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Rancang Bangun Robot Three wheeled Omnidirectional Dengan Konfigurasi Mikrokontroler Master-Slave Rochmanto, Raditya Artha; Muslim, M. Aziz; Rif’an, Mochammad
Jurnal Fokus Elektroda : Energi Listrik, Telekomunikasi, Komputer, Elektronika dan Kendali) Vol 5, No 4 (2020): Jurnal Elektroda Vol 5 No 4
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfe.v5i4.14629


Three wheeled omnidirectional robot has been used in industries and academics fields because its ability to move freely and simultaneously both rotation and translation. Free movement in this robot is assisted by omni wheel which consists of wheels and rollers. So, the movement of this robot is a combination of wheel and roller rotation. At present, the task given to the mobile robot is increasingly complex, so it makes microcontroller’s workload heavier. A microcontroller’s workload could be lightened by master-slave configuration to divide the microcontroller’s tasks. The wheel rotating speed control system uses a pid controller to obtain a fast and stable wheel speed response. The PID parameters, kp,ki,kd were obtained by using the hand tuning method. The testing results shown the average error of robot direction is 4,3750 and the direction of the robot’s face changed 5.750.
Rancang Bangun Robot Three wheeled Omnidirectional Dengan Konfigurasi Mikrokontroler Master-Slave Rochmanto, Raditya Artha; Muslim, M. Aziz; Rif’an, Mochammad
Jurnal Fokus Elektroda : Energi Listrik, Telekomunikasi, Komputer, Elektronika dan Kendali) Vol 5, No 4 (2020): Jurnal Elektroda Vol 5 No 4
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33772/jfe.v5i4.14629


Three wheeled omnidirectional robot has been used in industries and academics fields because its ability to move freely and simultaneously both rotation and translation. Free movement in this robot is assisted by omni wheel which consists of wheels and rollers. So, the movement of this robot is a combination of wheel and roller rotation. At present, the task given to the mobile robot is increasingly complex, so it makes microcontroller’s workload heavier. A microcontroller’s workload could be lightened by master-slave configuration to divide the microcontroller’s tasks. The wheel rotating speed control system uses a pid controller to obtain a fast and stable wheel speed response. The PID parameters, kp,ki,kd were obtained by using the hand tuning method. The testing results shown the average error of robot direction is 4,3750 and the direction of the robot’s face changed 5.750.
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Motor listrik telah digunakan di berbagai bidang. Di era modern ini keberadaan motor listrik telah banyak dijumpai mulai dari peralatan rumah tangga, industri, pesawat dan alat elektronik lainnya. Perkembangan teknologi komputer baik hardware maupun software terus berkembang seiring perkembangan teknologi elektronika yang semakin maju, demikian juga teknologi kontrol. Dari sekian banyaknya jenis motor listrik, salah satu jenis motor listrik yang saat ini sering digunakan adalah motor DC. Semakin tingginya penggunaan motor listrik, diharapkan motor dapat memiliki karakteristik yang handal dan efisien dengan dilakukan modifikasi pada beberapa bagian motor listrik. Dalam proses modifikasi motor DC diperlukan suatu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk sistem yang kompleks. Metode yang dapat digunakan adalah logika fuzzy mamdani. Penggunaan logika fuzzy mamdani pada sistem yang kompleks dirancang untuk mengontrol keluaran tunggal yang berasal dari beberapa masukan yang tidak saling berhubungan. Respon kontroler yang dilakukan tanpa diberi beban mencapai titik kestabilan dengan setting time sebesar 15 detik pada setpoint 18v dengan (Rpm 2500) dan setelah diberi beban sebesar 5 ons mencapai setting time pada detik ke 16 dengan rise time sekitar 4 detik. Pada setpoint 21v (Rpm 3000) mencapai titik kestabilan dengan setting time 16 detik dan saat sudah ditambahkan beban sebesar 5 ons mencapai setting time saat 17 detik dengan rise time sekitar 5 detik. Kata Kunci: Motor Listrik, Motor DC, Logika Fuzzy Mamdani.   Abstract Electric motors have been used in various fields. In this modern era, the existence of electric motors has been found, ranging from household appliances, industry, aircraft and other electronic devices. The development of computer technology, both hardware and software, continues to develop in line with the development of increasingly advanced electronic technology, as well as control technology. Of the many types of electric motors, one type of electric motor that is currently often used is a DC motor. With the increasing use of electric motors, it is expected that the motor can have reliable and efficient characteristics by making modifications to several parts of the electric motor. In the process of modifying a DC motor, a method that can be used for complex systems is needed. The method that can be used is mamdani fuzzy logic. The use of fuzzy mamdani logic in complex systems is designed to control a single output that comes from several unrelated inputs. The controller response which is carried out without being given a load reaches a point of stability with a setting time of 15 seconds at a setpoint of 18v with Rpm 2500 and after being given a load of 5 ounces it reaches a setting time of 16 seconds with a rise time of about 4 seconds. At the 21v setpoint with Rpm 3000, it reaches a point of stability with a setting time of 16 seconds and when a load of 5 ounces has been added it reaches a setting time of 17 seconds with a rise time of about 5 seconds. Keywords: Electric Motor, DC Motor, Mamdani Fuzzy Logic.
