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Use of Magnetic Sensor for Groundwater Detection Nurchim, Nurchim
IJTB (International Journal of Technology And Business) Vol 2 No 2 (2018): IJTB | INTER1NATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This study aims for detect the existence of groundwater using magnetic sensor. I doing so, we calculated the value of the Earth’s magnetic field on the land area with large around 150 metres in Pandeyan sub district of Boyolali Regency. We used a linear magnetic hall sensor with SS49E type as our analytical proportion to the strength of the magnetic field. We made a magnetic measurement program who compiled in the microcontroller chip and the result will be show in the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). When we took the data there, we found three spot with highest value, lowest value and fickle value of the magnetic field. After found these, we tried drill them to find the source of groundwater. The first spot as the highest with value of the strength of the magnetic field is 550 and we found the source of groundwater in a depth of 6 metres. The second spot as the lowest with value of the strength of the magnetic field is 549 and we found the source of groundwater in a depth more than 9 metres. The last spot is unique because the strength of the magnetic field always changing between the range 549 to 550 and we found the source of groundwater in a depth 7.5 metres. So that, it can be interpreted that the magnetic sensor can be used to find the source groundwater. The higher the value of the strength of the magnetic field then will be closer to groundwater.
Indonesia SMEs: sharing internet, sharing cost to improve the competitiveness Nurchim,Tri Djoko Santosa
International Conference on Industrial Revolution for Polytechnic Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): International Conference on Industrial Revolution for Polytechnic Education
Publisher : PolinemaPress

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The successful of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) the main key of economic development in a country. Therefore, SMEs must improve their knowledge about global market. To connect the global market, SMEs can adoption the Information Communication and Technology especially internet infrastructure. But, the adoption of ICT run slowly in Indonesia SMEs. From this condition then necessary to develop internet infrastructure with more efficient costs. This research aim is analyze and develop new alternative to build an internet infrastructure network using Wireless Distribution System (WDS) among SMEs. The process implementation using Action Design Research (ADR) method with case study in two creative SME at Baki, Sukoharjo, Indonesia. As results, SMEs can sharing internet infrastructure and experts in build and operation it so can reduce their cost business operation. Other findings, they can interact among them to increase business innovation and finally they can improve their competitiveness.
Penerapan Aplikasi Augmented Reality sebagai Media Pembelajaran Digital di Taman Kanak-Kanak Vihi Atina; Nurchim Nurchim; Yommy Adhiwira Yudha
Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol 2, No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/ijocs.2.2.172-180


Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) perlu ditingkatkan guna mendorong keberhasilan transformasi digital dalam dunia pendidikan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan menerapkan aplikasi augmented reality sebagai media pembelajaran digital di Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) khususnya di TK Kemala Bhayangkari No 72 Wonogiri dengan materi belajar tentang profesi. Tahapan dalam menerapkan aplikasi ini meliputi (1) pengamatan masalah, (2) penerapan teknologi, (3) pelatihan mitra dan (4) pendampingan mitra. Hasil penerapan aplikasi augmented reality yakni dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menggunakan media digital dan menyediakan sarana prasarana pembelajaran digital. Selain itu, proses kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan memanfaatkan media digital menjadi lebih menarik dan interaktif.The implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) needs to be improved to encourage the success of digital transformation in the world of education. This activity aims to apply the augmented reality application as a digital learning media in kindergarten especially in TK Kemala Bhayangkari No. 72 Wonogiri with learning material about the profession. The stages in implementing this application include (1) observation of the problem, (2) application of technology, (3) partner training, and (4) partner assistance. The results of implementing the augmented reality application are that it can increase teacher competence in using digital media and provide digital learning infrastructure. In addition, the process of teaching and learning activities using digital media is becoming more interesting and interactive.
Prototipe Sistem Informasi Retailer Industri Kreatif Di Kota Solo Eko - Purwanto; Nurchim Nurchim; Feri Setiyono
Jurnal Informatika Upgris Vol 4, No 1: Juni (2018)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/jiu.v4i1.2339


