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Perbedaan Habitat Mangrove Pada Umur 9, 10, 12 Tahun di Desa Bedono, Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah Susanto, Denni
Journal of Forest Science Avicennia Vol 3, No 1 (2020): FEBRUARI
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/avicennia.v3i1.11354


Rehabilitasi mangrove merupakan upaya pengembalian fungsi ekosistem mangrove yang telah mengalami degradasi, salah satunya adalah di pesisir pantai utara jawa. Berbagai upaya rehabilitasi telah dilakukan dengan penanaman bibit mangrove, seperti pada kawasan mangrove di Kabupaten Demak. Tujuan pada penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui perbedaan habitat mangrove pada unur 9,10, dan 12 tahun. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada tiga umur yaitu 9, 10, dan 12. Jumlah plot pengamatan dengan IS 1% didapatkan 57 plot petak ukur. Setiap petak ukur berukuran 5x5 m. Variabel yang diukur pada setiap petak ukur adalah kerapatan vegetasi, suhu, ketebalan lumpur, DO, salinitas, pH, plankton, dan makrobenthos. Data habitat kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA dengan menggunakan software SPSS. Ketiga umur memiliki karakteristik habitat yang berbeda. Kawasan rehabilitasi mangrove Desa Bedono mempunyai kerapatan mangrove berkisar antara 1813 – 2507 ind/ha, suhu sebesar 28,17 – 29,09 oC, kedalaman lumpur 53,19 – 72,06 cm, DO sebesar 5,23 – 6,17 ppm, salinitas sebesar 1,74 – 2,91 o/oo, pH sebesar 7,08 – 7,27, kepadatan plankton sebesar 81.905 – 89.333 ind/ml dengan ID antara 2,38 – 2,98, kepadatan makrobentos sebesar 280.000 – 833.810 ind/ha dengan ID antara 1,62 – 1,85. Hasil analisis ANOVA menunjukkan adanya perbedaan karakteristik habitat suhu, salinitas, pH, kepadatan makrobenthos, dan keanekaragaman jenis makrobenthos pada tiap tahun tanam dengan nilai probabilitas < 0,05. Perbedaan rehabilitasi ini menunjukkan kesiapan mangrove yang tumbuh. Semakin tua umur mangrove maka akan semakin baik habitatnya.
Building density derived from aerial photo mapping for physical vulnerability reduction in earthquake hazard zone of Sengon village, Central Java Mardiatno, Djati; Susanto, Denni; Handayani, Tiara; W, Lies Rahayu; Kusumasari, Bevaola
Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.209 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/shes.v3i1.45018


Building density is an important parameter for earthquake vulnerability mapping. Sengon village, Klaten, Central Java, which located in active fault zone of Opak is still lack of strategies for risk reduction in relation to physical vulnerability, especially to building density.  The aims of this research is to 1) calculate the building density, 2) identify the relation of building density and population number, and 3) propose vulnerability reduction planning for physical characteristic. Building density calculate from aerial photo mapping. This method is robust and effective, resulting data of building density that Dusun Belan is the densest. In Sengon village, building density and population has positive correlation. Most of buildings is inhabited by 1-2 households. Sengon village can adapt several strategies for vulnerability physical reduction, i.e. a) design a strong and eco-friendly earthquake building especially for building inhabited by>3 HH, b) provide an open space and evacuation route in denser building area.
TREE STRATIFICATION BASED ON ERUPTION DAMAGE LEVEL IN MOUNT MERAPI NATIONAL PARK YOGYAKARTA INDONESIA Inggita Utami; Radhitiya Anjar Pramana Putra; Muhammad Saputra Wibowo; Febriant Isabella Yusuf; Fahmiatul Husna; Arviteno Eko; Dennis Susanto
Media Konservasi Vol 26 No 1 (2021): MEDIA KONSERVASI VOL. 26 NO. 1 APRIL 2021
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.26.1.71-81