Transmisi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Vol 23, No 4 Oktober (2021): TRANSMISI
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/transmisi.23.4.%p


 Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu penyakit dengan proyeksi kematian terbesar selama 10 tahun terakhir dengan indeks kematian mencapai rata-rata 5 juta per-tahun, dan diprediksi akan terus naik hingga 60% di seluruh dunia. Umumnya, banyak metode yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi penyakit ini, salah satunya dengan mengamati jaringan histopatology. Banyak dari para ilmuwan, yang menggunakan jaringan histopatology untuk menganalisa, mengamati dan membuat sistem klasifikasi kanker payudara dengan berbagai metode, seperti: convolutional neural network, deep learning, support vector machine. Penggunaan metode convolutional neural network terbukti paling unggul pada sistem klasifikasi kanker payudara, namun akurasi rata-rata yang dihasilkan relatif cukup rendah. Selain itu, penggunaan metode convolutional neural network, membutuhkan waktu komputasi yang relatif lama untuk mengklasifikasikan 7909 dataset ukuran 4 GB. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, desain sebuah sistem klasifikasi dengan mengimplementasikan Gray Level Co-occurance Matrix pada saat prapengolahan data CNN di butuhkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, penggunaan  metode  CNN  menghasilkan  waktu  komputasi  lebih  lama,  yaitu:  3300  detik  dibandingkan  dengan kombinasi metode GLCM Entropy dan CNN 2040 detik. Sedangkan rata-rata akurasi latih dan uji yang dihasilkan oleh metode kombinasi GLCM entropy dan CNN adalah  92,26% dan 94,16%, lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan metode CNN, yaitu: 88,41% untuk data latih, dan 87,68% untuk data uji.
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol 10, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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ABSTRAKJamur merang merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman yang tumbuh dipengaruhi oleh suhu dan kelembaban ruang, serta konsistensi selama perawatan. Jamur merang tumbuh dengan baik membutuhkan suhu antara 28-35 °C dan kelembaban 80-90 %RH. Hasil akan kurang optimal bahkan besar kemungkinan berpotensi mendatangkan kegagalan budidaya jika faktor-faktor tersebut tidak dapat dipenuhi. Untuk mempermudah perawatan maka dibuatlah alat yang mampu mengontrol suhu dan kelembaban secara otomatis. Purwarupa sistem kontrol suhu dan kelembaban diimplementasikan menggunakan sistem pemroses Mikrokontroler Arduino Mega 2560 serta sensor SHT11 digunakan sebagai pendeteksi suhu dan kelembaban pada miniatur kumbung jamur merang. Untuk memenuhi suhu serta kelembaban dalam ruang digunakan kipas DC 12 V, lampu bohlam 75 W dan mist maker sebagai aktuator. Pada penelitian ini pengontrolan kumbung jamur merang menggunakan metode Kontrol Logika Fuzzy (KLF) . Berdasarkan hasil percobaan menggunakan metode Kontrol Logika Fuzzy (KLF) tipe Mamdani, suhu dan kelembaban memenuhi target setpoint serta layak dipergunakan dengan error steady state ..