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Analisis Peramalan Permintaan Kopi Susu Di Café Kopi Margonda Santika Sari; Siti Aisyah Maharani; Prisky Eka Prakoso; Dhiya Jannati Putrisardjono; Ariq Rifqi Zaini
Journal Industrial Servicess Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jiss.v6i1.9470


Cafe Kopi.Margonda merupakan café dikawasan Margonda, Depok yang menjual beragam jenis minuman olahan kopi. Namun café Kopi.Margonda sering kali mengalami kekurangan stok karena belum efisiennya perencanaan jumlah stok kopi dan fluktuatifnya permintaan kopi di café tersebut setiap harinya. Akibatnya café mengalami kerugian sehingga kehilangan penjualan. Dimulai dari mengumpulkan data historis permintaan kopi susu di café Kopi.Margonda lalu meramalkan fluktuatifnya permintaan tersebut untuk selanjutnya merencanakan agregasinya dan memproyeksikan hasil analisis tersebut dengan metode yang digunakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi terbaik untuk meramalkan permintaan kopi juga perencanaan agregat dalam produksi kopi susu di café Kopi.Margonda. Hasil pengolahan data menghasilkan metode terpilih yang terbaik untuk peramalan tahun berikutnya adalah metode Weight Moving Average dengan MAPE 0,204407 dan Perencanaan agregat menggunakan metode Chase Strategy karena menghasilkan biaya Rp 1,528,055,687 yang lebih kecil biayanya dibanding dengan level strategy maupun mixed strategy.
Identifikasi potensi bahaya dan pengendaliannya dengan hazard identification risk assessment and risk control Santika Sari; Novita Nouryend
Journal Industrial Servicess Vol 7, No 2 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36055/jiss.v7i2.12265


Setiap aktivitas yang melibatkan faktor manusia, lingkungan dan mesin pasti memiliki risiko bahaya. PT. XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang manufaktur bergerak dalam industri plastik. PT. XYZ berencana untuk meningkatkan keamanan pekerja dalam melakukan aktivitasnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi potensi bahaya dan mengetahui penilaian risiko serta upaya pengendaliannya dengan menggunakan metode hazard identification risk assessment and risk control (HIRARC) di bagian pengolahan dan produksi plastik. HIRARC adalah suatu proses untuk mengetahui adanya suatu bahaya kemudian menghitung besarnya suatu risiko dan menetapkan apakah risiko tersebut dapat diterima atau tidak. Mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab terjadinya potensi bahaya di area produksi setengah jadi pada proses set-up mesin PT. XYZ dengan menggunakan metode HIRARC. Hasil penelitian dalam bentuk tabel yang telah diidentifikasi menunjukkan bahwa pada proses set-up mesin plastik memiliki 12 potensi bahaya. Dengan indeks risiko bahaya 4B yang termasuk ke dalam kategori extreme terdapat pada kegiatan menarik plastic dari blower atas untuk dimasukkan ke dalam roll gulung. Selain itu, mengganti roll gulung untuk pergantian ukuran plastik juga termasuk ke dalam kategori extreme dengan indeks risiko bahaya 4B. Untuk mengurangi risiko kecelakaan kerja pada kedua aktivitas perlu menggunakan alat bantu, menghindari pinch point/titik jepit, menggunakan sarung tangan yang sesuai dan melakukan pekerjaan sesuai standard operating procedure (SOP).
Analisis Perhitungan Recommended Weight Limit dan Lifting Index Pada Bagian Consumer Packing (CP), PT. Bogasari Santika Sari; meriyanti meriyanti; nurfajriah nurfajriah
Jurnal Ergonomi Indonesia (The Indonesian Journal of Ergonomic) Vol 7 No 2 (2021): Volume 7 No 2 December 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Ergonomi Fisiologi Kerja Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana Denpasar Bekerjasama dengan Perhimpunan Ergonomi Indonesia (PEI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JEI.2021.v07.i02.p03


