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Politik identitas Muslim di Jerman dan Perancis Jamil, Irpan; Setiadi, Ozi
Politea Vol 2, No 2 (2019): POLITEA Jurnal Pemikiran Politik Islam
Publisher : IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/politea.v2i2.5699


The politics of Muslim identity in Germany and France. Islam is a universal religion. It became a religion that grew very rapidly in Europe. Germany and France are countries in Europe affected by Islamic growth. This happens because of many factors, such as the entry of Muslim immigrants, conversion to Islam, and others. This research, firstly, comprehensively describes the concept of Islamic political identity in Germany and France. Second, analyzing it in a descriptive-substantive way to find the ideal pattern of the concept of Islamic political identity in Germany and France. This type of research is a literature study with a qualitative approach to the nature of descriptive-analytical research. This study found that the development of Islam in Germany and France was supported by policies in favor of Muslims, specifically regarding the establishment of places of worship and social and cultural relations. However, the absence of formal religious infrastructure and dealing with secularization are something that needs attention. German and French Muslims make religious ideologies and symbols, such as mosques, their political endeavors.
El-Ecosy : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam Vol 1, No 2 (2021): Juli (El-Ecosy: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Keuangan Islam)
Publisher : Universitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.623 KB) | DOI: 10.35194/.v1i2.1826


ABSTRAKDalam konteks keislaman, Islam adalah ajaran yang komprehensif yang didalamnya memiliki konsep negara, pemerintahan, kesejahteraan ekonomi dan lain-lain. Dalam pandangan Islam, negara tidak bisa lepas dari konsep kolektif yang didalamnya termasuk landasan moral dan syariah Islam. Dalam konteks sekarang, negara kesejahteraan (Welfare State) merupakan sesuatu yang sangat penting dan mempunyai nilai yang strategis, mengingat bahwa negara kesejahteraan dianggap sebagai salah satu  jawaban yang paling tepat atas bentuk keterlibatan negara dalam mengubah kesejahteraan rakyat. Dalam konteks keindonesiaan cita-cita mewujudkan negara kesejahteraan sudah direncanakan jauh sejak negara ini didirikan, walaupun dalam perjalanannya menemui banyak permasalahan dan tantangan, bahkan ketika upaya-upaya yang berkaitan dengan perangkat untuk menuju konsep tersebut sudah tersedia termasuk didalamnya aturan-aturan yang telah disusun dalam bentuk perundangan ataupun kebijakan politik. ABSTRACTIn the context of Islam, Islam is a comprehensive teaching which includes the concept of the state, government, economic welfare and others. In the view of Islam, the state cannot be separated from the collective concept which includes the moral foundation and Islamic sharia. In the current context, the welfare state is something that is very important and has strategic value, considering that the welfare state is considered as one of the most appropriate answers to the form of state involvement in changing people's welfare. In the Indonesian context, the ideals of realizing a welfare state have been planned long since this country was founded, although along the way it encounters many problems and challenges, even when efforts related to the tools to achieve this concept are already in place, including the rules that have been compiled in form of legislation or political policy.
The Variables that Affect Compliance of Muslim Merchants for Zakat Maal in the District of Cianjur Dadang Husen Sobana; Uus Ahmad Husaeni; Irpan Jamil; Dadang Saepudin
International Journal of Zakat Vol 1 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Center of Strategic Studies (PUSKAS) BAZNAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (400.46 KB) | DOI: 10.37706/ijaz.v1i1.8


The purpose of this study is to determine the variables that affect the level of compliance among Muslim merchants in the implementation of zakat maal. The quantitative method was used for the investigation and the results were compiled by multiple linear regression analysis. The total population enrolled in this study comprised 100 Muslim merchants. A non-probability sampling technique with this type of sampling was considered suitable for the purpose of this research that the sample collection purpose adapted to the purpose of research. Based on the results of multiple linear regression testing, it can be concluded that compliance zakat maal is affected by the variable level of education, level of income, commitment to Islamic rule, perceptions Zakat justice and transparency of zakat institution. Keywords: Compliance; welfare; Muslim merchants; zakat institution; zakat maal
Ar-Rihlah : Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 1, No 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Universitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.352 KB) | DOI: 10.35194/arps.v1i2.1890


ABSTRAKEkonomi Islam yang tengah berkembang saat ini baik tataran teori maupun praktik merupakan wujud nyata dari upaya operasionalisasi Islam sebagai Rahmatan lil alamin. Dalam perkembangannya kadang sulit membedakan diantara produk syariah yang satu dengan yang lainnya, karena hampir samanya bentuk akad-akad tersebut. Terlepas dari itu, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan produk ekonomi Islam tetap berlandaskan kepada al-Quran, al-hadits maupun pendapat ulama. Adapun lewat analisis kualitatif reduksi dan penafsiran berupaya untuk lebih mengungkap teori permapuran ini. Maka hasilnya teori dan produk-produk dan jasa Syariah semakin banyak mewarnai eksistensi lembaga keuangan syariah. Ragam teori dan produk produk tersebut membutuhkan dasar dan penjelasan yang komprehensif agar memudahkan pemahaman tidak hanya bagi user tapi juga bagi semua kalangan yang berkepentingan dan menaruh perhatian terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Ekonomi Islam. Banyak pihak yang ingin mengetahui perbedaan mendasar antara Lembaga Keuangan Syariah dengan Lembaga Keuangan Konvensional. Salah satu perbedaan yang sering dikemukakan oleh para ahli adalah bahwa di Lembaga Keuangan Syariah harus ada Underlying Transaction  yang jelas, sehingga uang tidak boleh mendatangkan keuntungan dengan sendirinya. Teori percampuran dan produk produk turunannya seperti musyarakah dan mudharabah adalah bagian yang sangat penting dalam memaknai kekhasan produk produk di Lembaga Keuangan Syariah. Adapun  produk-produk Akad Percampuran (ikhtilath) yang sering dilakukan pada kegiatan transaksi ekonomi syariah yaitu Musyarakah atau dikenal dengan sebutan syirkah, yaitu percampuran antara sesuatu dengan yang lainnya, sehingga sulit untuk dibedakan. ABSTRACTIslamic economics that is currently developing, both at the theoretical and practical levels, is a tangible manifestation of the operationalization of Islam as Rahmatan lil alamin. In its development, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between one sharia product and another, because the forms of the contracts are almost the same. Apart from that, the growth and development of Islamic economic products is still based on the Koran, al-hadith and the opinions of scholars. Meanwhile, through qualitative analysis, reduction and interpretation seeks to further reveal this amalgamation theory. So the result is that the theory and Islamic products and services are increasingly coloring the existence of Islamic financial institutions. The various theories and products require a comprehensive basis and explanation in order to facilitate understanding not only for users but also for all interested parties and pay attention to the growth and development of Islamic Economics. Many parties want to know the basic differences between Islamic Financial Institutions and Conventional Financial Institutions. One of the differences that are often stated by experts is that in Islamic Financial Institutions there must be a clear Underlying Transaction, so that money should not bring profits by itself. The theory of mixing and its derivative products such as musharaka and mudharabah is a very important part in interpreting the uniqueness of products in Islamic Financial Institutions. The products of Mixed Contracts (ikhtilath) that are often carried out in sharia economic transaction activities are Musyarakah or known as syirkah, which is a mixture of one thing with another, making it difficult to distinguish.