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Journal of Sharia Economics Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Journal of Sharia Economics
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah (ES) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hikmah Tuban

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Abstact In a developing country, the role of entrepreneurs cannot be ignored especially in carrying out development. A nation will develop faster if it has entrepreneurs who can create and innovate optimally, which is to realize new ideas into real activities in each of their businesses. Indonesia as a developing country is working hard to improve the lives of its people. One important role in improving the standard of living of its people is through education. Entrepreneurship education is one form of application of the world's care for education to the progress of the nation. In entrepreneurship education it is shown, among others, the value and form of work to achieve success. Entrepreneurship education is a help to teach Indonesian people so that they have a dynamic and creative personal power in accordance with the personality of the Indonesian people based on Pancasila. fostering the spirit of entrepreneurship is one of the important things to be job opportunities, income and welfare for everyone/individual. Keywords: Education, Entrepreneurship Education, Student
Problematika Pembelajaran Al-Quran dengan Metode Tilawati Dainuri, Dainuri
ACIECE Vol 2 (2017): Annual Conference on Islamic Early Childhood Education
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

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Sebagai seorang muslim pembelajaran al-Qur’an tentu harus dilakukan sejak dini, denganharapan mendorong anak untuk ta’at menjalankan ajaran agamanya dalam kehidupan seharihari dan menjadikan agama sebagai landasan etika dan moral dalam kehidupan pribadi. Dalamproses mengajar Al-Qur’an, banyak menggunakan berbagai metode. Salah satunya metodetilawati. Penggunaan metode tilawati ini, bertujuan untuk mempermudah belajar santri dalamhal membaca. Belajar merupakan suatu kegiatan yang harus atau wajib dilakukan bagi setiaporang islam, baik itu masih anak-anak, atau bahkan sudah tua renta sekalipun. Terlebih lagidalam mempelajari Al-Qur’an. Metode merupakan cara yang digunakan untukmengimplementasikan rencana yang sudah disusun dalam kegiatan nyata agar tujuan yangtelah disusun tercapai opltimal, metode dapat digunakan untuk mempermudah seorang gurudalam mengajar. Adapun mengajar merupakan alat utama bagi guru sebagai pendidik danpengajar dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran sebagai proses pendidikan dikelas. Prosesbelajar mengajar merupakan suatu proses yang mengandung serangkaian perbuatan guru danmurid atas dasar hubungan timbal balik yang berlangsung dalam situasi edukatif untukmencapai tujuan tertentu. Pendekatan yang dipakai adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Penulismemakai pendekatan ini karena penelitian ini bersifat “naturalistik” artinya penelitian ini terjadisecara alami, apa adanya, dalam situasi normal yang tidak dimanipulasi keadaan dan kondisinya,menekankan pada deskripsi secara alami Banyak problematika pembelajaran al-quran denganmetode tilawati yang ada di masjid nurul adha surabaya mulai dari peroblem yang berhubungandengan tingkat pengetahuan anak didik (santri). Problematika yang berhubungan dengan tingkatpenguasaan materi Problematika dan problem yang berhubungan dengan pengelolaan kelasdan metode mengajar.
Interpretasi Objek Dasar Laut Berdasarkan Nilai Hambur Balik Menggunakan Instrumen Side Scan Sonar (Studi Kasus Pipa Pertamina di Balongan) Syamsuddin, Dainuri; Satria Muyadi, Dikdik; Prasetia Adi , Anang
Jurnal Chart Datum Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): JURNAL CHART DATUM
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Angkatan Laut (STTAL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37875/chartdatum.v6i1.173


