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Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 10, No 1 (2019): Refleksi Edukatika : Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24176/re.v10i1.4125


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan pemahaman konsep, komunikasi, koneksi, penalaran, pemecahan masalah, berpikir kritis, dan berpikir kreatif matematis mahasiswa PGSD pada mata kuliah Etnomatematika. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa semester 6 Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Muria Kudus (PGSD UMK) tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik tes. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu tes uraian untuk mengukur kemampuan matematis mahasiswa. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif untuk mengetahui profil kemampuan matematis mahasiswa dan distribusi pencapaian predikat pada setiap kemampuan matematis yang diukur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) rata-rata kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis mahasiswa PGSD mencapai rata-rata 88,44 dengan predikat A; (2) rata-rata kemampuan komunikasi matematis mahasiswa mencapai 74,54 dengan predikat B; (3) rata-rata kemampuan koneksi matematis mahasiswa mencapai 10,63 dengan predikat E; (4) rata-rata kemampuan penalaran matematis mahasiswa memperoleh nilai 36,93 dengan predikat D; (5) rata-rata kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis mahasiswa mencapai 76,28 dengan predikat AB; (6) rata-rata kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis mahasiswa mencapai 77,56 dengan predikat AB; dan (7) rata-rata kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis mahasiswa mencapai 64,83 dengan predikat BC.
Problem-Solving Ability in terms of Adversity Quotient On SFE Learning Based on Firing Line Limay Trisno Putra, Ari; Dwidayati, Nur Karomah; Isnarto, Isnarto
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 9 No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Student Facilitator and Explaining (SFE) learning based on Firing Line and mathematical problem-solving abilities in terms of Adversity Quotient (AQ). The method used is a mixed method with a sequential explanatory design. The study was conducted on class VIII of SMP Teuku Umar Semarang in the academic year 2018/2019 with class VIII 2 as the experimental class and class VIII 3 as the control class. Quantitative data collection with a problem-solving ability test and qualitative data collection is done by interview, observation, questionnaire, and documentation. The results of the problem-solving ability test were analyzed to determine the effectiveness of mathematics learning with the average completeness test, classical completeness test, proportional t-test, average t-test, and improvement test. Students are grouped according to the AQ category which consists of Quitters, Campers, and Climbers to then select three subjects from each category to be interviewed. The results of the study were obtained (1) effective SFE based on Firing Line learning; (2) mathematical problem-solving skills, Quitters students are able to understand problems and plan problem-solving. Campers students are able to understand problems, plan problem-solving and implement solutions. Student Climbers are able to understand problems, plan problem-solving, implement solutions, and re-examine the results of resolution.
Mathematical Connection Ability Based on Self-Efficacy in IDEAL Problem Solving Model Assisted by ICT Ningrum, Herlina Ulfa; Mulyono, Mulyono; Isnarto, Isnarto
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 9 No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Mathematical connection ability and self-efficacy are important for students possess in learning mathematics. A learning model is needed that can help students improve their mathematical connection ability and self-efficacy, namely IDEAL Problem Solving assisted by ICT. The research aims (1) to determine the quality of IDEAL Problem Solving assisted by ICT on students’ mathematical connection ability and (2) to determine students' mathematical connection ability based on self-efficacy. The study used a mixed method with a quantitative first stage and continued qualitatively. The student population is students of class X SMA N 6 Semarang with two sample classes. The results showed that (1) IDEAL Problem Solving learning assisted by ICT is quality for students' mathematical connection ability; (2) students with high self-efficacy have mathematical connection ability in all four indicators, students with medium self-efficacy, almost have all indicators of mathematical connection ability but on indicators connecting mathematical concepts with daily life, students have not fulfilled these indicators well, while students with low self-efficacy do not yet have complete mathematical connection ability for all indicators.
Mathematics Representation Ability Viewed from Adversity Quotient in SAVI Learning Mahendra, Novira Rahmadian; Isnarto, Isnarto; Mulyono, Mulyono
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 9 No 2 (2020): December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research aims to describe mathematics representation ability of students seen from three categories of adversity quotient in Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, and Intellectual (SAVI) of eighth graders. This sequential explanatory typed mixed metod selected its subjects based on three categories of adversity quotient: quitter, camper, and climber. Technique of collecting data used mathematics representation ability test, adversity response profile questionnaire, and interview. The findings showed that the students taught by SAVI achieved actual minimum passing grade with descriptions of representation mathematics skill on visual representation, mathematical expression representation, and written text representation seen from quitter, camper, and climber during SAVI learning, resulted to various results for each category of AQ.
Students’ Mathematical Literacy Based on Self-Esteem By Brain Based Learning With Trigo-Fun E-Module Zakkia, Agustin; Isnarto, Isnarto; Sri Noor Asih, Tri
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to describe the ability of mathematical literacy based on the mathematical self-esteem of class X students. This type of research is a mixed method. The design of this study is sequential explanatory. The population in this study was class X SMA Negeri 1 Slawi consisting of ten classes. The sampling technique using purposive sampling and selected class X.10 as an experimental class. Determination of the subject grouped by self-esteem with high, medium, and low categories to be interviewed about students' mathematical literacy abilities. The results showed that learning the description of mathematical literacy ability in terms of students' self-esteem varied. This is shown from 4 students with high self-esteem obtained by mathematics literacy results in the form of 2 students in the high category and 1 student in the medium category. From 27 students with moderate self-esteem, mathematics literacy results were obtained in the form of 7 students in the high category, 14 students in the moderate category, and 6 students in the low category. From 4 students with low self-esteem mathematical literacy results in the form of 1 student in the high category and 3 students in the low category.
