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Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction Among Part-Time and Full-Time Faculty Members : A Comparative Study in School of Business And Management Institut Teknologi Bandung Haekal, Muhammad; Ginting, Henndy
Journal of Business and Management Vol 8, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. Employee engagement towards an organization is one of the most important aspects to look after. It is one of the many factors that contributes to the overall performance of an organization considering how almost everything inside an organization is run by human resource (which includes part time faculty members). This research aims to define part-time and full-time faculty members’ job satisfaction level and condition, thereafter employee engagement. This paper is limited to only comparing and evaluating the satisfaction level of full-time and part-time faculty members of the School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung, and focusing the analysis primarily towards factors that truly contribute to Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire’s job satisfaction and Gallup Q12, which will later determine overall employee engagement. The research participant is 40 people consisting of 29 part-time faculty members and 11 full-time faculty members and is conducted based on both primary and secondary data: primary being results based on circulating a 5-point Likert-scale questionnaire, and secondary being relevant information from online articles, websites, and offline references. This research will use Statistical Software for its analysis; T-Test to compare satisfaction and engagement between part-time and full-time faculty members, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient to find correlation between the two variables. The results indicates that there is a strong, positive correlation between Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement level as where increases or decreases in satisfaction level were significantly related with increases or decreases in engagement level. Also, socio-demographic differences appeared to not have a significant impact on Faculty Members’ Job Satisfaction level, thereafter their Employee Engagement. The finding of this research is expected to help enhancing SBM ITB knowledge about their faculty members’ job satisfaction level, and be able to increase their engagement level. Key Words: Employee Engagement, Employee Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction, Part-Time, Faculty Member, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, Gallup Q12, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient, T-Test, SPSS, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Journal of Business and Management Vol 7, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract.The low level value of congruence between personality and the characteristics of a career field is one of the main reasons why many researchers studied about the personality congruence topic. Entrepreneurship, as one of the career field choices becomes the main discussion in this study. There have been many studies that explained about the congruence between personality and career field to find out how matched the personality with its work environment, and how the result affects their interest about their career field choice. The main goal of this study program is to create a generation of young and innovative entrepreneurs. However, almost half of the Entrepreneurship SBM-ITB students did not want to continue their own business after graduate from this school. The author tried to explore whether the personality of each students are congruence with their business field that had been chosen before based on Holland’s theory. The subjects of this research were 60 students who were studied in Entrepreneurship study program. The instrument used in this research was the Holland’s Self-Directed Search (SDS). The author also used the clusters from business field categories that have been converted into the Holland codes. The results of this research showed that the value of congruence between personality and business field that had been chosen by the students have a relatively low score. The results also showed that there is significant difference in personality between students who want to continue and those who do not want to continue their business. The result of the mean score of congruence within the students is 20.77 percent.Keyword: Person-Environment Fit, Congruence, Business Field, Entrepreneurship, Self-Directed Search 
Analysing literacy and other psychological tendencies using linguistic profile in English expressive writing: Are students able but unwilling to write? Lee, Bonita; Fitria, Annisa; Ginting, Henndy
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol 9, No 1 (2019): Vol. 9 No. 1, May 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ijal.v9i1.12698


The use of English in educational settings has become quite common in order to achieve global competitiveness. Given this fact, students are required to be fluent both in oral and written English. Unfortunately, the significant discrepancy is often found between the two. Students seemed to struggle when asked to elaborate their ideas in writing. With that in mind, this study would elaborate on the linguistic properties of students’ writings in order to understand the linguistic processes affecting such a discrepancy. Writings from a total of 205-business students were analysed using Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC2015) focusing on the linguistic and grammatical properties such as word counts, tenses associated words, adjectives, adverbs and so on. We found that our samples’ writing profile was significantly different from those of LIWC2015, especially in properties such word counts, six-letter words, verb and adjectives, as well as the use of I-related pronoun. For example, we found that our sample used a lot more difficult words while wrote less than half of the global population, suggesting their ability as well as unwillingness to write at the same time. With this main finding, we concluded that students come short in terms of critical literacy. In addition to that, we would also discuss the potential psychological implications (narcissistic tendency) as well as the differences between men and women styles in writing.
