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Decision Table Dalam Pengalokasian Dana Bantuan Terhadap Masyarakat Kurang Mampu Resmi, Mochzen Gito
PIKSEL : Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Sistem Embedded and Logic Vol 6 No 2 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/piksel.v6i2.1506


Abstract The making of this research is based on the process of selecting poor people for the allocation of funds that are still done manually. Some methods are used in one form of decision decision (decision table). structured using Diagrams, DFD, ERD, Flowmap as modeling languages and using waterfall device development methods which include 4 stages, namely communication (beginning, techniques to get user needs), planning (making forecasts, scheduling), modeling (analysis and design) and construction (program codes, testing). The results of this study are expected to assist in the allocation of funds to be right on target which can then be developed into a useful information system. Keywords: Decision Table, Information System, Waterfall. Abstrak Pembuatan penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh proses penyeleksian masyarakat yang kurang mampu untuk pengalokasian dana bantuan yang masih dilakukan secara manual sehingga terkadang dana bantuan tersebut menjadi tidak tepat sasaran. Terdapat beberapa metode yang digunakan dalam perhitungan kelayakan penerima dana bantuan masyarakat, salah satunya adalah decision table (table keputusan). dibuat bersifat terstruktur dengan menggunakan Diagram Konteks, DFD, ERD, Flowmap sebagai bahasa pemodelan dan menggunakan metode pengembangan perangkat lunak waterfall yang meliputi 4 tahapan yaitu communication (permulaan proyek, teknik untuk mendapatkan spesifikasi kebutuhan pengguna), planning (membuat prakiraan-prakiraan, penjadwalan), modeling (analisis dan perancangan) serta construction (penulisan kode-kode program, pengujian). Hasil penelitian ini maka diharapkan dapat membantu dalam pengalokasian dana agar tepat sesuai sasaran yang kemudian dapat dikembangkan menjadi sebuah sistem informasi yang bermanfaat. Kata kunci: Decision Table, Sistem Informasi, Waterfall.
Metode Simple Additive Weighting Dalam Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Tempat Kuliner Di Kabupaten Purwakarta Resmi, Mochzen Gito; Irmayanti, Dede
PIKSEL : Penelitian Ilmu Komputer Sistem Embedded and Logic Vol 7 No 1 (2019): Maret 2019
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/piksel.v7i1.1661


Abstract Tourism in Purwakarta Regency has an impact on culinary development. Many culinary places in Purwakarta can make people sometimes confused to determine which appropriate place for eating. Lack of information on available locations is a problem for tourists who want to enjoy the satisfaction of culinary tourists. Some criteria can be chosen, namely: price, type of food, location or cleanliness, and facilities. Therefore,a support system was proposed using a simple Additive Weighting method (SAW) and the Waterfall development method. This system provides an appropriate a decision system in choosing the culinary place. Keywords: Simple Additive Weighting, Decision Support System, Waterfall Abstrak Meningkatnya jumlah wisatawan di Kabupaten Purwakarta memberikan dampak terhadap perkembangan usaha kuliner. Banyaknya lokasi penjualan kuliner yang ada di Purwakarta membuat wisatawan bingung untuk menentukan tempat makan mana yang sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Kurangnya informasi terhadap lokasi yang tersedia menjadi masalah bagi wisatawan yang ingin menikmati berwisata kuliner. Beberapa kriteria dapat menjadi pilihan dalam wisata kuliner antara lain, harga, jenis makanan, lokasi atau kebersihan, dan fasilitas Sehubungan dengan wisatawan yang mengalami kesulitan dalam menentukan tempat kuliner di Purwakarta, maka penulis akan membuat sistem pendukung keputusan dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dengan metode pengembangan Waterfall. Sistem ini dapat membantu memberikan alternatif keputusan dalam menentukan tempat kuliner di Purwakarta mengacu kepada kriteria-kriteria pengambilan keputusan tersebut. Kata kunci: Simple Additive Weighting, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, Waterfall,
Application of the Technique For Order Preference By Similarity To Ideal Solution Method in Determining Contract Employees to Become Permanent Employees Resmi, Mochzen Gito; Defriani, Meriska
Sinkron : jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Article Research Volume 7 Issue 1: January 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/sinkron.v7i1.11207


