang pemimpin harus bersikap dan berbuat kepada anggotanya, Adapun karakteristik kepemimpinan transformasional meliputi: Idealized Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, dan Individualized Consideration. nampaknya karakteristik tersebut sejalan dengan kepemimpinan tokoh pendidikan Indonesia yakni Ki Hajar Dewantoro yang dikenal dengan semboyan “Ing ngarso sung tulodo ing madyo mangun karso tut wuri handayani” sebuah slogan kepemimpinan yang diterapkan pada berbagai bentuk organisasi atau lembaga terutama di lembaga pendidikan.
AL-MIKRAJ Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Al-Mikraj, Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (771.705 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/almikraj.v2i2.1347


Organizational culture is a set of philosophies, ideologies, norms that are owned by an organization which at the same time distinguishes it from other organizations. Faced with challenges that show that the organization has so far only been managed with mathematical approaches that are full of competitive nuances. In the midst of the problems faced, namely about what noble values ​​(core values) should not be conveyed in the practice of forming organizational culture so far. This article intends to know the concept of organizational culture in general, as well as to know the signs of the Qur'an and Hadith. The method used in writing this article is a descriptive qualitative method of library research type. The results of the study indicate that Islamically organizational culture is a gathering place for people who have ideas and thoughts that are in line, take the concepts and habits that have been embedded in the Islamic order as the basis for moving and effort in an effort to achieve organizational goals for the benefit and welfare of the organization. blessing of Allah SWT. The Islamic order that is taken as the organizational culture includes the concepts, models and values ​​contained in the organization
Peningkatan Kemampuan Penyesuaian Diri Anak Usia Dini Melalui Bermain Peran Mikro Suci Midsyahri Azizah; Dian Maharani
QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama Vol 11 No 1 (2019): Qalamuna - Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Program Pascasarjana IAI Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (756.301 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3559230


School environment is a new environment after the family environment for some students in early education, namely in Early Childhood Education. By playing in groups children will also learn to adjust their behavior with other children, learn to master themselves and their ego, learn to hold back, be able to regulate emotions, and learn to share with others. In terms of emotions, unspoken desires are increasingly formed when children play imagination and sociodrama / role playing. To be able to make adjustments, early childhood experiences are introduced to what is called socialization or interaction with other people such as peers, other adults, and so on. This research uses the Action research method with 2 implementation cycles which in learning uses the application of role playing methods. Based on the results of data analysis obtained from the conclusions that: (1) Micro role playing method has been planned and then carried out in accordance with the steps that have been formulated, role playing can also be purely carried out by the students themselves. Which in the process contains a stimulus to achieve the expected goals. (2) The application of the micro role playing method can improve students' self-adjustment abilities with the environment in the Ponorogo Khairiah Jimbe Jenangan Play Group. Keywords: Role Playing, Self-Adjustment, Early Childhood Education
Bermain dan Belajar pada Anak Usia Dini Fitri Wahyuni; Suci Midsyahri Azizah
Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan Vol 15 No 01 (2020): Al-Adabiya: Jurnal Kebudayaan dan Keagamaan
Publisher : LP2M Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri (INSURI) Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/adabiya.v15i01.257


Early childhood has a unique way of learning something that is undoubtedly different from adults. A child does not understand that what he does while playing is an activity that might be considered a learning activity for parents. Playing while learning is an activity carried out by a child at an early age that is carried out with feelings of pleasure, without coercion, but has patterns that we expect to create results for proper development for the child. Playing is also a means for children to channel their considerable energy and discover new things that they did not know in a fun way before. Furthermore, it is indeed different from learning understood by adults with all the rules and demands in the end. Playing (while learning) in early childhood has goals that may not be realized by some; whenever playing, a child is developing the potential contained in self to become a robust initial capital for the future when facing problems in life. This paper tries to provide model and knowledge to parents to understand the world of early childhood, one of which is by understanding the nature and the meaning of playing for early childhood. Obtained by exploring various sources of literature, parents and early childhood education (PAUD) teachers may use the study results to be more precise in assisting and designing learning for young children. Keywords: Early childhood, Learning, Playing Anak usia dini memiliki cara unik dalam mempelajari sesuatu yang berbeda dari orang dewasa. Seorang anak tidak mengerti bahwa apa yang dia lakukan saat bermain adalah kegiatan yang dapat dianggap sebagai kegiatan belajar bagi orang tua. Bermain sambil belajar adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh seorang anak di usia dini yang dilakukan dengan perasaan senang, tanpa paksaan, tetapi memiliki pola yang diarapkan akan menciptakan hasil untuk perkembangan yang tepat bagi anak. Bermain juga merupakan sarana bagi anak-anak untuk menyalurkan energi mereka yang cukup besar dan menemukan hal-hal baru yang tidak mereka ketahui sebelumnya dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Lebih jauh lagi, bermain sambil belajar berbeda dari pembelajaran yang dipahami oleh orang dewasa dengan semua aturan dan tuntutan di akhir. Bermain (sambil belajar) pada anak usia dini memiliki tujuan yang mungkin tidak disadari oleh sebagian orang; setiap kali bermain, seorang anak mengembangkan potensi yang terkandung dalam diri untuk menjadi modal awal yang kuat untuk masa depan ketika menghadapi masalah dalam hidup. Tulisan ini mencoba memberikan model dan pengetahuan kepada orang tua untuk memahami dunia anak usia dini, salah satunya adalah dengan memahami sifat dan makna bermain untuk anak usia dini. Diperoleh dengan mengeksplorasi berbagai sumber literatur, orang tua, dan guru pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) dapat menggunakan hasil penelitian ini untuk lebih tepat dalam membantu dan merancang pembelajaran untuk anak-anak. Kata kunci: Bermain, Belajar, Anak usia dini
AL-MIKRAJ Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Al-Mikraj, Jurnal Studi Islam dan Humaniora
Publisher : Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/almikraj.v3i2.2598


This study aims to improve fiqh learning using the demonstration method at MAN 3 Magetan. This type of research is a literature review. Literature review research is a process of collecting and critically examining literature, journals, articles, books, and other sources of information. Data collection is by taking journals from Google Scholar. Analysis of the journal results of this literature review uses the critical appraisal method. research results. the conclusion that can be drawn is that the demonstration method can be an effective method in improving the learning of fiqh, especially in helping students understand and apply difficult concepts. However, it should be noted that the demonstration method must be used judiciously and in the right context to ensure its effectiveness in enhancing the learning of fiqh..