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Do Income Smoothing Practices Explain the Lower Earnings-Price Ratio of Japanese Firms Compared to Those of the U.S. Firms? Kusuma, Indra Wijaya
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 7, No 1 (2005): January-April
Publisher : Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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This study examines the variation in earnings-price ratios across Japanese and U.S. firms. The earnings-price ratio is one of the indicators often used by investors to determine their trading strategy. Previous literature document that Japanese firms have consistently lower earnings-price ratios than U.S. firms even though the earnings of Japanese firms have been adjusted to the U.S. GAAP. The objective of this study is to show that Japanese firms engage in income smoothing practices that stabilize earnings, thereby increasing Japanese investors’ willingness to pay higher prices for Japanese stocks. Comparing the income smoothing index and proportion of firms identified as smoothers shows that the intensity of Japanese firms practicing income-smoothing is greater than that of U.S. firms. The results also show that income-smoothing index is significant in explaining the cross-sectional variation of earnings-price ratios for Japanese firms but it is not significant for U.S. firms.  Two potential explanations for the results of U.S. firms are as follows.  First, income smoothing is not practiced widely across firms in the U.S.  Therefore, the variation of income smoothing does not explain the variation in the cross-sectional earnings-price ratios.  Second, even if U.S. firms practice income smoothing, the investors are aware of it and do not take earnings figures literally.Another results show that controlling for income smoothing does not eliminate the differences in the earnings-price ratios of the Japanese and U.S. firms. It is appropriate to conclude that although income smoothing plays a role in explaining the variations of earnings-price ratios across Japanese firms, it is not the only factor that contributes to the differences in the earnings-price ratios of Japanese and U.S. firms.  Other factors may play a role which are either country-specific (such as inflationary expectations, tax regimes) or firm-specific (such as quality of earnings, real returns) as suggested by Brown (1989). The overall results are consistent across samples.
Is Earnings Management Informational or Opportunistic? Evidence from ASEAN Countries Wardani, Dewi Kusuma; Kusuma, Indra Wijaya
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 14, No 1 (2012): January - April
Publisher : Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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This study explores the informational and opportunistic characteristics of earnings management in ASEAN countries. Earnings management has an impact on the profitability of the companies. A positive relation between earnings management and future profitability reveals that earnings management is informational. However, negative a relation between earnings management and future profitability indicates that earnings management is opportunistic. This study uses data from the OSIRIS database. Four hundred and eighty five (485) companies from the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand are used as a sample. This study focuses on 2 types of earnings management: (1) accrual earnings management and (2) real earning management. Modified Jones model is used for the accrual earnings management. Real earnings management follows Roychowdury (2006). The results show that the characteristics of earnings management are not consistent. Real earnings management is informational in Thailand, but opportunistic in Indonesia. Accruals earnings management is informational in the Philippines, but opportunistic in Malaysia. Country factors such as culture may explain the inconsistency of the results in ASEAN.Keywords: accruals earnings management; ASEAN countries; future profitability; informational; opportunistic; real earnings management
The Impact of Financial, Non-Financial, and Corporate Governance Attributes on The Practice of Global Reporting Initiative (gri) Based Environmental Disclosure Frendy, -; Kusuma, Indra Wijaya
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 13, No 2 (2011): May-August
Publisher : Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Business entities are able to exert their influence on particular stakeholders for the benefit of their interest by managing the information they disseminate to the public, particularly if there is no regulation on such issue in place. Accordingly, the extent of accounting information disclosed to the public, specifically voluntary environmental information, is determined by the internal characteristics of the business entities. The objective of this research is to test the financial, non-financial, and corporate governance attributes of Indonesian public companies which contribute to the extent of environmental information disclosure in Indonesia. This research measured the extent of Indonesian public companies’ environmental disclosure using Environmental Disclosure Index (EDI) as a dependent variable. The index is developed from the parameters under environmental protocols of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 framework. Samples of 35 Indonesian public companies are purposively chosen for each of the year from 2005-2008 to form a total of 140 observations.The testing results conclude that size of company, economic performance, and industry sensitivity positively affect environmental disclosure. This research is limited by an assumption that Indonesian public companies employ annual report as the primary means to publicize financial and non-financial information to public.     