%. dan settling time … detik. Setpoint yang digunakan adalah 30 °C dan 85% RH.Kata Kunci: jamur merang, suhu dan kelembaban, Kontrol Logika Fuzzy (KLF).ABSTRACTStraw mushroom is one type of plant that grows influenced by temperature and humidity of the room, as well as consistency during treatment. Mushrooms grow well need temperatures between 28-35 °C and humidity 80-90%RH. The results will be less than optimal and even have the potential to cause cultivation failure if these factors cannot be met. To simplify maintenance, a device that is able to control temperature and humidity is made automatically. The prototype of the temperature and humidity control system is implemented using the Arduino Mega 2560 Microcontroller processing system and the SHT11 sensor is used as a temperature and humidity detector in a miniature straw mushroom room. To meet the temperature and humidity in the room, a 12 V DC fan, 75 W light bulb and mist maker are used as actuators. In this study the control of straw mushroom room using Fuzzy Logic Control (KLF) method. Based on the results of the experiment using the Mamdani type Fuzzy Logic Control (KLF) method, the temperature and humidity met the target setpoint and were suitable for use with a steady state error of ..%. and settling time … seconds. The setpoint used is 30 °C and 85% RH.Keyword: straw mushroom, humidity, Fuzzy Logic Control (KLF), temperatur
Optimasi Struktur Convolutional Neural Network LeNet5m dengan Pendekatan MorphNet Ridho Herasmara; Muhammad Aziz Muslim; Panca Mudjirahardjo
Jurnal EECCIS Vol 13, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Pendekatan perancangan neural network saat ini, menghasilkan rancangan yang tidak efisien. Rancangan yang tidak efisien ini menyebabkan penggunaan sumber daya yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan network yang lebih efisien. Hal ini juga merupakan permasalahan yang dialami network LeNet5, sebuah convolutional neural network untuk klasifikasi digit tulisan tangan yang dilatih dengan menggunakan dataset MNIST. Kami mengusulkan pendekatan MorphNet untuk optimasi kebutuhan flops-nya. Pendekatan MorphNet mengerdilkan network dengan menggunakan L1 regularization untuk menonaktifkan neuron pada tingkat aktivasinya. Neuron yang tidak aktif ini memiliki imbas yang kecil terhadap kinerja network, sehingga akan diusulkan untuk dihilangkan pada struktur yang baru. Network ini kemudian dapat dibesarkan untuk realokasi sumber daya. Sebagai hasilnya, didapatkan beberapa network baru yang lebih efisien dalam kebutuhan flops hingga 69%, dengan tetap mempertahankan tingkat akurasi pada rentang 98.5%. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa pendekatan MorphNet berhasil meningkatakan efisiensi dengan cara menghilangkan neuron yang berimbas kecil terhadap kinerja network.
Perancangan Sistem Gerak Kamera Laba-laba dengan Metode Kinematika Balik Muhammad Aziz Muslim; Frido Wahyu Alifantio
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 8 No 2: Mei 2019
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Spider camera (spidercam) is a camera equipped with a movement system that resembles the movement of a spider. The camera can move in a three-dimensional field by pulling and stretching the rope or cables arranged in a certain configuration. This study proposed the use of an inverse kinematic to control the movement of the camera. This method is seeking the relationship between the desired coordinates with the angle that must be moved from each motor that composes it. To move the motor, an analytically tuned PID controller is employed. Experimental results show that using the proposed system, the camera is successfully placed in accordance with the desired position with 100% accuracy. From motor response side, however, the system's performance still needs to be improved so that a smoother movement can be obtained.