Balancing Roles: A Study of Work-Family Spillover among Working Mothers in Jakarta Tambunan, Fauziah Hannum; Ginting, Henndy
Journal of Business and Management Vol 8, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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There is still an underlying perceptions regarding women role. In Indonesia, women are often assume as a back friend which means women are subordinate of men. In context of working, women are expected to do the household chores while men are working. However, women participation rate as worker in Jakarta is increasing rapidly from time to time making women have multiple roles; being a mother and a worker. This research will examine the effect of these roles whether it brings a positive or negative effect using the approach of spillover namely work-family positive spillover, work-family negative spillover, family-work positive spillover and family-work negative spillover. The data is obtained through a questionnaire answered by 212 working mothers in Jakarta. The four dimensions of work-family spillover have a significant value to dual role (role gratification and role strain) in Pearson correlation at the level of 0,01 and 0,05. Later, researcher further the analysis by conducting multiple linear regression and found that family-work spillover has an influence to the role gratification and role strain experienced by working mothers in work domain. In contrary, the work-family spillover is highly favored in role gratification rather than role strain. From the analysis, it is found that family-work domain is an important role in the work-family interface.
The Correlation Between Work Environment And Employee's Job Satisfaction Among Generation Z Syahida, Sarah Nuri; Ginting, Henndy
Journal of Business and Management Vol 8, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Work Environment is one of the variables that impact to job satisfaction. Working conditions clearly have represented a component of job satisfaction (Sundstrom,1986). The work environment is where work is done, this can be seen as a combination of physical, virtual and social environments (Roth, Niemi, Lindholm and Loma, 2010).The appropriate work environment can fulfill employee job satisfaction will also depend on the type of employee itself. One of the type of employee is based on generation. The newest generation workers now is Generation Z. Generation Z working in Indonesia is 16,140,025 peoples and this shows great assets in the workforce. This research will examine the correlation of work environment with generation Z employee’s job satisfaction. Based on the test result, the author found that generation Z employee job satisfaction level distributed from low to high. All of variable of current work environment in this research have positive correlation with job satisfaction with all the result of significant score are more than 0.005 and the variable that have more dominant impact to job satisfaction is virtual work environment with score of pearson correlation 0.581.Keyword: physical work environment, social work environment, virtual work environment, employee job satisfaction, generation Z    
Analyzing the Correlation between Psychosocial Factor and Happiness Among Millennial Workers in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Head Office Mahmudah, Agisti Handayani; Ginting, Henndy
Journal of Business and Management Vol 8, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. Nowadays, in the globalization era, millennials are the largest generation that occupying several roles in the company. Millennial employees have become a problem for almost companies because most of them have a hard to retain Millennials in the company. Millennial employees will leave their jobs if they are feel depressed and unhappy with their work. One of the important things to keep Millennial employees in the company is happiness at work. Psychosocial factors are elements that influence employees' happiness response to working conditions, which can potentially cause psychological health. This study analyzed the correlation between psychosocial factors and happiness. There are 10 psychosocial factor analyzed in this research. The data of this research has been collected by using descriptive statistics and Moderated Linear Regression method for statistical analytics. The result of this research shows that sense of community is experiencing psychosocial factors and that has a positive impact among other psychosocial factors. The happiness index level in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Head Office in average is in Medium Level with 72,3%. And the most correlated psychosocial factor for happiness in millennial workers is organizational justice. It can be concluded that psychosocial factors have a correlation with the level of happiness for millennial workers at PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Head Office. Keyword:  Happiness, Happiness Index, Millennial generation, Psychosocial factors, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Head Office. Abstract. Nowadays, in the globalization era, millennials are the largest generation that occupying several roles in the company. Millennial employees have become a problem for almost companies because most of them have a hard to retain Millennials in the company. Millennial employees will leave their jobs if they are feel depressed and unhappy with their work. One of the important things to keep Millennial employees in the company is happiness at work. Psychosocial factors are elements that influence employees' happiness response to working conditions, which can potentially cause psychological health. This study analyzed the correlation between psychosocial factors and happiness. There are 10 psychosocial factor analyzed in this research. The data of this research has been collected by using descriptive statistics and Moderated Linear Regression method for statistical analytics. The result of this research shows that sense of community is experiencing psychosocial factors and that has a positive impact among other psychosocial factors. The happiness index level in PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Head Office in average is in Medium Level with 72,3%. And the most correlated psychosocial factor for happiness in millennial workers is organizational justice. It can be concluded that psychosocial factors have a correlation with the level of happiness for millennial workers at PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Head Office. Keyword:  Happiness, Happiness Index, Millennial generation, Psychosocial factors, PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Head Office.
Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi UHO : Jurnal Penelitian Kajian Ilmu Komunikasi dan Informasi Vol 5, No 3 (2020): Edisi Juli
Publisher : Laboratorium Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) Universitas Ha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.688 KB) | DOI: 10.52423/jikuho.v5i3.11988


Employee diversity when managed appropriately may contribute to organization to create more effective and productive organization. Thus the organization can compete and dealt with the change and face the dynamic environment. The importance of managing diversity is needed for organization to adapt and compete with the competitor in any circumstances. This research using qualitative study to as methodology, the data collection were gathered using open-ended interview and analysis tool using coding technique. Findings shows that by managing conflict especially conflict that caused by the diversity could emphasize the productivity and the achievement of the organization. Despite the inter-personal relation and inter-personal conflict, the achievement of the employee may be higher than usual. 
A study of discovering dominant employer branding factor to increase employee engagement in generation y employees of xyz company Antonia, Maria Rosana; Ginting, Henndy
Journal of Business and Management Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. Recruitment and Retention of employees is one of the concerns that need to be considered by the company because recruiting new employees requires a lot of costs, especially now when jobs began to be filled by generation Y employees. Generation Y employees have different characteristics compared to previous generation employees because they are more inclined to like to take risks and job-hopping. Therefore, to engage employees, an appropriate employer branding strategy is needed. This study aims to determine the dominant employer branding factor to increase employee engagement in XYZ companies. This research uses quantitative methods with Multilinear Regression to find out the most significant factor of employer branding. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires to XYZ company employees. The total of the respondent for this research is 135 employees. The results of this research found that significant factors were interesting work, job security, and appreciation & praise for work done. The most dominant employer branding factor in this research is Interesting Work. The recommendations given for XYZ companies are to give their employees challenging and interesting jobs, as well as provide opportunities for their employees to express their ideas.Keywords: Employer Branding, Employee Engagement, Generation Y
Analyzing barista interpersonal communication in creating customer satisfaction (case study: brewang coffee bandung) Sabhirah, Nadhirah Sabhi; Ginting, Henndy
Journal of Business and Management Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. Brewang Coffee Bandung was founded by a group of young people who want to participate in the development and preservation of coffee, especially Indonesian coffee in the form of a medium business that focuses on quality in the process of making, serving and learning coffee. Seen from the relationship between customers and Brewang baristas that occur in the field, Brewang Coffee Bandung customers are satisfied with the style of communication carried out by Brewang baristas. To analyze and research this use qualitative approach research methodology is used in this research to gain information and identify the roles and style of barista communication style. The primary data gathered is from interviewing five baristas and supported by secondary data from interviewing ten loyal customers and one owner. For analysis technique, descriptive analysis is performed. The results of this study indicate that all aspects of communication effectiveness (openness, empathy, supportive attitude, equality) and all aspects of customer satisfaction (whole customer satisfaction, confirmation of hope, repurchase intention, willingness to recommend) are found in barista interpersonal communication in creating customer satisfaction in the Brewang Coffee Bandung. The recommendations for Brewang Coffee Bandung must be more assertive in communicating the rules to the customer even though there are no restrictions between baristas and customers, they should pay more attention to the quality and product variants to increase sales, and maintain all four aspects of communication effectiveness in creating customer satisfaction. Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Barista, Coffee Shop, Communication Effectiveness, Customer Satisfaction
Digital Talent Capability Model for Transforming Technology-Based Holding Companies Fahmi, Tubagus Arief; Tjakraatmadja, Jann Hidajat; Ginting, Henndy
The Asian Journal of Technology Management (AJTM) Vol 13, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : School of Business and Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12695/ajtm.2020.13.3.1


Abstract. Digital transformation is inevitable for organizations to remain competitive in the current business landscape. In reality, organizations rely heavily on their human capabilities to achieve digital transformation goals. However, most studies have neglected this dynamic component and have focused instead on organizational readiness. This study strives to fill such a research gap by uncovering digital talent capabilities that could accelerate digital transformation. We propose a conceptual model based on a literature review and enriched by qualitative research in a representative Telecommunication Company. The conceptual model highlights attitudes to change as a critical factor in transforming individual capability towards digital transformation. The model also explains how culture and digital literacy can positively relate to digital talents’ attitudes towards change and performance. Besides giving theoretical contributions to support the literature, the study’s outcomes can be utilized by organizations intending to transform their human capitals’ digital capabilities. Although there is still a possibility of real behavior arising from individual problem-solving habits, the paper ends with some recommendations, stressing the need for future empirical work.Keywords:  Attitudes to Change, Culture, Digital Literacy, Digital Talent Capability, Performance