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 20, No 1 (2005): January
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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This study examines the variation in earnings-price ratios across Japanese and U.S.firms. Previous literature documents that Japanese firms have consistently lower earnings-price ratios than U.S. firms. The differences in earnings-price ratios have been primarilyattributed to differences in Japanese and U.S. accounting standards. However, Aron(1991)and French and Poterba (1991) provided a conflicting evidence on the argument ofaccounting standards that are the only cause of the differences in earnings-price ratios Theobjective of this study is to examine the issue that Japanese firms lower earnings priceratios is attributable to the differences in the accounting standards..The results show that adjusting Japanese earnings does not entirely eliminate thedifferences in the earnings-price ratios between Japanese and U.S. firms. On the average,the accounting standard differences account for 52 percent of the differences in theaverage earnings-price ratios of Japanese and U.S. firms.Controlling for differences in accounting standards does not eliminate the differences inthe earnings-price ratios of the Japanese and U.S. firms. It is appropriate to conclude thatalthough differences in accounting standards occur between Japanese and U.S. firms, it isnot the only factor that contributes to the differences in the earnings-price ratios ofJapanese and U.S. firmsKeywords: Earnings price ratio, Japanese earnings adjustment, U.S. firms, Japanese firms.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 19, No 1 (2004): January
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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Teori agensi mengindikasikan bahwa manajer proyek yang mempunyai informasi privatdan insentif untuk melakukan shirking akan melakukan tindakan yang disfungsional berupa meneruskan proyek yang diketahui tidak menguntungkan. Isu ini harus diteliti secara luas dengan setting/skenario dan sampel yang berbeda. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji perilaku shirking dari manajer proyek ketika mereka harus menghentikan proyek yang tidak menguntungkan. Tujuan berikutnya adalah untuk menguji peran konpensasi untuk mencegah perilaku shirking.Penelitian ini menggunakan metoda eksperimental dengan memanipulasi dua kondisiyaitu informasi privat dan insentif untuk melakukan shirking. Partisipan dalam eksperimen ini adalah 138 mahasiswa kelas eksekutif program Magister Manajemen Universitas Gadjah Mada. Hasil penelitian tidak mendukung perilaku yang diprediksi oleh Harrell dan Harrison (1994). Manajer yang mempunyai informasi privat dan insentif untuk shirking menghentikan proyek yang tidak menguntungkan (walaupun terdapat kecenderungan namun tidak signifikan secara statistis).Bertentangan dengan harapan, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa kompensasi(bonus dan pinalti) meningkatkan kecenderungan manajer untuk melanjutkan tindakanyang disfungsional ini. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa wanita, usia muda, kurang berpengalaman, mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan bisnis pada level strata satu, dan belum menikah mempunyai kecenderungan untuk melanjutkan proyek yang tidak menguntungkan. Hasil yang demikian mungkin disebabkan oleh faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi perilaku mereka.Penelitian selanjutnya harus dilakukan untuk memeriksa ketidakkonsistenan dalamisu ini dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa kelemahan. Penggunaan sampel yang berupa manajer akan memberikan hasil yang lebih kuat daripada menggunakan proksi mahasiswa eksekutif magister manajemen. Penggunaan skenario lain (terutama skema konpensasi yang berbeda) untuk menguji isu ini juga diperlukan. Penelitian selanjutnya juga perlu mempertimbangkan faktor preferensi terhadap risiko dan locus of control. Seseorang yang mempunyai locus pegawasan internal akan cenderung untuk melanjutkan proyek yang tidak menguntungkan karena ia merasa mampu untuk mengubah keadaan.Kata kunci: Masalah agensi, asimetri informasi, insentif untuk shirking, penghentianproyek yang tidak menguntungkan
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 16, No 1 (2001): January
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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During the last few years, there has been an increase in the number of women working in the field of accounting, specifically working as a public accountant. As a consequence, there has been an increasing gender issue in career opportunity, pro-fession accountability, performance evaluation, conpensation, and career promotion. Having the interesting development of the gender issue, this research has two objectives. Firstly, this research will observe the effect of gender difference to the organizational experience, performance evaluation, and career outcomes in accounting firm. Secondly, this research will observe the relationship between variable of organizational experience and variable of performance evaluation, and also relation-ship between variable of performance evaluation and the variable of career outcomes. The samples of this research are auditors and supervisors working in major accounting firm. The test of hypothesis will use Analysis of variance and correlation. The result of the research shows that in term of organizational experience, performance evaluation and career outcomes, there is no significant difference between male auditor and female auditor. The research test indicates that there is a positive correlation between variable of organizational experience and variable of performance evaluation, and also between variabel of performance evaluation and variable of career outcomes.Keywords: gender, kepuasan kerja, akuntan publik, pengalaman organisasi, hasil karir.