Mount Merapi’s eruption has caused damage to the forests in the Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP). Nine years after the eruption, the vertical structure of vegetation can illustrate the progress of succession. This study aimed to analyze the tree composition and stratification in different forest damage levels after the 2010 Merapi eruption. The study was conducted in March 2019 at three stations, namely station A (heavy damage area), station B (moderate damage area), and station C (minor damage area). Vegetation parameters in each station were taken in a 10x100 plot and were processed using a tree profile diagram. Abiotic parameters were measured in each plot and analyzed using the correlation test. The results showed that the three stations were still dominated by the tree in Stratum C, but the tree density and tree height varied in proportion to the damage level. Station A in the heavy damage area has the lowest tree density (23 trees/0.1 ha) with a maximum tree height of 12 meters, in contrast to Station C in the minor damage area with tree density reaching 195 trees/0.1 ha and maximum tree height reaching 30 meters. Nine years after the Mount Merapi big eruption, the MMNP forests in Yogyakarta Province are still classified as young secondary forests. Key words: diagram, profile, succession, structure, vertical
Media Konservasi Vol 27 No 1 (2022): Media Konservasi Vol 27 No 1 April 2022
Publisher : Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism - IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/medkon.27.1.11-17


National parks (NPs) have become a rapidly growing segment of nature-based tourist destinations. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted tourism activities across Indonesian NPs. While existing studies have scrutinized the impact of COVID-19 on tourism, studies that focused on clustering residents adjacent of NPs to support tourism amidst the COVID-19 pandemic remain underexplored. To unveil how residents are clustered, we assess residents in Ngadisari and Wonokitri villages based on their distinctive opinions of perceived benefits (PB), perceived costs (PC), perceived health risks (PHR), and support for tourism (ST). Totally, 354 respondents were obtained. We found that residents are clustered into two clusters named tourism supporters and cautious supporters. Tourism supporters are identified by their high agreement on PB and ST, and low agreement with PC. In contrast, Cautious supporters hold lower agreement in PB and ST, and higher agreement on PC and PHR. Our findings revealed that residents are heterogeneous and constitute a distinctive group of opinions and interests. Therefore, the design of policies and interventions should be adjusted based on those clusters. Key words: national park, perceived health risk, social exchange theory
Kajian metode deterministik untuk zonasi kerawanan gerakan tanah di Labuan Bajo Nusa Tenggara Timur Erik Febriarta; Denni Susanto; Aditya Pandu Wicaksono; Ajeng Larasati
Majalah Geografi Indonesia Vol 36, No 1 (2022): Majalah Geografi Indonesia
Publisher : Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/mgi.71839


Abstrak Karakteristik morfologi berbukit dengan kemiringan lereng curam berpotensi atau rawan membentuk kejadian longsor (gerakan tanah). Tujuan kajian ini adalah menentukan zona kerawanan gerakan tanah dengan pendekatan spasial deterministik, yakni analisis sifat faktor kelerengan menggunakan parameter kemiringan lereng, jenis batuan, ketebalan pelapukan batuan, struktur geologi (jarak terhadap sesar), sifat geoteknik (ukuran butir), dan kegempaan regional. Selain pengukuran di lapangan, data berikut juga diperoleh dari data sekunder, yakni kemiringan lereng (konversi digital elevation model), jenis batuan, ketebalan pelapukan, dan sifat geoteknik (Pusat Survei Geologi), serta kedalaman air tanah (BAPPEDA). Struktur geologi diperoleh dari Pusat Survei Geologi dan analisis jarak menggunakan sistem informasi geografis, sedangkan intensitas hujan dari BMKG dan nilai kegempaan dari BMKG dan Badan Geologi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, daerah kajian (43,3 km2) memiliki empat zona kerawanan gerakan tanah, yakni sangat rendah (34,73%), rendah (20,98%), sedang (26,78%), dan tinggi (17,51%). Secara umum, Labuhan Bajo memiliki kerawanan gerakan tanah yang sangat rendah (34,73%). Abstract Hilly morphology with steep slopes is a factor of susceptibility to landslides (mass movements). The study was designed to determine mass movement susceptibility zones using a deterministic spatial approach by analyzing slope factors, namely slope gradient, rock type, rock weathering depth, geological structure (distance to fault), geotechnical properties (grain size), and regional seismicity. Aside from measurements in the field, these parameters were also measured from secondary data: slope gradient (conversion of digital elevation model), rock type, weathering type, geotechnical properties (PSG), and groundwater depth (BAPPEDA). In addition, geological structures were obtained from PSG and geographic information systems (distance analysis), rainfall intensity was from BMKG, and seismicity values were from BMKG and the Geological Agency. Based on the analysis results, the study area (43.3 km2) had four susceptibility zones: very low (34.73%), low (20.98%), medium (26.78%), and high (17.51%). In general, Labuan Bajo had a very low susceptibility to mass movements. 
POTENSI KALIANDRA (Calliandra calothyrsus) DAN GAMAL (Gliricidia sp.) DI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN PELET KAYU Ahdiar Fikri Maulana; Singgih Utomo; Puji Lestari; Ridla Arifriana; Norma Aji Candra Dewi; Adi Nugroho; Eko Prasetyo; Rachmadhila F Pramono; Wahyu C Saputro; Dewi Sulistyowati; Denni Susanto
Agrifor : Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian dan Kehutanan Vol 20, No 1 (2021): Maret 2021
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31293/agrifor.v20i1.4924