Solo is a cultural city. in addition solo has some business actors in the arts and cultural arts until now still exist in production. The problems faced by UKM craft art and culture here is the lack of marketing media, therefore making the difficulty of handicraft products known by the public. Marketing media utilized include brochures, pamphlets and more. In this study the authors provide solutions by designing and making a craft sales application that is devoted to the sale of cultural arts and crafts are expected to solve existing problems.This research uses prototype method in system development. The design of the system in this study using UML system design tool (Unified Modeling Language). With use case, diagram, flowchart.The results of this study obtained from the questionnaire to the respondents consisting of respondents sellers and respondents buyers who showed results that web-based creative industry retailer applications obtained Percentage of respondents sellers Interpretation of 92% and respondents buyers interpretation of 87%. So the average of questionnaire results from both respondents is 89.5% which shows the application of creative industry retailers can be useful to help the system of art and culture arts sales in the city of Solo.
Analisis Model Pengembangan Telecenter Guna Mewujudkan Desa Pintar di Indonesia Nurchim Nurchim; Indah Nofikasari
Fountain of Informatics Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2018): November
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/fij.v3i2.2466


The success of the implementation of smart villages is based on the success of the village in carrying out digital transformation with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as the driver. As a result, villages need an ICT development center which is better known as telecentre. Telecentres contribute to the social and economic development of villages with ICT as the key. In Indonesia, the establishment of telecentres is increasingly prevalent, but until now it was felt that it still did not show its success. The difficulties that arise are, constraints on information and financial management to pay for connectivity, equipment maintenance and telecentre staff salaries. The purpose of this study is to provide a telecentre development model in the form of a Village-Owned Enterprise based on hybrid organizational theory. This research approach was carried out qualitatively with a case study of Lamahu Village, Bone Bolango, Gorontalo. The process of collecting data through interviews, and the results of interviews were analyzed by interpretation into hybrid organizational theory. The results showed that the telecentre development needs to review 3 aspects, namely (1) the establishment of telecentres must have a mission as a social enterprise engaged in the implementation of ICT-based appropriate technology, (2) telecentres in the form of a legal entities Village Owned Enterprise so that they have the opportunity to obtain financial resources from  external (CSR) and internal (village funds) and finally (3) telecentre human resources must involve the village community from origin so that they can help the effectiveness of interaction and ensure the sustainability of ICT adoption.
Induksi Teknologi pada UMKM Industri Kreatif: Pembangunan Infrastruktur Jaringan Internet Nurchim Nurchim; Tri Djoko Santoso
Khadimul Ummah Vol 2, No 1 (2018): November
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.081 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/ku.v2i1.2656


Induksi teknologi khususnya internet diperlukan industri kreatif untuk penguatan kreativitas dan penciptaan inovasi baru. Sekarang ini, belum semua industri kreatif memiliki infrastruktur internet secara permanen sebagai contoh pada Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Total Reklame dan Gali Kreatifitas Fiber selaku mitra Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PkM). Selama ini, koneksi internet lebih dominan berasal dari tethering hotspot smartphone pribadi sehingga akan timbul masalah jika pemilik smartphone tersebut pergi. Akibatnya, proses pekerjaan desain produk menjadi terhambat dan produksi menunggu lama. Kegiatan PkM ini berfokus membangun jaringan internet dengan tujuan untuk mewujudkan induksi teknologi guna meningkatkan daya saing usaha UMKM industri kreatif. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan PkM terbagi menjadi tiga tahapan meliputi (1) pengamatan lapangan yang berfungsi untuk membuat perancangan jaringan internet, (2) penerapan teknologi berupa pemasangan dan konfigurasi perangkat jaringan internet dan (3) monitoring koneksi internet serta pendampingan dalam bentuk pelatihan mitra dalam menangani troubleshooting ringan perangkat jaringan internet. Pembangunan infrastruktur internet dilakukan dengan model wireless repeater, yakni perluasan cakupan koneksi internet tanpa kabel diantara kedua lokasi UMKM. Hal ini dipilih, karena kedua UMKM hanya berjarak ± 100 meter dan terdapat jalan raya diantara kedua lokasi. Keunggulan lainnya model ini, bahwa dalam penyediaan koneksi internet cukup hanya berlangganan Internet Service Provider (ISP) satu saja sehingga biaya operasional internet tidak membebani karena ditanggung bersama oleh kedua UMKM.
Aplikasi Kesehatan Ibu Hamil Berbasis Android Ardianto Pambudi; Nurchim; Agustina Srirahayu
Jurnal Infokes Vol 10 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Rekam Medis dan Informatika Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47701/infokes.v10i2.1034


