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Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 7, No 1 (2020): Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2020
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v7i1.6499


The impact of covid-19 requires several local governments to decide on implementing policies to dismiss students and implement online or online learning systems. This government policy has been effectively enforced in several provinces in Indonesia since March 2020. However, this does not apply to several schools in Temanggung Regency. The learning system in a network is a learning system without face to face directly between teachers and students but is carried out online using the internet network. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning activities at SD Kemloko Temanggung during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses qualitative methods and uses interview and observation data collection techniques. The results showed a lack of effectiveness during home learning. Students cannot interact directly with teachers and friends, students do assignments and watch television accompanied by their parents and students have difficulty receiving understanding of the material.
Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial Vol 7, No 2 (2020): Vol. 7, No. 2, Oktober 2020
Publisher : Kopertais Wilayah X Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/wa.v7i2.6528


Penguatan Pendidikan Pancasila di perguruan tinggi menjadi solusi membangun generasi taat konstitusi. Penguatan Pendidikan Pancasila sangat mendukung untuk mewujudkan Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental, Kementerian Agama, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan serta Mahkamah Konstitusi. Perkuliahan Pendidikan Pancasila harus mengacu nilai-nilai integritas, etos kerja, dan gotong royong. Ketiga nilai utama itu ditujukan dalam rangka mencapai budaya bangsa yang bermartabat, modern, maju, makmur, dan sejahtera berdasarkan Pancasila. Ketaatan pada konstitusi dimulai dari beberapa hal. Pertama, kesadaran hukum yang bisa dikuatkan dalam perkuliahan Pendidikan Pancasila. Kedua, pemenuhan seorang untuk paham hukum agar tidak melanggarnya dan terkena sanksi. Ketiga, identifikasi terhadap ketakutan terhadap hukum itu sendiri. Keempat, internalisasi ketaatan hukum itu sendiri agar benar-benar memahami dan mengimplementasikan Pancasila, konstitusi, dan hukum itu sendiri. Ketaatan pada konstitusi diwujudkan dengan menaati semua substansi yang ada pada UUD 1945 beserta segala aspek yang dikuatkan melalui Pendidikan Pancasila. Kompetensi perkuliahan Pendidikan Pancasila harus berorientasi pada mutu dan perilaku nyata. Kompetensi di sini tidak sekadar berupa pengetahuan dan keterampilan, namun ditekankan pada pembentukan sikap dan tindakan nyata untuk taat konstitusi. Membangun negara demokrasi konstitusional bisa dikuatkan melalui implementasi Pancasila lewat sila-silanya. Dalam jangka panjang bisa dilakukan perguruan tinggi dengan menguatkan mata kuliah Pendidikan Pancasila agar mereka paham politik, konstitusi, demokrasi, Pemilu dan lainnya.
Penguatan Literasi Perpajakan Melalui Strategi “GEBUK” (Gerakan Membuat Kartu) NPWP pada Mahasiswa Ibda, Hamidulloh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jepk.v7n2.p83-98


Penelitian ini membahas penguatan literasi perpajakan melalui strategi GEBUK (Gerakan Membuat Kartu) NPWP pada mahasiswa STAINU Temanggung. Populasi penelitian mahasiswa pada empat program studi di STAINU Temanggung berjumlah 40 mahasiswa. Dari penguatan literasi perpajakan, mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan pemahaman tentang perpajakan setelah diberi tindakan. Pertama, mengetahui pengertian pajak dengan ketuntasan 35 mahasiswa (87,5 %) yang awalnya 14 mahasiswa (35%). Kedua, mengetahui pengertian wajib pajak sebanyak 37 mahasiswa (92,5 %) yang awalnya 18 mahasiswa (45 %). Ketiga, mengetahui macam-macam pajak sebanyak 38 mahasiswa (95 %) yang awalnya 14 mahasiswa (35 %). Keempat, mengetahui pengertian NPWP sebanyak 39 mahasiswa (97,5 %) yang awalnya 17 mahasiswa (42,5%). Kelima, mengetahui manfaat pajak dan NPWP bagi negara dan masyarakat menjadi 36 mahasiswa (90 %) yang awalnya 14 mahasiswa (35 %). Sedangkan dalam hal kepemilikan NPWP, dari 40 mahasiswa yang awalnya hanya 3 orang (7,5%) yang memiliki NPWP, setelah dilakukan strategi GEBUK NPWP meningkat menjadi 40 mahasiswa (100%).
Jurnal Pena Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jpi.v5n1.p1-18