In various industrial companies, especially the food industry, there are still activities that are carried out manually in handling the process loading and unloading of goods, one of which is PT. Bogasari. PT. Bogasari is a flour company spread across Indonesia with several brands produced including KB (Kunci Biru), CK (Cakra Kembar), LM (Red badge), and SB (Blue Triangle). In the Consumer Packing section, which is a flour packaging place, there are still activities that are carried out manually, namely at the loading and unloading stages of goods from 3 work stations which can result in the risk of muscle injury to workers. This study aims to analyze the weight of the load that should be lifted by workers and to determines the effect of the weight of the load that has been lifted by the Consumer Packing workers in terms of safety and health conditions using the Recommended Weight Limit and Lifting Index methods. From calculations and analysis carried out on 3 work stations showing different LI values, namely for work station 1 with carton lifting activity of 4.78691069; work station 2 with the activity of lifting wrapping bags (tags) of 6,51384355; and work station 3 with box lifting activity of 4,99049243. So, it can be concluded that the activities carried out by workers from the 3 work stations have a risk of muscle injury because the resulting Lifting Index value is more than 3 (LI ? 3).
Spektrum Industri Vol 18, No 2: October 2020
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/si.v18i2.17316


Industrialization development, which is being implemented in some areas, is increasing rapidly. There are over one hundred thousand construction companies in Indonesia. Thus, the risk of accidents in the construction field is also likely to increase. Moreover, Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest construction accidents according to ASEAN's accident rate. This will cost a significant loss. The Indonesian construction industry should conduct a more in-depth investigation into the problem so that improvements would significantly decrease the accident rate. This research aims to obtain the first modification of HFACS models to be implemented in the companies. Thus, it is expected that there is a correction to the dominant factor. HFACS model is an accident investigation method based on the human error factor. This research is generally divided into three steps. There are preliminary, data collecting, then conclusion and recommendation. Based on the explanation above, it is obtained that the development of the HFACS model is by adding the level of an external factor, which obtained 1,2% in the construction industry. Through the recommendation based on the result of this research, be expected that construction companies in Indonesia could make continuous improvements to reduce the accident
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol. 6 No. 2
Publisher : Center for Study and Journal Management FTI UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33536/jiem.v6i2.687


PT.BFM is a leading wheat mill in Indonesia and is also the first and largest producer wheat flour producer in Indonesia. This factory is very concerned about the quality of its products so the engineer must provide services by maintaining the machine to meet customer demand and maintain product quality well. To maintain customer confidence on the part of the engineer certainly must pay attention to the process of maintaining the machine itself, because the machine used must have waste. This study aims to identify waste and provide recommendations for improvement that aim to reduce the waste that occurs. By using the Lean Concept approach which is more dominant towards Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma, so that this research can combine waste reduction with quality control using the DMAIC stage. That way the machine maintenance process can improve efficiency and improve quality. The study began by describing the Big Picture Mapping and weighting of waste values based on a questionnaire using VALSAT. Waste was also identified using FMEA to calculate the critical value of waste then a recommendation for improvement was carried out using 5W + 1H. Calculation results from processing data from data that has been collected, it was found that the total processing time which was previously 76,895 seconds to 57,342,497 seconds. The results of Value Added Activity are 85.233%, Non-Necessary Value Adding is 8.67% and Non-Value Added is 6.10%. FMEA analysis results obtained that critical waste that needs improvement is waste waiting with a score of 160
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol 5, No 1 (2020): Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol. 5 No. 1
Publisher : Center for Study and Journal Management FTI UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33536/jiem.v5i1.475