Side scan sonar merupakan instrumen single beam yang mampu menunjukkan gambar dua dimensional permukaan dasar laut dengan kondisi kontur, topografi dan target secara bersamaan. Teknologi ini merupakan penginderaan jauh akustik untuk pemetaan sedimen dan struktur dasar laut. Side scan sonar merekam energi gelombang akustik yang dipancarkan oleh hambur balik dasar laut sehingga mampu membedakan besar kecil partikel penyusun permukaan dasar laut. Pengaruh dari intensitas hambur balik tergantung pada tipe, magnitudo dan orientasi dari kekasaran dasar perairan yang dapat mendeskripsikan dasar laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvisualisasikan dan menginterpretasikan hasil pengolahan data dari side scan sonar pada pendeteksian target yang berupa pipa diperairan Balongan, estimasi dimensi dan posisi pipa, menentukan nilai amplitudo hambur balik pipa dan menganalisis respon hambur balik dari pipa. Pemrosesan data side scan sonar dilakukan menggunakan koreksi geometrik untuk menetapkan posisi yang sebenarnya pada pixel citra yang terdiri dari bottom tracking, slant range correction, layback correction dan koreksi radiometrik dilakukan untuk intensitas hambur balik pada digital number yang ditetapkan pada setiap pixel meliputi Beam Angle Correction (BAC), Automatic Gain Control (AGC), Time Varying Gain (TVG) dan Empirical Gain Normalization (EGN). Lokasi penelitian berada di sekitar Pelabuhan Balongan menggunakan instrumen side scan sonar C-MAX CM2 dengan frekuensi 325 kHz. Pengolahan data menggunakan perangkat lunak SonarWiz 5 dengan melakukan beberapa koreksi yang kemudian data hasil olahan di ekstrak menggunakan perangkat lunak XtfTosegy selanjutnya di ekstrak dengan perangkat lunak Seisee untuk menghasilkan data dengan format *.txt dan hasilnya diolah dengan perangkat lunak Matlab untuk menampilkan grafik yang dapat menunjukan nilai amplitudo dari target yang terdeteksi. Dimensi objek hasil dari pengukuran target yaitu Target pipa 1 memiliki lebar (diameter) 0,9 meter, tinggi 0,64 meter, nilai amplitudo sebesar 23.420 – 32.000 mV dan memiliki nilai hambur balik sebesar -2,71 dB. Target pipa 2 lebar(diameter) 0,9 meter, tinggi 0,35 meter dengan nilai amplitudo 20.104 – 31.100 mV dan memiliki nilai hambur balik sebesar -3,06 dB. Sedangkan target substrat dasar perairan memiliki amplitudo hambur balik 4.480 – 17.660 mV dan nilai hambur balik -11,91 dB. Hasil analisa dapat diartikan bahwa target pipa 1 dan pipa 2 memiliki kekerasan yang lebih dibandingkan dengan dasar laut. Dilihat dari nilai hambur balik dan bentuk secara 2D dipastikan target pipa 1 dan pipa 2 terbuat dari besi dengan nilai impedansi akustik 478,85 x 105 kg/m2s dan koefisien refleksi 0,928.
Pengaruh Faktor Tenaga Kerja Yang Dimoderasi Oleh Strategi Peningkatan Pengawasan Implementasi Keselamatan Kerja Terhadap Kecelakaan Kerja Di PT Semen Padang Dainuri Dainuri; Sari Arlinda; Hendra Lukito
Jurnal Sehat Mandiri Vol 15 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Sehat Mandiri, Volume 15, No.2 Desember 2020
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.686 KB) | DOI: 10.33761/jsm.v15i2.170


Occupational Health and Safety (K3) is one of the requirements to increase company productivity in order to be able to compete and survive in the era of globalization in the world free market economy. PT Semen Padang, as the largest industry in West Sumatra, is engaged in producing and trading cement, experiencing work accident problems. This study aims to determine the influence of internal and external labor factors moderated by the strategy of increasing the supervision of the implementation of work safety on work accidents at PT Semen Padang. The research method was a cross-sectional survey by interviewing 165 respondents who were selected by simple random sampling from a population of 423 people based on the formula of Issac and Michael. The results showed that the Variable Strategy for the Improvement of the Implementation of Work Safety Supervision (K3) was 0.019 <0.05, which means that the Strategy for Improving the Implementation of Safety Supervision had an influence on internal factors on work accidents. There is no significant effect on external factors with a value of 0.277> 0.05 on work accidents. The conclusion is that the better the internal and external factors in the workforce, the smaller the work accident rate. It is recommended that a supervisory program related to work stress and fatigue, supporting facilities and infrastructure and appropriate work tools be added to the OHS Supervision Improvement Strategy program.
Kontribusi Pendidikan Entrepreneurship: Suatu Upaya Konstruktif Menumbuhkan Jiwa Wirausaha Pada Mahasiswa Dainuri Dainuri
Journal of Sharia Economics Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Journal of Sharia Economics
Publisher : Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Institut Agama Islam Al Hikmah Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35896/jse.v1i1.54


Abstact In a developing country, the role of entrepreneurs cannot be ignored especially in carrying out development. A nation will develop faster if it has entrepreneurs who can create and innovate optimally, which is to realize new ideas into real activities in each of their businesses. Indonesia as a developing country is working hard to improve the lives of its people. One important role in improving the standard of living of its people is through education. Entrepreneurship education is one form of application of the world's care for education to the progress of the nation. In entrepreneurship education it is shown, among others, the value and form of work to achieve success. Entrepreneurship education is a help to teach Indonesian people so that they have a dynamic and creative personal power in accordance with the personality of the Indonesian people based on Pancasila. fostering the spirit of entrepreneurship is one of the important things to be job opportunities, income and welfare for everyone/individual. Keywords: Education, Entrepreneurship Education, Student
Al Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 7 No. 2 (2017): AL HIKMAH
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (237.355 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/hjsk.v7i2.3282