Student speaking skills are not all adequate and according to linguistic and non-linguistic  rules. To speak correctly, well, and beautifully, recorded and uploaded on Youtube, students experience obstacles, such as being unfamiliar, afraid, insecure, and do not know linguistic aspects and non-linguistic aspects to speak right, good, and beautiful. In linguistic aspects consist of correctness of speech, placement of pressure, tone, joint, and relevant duration, diction / choice of words and accuracy of target speech. Whereas the non-linguistic aspects consist of calm, honest, and not rigid attitudes, views directed at followers, willingness to respect the opinions of others, proper gestures and gestures, sound loudness, fluency, relevance / reasoning, and mastery of topics. One Student, One Video (SAMA SAVI) program has been proven to improve the speaking skills of students of the Islamic Education (PAI) Study Program of STAINU Temanggung. Before the action, speaking skills in the aspects of linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of students were inadequate. After the actions of cycle I and cycle II, there was a significant increase in students’ speaking skills, both from linguistic and non-linguistic aspects. In the process of implementing this program, researchers experienced seven obstacles as well as seven opportunities to improve speaking skills for students
Ma’arif Literacy Movement Program in Improving Literacy Skills in Teachers and Students in Central Java Ibda, Hamidulloh; Wijanarko, Andrian Gandi; Wijayanti, Dian Marta
Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS) Borneo International Journal of Islamic Studies (BIJIS), Vol. 3(1), NOVEMBER 2020
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/bijis.v3i1.2278


The purpose of this study is to describe the Ma’arif Literacy Movement (GLM) program of the Educational Institution Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Central Java for the period 2018-2023. In addition, this study also revealed the character content, form and implementation of the Ma’arif Literacy Movement (GLM), the literacy of the teacher and the student abilities and obstacles in opportunities are the application of the Ma’arif Literacy Movement (GLM) program in Central Java. This research method is qualitative descriptive with interview, observation, and documentation techniques. As a result of the research, the Ma’arif Literacy Movement (GLM) program became the flagship program the Educational Institution Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Central Java which focuses on journalistic papers, scientific papers, literary works, technology works with independent practice and synergy practices. In this movement there is a character content from Strengthening Character Education (PPK) and the character of Aswaja Annahdliyah. The Ma’arif Literacy Movement (GLM) is a program that can improve the literacy skills of teachers and students in Central Java. That ability can be seen from the number of their works from the publication in the media of the Educational Institution Ma’arif Nahdlatul Ulama of Central Java totaling 1,139 works. While the number of products of journalistic papers, scientific papers, and literary works from the results of education and training / competitions until May 2020 is 364 works. There are four obstacles and seven opportunities to succeed the Ma’arif Literacy Movement (GLM) program in improving the literacy skills of Ma’arif’s teachers and students in Central Java.
International Journal Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din Vol 19, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (58.726 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/ihya.19.2.1853


This article aims to find out the concept of hubbul wathan minal imanand nationalism in Islamic education. It also describes the genealogy of nationalism and hubbul wathan minal iman, the dynamics of the anti-nationalism group, and the character of nationalism in Islamic education. The findings in this article indicate the character of nationalism is very influential on the resilience of the nation, one of them through the program strengthening character education established by the government. In that program, there is a character of the spirit of nationalism and love of the homeland as a form of hubbul wathan minal iman that can be applied by all Islamic educational institutions to maintain the spirit of nationalism.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep hubbul wathan minal iman dan nasionalisme dalam pendidikan Islam. Selain itu juga mendeskripsikan genealogi nasionalisme dan hubbul wathan minal iman, dinamika kelompok antinasionalisme, dan karakter nasionalisme dalam pendidikan Islam. Temuan dalam artikel ini menunjukkan karakter nasionalisme sangat berpengaruh terhadap ketahanan bangsa, salah satunyamelalui program Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) yang ditetapkan pemerintah. Dalam progam itu, terdapat karakter semangat kebangsaan dan cinta tanah air sebagai wujud hubbul wathan minal iman yang bisa diterapkan semua lembaga pendidikan Islam untuk menjaga ruh nasionalisme.
Improving Students’ Skills Of Writing Scientific Articles Through ‘One Semester One Book’ Writing Program Ibda, Hamidulloh; Wahyuningsih, Effi
International Journal of English Education and Linguistics (IJoEEL) Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/ijoeel.v1i1.477