Jurnal Dinamika Manajemen (Journal of Management Dynamics) Proceeding Madic 2015
Publisher : Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Semarang State University, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jdm.v0i0.4802


Tradisi Uang Pelangkah Pernikahan Dalam Adat Betawi di Tinjau Dari Hukum Islam di Kecamatan Babelan Kabupaten Bekasi Kusuma, Indra Wijaya; Hambali, Yoyo
MASLAHAH (Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Perbankan Syariah) Vol 10 No 2 (2019): Maslahah : Jurnal Hukum Islam dan Perbankan Syariah
Publisher : Program Studi Ahwal al-Syakhshiyyah dan Perbankan Syariah Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam "45" Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/maslahah.v10i2.2751


Marriage is a physical and mental bond between a man and a woman as husband and wifewith the aim of forming a happy and eternal family or household based on the Supreme Lordship.In the custom of marriage in the people of Babelan District, Bekasi Regency, there is a customthat if someone wants to get married but there is an older brother who is not married, then thatperson must wait for his brother to marry first or can marry before his brother on condition that theperson who wants to step over his brother must give something in the form of money or goods to herbrother. According to traditional leaders, the stepper is required to maintain a good relationship withhis brother. However, if the stepper was burdensome or prevented his younger sibling from gettingmarried, the traditional leader revealed that this was not justified because the stepper could not beasked for a certain nominal value or certain items, only the awareness of his younger sibling. Inline with the opinion of traditional leaders, clerical figures reveal that stepping may be applied onthe basis of the rules of العادة مُحَكَّمة , but this is not a necessity.. Primary data sources were obtainedfrom interviews and secondary data sources were obtained from books, magazines, journals, etc.The type of research used in this research is the type of field research (Field Research). The researchapproach carried out by the author uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection is done by theauthor to get and understand the picture and the existing reality, the writer uses data collectiontechniques by interview, observation and documents. From the data that has been collected, then thewriter analyzes using descriptive method. Based on the research data, the authors conclude that thetradition of stepping marriage money can be preserved because the tradition of stepping marriagemoney is not only a symbol of national identity, but also as a form of respect for older siblings whowill be stepped over and as a guardian of good family relations. Although it must be preserved, theremust be filtering and adjustments to fiqh so that there is no conflict between adat and fiqh. Some ofthe problems with stepping customs that must be filtered and adapted to fiqh include the prohibitionof marriage from older siblings to younger siblings who wish to marry. Barring his younger siblingfrom marrying is not justified in custom and in fiqh it can be forbidden because it can cause a lotof harm. In addition, things that are burdensome and troublesome for a person to get married mustalso be eliminated. The brother who is going to be stepped over must be able to accept whatever theyounger siblings give as a permit application to marry. Should not impose the ability of the youngersibling and must not burden the request of the younger sibling.
Determinan Kualitas Laba pada Isu Pengadopsian International Financial Reporting Standard: Data dari Asia Utami, Tri; Kusuma, Indra Wijaya
Journal of Accounting and Investment Vol 18, No 1: January 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.666 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jai.18157


The objectives of this study are to examine the effect of investor protection and ownership structure to the relationship between IFRS adoption and earnings quality in Asian companies. Asia is chosen because it has unique characteristics, one of them is ownership structure in Asia is more concentrated on family. The data from this study is obtained from the OSIRIS database for the periode 2009-2013 in ten Asian Countries (China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapura, Taiwan dan Thailand). The sample in this study consists of 16.232 firm year observations and Multiple Regression analysis is used to test hypotheses. The results show that the effect of IFRS adoption to earnings quality depend on the level of investor protection in a country. When the investor protection is high, the IFRS adoption results in higher quality of earnings, but when the investor protection is low, there is no effect of IFRS adoption to the earnings quality. The other results also sho, contrary to the predicition, that concentrated ownership structure increases the relationship between IFRS adoption and earnings quality.
Jurnal Bisnis dan Akuntansi Vol 6 No 1 (2004): Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.048 KB) | DOI: 10.34208/jba.v6i1.397


The use of discretionary accruals for the purpose of income increasing or income decreasing has been examined widely. However, als for the purpose of income smoothing has not been accounting research. Most studies concerning income smoothing is on the factors that affect the probability the company to smooth income. The purpose of this study is to examine whether income smoother uses discretionary accruals to accomplish the purpose. Specifically, this study investigates whether the discretionary accruals are used when the company financial performance is good. The sample consists of 85 listed companies in the Jakarta Stock Exchange. The sample are not from service nor financial institutions, such as banks, insurance, and investment companies since they have different characteristics than the manufacturing. The data are taken from the year 1997 to 2001. The result shows that income smoothing does not correlate with the discretionary accruals. Therefore, the smoothers do not use discretionary accruals to achieve their purpose. Another result shows that smoothers who have good performance have lower discretionary accruals than those who do not have good performance. This result contradicts the logic that smoothers will have more discretionary accruals to achieve their purpose of income smoothing. The logical explanation of this result is that non-performing companies try to cover their performance by using higher discretionary accruals, especially in the period of crisis. Future research are needed to refine this study, especially in the using of Eckel index to categorize smoothers and non smoothers. Another possibility is to use longer period data to avoid the bias from the in crisis in the 1997 or to compare the results using data before versus after 1997 monetary crisis.