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Job Autonomy sebagai Moderator pada Pengaruh Job Insecurity terhadap Perilaku Kerja Inovatif Ardy, Ludi Prasetyo; Fajrianthi, Fajrianthi
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan Vol 9, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (66.091 KB) | DOI: 10.26740/jptt.v9n2.p101-111


This study aims to examine the role of job insecurity towards innovative work behavior with job autonomy as a moderator. The concept of the three variables were tested using the theoretical concepts of job demand and job control. In the condition of "active job", individuals can produce ideas and innovations in responding to work conditions. Previous studies show that active jobs can be obtained when there is a high interaction between high job demand and job control. Based on these studies it can be assumed that job insecurity (job demand) and job autonomy (job control) will influence innovative work behavior. This study used a quantitative approach by using SEM-PLS to analyze data. A total of 194 participants in a manufacturing industry, primarily from its production units, were involved in this study. The results show that job insecurity has a negative significant effect on innovative work behavior while job autonomy has a positive significant effect on the variable. The moderation test of job autonomy on the effect of job insecurity on innovative work behavior show no significant result. The strict operational standard procedure in the production unit is assumed as one of the factors that makes job autonomy does not play a role in reducing the negative influence of job insecurity on innovative work behavior.Keywords: Job autonomy, job insecurity, innovative work behavior, manufacturing
Peran Psychological Capital dalam Hubungan Persepsi Dukungan Manajemen dan Kesiapan untuk Berubah Anggraini, Novia Putri; Fajrianthi, Fajrianthi
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan Vol 10, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/jptt.v10n1.p85-94


Change is something that will occur in any organization. The main factor that enables the organizations to achieve success in the changes they face is its? employees? readiness for change. This study examined the role of psychological capital in the relationship of perceived management support and readiness for change. Data were collected from 198 employees from various departments at PT. X. The sample was selected purposively based on the same criteria, namely: permanent workers from the restructured units at the company. This study used perceived management support,  readiness for change, and psychological capital scales. Data were simultaneously tested using partial least square analysis with the help of Smart PLS 3 software. This study found positive and significant relationship of perceived management support and individual readiness for change, but psychological capital does not mediate the relationship of the perceived management support and individual readiness for change.  Keywords: Perceived management support, psychological capital, readiness for change Abstrak: Perubahan merupakan hal yang pasti akan selalu terjadi pada suatu organisasi. Faktor utama tercapainya keberhasilan dalam perubahan organisasi adalah kesiapan individu untuk berubah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji peran psychological capital dalam hubungan persepsi dukungan manajemen dan kesiapan individu untuk berubah. Penelitian ini melibatkan 198 karyawan dari berbagai departemen di perusahaan PT. X.  Kriteria utama pemilihan sampel adalah para karyawan ini adalah pekerja tetap yang bertugas di unit-unit kerja yang mengalami restrukturasi. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan menggunakan tiga instrumen, yaitu skala persepsi dukungan manajemen, kesiapan individu untuk berubah, dan psychological capital. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik partial least square dengan bantuan aplikasi Smart PLS 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi dukungan manajemen dan kesiapan individu untuk berubah, namun psychological capital tidak terbukti memediasi hubungan antara persepsi dukungan manajemen dan kesiapan individu untuk berubah tersebut.
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 17, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (624.331 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jp.17.2.204-217