Writing scientific articles for higher education students, especially undergraduate ones will be difficult without habituation, training, and program with product oriented in form of book. If it runs naturally and lecturers only give assignments to write scientific articles without education or literacy education, they tend to make plagiarism. This study aims at improving the students’ skills of writing scientific articles through ‘One Semester One Book’ writing program. Classroom activity is designed as the pillar of literacy namely reading, writing, and arithmetic in accordance with the integrated language learning approach by combining four language skills which is oriented by product of articles or book. The results of the study show that there are improvements of the students’ scientific articles writing skills achieved by 89 students in some aspects. They cover the progress of: first, skills of determining the research problems from 35 students (39%) to 85 students (95%); second, skills of determining the theme and tittle of the scientific articles from 24 students (26%) to 89 (100%); third, skills of determining the word choice appropriately from 25 students (28%) to 80 students (89%); fourth, skills of using correct spelling based on General Indonesian Spelling Guidelines (PUEBI) rules from 35 students (39%) to 75 students (84%); fifth, skills of applying citation method from 25 students (28%) to 80 students (89%); sixth, improvement of the number of the students who do not commit plagiarism from 25 students (28%) to 85 students (95%); and seventh, skills of writing contemporary issues about education or religion from 34 students (38%) to 84 students (94%). The research findings reveal that the ‘One Semester One Book’ writing program is strategic in improving the students’ skills of writing scientific articles.
Penguatan Literasi Perpajakan Melalui Strategi Å“GEBUK (Gerakan Membuat Kartu) NPWP pada Mahasiswa Ibda, Hamidulloh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jepk.v7n2.p83-98


Penelitian ini membahas penguatan literasi perpajakan melalui strategi GEBUK (Gerakan Membuat Kartu) NPWP pada mahasiswa STAINU Temanggung. Populasi penelitian mahasiswa pada empat program studi di STAINU Temanggung berjumlah 40 mahasiswa. Dari penguatan literasi perpajakan, mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan pemahaman tentang perpajakan setelah diberi tindakan. Pertama, mengetahui pengertian pajak dengan ketuntasan 35 mahasiswa (87,5 %) yang awalnya 14 mahasiswa (35%). Kedua, mengetahui pengertian wajib pajak sebanyak 37 mahasiswa (92,5 %) yang awalnya 18 mahasiswa (45 %). Ketiga, mengetahui macam-macam pajak sebanyak 38 mahasiswa (95 %) yang awalnya 14 mahasiswa (35 %). Keempat, mengetahui pengertian NPWP sebanyak 39 mahasiswa (97,5 %) yang awalnya 17 mahasiswa (42,5%). Kelima, mengetahui manfaat pajak dan NPWP bagi negara dan masyarakat menjadi 36 mahasiswa (90 %) yang awalnya 14 mahasiswa (35 %). Sedangkan dalam hal kepemilikan NPWP, dari 40 mahasiswa yang awalnya hanya 3 orang (7,5%) yang memiliki NPWP, setelah dilakukan strategi GEBUK NPWP meningkat menjadi 40 mahasiswa (100%).
Journal of Research and Thought on Islamic Education Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.086 KB) | DOI: 10.24260/jrtie.v1i1.1064