Mathematical Communication Skills Reviewed From Mathematical Resilience in Independent Learning and Discovery Learning Assisted by E - Learning Asih, Kartika Sari; Isnarto, Isnarto; Sukestiyarno, Sukestiyarno
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research aims to describe mathematical communication skill from mathematical resilience in independent learning assisted by module and discovery learning assisted by e-learning. This mixed – method research took population from X graders of SMA N 6 Cirebon. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The results were X MIPA 4 as experimental group 1 (intervened by independent learning assited by module) and X MIPA 6 as experimental group II (intervened by discovery learning assited by e-learning). The subject categorization was based on mathematical resilience with high, moderate, and low categories. The instruments of this research were mathematical resilience questionnaire, mathematical communication skill test, and interview. The results showed that independent learning assited by module and discovery learning assisted by e-learning were effective. There was no difference mathematical communication skill between independent learning assisted by module and discovery learning assisted by e-learning on average. The descriptions of the students’ mathematical communication skills reviewed from mathematical resilience were varied.
Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Vocational School Students Reviewed from Self Regulated Learning in Selective Problem Solving (SPS) Assisted Learning Management System (LMS) Learning Widiyanto, Endra Bagus; Isnarto, Isnarto; Nur Cahyono, Adi
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Problem-solving abilities are one of the five standards of mathematical ability that students must have (NCTM). This study aims to describe the ability to solve mathematical problems in LMS-assisted SPS learning in terms of self-regulated learning (independent learning). The research method used is a mixed method with a concurrent embedded design method. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 Bawen in the academic year 2019/2020. The subjects in this study were students of class XI which consisted of one experimental class with LMS assisted SPS learning and one control class. In the experimental class, two students were chosen from high, medium and low levels of independence. Hypothesis testing uses the proportion test, the average completeness test, the proportion difference test and the average difference test. The results showed that students with high learning independence could carry out each stage of problem solving well, students with moderate learning independence could carry out each stage of problem solving well but some stages were sometimes missed, while students with low learning independence could not carry out all complete problem-solving stages so that you cannot find a solution to the problem correctly.
Students' Mathematical Communication Skills based on AQ in Discovery Learning Model with Realistic Approach Saputra, Moh. Firman Amardani; Isnarto, Isnarto; Hartono, Hartono
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No A (2021): January, 2021 (Special Edition)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Mathematical communication skills are important for students in understanding and conveying mathematical ideas, while the AQ determines how well students overcome difficulties in learning mathematics. The purposes of this study are to determine the learning quality Discovery Learning model with realistic approach, to know the effect of AQ on mathematical communication skills, and to determine patterns of mathematical communication skills in terms of students’ AQ categories. This research applied mixed methods with concurrent embedded design. The results showed: the learning quality of the Discovery Learning model with realistic approach at the planning and implementation stages was good, while the evaluation stage did not meet the criteria; AQ has a positive influence on students' mathematical communication skills; The climbers students showed good achievement on the indicators 1-3, while the indicator 4 showed quite good achievement, the campers students showed fairly good achievement on all indicators, the quitters students showed poor achievement on all indicators.
Mathematics Problem-Solving Skill Reviewed from Self-Regulated Learning of the Eleventh Graders Istiqomah, Novita Ayu; Waluya, St. Budi; Isnarto, Isnarto
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 10 No 1 (2021): June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research aims to describe the learners’ problem-solving skills reviewed from the self-regulated learning of the eleventh graders. Self-regulated learning in this research did not function as a learning method. It was instead a self-planning and monitoring process toward the affective process to solve the academic tasks. The applied method in this research was descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques in this research were observation, test, questionnaire, and interview. The subjects were determined by the purposive sampling technique. The subject selection resulted in six subjects. Every two subjects were categorized into high, moderate, and low self-regulated learning. The findings showed that (1) the eleventh graders with high self-regulated learning autonomously joined the online learning and had self-confidence in their skills; (2) the moderate-self regulated learners committed a few mistakes while calculating, writing the units, and reflecting their mathematics problem-solving process; (3) the low-self regulated learners had low-mathematics problem-solving skill since they could only apply and adjust the strategy to solve the problems.
The Role of Learning Motivation in Mediating the Influence of the School Environment, Parents, Peer Care Patterns on Learning Achievement Ni’mah, Siti Khoirun; Wahyudin, Agus; Isnarto, Isnarto
Educational Management Article In Pres 2021
Publisher : Educational Management

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There are several factors that can improve learning achievement, namely internal and external factors. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the school environment, parenting styles, peers, learning motivation on learning achievement, the influence of the school environment, parenting styles, peers on learning motivation, the influence of learning motivation in mediating the school environment, parenting styles of parents, peers. on the learning achievement of elementary school grade 5 in Gebog Kudus. This study used an ex post facto research design. The results is: The positive and significant influence of the school environment on learning achievement was 6.81%, the parenting style of parents on learning achievement was 20.25%, peers on learning achievement were 8.58%, learning motivation on learning achievement was 6,25%, the school environment on learning motivation was 23.23%, the parenting style of parents on learning motivation was 18.49%, peers on learning motivation were 17.72%. Learning motivation can mediate positively and significantly the influence of parenting style on student achievement, tcount 2.1069 > from ttable 1.980. Motivasi perfect learning does not mediate environmental influences of school and peers on learning achievement. Based on these results, H8 and H10 were rejected, so for future studies other mediating variables can be examined.