Negara-negara di dunia, khususnya Eropa, Jepang, Korea Selatan dan China, mulai beralih ke penggunaan energi terbarukan yaitu pelet kayu. Indonesia dengan iklim tropis, keanekaragaman jenis tanaman dan ketersediaan lahan untuk pengembangan sumber energi ini, berpeluang menjadi salah satu produsen utama pelet kayu, baik untuk memenuhi permintaan nasional atau internasional. Daerah Istimewa (DI) Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki hutan rakyat dan berpeluang untuk dikembangkan sebagai produsen pelet kayu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi awal tentang jenis tanaman kayu potensial di DI Yogyakarta. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka dan survey kepada Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) di Kabupaten Bantul (22 KTH), Gunungkidul (15 KTH), Kulonprogo (15 KTH) dan Sleman (19 KTH). Cabang dan ranting kering merupakan sumber bahan bakar kayu utama bagi KTH di DI Yogyakarta, tanpa melihat jenis tanamannya. Jenis kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus) dan gamal (Gliricidia sp.) sebagai jenis potensial untuk pelet kayu ditanam sebagai sumber hijauan makanan ternak, sumber nektar untuk peternakan lebah madu dan untuk konservasi tanah. Kedua jenis ini ditanam sebagai tanaman tepi di pinggir lahan, diantara tanaman pertanian dan atau tanaman berkayu, bukan sebagai tanaman utama. Jumlah yang ditanam sangat variatif berkisar antara 0 - 2000 pohon kaliandra/ha dan 0 - 3000 pohon gamal/ha. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa jenis potensial untuk produksi pelet kayu, kaliandra dan gamal sudah ditanam di 4 kabupaten tersebut. Namun penanaman kedua jenis tersebut perlu dikembangkan agar dapat mendukung produksi pelet kayu.
INTERAKSI MASYARAKAT SEKITAR DENGAN KAWASAN CAGAR ALAM DAN CAGAR ALAM LAUT PANGANDARAN Denni Susanto; Lies Rahayu Wijayanti Faida; Fahina Risqi Hidayana Lubis; Rizka Hanisaputra
Jurnal Belantara Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Forestry Study Program University Of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (793.221 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jbl.v3i2.474


Communities and conservation areas are two things that cannot be Separated. Surrounding communities interact with conservation areas to fulfil their needs. This study aimed to know the forms of interaction between communities and the Nature Reserve and Marine Nature Reserve of Pangandaran as well as the factors that underlie these interactions. The method used in this study was a survey method with a total sample of 254 people. The target communities interviewed were communities of Pangandaran Village who carry out activities in Nature Reserve and Marine Nature Reserve of Pangandaran. The analysis used for data processing was descriptive analysis. The results showed that 44% of the community doing activities as fishermen, 17% renting out cruise ship services, 12% renting snorkeling equipment, 11% doing fishing activities, 6% as bagang fishermen and tour guides, and 4% as fishing fishermen. Factors underlying the interaction in Nature Reserve and Marine Nature Reserve of Pangandaran were community economic factors. 
Clustering Residents’ Intention to Engage in Water Conservation Initiative: Evidence from the Upstream of West Java, Indonesia Prasetyo Nugroho; Apriliyanti Dwi Rahayu; Rany Juliani; Indarto Indarto; Alfian Dwi Cahyo; Nida Ankhoviyya; Edwin Gumilar; Denni Susanto; Adi Nugroho
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 19, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.19.2.347-353