Pak Utar Tofu Factory is a conventional home industry which is engaged in the production of Tofu. There are three types of tofu produced, namely White Tofu, Chinese Tofu, and Jambi Tofu. In plain view, it can be seen that the work stations at this plant are still less ergonomic and have a very high risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) injury, therefore the authors conducted research by applying two methods namely Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA), and Ovako Working Analysis System (OWAS) for further comparison. Both methods have the viewpoint of the researcher, as well as the worker's perspective, and are used to examine each work station. After observation, there were 6 work stations with a total of 27 activities in total. After conducting research with these three methods, it was found that the REBA method resulted in all work stations having to be repaired, and the OWAS method resulting in all stations having to be improved. After reviewing and seeing the results of the two methods at each work station, the authors made improvements to the design of work tools at work station two because the work station did not have a major effect on the procedure of the work operator, compared to other work stations. The author makes a work tool repair plan at work station 1 which was originally dipped, into a water flush.
Evaluasi Usability dan Perbaikan Antarmuka pada Laman Utama Santika Sari; Amelia Rizky Ramadhan
STRING (Satuan Tulisan Riset dan Inovasi Teknologi) Vol 6, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (596.709 KB) | DOI: 10.30998/string.v6i2.9374


As the vanguard of information delivery, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia has a main Web Page with a prominent role. However, it turns out that there are still many people who complain about the difficulty in operating some features on the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology's Web Page ( and about the mismatches between the features and psychological and ergonomic factors. These are the usability problems found on the page. Some parameters that can be used as benchmarks in measuring web usability criteria are comprised of Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability, Errors, and Satisfaction. The settlement method that will be used is the usability testing to be carried out by observing the users, the data of which are taken and then analyzed to produce the results to be used as a reference for improvement suggestions. Improvement suggestions are realized by redesigning the interface of the web page using several methods in designing the web page interface, one of which is a Human-Centered Design method.  The usability level of the web page is quite far from the tolerance limit. It should be at least 75% efficiency level, but only gets 18% efficiency level. Therefore, it is necessary to hold the improvement of the user interface
Manufacturing Process Application for Lecture Chair Akhmad Nidhomuz Zaman; Santika Sari
Tibuana Vol 4 No 01 (2021): Tibuana
Publisher : UNIPA PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/tibuana.4.01.3172.6-22


A Learning environment is a place where the learning process takes place. In the implementation of the learning process, most student activities are carried out in a sitting position. Therefore the conditions and seating arrangements, the shape of the chairs, the various equipment and facilities that support the teaching and learning process must be a concern. An uncomfortable sitting position can affect the quality of learning. Also, uncomfortable lecture chairs will affect the user's concentration in learning so that this condition will accelerate the onset of fatigue. The application of the production process that we carried out for the manufacture of our redesigned lecture chairs (flexible chair) has been produced with a total time of 370 minutes with parts, namely, the mainframe, headrests, leg rests, back frame, and supporting materials with a total of 5 operators. We hope that this article can help other fellow students to produce an item and make an analysis of the production process.
Bina Teknika Vol 17, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UPN "Veteran" Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54378/bt.v17i1.2729


The Covid 19 pandemic has an impact on industry in Indonesia. One of the industries affected by Covid 19 is the coffee shop industry. The existence of the Covid 19 pandemic caused uncertainty in the sale of coffee products which caused the coffee shop to have difficulty determining raw materials for the next period. To overcome this problem, forecasting is needed to determine the raw material needs in the form of coffee beans. This study aims to predict the number of best-selling products in "Kopi Titik" coffee. Namely coffee milk, Americano and Capuccino so that the company can get an idea of the number of product sales in the coming period. In addition, companies can also place orders with suppliers so that the raw material needs to fulfill best seller products can be met. The method used in this research is quantitative forecasting, that is forecasting that uses past data to determine future needs. The results obtained from this study are the best seller coffee sales pattern at the Point Coffee Cafe, namely a trend pattern which then uses the double exponential smoothing method with one parameter (Des Brown) and two parameter (Des Holt) approaches; MAPE from the forecast results is 0.268285274% for milk coffee, 0.36874754% for americano and 0.389056107% for cappuccino. The forecast results for the next 5 months are 3498 cups with details of 1920 cups of milk coffee, 754 glasses of americano and 824 cups of cappuccino.
Analisa Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja pada Fungsi Procurement Menggunakan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard Novita Nouryend; Santika Sari
JTERA (Jurnal Teknologi Rekayasa) Vol 5, No 2: December 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31544/jtera.v5.i2.2020.167-174


