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Aplikasi Game Edukasi Pembelajaran Hukum Tajwid Pada Anak Usia Dini Berbasis Android Febrianto, Wahyu; Yenni, Yusli
Journal Information System Development (ISD) Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Journal Information System Development (ISD)

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Abstract-- The knowledge of recitation is one of the conditions for how to read the Qur'an properly and correctly so that the meaning does not change or is wrong. In Tajweed the entry and exit of letters, correct pronunciation, and the relationship between one letter to another. There are problems faced in Al Fauzan TPQ where children are reciting lazy to learn to read books, lazy learning to recite, difficult to understand the lessons that have been received so it will be very difficult to understand or understand the lessons that have been given to teachers. even the teaching process is still traditional and monotonous. The design of the game uses the construct2 assistance application, as a helper design process using the Start UML application, Adobe Photo Shop, and uses the waterfall design method for the flow in its completion. The results of this study are in the form of an educational learning application application of Tajweed Law in early childhood based on Android. Keywords: Tajweed, Waterfall, Educational Game, Android
How Do Hospital Staffs Cope with Covid-19 at Work? A Phenomenological Study Febrianto, Wahyu; Indriani, Wiwin; Dewanto, Aryo; -, Holipah
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya Article in Press 2
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya

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The first confirmed Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) case in Indonesia was found in March 2020 and rapidly spread out across all provinces. Covid-19 hit unexpectedly that almost all hospitals around the world were unprepared for it. Several studies show that Covid-19 impacts negatively on hospital finance, the mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs), and the death of HCWs. Hasta Brata Hospital (HBH) is one of the hospitals in East Java affected by the pandemic. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the experience of HBH staff face the issues. This study was qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The data were collected using in-depth interviews with two HBH’s staff. ACovid-19 pandemic causes problems to the hospital, especially the staff. They experienced deep emotional and physical pressure at work, such as fear of infection, repeated conflict with patient's visitor, having different mindsets among staff, and increasing workload. The situation in the community is also frustrating them as the Covid-19 cases keep rising, while people tend to disobey the Covid-19 prevention protocols. Fortunately, they have proper job resource, started from physical support such as the provision of personal protective equipment, nutritional enhancement, and periodic Covid-19 screening; cognitive support such as knowledge update about Covid-19 and its handling methods; to psychological support such as motivational and spiritual support from the HBH leader. Moreover, they also pose strong personal resources that help them to cope with stressful working situations. They could, then, bounce back, feel optimistic that they could fight against Covid-19, with the hope that the pandemic will have an end. Continuous spiritual support gives them another personal resource of tawakkal, an Islamic concept of giving entire resignation and reliance on God only after exerting maximum effort. It seems that job resources and personal resources have succeeded in reducing the highly demanding situation and transform it into positive outcomes. Given a challenging situation, the hospital staffs strive to perform well and bring themselves into their work when providing patient care. Covid-19 pandemic forced the hospital and staff to adapt to the condition quickly. The presence of job resources and the provision of strong personal resources have succeeded in moderating job demands and resulting in positive outcomes. Tawakkal becomes an adding point on staff's personal resources that made them realize that Covid-19 is inevitable, and they have to fight back before finally giving their full resignation to God.
Conference on Innovation and Application of Science and Technology (CIASTECH) CIASTECH 2021 "Kesiapan Indonesia Dalam Menghadapi Krisis Energi Global"
Publisher : Universitas Widyagama Malang

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Kondisi pandemi Corona Virus Desease (covid-19) yang melanda Indonesia berdampak masif pada berbagai aspek kehidupan, hal yang berpengaruh disisi negara harus menjamin keselamatan rakyat adalah perkembangan perekonomian negara melalui APBN yang difokuskan pada biaya penanganan Covid-19. Dalam perkembangan penanganan tanggap darurat bencana non-alam ini Indonesia dikejutkan dengan terungkapnya tindak pidana korupsi di tengah pandemi, hal ini sungguh mencederai asas salus populi suprema lex esto, disisi itu tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan pada kondisi tertentu pelakunya dapat dijerat dengan hukuman mati sebagaimana tertuang dalam pasal 2 ayat 2 UU no. 20 tahun 2001 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Menyikapi akan hak asasi manusia yang dimiliki oleh pelaku tindak pidana korupsi ini tentunya menggerus nilai asasi yang melekat pada diri pelaku untuk memiliki hak hidup, sehingga patut untuk diperhatikan akan konsekuensi dari pasal tersebut bila diterapkan kepada pelaku dengan tetap memperhatikan hak asasi manusia, hal ini bertujuan untuk melindungi hak-hak yang sudah diberikan Tuhan kepada manusia. Guna mendapatkan perlindungan hak asasi manusia, pelaku bisa mengajukan permohonan pra-peradilan dan berbagai proses peradilan lainnya. Menjadi tugas pemerintah dalam hal ini adalah menjamin HAM yang diprioritaskan dalam berbagai bentuk kebijakannya salah satunya melalui Undang-Undang.Â