Kawasan hulu daerah aliran sungai telah lama dianggap memainkan peran strategis dalam konservasi air pada lanskap yang kompleks dan dinamis. Sementara banyak studi telah meneliti pentingnya upaya konservasi air, studi yang berfokus pada pengelompokan niat penduduk untuk terlibat dalam inisiatif konservasi air di hulu daerah aliran sungai masih belum banyak dipelajari. Untuk memahami bagaimana warga mengelompok, kami mengklasifikasikan warga di dua desa (Cibeusi dan Sanca) berdasarkan pendapat mereka yang khas terhadap variabel Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), yaitu sikap, norma subjektif, kontrol perilaku yang dipersepsikan, niat perilaku, dan perilaku terhadap inisiatif konservasi air. Secara total, 200 kuesioner yang dapat digunakan dalam analisis telah diambil. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa warga dapat dikelompokkan menjadi dua kluster yaitu “pendukung konservasi air” dan “pendukung pasif”. Pendukung konservasi air dicirikan dengan kesepakatan yang tinggi pada semua variabel TPB, sedangkan pendukung pasif adalah sebaliknya. Temuan ini menegaskan bahwa persepsi masyarakat tidak homogen, tetapi merupakan kelompok individu yang memiliki pemikiran berbeda. Lebih lanjut, studi saat ini berimplikasi bahwa pengelola sumber daya air harus menyadari fakta bahwa masyarakat dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam kelompok yang berbeda berdasar pendapat dan kepentingannya masing-masing. Rancangan kebijakan, strategi, dan intervensi yang efektif harus dirancang sesuai dengan kelompok yang berbeda tersebut. ABSTRACTUpstream areas have long been considered to play strategic roles in the water conservation of complex and dynamic landscapes. While earlier studies have examined the importance of water conservation efforts, studies that focused on clustering residents’ intention to engage in water conservation initiatives in the upstream areas remain understudied. To understand how residents are clustered, we classify residents in two villages (Cibeusi and Sanca) based on their distinctive opinions of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) variables, i.e., attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, behavioral intention, and behavior toward water conservation initiatives. In total, 200 usable questionnaires were retrieved. The study finds that residents are clustered into two clusters named water conservation supporters and passive supporters. Water conservation supporters are characterized by high agreement on all the TPB variables, while passive supporters are the opposite. These findings confirm that communities are not homogenous but constitute a distinctive group of like-minded individuals. Furthermore, the current study implies that water resource managers should be aware of the fact that residents are clustered into distinct groups with their own opinions and interests. The design of effective policies, strategies, and interventions must be arranged according to those different groups.
Community Interactions Ngablak Village in Sand Utilization within Mount Merapi National Park Lies Rahayu Wijayanti Faida; Denni Susanto; Kristiani Fajar Wianti; M Danang Anggoro; Marlianansari Putri
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan Vol 19, No 3 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro Univer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jil.19.3.525-530