Refratech Mandala Perkasa (RMP) is a refractory cement manufacturing company. The company also operates in the manufacture of refractory cement made for repair of hot coatings, boilers, rotary kilns, incinerators, ovens and chemicals for steel metals, as well as ferrous & non ferrous foundries. In this company there are contract employees and permanent employees, contract employees are employees or workers whose working period is limited by a certain time according to the agreement within the company. While permanent employees are workers whose working period is approximately until they receive certain benefits according to the work agreement. This research was conducted to assist companies in decision support using the Topsis method in determining the appointment of contract employees to permanent employees based on predetermined criteria, namely Knowledge and Skills at work, Quantity and Quality of Work, Job Responsibilities, Initiatives in Work, and Compliance. on rules or discipline. The results of this study indicate that the determination of the ranking of prospective permanent employees can be obtained from the calculation results of the TOPSIS method, where the results of prospective employees are based on predetermined administrative criteria. Prospective permanent employees who have the highest rank have the right to be selected first. The accuracy of the implementation of the TOPSIS method on the system plays a major role in the effectiveness and efficiency of the company's services to consumers compared to before the system was implemented. With the implementation of this DSS system, it can help companies to make it easier to make decisions to survey prospective permanent employees and optimize employee performance.
Metode User Centered Design untuk Mengembangkan Aplikasi Distribusi Produk Berbasis Mobile Defriani, Meriska; Resmi, Mochzen Gito; Permana, Okta Amien
Sinkron : jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Article Research Volume 7 Issue 1: January 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/sinkron.v7i1.11218


Anyelir Cake And Bakery is the largest cake shop in Purwakarta which is engaged in the production of various kinds of cakes. In the process of distributing products from the central store to branch stores, they still use WhatsApp to place orders. This causes frequent discrepancies in the number of products requested and the number of products received due to an error in reading the message. In this study, a mobile-based application will be built that is able to manage order data more accurately. The development of this application uses the User Centered Design (UCD). This is a design method that focuses on user needs so that the final result of this application does not need to change user behavior when using the application. The UCD method consists of four stages, namely plan the human centered design, specify user and organizational requirements, product design solutions, and evaluate design against user requirements. In the development process, application testing was carried out to get feedback from users with good scores, namely an average of 4 (agree) and 5 (strongly agree). This shows that the application is in accordance with the needs of the user.
Analisis Arsitektur E-government dengan Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Meriska Defriani; Mochzen Gito Resmi
JUMANJI (Jurnal Masyarakat Informatika Unjani) Vol 3 No 02 (2019): Jurnal Masyarakat Informatika Unjani
Publisher : Jurusan Informatika Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523.647 KB) | DOI: 10.26874/jumanji.v3i02.59


e-government kini menjadi salah satu hal yang penting dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Hal tersebut disebabkan penerapan e-government dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanan pemerintahan menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Purwakarta merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Indonesia yang telah menerapkan e-government. Namun, penerapan e-government di Kabupaten Purwakarta masih pada tahap catalogue, yaitu sebatas pemberian informasi pemerintahan melalui website pemerintahan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu analisis mendalam mengenai arsitektur e-government di Pemerintahan Kabupaten Purwakarta yang hasilnya dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan tingkat maturitas setiap komponen arsitektur dan juga dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk merencanakan pengembangan arsitektur e-government sampai ke tahap horizontal integration. Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) dengan menggunakan Collaborative Planning Methodology (CPM) sebagai metodenya. Implementasi CPM hanya pada fase Organize and Plan yang terdiri dari tiga tahapan, yaitu Identify and Validate, Research and Leverage, serta Define and Plan pada aktivitas yang berkaitan dengan analisis kondisi arsitektur yang saat ini sedang berjalan. Implementasi kerangka kerja FEA pada penelitian ini tidak dilakukan secara utuh tapi disesuaikan dengan kondisi Pemerintahan Kabupaten Purwakarta. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah analisis arsitektur strategi, bisnis, data, aplikasi, infrastruktur, dan keamanan sistem e-government di Kabupaten Purwakarta, serta tingkat maturitas dari setiap arsitektur tersebut