Education is the main key in the formation of children's religious attitudes. The age of the child has consequences on the change in the educational process they receive, therefore, with the increasing age of the child and changes in their behavior it must be accompanied by the right education so that they have a noble attitude and behavior and character that will later make children become adults who live religious teachings. With the religious attitude they have, it will be able to control and encourage someone to behave according to religious norms. The role of the teacher of Islamic Education is very large influence in the development of the religious spirit of students, including how teachers pay attention to children in educating, teaching and evaluating both in delivering material in class or in class or in carrying out daily activities -Day students at school. The process of teaching and learning delivery, especially PAI learning conducted by the teacher so far is still dominant in the realm of memorization and textual, so that students only know the theory of PAI lessons, but the values ​​contained in the PAI lessons are poorly understood to be practiced in Everyday life. Seeing the reality in the field, most of the teaching atmosphere techniques in schools that are used by our teachers tend to be monotonous and boring, thus reducing student motivation. This condition in turn has an impact on religious implementation. To answer these problems it is necessary to apply an alternative PAI learning that is conducive to an atmosphere that tends to be reactive so that it can motivate students to develop their creative potential. The results of this study are that the learning of Islamic religious education subjects in increasing religious motivation through a contextual approach in SMAN 16 Surabaya The application of contextual learning models has a positive impact, which can increase students' religious motivation as indicated by changes in some efforts made by the teacher PAI through learning and various activities that exist in schools. with a contextual learning approach is one way to increase student religious motivation namely an approach that seeks to link learning material with students' real life.
Integrasi Pendidikan Islam Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Dainuri Dainuri
Al Hikmah: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): AL HIKMAH
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Tuban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.344 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/hjsk.v8i1.3297


Abstarct: Our country, which is religious as a Muslim, of course, which has meaning in Islamic education itself which will be given to the next generation of the nation must have more quality for their dynasty and the hereafter. Islamic education whose essence is based on the true values of Islamic teachings will be used as a guide to live life in the world and be ended later. But with the current era of globalization making Islamic education itself can also change from conceptual-theoretical problems, to practical-operational problems. The role of education is very important in human life and cannot even replace the process of human life. In other words, human needs for education are included in personal life, family and society, nation and state. If the education system works optimally it will achieve the progress it aspires to and if it cannot achieve the desired progress. However, there are many criticisms that are used by various groups on education, or of course on the practice of education, but almost all parties that are in accordance with the community or the future are very profitable for their contribution to education. For example, very confident that education can provide energy on tomorrow. We can also read the same opinion in the General Explanation of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System (Law No. 20/2003), others are: Humans need education in their lives. Education is an effort so that humans can develop their potential through a learning process or other means known and recognized by society ". But in the world of education itself there are many problems that occur in this era of globalization. Whether it's a problem that is internal or external.
Konsep dan Implikasi Filsafat Pendidikan Islam Terhadap Inovasi Pendidikan Islam Dainuri Dainuri; Abd Haris
Al-Thiqah : Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman Vol 5 No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ushuluddin Darussalam Bangkalan Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56594/althiqah.v5i1.63


Filsafat pendidikan Pendidikan Islam selain bersifat teoritik juga realistik yang dapat diwujudkan dalam tingkah laku dan mudah di transformasikan dalam kehidupan. Dengan demikian, filsafat pendidikan Islam melampaui hal-hal dan nilai- nilai yang selalu bersifat absolut. Konsep dan prinsip yang menjadi landasan bagi pelaksanaan pendidikan selalu dikritisi dan dievaluasi, disinilah filsafat pendidikan Islam berfungsi sebagai norma Pendidikan. Filsafat pendidikan islam merupakan aplikasi ide-ide filsafat dalam pendidikan mengandung nilai-nilai esensial yang mengarahkan pada tujuan-tujuan dan pelaksanaan pendidikan Agama Isam dan berimpilkasi pada inovasi pendidikan Islam. Filsafat pendidikan Islam secara umum akan mengkaji berbagai masalah yang terdapat dalam bidang pendidikan, mulai dari visi, misi, tujuan pendidikan, dasar-dasar dan asas-asas pendidikan Islam, konsep manusia, guru, anak didik, kurikulum, dan metode pembelajaran sampai dengan evaluasi dan inovasi dalam pendidikan secara filosofis