PT. Pertagas Niaga (PTGN) khususnya fungsi procurement telah mengukur keberhasilan kinerja karyawannya menggunakan Key Performance Indicator (KPI), hanya saja masih belum lengkap. Meskipun ukuran dasar jelas, tetapi belum dievaluasi dengan 4 perspektif sebagaimana ditentukan oleh metode balanced scorecard. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat strategi bisnis menggunakan 4 perspektif yang ada dalam Balanced Scorecard sebagai dasar pengembangan strategi di PT. Pertagas Niaga. Metode pengolahan dan analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis balance scorecard, dan strengths, weakneass, opportunities, and threaths (SWOT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada perspektif keuangan, KPI-nya adalah mendapatkan harga yang rendah dan mendapatkan competitor harga yang baik. Pada perspektif pelanggan yang menjadi KPI adalah berkurangnya masalah administrasi yang kurang lengkap dan permintaan yang mendadak. Lalu kepuasan pelanggan terhadap fungsi procurement dinilai baik. Pada perspektif proses bisnis internal, KPI-nya adalah terbantu dalam permasalahan mengenai tidak adanya tim khusus yang dibentuk untuk evaluasi kinerja vendor serta semua tahap dalam proses pengadaan dilakukan secara elektronik. Pada perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran, KPI-nya adalah semua karyawan fungsi procurement menjadi lebih terampil dan dapat lebih mudah mengetahui harga pasar.
Co-Authors Adinda Zahara Lailah Zain Afifa Ramadanti Ahmad Dzaki Ajeng Puspita S Akhmad Nidhomuz Zaman Akhmad Nidhomuz Zaman Akhmad Nidhomuz Zaman Akhmad Nidhomuz Zaman Alfika Putri Kirana Alif Hendradi Alina Cynthia Dewi Aliza Nuralma Almaash Putridewi Almaidani, Adella Nurha Amelia Rizky Ramadhan Angger Ridho Safaat Annisa Putriana Saputro Annisa Saputro Ariq Rifqi Zaini Axel Rajiv Feocliamsyah Bambang Sujasta Berliana Sihotang Cindy Meisya Putri Hidayat Claudia Sitorus Dani Wahyudi Dhiya Jannati Putrisardjono Dhiyya Jannati Dimas Aditya Dinda Tria Pratiwi Fadhillah, Azriel Fajar Rahayu Fajar Rahayu I.M Fajriah, Nur Farah Fauzia Imron fatma ayu nuning farida afiatna Fitri Wahyuni Handy Hafiizh Hani Musyaffa Hadi Haris Adi Swantoro Hashifah Husna Hayati Hayati Hendradi, Alif Jeremia Radja Moza Karina Rahmi Putri Kresna Putra Brata Laela Aziani Novitasari Lukman Hakim M. Asyrof Faruq Q Maharani, Siti Aisyah Mariana Audini Merike Widi Safitri merike widi safitri meriyanti meriyanti Mira Syehika Hutami Mohammad Rachman Waluyo Monica Permatasari Muhamad - As'adi muhamad as'adi Muhammad Rafii Lisdiarto Muhammad Rizal Muhammad Sirozjudin Munir nidhomuz zaman, akhmad Noiska Lathifa Sari Noverdo Saputra Noverdo Saputra Novita Nouryend Nugie Novanto Nur Fajriah Nur Muhammad Ikhsan Nurfajriah, Nurfajriah Petrina Ziporah Prama Shandyasta Mahindriya prama shandyasta mahindriya Prisky Eka Prakoso Purwati Purwati Putri Elmiranda Sunardi Raden Bimantyo S.J Rahmayanti Wulandari rahmayanti wulandari Rana Shalsabila Reni Wulandari Saputra, Noverdo Saputro, Annisa Saputro, Annisa Putriana Siti Aisyah Maharani Syifa, Annisa Tariska Aaliyah Tsabitah Tatik Juwariyah Titis Sulistiyo W.A Wahyu Maulana Wahyu Maulana, Wahyu Wendi Juliansyah Wendi Juliansyah - Juliansyah Wira Ayu Zaman, Akhmad Nidhomuz