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Journal : Simetris

Paraffin Sebagai Material Penyimpan Kalor Laten Agus Dwi Korawan
SIMETRIS Vol 13 No 1 (2019): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Paraffin is a material that is easily obtained because it is sold in supermarkets, in addition to household needs, paraffin can be used as a thermal storage material, this is because paraffin has many good properties. To find out the properties needed as heat storage material, a DSC test was performed. Based on the test results and analysis, the results show values that are almost the same as the existing references.
SIMETRIS Vol 12 No 1 (2018): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Oil wells in Ledok village, Blora regency are old wells from the Dutch era, the wells are managed by local community groups, Crude oil from the wells are taken by Pertamina, partners get rewarded according to the specified price. Partner in the Community Partnership Program (PKM) activities is L212 oil well, the chairman is Mr. Agus Purwanto. Based on the analysis of the situation, the problem in this well is that a lot of garbage at the bottom of the well, this garbage prevents the source of oil coming out, as a result the crude oil is produced a little. The purpose of the PKM program is to increase the ability of partners and increase crude oil production. The method used is discussion, training, and mentoring. The results obtained from the implementation of PKM are skills enhancement and increased production capacity
Rancang Bangun Data Logger Temperatur Agus Dwi Korawan
SIMETRIS Vol 12 No 2 (2018): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Temperature data logger is a portable measurement instrument used for reading the temperature of an object and storing the results of temperature in the form of data. Temperature data logger consists of NTC 7.5 K probe thermocouple with serial number SSR038 (16 pieces), the arduino mega microcontroller atmega 2560, and the card data logger module SC-MMC with serial number MOD009. The software used is Arduino 1.5.7 windows based. Testing of 16 thermocouples is done by dipping the thermocouple in water with an initial temperature of about 27oC, then the water is heated slowly for 650 seconds. The results show the same chart pattern, even though there is a slight difference in value. Maximum deviation is 1.0oC. The temperature which is displayed on the monitor screen and stored on the SD card is the same.
SIMETRIS Vol 12 No 2 (2018): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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A two-phase flow is part of a multi-phase flow. A two-phase flow is defined as a fluid flow consisting of substances of different phases that flow simultaneously in one channel. The two-phases flow has a very complex phenomenon, this is due to interactions between phases, their geometry and orientation (vertical or horizontal). To find out the phenomenon, a numerical study of two-phase flow (water-air) was carried out on a series of vertical pipes, 45o elbow and sloped pipes, which varied in this study was the superficial gas velocity (USG) of 0.031 m/s, 0.068 m/s, 0.109 m/s and 0.157 m/s. Research using Ansys Fluent 16.0 software. The pipe used is a transparent pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of 3000 mm, the elbow used is the elbow 45o. Research using Ansys Fluent 16.0 software. The pipe used is a transparent pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a length of 3000 mm, the elbow used is the elbow 45o. The results of this study indicate that at superficial air velocity (USG) of 0.031 m / s and 0.068 m / s the flow pattern is a combination of annular flow, slug and slight bubble. Whereas at superficial air velocity (USG) 0.109 m / s and 0.157 m / s flow patterns are annular flow and slug.
Pengaruh Debit Fluida Air terhadap Distribusi Diameter Bubble pada Microbubble Generator Tipe Orifice-Porous Tube Drajat Indah Mawarni; Agus Dwi Korawan
SIMETRIS Vol 13 No 2 (2019): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Microbubble generator merupakan alat yang dapat menghasilkan gelembung atau bubble berukuran mikro. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh aliran swirl yang diciptakan oleh cyclone pada microbubble generator tipe orifice 12 mm dengan menggunakan porous tube dari stainless steel wire mesh ukuran 300 terhadap distribusi diameter bubble yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Microbubble generator tipe orifice karena memiliki bentuk yang sederhana dan proses manufaktur yang mudah. Untuk meninjau performa dari microbubble generator dapat digunakan beberapa parameter yaitu, hydraulic power (Lw), pressure drop, dan distribusi diameter bubble yang terbentuk. Pada penelitian ini, performa atau karakteristik microbubble generator dipelajari dengan melakukan penelitian pengaruh perubahan debit air (Q­L) terhadap distribusi bubble yang dihasilkan.Debit aliran yang digunakan mempunyai rentang antara 30 lpm – 60 lpm serta distribusi diameter bubble yang dihasilkan diakuisisi dengan menggunakan high speed camera. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menghasilkan bubble dengan probabilitas tertinggi pada rentang diameter 300 – 450 µm.
Evolusi Peleburan Paraffin Sebagai Material Penyimpan Kalor (Studi Kasus Pada Model Tube-and-shell Versus Model Cone-and-shell) Agus Dwi Korawan
SIMETRIS Vol 13 No 2 (2019): SIMETRIS
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe Cepu

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Paraffin as a heat storage material has many advantages, including good thermal properties, safe to use because it is not easy to react, and inexpensive. In this study, the paraffin was applied to the tube-and-shell and cone-and-shell type heat storage. The observed process is the paraffin melting process, which is done by taking pictures with digital cameras in both types during the melting process, taking pictures every 45 minutes from the beginning until the completion of the melting process. The results show that the paraffin melting in the tube-and-shell model occurs first, but the paraffin smelting is finished faster in the con-and-shell model.