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Professionality Analysis of Basic Education Teachers As Agents To Improve Creativity in Digital Era Iskandar, Rossi; MS, Zulela
Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar Vol 5, No 1 (2021): February
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jisd.v5i1.29580


A teacher possesses low competency, so that reform is needed that can increase a teacher's creativity. This study aimed to analyze the competence, creativity, and professionalism of primary education teachers as reform agents and optimize basic education teachers' strategies in the digital era. This research is a type of library research (library research). The subject of this research is the competence of basic education teachers. The data collection method used is a literature study. The data analysis technique of this research is qualitative data analysis techniques. The results show that the professional competence of basic education teachers as agents of reform is the ability to master materials, structures, concepts, and scientific mindsets that support the subjects being taught and the ability to utilize information and communication technology (ICT) in supporting learning and professional development through reflective action. So it can be concluded that efforts to drive better change in the world of education prioritize improving teacher quality. It is necessary to have creative and quality teachers to bring about changes and innovations both academically and non-academically. The implication of this research is to add insight into the basic competencies of a basic education teacher.
Menstimulasi Peserta Didik yang Mengalami Kesulitan Belajar Membaca Permulaan di Sekolah Dasar Iskandar, Rossi; MS, Zulela; Fahrurrozi, Fahrurrozi
MIMBAR PGSD Undiksha Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Juli
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jjpgsd.v9i2.34362


Siswa masih sulit membedakan bentuk huruf dan sulit membaca huruf   konsonan yang ada di belakang. Faktor penyebab kesulitan membaca adalah dari kesulitan persepsi visual, kesulitan persepsi auditori, masalah neurologis dan Dyslexia. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis permasalahan yang terjadi pada siswa sehingga mengalami kesulitan membaca permulaan. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif.  Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan angket dengan alat assessmen yang mengacu pada buku kesulitan belajar: perspektif, asessmen dan penanggulangannya. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas rendah di sekolah dasar dengan jumlah 25 peserta didik yang teridentifikasi mengalami kesulitan membaca permulaan. Metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriftif digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Hasil menunjukan assessmen perseptual yang digunakan terhadap peserta didik adalah berupa visual discrimination, figure-ground, visual closure, dan spatial relationship. Persepsi auditori berupa auditory discrimination, auditory memory serta masalah neurologis. Melalui analisis proses kegiatan pembelajaran menstimulasi peserta didik yang mengalami kesulitan membaca permulaan diperlukan kegiatan penelitian lanjutan dalam mengembangkan sebuah media pembelajaran yang lebih inovatif, bergambar dan terintegrasi audio visual. Hasil penelitian ini hanya menganalisis kesulitan belajar membaca permulaan dilihat dari kegiatan dan aktifitas proses pembelajaran dan serta kebutuhan guru.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Keguruan dan Pendidikan (JPM-IKP) Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (JPM-IKP)
Publisher : FKIP Universitas Trilogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31326/jmp-ikp.v5i1.1112


Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengembangkan dan mengakrabkan kembali hubungan manusia dengan alam sekitarnya di balut dengan seni dan keindahan gambar visualisasi yang mempunyai nilai filosiofis serta pengetahuan bagi masyarakat. Lokasi pengabdian dilaksanakan di RW 04 Pancoran terletak di jantung ibu kota. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam satu lingkup sosial atau komunitas untuk membuat aksi perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini terciptanya kampung wisata berbasis eduwisata. Konsepnya adalah menciptakan perkampungan di kota yang mengusung konsep kampung hijau dengan mengintegrasikan kawasan yang dihiasi dengan mural sebagai penghias atau medium edukasinya, dan green house sebagai ikon dan sarana edukasi bagi masyarakat.
Socialization of Literacies Assessment in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era for Elementary School Teachers in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia MS, Zulela; Marini, Arita; Safitri, Desy; Lestari, Ika; Zahari, Musril; Iskandar, Rossi; Sudrajat, Ajat; Nuraini, Sri; Rihatno, Taufik; Suntari, Yustia; Nafiah, Maratun; Rosinar, Rosinar
International Journal of Community Service Learning Vol 6, No 1 (2022): February 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ijcsl.v6i1.39566


Partner of this international collaboration of community service is RMIT University in Australia, Prof. Dr. Heather Fehring, to be invited to collaborate in giving socialization about effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era to encourage development of elementary school teachers’ competences in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia.  Location of this international collaboration of community service is in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia.  The target of this community service is elementary school teachers in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia.  The problem with the target audiences is that the elementary school teachers’ competences in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia to deal with effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era has not been optimal.  In addition to this, the socialization of effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era for elementary school teachers in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia has not been done before.  In order to develop elementary school teachers’ competences in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia in dealing with literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era to achieve optimal learning quality, the solution is socialization of effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era for them.  The output targets to be achieved in this international collaboration of community service are pocket book, certificates, videos on YouTube, articles in journal of community service, publications in mass media, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), seminar, report.The methods used in conducting this international collaboration of community service are cooperative learning, problem-based learning, and giving assignments.  This socialization is conducted through video conferences in the form of learning activities to improve the competence in dealing with effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era to achieve optimal learning quality for elementary school teachers in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia. The socialization of virtual classroom given is related to technical guidelines of effective literacies assessment implementation in order to achieve optimal learning quality. This international collaboration of community service is conducted at elementary schools in the Province of Jakarta in Indonesia because those elementary schools are regularly coached by Universitas Negeri Jakarta.  Evaluation of process and results is done to find out the competences of elementary school teachers in the province of Jakarta in Indonesia in dealing with effective literacies assessment in the covid-19 pandemic era to achieve optimal learning quality.  This international collaboration of community service is started with a pre-test about effective literacies assessment implementation to know the prior knowledge of target audiences about effective literacies assessment and ended with a post-test after socialization is completed to determine the success of implementing this activity.