In Indonesia, the mortality rate for pregnant women is still high. One of the contributing factors is the lack of knowledge and awareness of communication between pregnant women and midwives in the process of antenatal care, resulting in a delay in recognizing the danger signs of pregnancy. The purpose of this study is to provide a pregnant mother's health application that can be run on an android system. Android as a smartphone operating system, supports the development of new application ideas and innovations to add system functionality. The stages of making the application include (1) analyzing user needs by observing the Independent Practice Midwife in the Polokarto Sukoharo area, Central Java. Next, (2) design a system consisting of two users, including midwives and pregnant women. Finally, (3) the implementation of making a system design in the form of an android application. This Maternal Health Application has a feature that pregnant women can communicate with midwives directly to submit complaints, examination results, information about pregnancy and the calculation of Estimated Birth Days (HPL). Thus, it is hoped that this application can be used as a digital health service that facilitates access to information and public health services, especially those related to pregnancy.
Prototipe Green Internet Technology Guna Mendukung Infrastruktur Desa Pintar Nurchim Nurchim; Afu Ichsan Pradana
Journal of Applied Informatics and Computing Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1100.559 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jaic.v3i2.1734


The internet has become one of the supporting infrastructures for the successful implementation of the smart village. In Indonesia, many village governments have provided public internet access points in the village area. However, the implementation of this access point has not been able to reach all rural areas due to geographical constraints and the availability of electricity. This study aims to make a prototype of an internet access point with solar power, also known as Green Internet Technology. This prototype is done by using a Design-Based Research (DBR) approach which consists of six steps including (1) focusing, (2) understanding, (3) defining, (4) understanding, (5) building, (5) building and (6) tests. The prototype Green Internet Technology has 3 main parts including (1) solar power systems, (2) internet access point systems and (3) solar monitoring systems. Test results in the real environment that the solar power system and internet access point can work 24 hours a day. But going forward, solar monitoring systems need to be reviewed, especially in the stability of the performance of current and voltage sensor devices.
Klasterisasi Startup Digital di Indonesia Berdasarkan Fans Engagement Nurchim Nurchim; Herliyani Hasanah
Jurnal DutaCom Vol 13 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

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Media sosial telah digunakan oleh perusahaan pemula (startup) untuk menunjukan portofolio kepada konsumen maupun stakeholder serta meningkatkan pendapatan dalam waktu jangka pendek. Sekarang ini, di Indonesia pemanfaatan media sosial tersebut banyak dilakukan khususnya startup digital. Berdasarkan laporan data pada situs www.startuprangking.com, terdapat temuan bahwa keterlibatan penggemar (fans engagement) tidak berbanding lurus dengan jumlah seluruh penggemar. Upaya untuk mengukur fans engagement dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan klasterisasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan analisis klasterisasi.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membuat klasterisasi startup digital di Indonesia berdasarkan perilaku fans engagement media sosial dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data diambil dari www.startuprangking.com pada bulan Agustus 2017 sebanyak 30 data. Selanjutnya, data tersebut dilakukan klasterisasi dengan algoritma k-means yang dibagi menjadi 4 pusat klaster meliputi (1) fanatics, (2) utilitarians, (3) self expressives, dan (4) authentics. Hasil yang didapatkan perilaku fans startup digital di Indonesia yakni 47% bersifat self expressives (rasa suka didasari untuk meningkatkan keuntungan pribadi), 40% authentics (rasa suka yang benar-benar timbul dari hati nurani), 10% utilitarians (suka karena hanya untuk pencitraan) dan 3% fanatics (tulus suka dan minat tanpa adanya motivasi tertentu). Kata kunci: klasterisasi, k-means, startup, digital, Indonesia.
Analisis Tekanan Isomorfis pada Organisasi SMA/SMK dalam Adopsi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Nurchim Nurchim
Jurnal DutaCom Vol 11 No 1
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta

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Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami tekanan isomorfis yang dialami organisasi sekolah dalam proses adopsi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK). Tekanan isomorfis ini muncul karena adanya perubahan pada lingkungan pemerintah, kompetitor dan perkembangan teknologi. Hasil analisis bahwa tekanan isomorfis terjadi pada level organisasi dan individu di sekolah. Pada organisasi, tekanan isomorfis dapat ditinjau dari segi koersif (seperti peraturan dari pemerintah dan kebijakan dinas), normatif (seperti studi banding ke sekolah lain dan bertanya ke konsultan) dan mimetik (seperti mengikuti tren teknologi dan upaya branding sekolah). Sedangkan level individu khususnya guru, tekanan isomorfis dapat ditinjau dari segi koersif (seperti kebijakan kepala sekolah) dan normatif (seperti mengikuti pelatihan). Kata kunci: adopsi, TIK, Isomorfis, koersif, normatif, mimetik, sekolah