Interaksi masyarakat dengan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi sudah ada bahkan jauh sebelum taman nasional ditetapkan. Salah satu bentuk interaksi yang masih dilakukan oleh masyarakat adalah pemanfaatan pasir di kawasan Kali Putih. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui interaksi masyarakat sekitar Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi dalam pemanfaatan pasir di kawasan Kali Putih Zona Khusus Rekonstruksi dan Mitigasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Wawancara dilakukan langsung dengan masyarakat yang melakukan aktivitas di kawasan Kali Putih, Zona Khusus Mitigasi dan Rekonstruksi Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi. Penentuan informan dilakukan dengan accidental sampling dimana informan ditentukan secara kebetulan di lapangan saat melakukan aktivitas pemanfaatan sumber daya pasir di kawasan Kali Putih. Hasil wawancara kemudian diolah menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil pengambilan informasi di lapangan, didapatkan beberapa informasi diantaranya aktivitas penambangan pasir sudah dilakukan pada tahun 1977. Interaksi masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan pasir di Kali Putih dipayungi hukum berupa kemitraan kawasan konservasi dengan dokumen PKS Nomor : PKS.34/BTNGM/TU/Kons/04/2018 dan 08/PMH/04/2018 Tentang Penguatan Fungsi Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi Melalui Kerja Sama Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Ketergantungan masyarakat sekitar akan pemanfaatan sumber daya pasir masih sangat tinggi. Selain pemanfaatan pasir, masyarakat juga melakukan aktivitas dalam mendukung pengelolaan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi yaitu : patroli bersama petugas TNGM, penanaman di kawasan TNGM, dan terlibat dalam pemadaman kebakaran hutan dan pengembangan Obyek Wisata Alam (OWA) Jurang Jero.ABSTRACTCommunity interaction with Mount Merapi National Park existed long before the national park was established. One form of interaction that is still carried out by the community Ngablak Viilage is the utilization of sand in the Kali Putih area. The aim of this study was to determine the interaction of the community Ngablak Village in the utilization of sand in the Kali Putih area, the Special Reconstruction and Mitigation Zone. The research method used in this research was a survey method. Interviews were conducted directly with communities carrying out activities in the Kali Putih area, the Special Zone for Mitigation and Reconstruction of Mount Merapi National Park. The determination of informants was carried out by accidental sampling where the informants were determined by chance in the field while carrying out activities to exploit sand resources in the Kali Putih area. The results of the interviews were then processed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Based on the results of information retrieval in the field, some information was obtained including sand utilization activities that were carried out in 1977. Community interaction in the use of sand in Kali Putih is legally protected in the form of a conservation area partnership with the PKS document Number: PKS.34 / BTNGM / TU / Kons / 04 / 2018 and 08 / PMH / 04/2018 concerning Strengthening the Function of the Mount Merapi National Park Area through Community Empowerment Cooperation. The dependence of the surrounding community on the utilization of sand resources is still very high. In addition to the utilization of sand, the community also carries out activities in supporting the management of Mount Merapi National Park, namely: patrolling with MMNP officers, planting in the MMNP area, and being involved in extinguishing forest fires and developing the Jurang Jero Nature Tourism Object.
KARAKTERISTIK DAN POTENSI PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT BUKIT DATUK DALAM PENGELOLAAN HUTAN PATRA SEROJA PT. PERTAMINA RU II DUMAI PROVINSI RIAU (Characteristics and Empowerment Potential of Bukit Datuk Community in Patra Seroja Forest Management PT. Pertamina RU II Dumai, Riau Province) Denni Susanto; Heni Puji Astuti; Muhammad Ali Imron; Arizal Arizal
Journal Penelitian Kehutanan FALOAK Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Faloak
Publisher : Balai Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Teknologi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20886/jpkf.2021.5.2.90-102


AbstractThis study aimed to determine the characteristics and empowerment potential program for the Bukit Datuk community in maintaining biodiversity in the Patra Seroja forest PT. Pertamina RU II Dumai. The study used qualitative approach through literature study, field observations, and interviews. Interviews were conducted with 10 key informants and 30 respondents who were determined using purposive sampling. The results showed that the majority of the Bukit Datuk community had a high education level (32.03%) and the type of livelihood was self-employed (12.67%) as the potential supporter of empowerment. Empowerment programs for the Bukit Datuk community included strengthening community groups, the formation of community groups that have interaction with forest area, developing natural resources on private/village land, participatory mapping and conflict resolution on oil palm estate problems, and enhancing public awareness and developing supporting infrastructure for waste management around the Patra Seroja Forest.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan potensi pemberdayaan masyarakat Bukit Datuk dalam menjaga keanekaragaman hayati di Hutan Patra Seroja PT. Pertamina RU II Dumai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi pustaka, observasi lapangan, dan wawancara. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap 10 informan kunci dan 30 masyarakat yang ditentukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat Bukit Datuk memiliki tingkat pendidikan SLTA (32,03%) dan jenis pekerjaan wiraswasta (12,67%) sebagai potensi pendukung pemberdayaan. Program pemberdayaan masyarakat Bukit Datuk di antaranya adalah pembentukan kelompok masyarakat yang memiliki interaksi terhadap kawasan hutan, penguatan kelompok masyarakat, pengembangan sumber daya alam di lahan milik/desa, pemetaan partisipatif serta penerapan solusi jalan tengah permasalahan lahan sawit dan peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat serta pengembangan sarana prasarana pendukung pengelolaan sampah sekitar Hutan Patra Seroja.