Abstract: In answering the fourth industrial revolution era, basic Islamic education institutions did not adequately apply old literacy (reading, writing, arithmetic), but had to apply new literacy (data literacy, technology literacy and human resource literacy or humanism). This article discusses the challenges and opportunities of basic Islamic education in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Strengthening new literacy in Islamic elementary education teachers as a key to change, revitalizing literacy-based curriculum and strengthening the role of teachers who have digital competencies. The teacher plays a role in building competency generation, character, having new literacy skills, and high-level thinking skills. Islamic elementary education as a basis for determining intellectual, spiritual, and emotional intelligence in children must strengthen 21st century literacy skills. Start creative aspects, critical thinking, communicative, and collaborative. Islamic elementary education is urgently needed to strengthen new literacy and revitalize digital-based curriculum. Curriculum revitalization refers to five basic values of good students, namely resilience, adaptability, integrity, competence, and continuous improvement. Islamic elementary education educators must be digital teachers, understand computers, and be free from academic illness. The goal is to realize high competency generation, character and literacy to answer the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution era. Abstrak: Dalam menjawab era Revolusi Industri 4.0, lembaga pendidikan dasar Islam tidak cukup menerapkan literasi lama (membaca, menulis, berhitung), tetapi harus menerapkan literasi baru (literasi data, literasi teknologi dan literasi sumber daya manusia atau humanisme). Artikel ini membahas tantangan dan peluang pendidikan dasar Islam di era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Penguatan literasi baru pada guru pendidikan dasar Islam sebagai kunci perubahan, revitalisasi kurikulum berbasis literasi dan penguatan peran guru yang memiliki kompetensi digital. Guru berperan membangun generasi berkompetensi, berkarakter, memiliki kemampuan literasi baru, dan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Pendidikan dasar Islam sebagai dasar penentu kecerdasan intelektual, spiritual, dan emosional pada anak, harus memperkuat keterampilan literasi abad 21. Mulai aspek kreatif, pemikiran kritis, komunikatif, dan kolaboratif. Pendidikan dasar Islam urgen memperkuat literasi baru dan revitalisasi kurikulum berbasis digital. Revitalisasi kurikulum mengacu pada lima nilai dasar dari peserta didik yang baik, yaitu ketahanan, kemampuan beradaptasi, integritas, kompetensi, dan peningkatan berkelanjutan. Pendidik pendidikan dasar Islam harus menjadi guru digital, paham komputer, dan bebas dari penyakit akademis. Tujuannya mewujudkan generasi berkompetensi tingkat tinggi, karakter dan literasi untuk menjawab tantangan era Revolusi Industri 4.0.
Penggunaan Umpatan Thelo, Jidor, Sikem, Sikak sebagai Wujud Marah dan Ekspresi Budaya Warga Temanggung Hamidulloh Ibda
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa Vol 8, No 2 (2019): Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/rnh.v8i2.1293


This study aims to describe the utterances of thelo, jidor, sikem, and sikak as typical curses of Temanggung Regency, Central Java. This study chose Temanggung Regency as the location for data collection aimed at revealing the meaning of thelo swear, jidor, sikem, sikak in citizens' communication behavior. This study uses qualitative methods to maximize data collection by interview and observation. From the results of the study, researchers found the form of swear in Temanggung, which is in the form of words and inscriptions in the form of phrases. There are two purposes for using the utterances of thelo, jidor, sikem, sikak. First, as a form of anger or resistance to crime, anomalies, or kazaliman that afflict the citizens of Temanggung. When someone commits a crime on one of the residents, the citizen spontaneously pronounces thelo, jidor, sikem, or sikak based on his crime rate. Second, as a cultural expression to express pleasure, admiration, surprise, and wonder. The thelo, jidor, sikem, or sikak speeches are not spoken for committing a crime, instead as a form of protest against crime. When someone steals, people usually say thelo, jidor, sikem or sikak for the incident. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan ujaran thelo, jidor, sikem, dan sikak sebagai umpatan khas Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini memilih Kabupaten Temanggung sebagai lokasi pengambilan data ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap makna umpatan thelo, jidor, sikem, sikak dalam perilaku komunikasi warga. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk memaksimalkan pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan observasi. Dari hasil penelitian, peneliti menemukan bentuk umpatan di Temanggung, yaitu berupa kata dan makian berbentuk frasa. Ada dua tujuan penggunaan ujaran thelo, jidor, sikem, sikak. Pertama, sebagai bentuk marah atau perlawanan atas kejahatan, anomali, atau kazaliman yang menimpa warga Temanggung. Ketika ada orang melakukan kejahatan pada salah satu warga, maka warga secara spontanitas mengucapkan thelo, jidor, sikem, atau sikak berdasarkan tingkat kejahatannya. Kedua, sebagai ekpresi budaya untuk mengekspresikan rasa senang, kagum, terkejut, dan heran. Ujaran thelo, jidor, sikem, atau sikak tidak diucapkan untuk melakukan kejahatan, justru sebagai bentuk protes terhadap kejahatan. Ketika ada orang mencuri, maka warga biasa mengucap thelo, jidor, sikem, atau sikak atas kejadian tersebut.