Analisis Kinerja Jalan Raya Kota Malang Menggunakan Metode FCD (Floating Car Data) Mega Satya Ciptaningrum; Muhammad Aziz Muslim; Agus Naba
Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi Vol 5 No 1: Februari 2016
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

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Congestion is one of the symptoms of inadequate road conditions and interaction between the traffic elements that affect the performance of the highway. Methods of measuring the performance of the highway have been reported in Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia in 1997. Highway performance measurement parameters that can be used are speed and time delay. Floating Car Data (FCD) is a method to retrieve data such as speed and time delay quickly and efficiently. While Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) can be used as a method of measuring the performance of the FCD method. In this study, the FCD method is applied to the segment of urban roads in the city of Malang by utilizing the GPS feature on a mobile device carried by the rider. The results of data recording by FCD are tested using ANFIS with two input parameters (speed and time delay) and one output (congestion level). Results of experiments using 70% training data and 30% test data are able to obtain maximum performance, with the lowest MSE is 0.43, while the calculated travel speed results of the FCD method compared with the base flow speed (based on MKJI) is 68.22% during spare time, and 43.96% during traffic jam.
Pengenalan Pola Dasar Angka berdasarkan Gerakan Tangan menggunakan Machine Learning SYAFRIYADI NOR; MUHAMMAD AZIZ MUSLIM; MUHAMMAD ASWIN
Jurnal Elkomika Vol 10, No 3 (2022): ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektr
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/elkomika.v10i3.595


ABSTRAKPengenalan gerakan tangan dianggap sebagai bagian penting dari interaksi manusia komputer, memungkinkan komputer untuk mengenali dan menafsirkan gerakan tangan dan menjalankan perintah. Penggunaan machine learning dimanfaatkan untuk mencari tren dan pola yang berbeda. Namun, tantangan untuk menerapkan machine learning menjadi bagaimana memilih di antara berbagai model berbeda digunakan untuk kumpulan data atau kasus berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengukur kinerja model machine learning yang diusulkan dengan pemilihan hyperparameter yang sesuai dalam mengenali 10 pola angka berdasarkan gerakan tangan di udara. Dalam makalah ini, model KNN, SVM, dan ANN-PSO diusulkan. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data gerakan yang berasal dari MPU-6050. Kinerja metode yang diusulkan dievaluasi menggunakan metrik standar seperti akurasi klasifikasi, presisi, recall, f1-score, dan AUC-ROC. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa akurasi rata-rata mencapai 87%.Kata kunci: HCI, hand gesture recognition, machine learning, MPU-6050, pola ABSTRACTHand gesture recognition is considered an essential part of human-computer interaction (HCI), enabling computers to recognize and interpret hand gesturesand execute  commands. The use of machine learning is utilized to look for different trends and patterns. However, the challenge for implementing machine learning becomes how to choose between different models used for different datasets or cases. This research aims to measure the performance of the proposed machine learning model by selecting the appropriate hyperparameters in recognizing 10 number patterns based on hand gestures in the air. In this paper, KNN, SVM, and ANN-PSO models are proposed. Experiments were carried by collecting gesture data from MPU-6050. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated using standard metrics such as classification accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score, and AUC-ROC. The results show that the average accuracy reaches 87%.Keywords: HCI, hand gesture recognition, machine learning, MPU-6050, pattern 
Sensor Fusion using Model Predictive Control for Differential Dual Wheeled Robot Achmad Imam Sudianto; Muhammad Aziz Muslim; Moch Rusli
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vol. 8, No. 1, February 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v8i1.1614


Every mobile robot mission starts with the robot being moved to the task site. From there, the robot executes its tasks. A control system is required to move the mobile robot's actuator (which may be in the shape of wheels or legs) and comprehend the environment around the robot to perform these movements (perception). This research aims to develop a technique to control a robot’s movement while detecting obstacles and distances toward an object. The robot is equipped with LIDAR and a camera to perform these tasks. The control is divided into two major parts, low-level and high-level controller. As part of a low-level controller robot, the Model Predictive Control (MPC) method is proposed to help with the control of the wheel while the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach to use in this study to identify obstacles and the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method for detecting objects, both ANN and CNN as a control for high-level part of the robot. The results of this study can prove that CNN can help detect existing objects with a value of 45% for detecting some objects. The obtained result from the MPC method, which has been combined with an ANN as an obstacle detector, is that the smaller the horizon value, the shorter the time needed to reach the desired coordinates with the result being 45 seconds.