Using a scale in different cultural contexts requires an adaptation process for the sake of fair comparison between obtained scores. The 9-item version of Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) has been adapted in various countries but Indonesia. This study aimed to make a scale adaptation of the UWES-9 in Indonesia. A hundred teachers of inclusive schools in Solo, Semarang, Surabaya, and Malang were involved as participants. Data were collected both online and paper-based. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Rasch test were used to analyze the data. Result showed that the UWES-9 had high values of: overall person and item interaction (α= .85); person reliability (= .71); and item reliability (= .95). The person measure value (=1.65 logit) and separation value 1.57 indicated two respondent groups based on the degree of work engagement. The item 5 had outfit value MNSQ > 14, meaning that it was unfit. Some items were found biased toward teaching duration in inclusive school. Internal structure analysis using CFA showed that UWES-9 is a unidimensional instrument with established goodness of fit value (RMSEA = .049; CFI, NFI, & GFI > .95). To conclude, UWES-9 has adequate psychometric properties, so it can be used for research or assessment.
ADAPTASI ALAT UKUR KOMITMEN KARIER Ingarianti, Tri Muji; Fajrianthi, Fajrianthi; Purwono, Urip
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 18, No 2 (2019): October 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.989 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jp.18.2.199-217


Career commitment is a motivation, attitude, and behavior shown by individuals in a profession to live and survive in the chosen career role. Career commitment has three dimensions, namely career identity (career identity), career planning, and career resilience. Career Commitment Measure (CCM) is an instrument measuring career commitment which has been used widely across countries. To use the instrument in different culture, the adaptation process is necessary so that the adapted instrument becomes valid and reliable. However, there is still little detailed information related to research that focuses on developing career commitment measurement tools, especially in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to obtain a standardized version of Indonesia's career commitment measurement tool. The International Test Commission (2016) guideline was used in the process of adaptation. Based on the results of the CFA analysis using the AMOS 22 program, it can be concluded that the overall career commitment model with indicators consisting of three dimensions, namely career planning, career identity and career resilience, has a good fit model. The null hypothesis means that the career commitment model of goodness of fit is acceptable. This explains that the resulting model can describe the actual conditions.
SKALA CYBERSLACKING PADA MAHASISWA Simanjuntak, Ermida; Fajrianthi, Fajrianthi; Purwono, Urip
Jurnal Psikologi Vol 18, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.013 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jp.18.1.55-68


Cyberslacking in the educational context is defined as using internet in the classrooms for non-academic purpose during lectures. One of student cyberslacking scale was developed by Akbulut, Dursun, Dönmez, & Sahin through researches towards Turkey undergraduate students. This scale consists of items to measure non-academic internet access activities during lectures. Those activities are sharing, shopping, real time updating, accessing online content and gaming/ gambling. This study aims to adopt the Cyberslacking Scale of Akbulut dkk. in the context of undergraduate Indonesian students. Subjects for adopting this scale are 46 male and 156 female undergraduate university students (N=202) with age range between 18-23 years. Second order confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to analyze this scale. The results showed that dimension of sharing, shopping, real time updating, accesing online content, and gaming/gambling dimension are positively represented cyberslacking construct. Thus the cyberslacking scale can be used in Indonesian educational context.
Job Autonomy sebagai Moderator pada Pengaruh Job Insecurity terhadap Perilaku Kerja Inovatif Ardy, Ludi Prasetyo; Fajrianthi, Fajrianthi
Jurnal Psikologi Teori dan Terapan Vol 9, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (66.091 KB) | DOI: 10.26740/jptt.v9n2.p101-111


This study aims to examine the role of job insecurity towards innovative work behavior with job autonomy as a moderator. The concept of the three variables were tested using the theoretical concepts of job demand and job control. In the condition of "active job", individuals can produce ideas and innovations in responding to work conditions. Previous studies show that active jobs can be obtained when there is a high interaction between high job demand and job control. Based on these studies it can be assumed that job insecurity (job demand) and job autonomy (job control) will influence innovative work behavior. This study used a quantitative approach by using SEM-PLS to analyze data. A total of 194 participants in a manufacturing industry, primarily from its production units, were involved in this study. The results show that job insecurity has a negative significant effect on innovative work behavior while job autonomy has a positive significant effect on the variable. The moderation test of job autonomy on the effect of job insecurity on innovative work behavior show no significant result. The strict operational standard procedure in the production unit is assumed as one of the factors that makes job autonomy does not play a role in reducing the negative influence of job insecurity on innovative work behavior.Keywords: Job autonomy, job insecurity, innovative work behavior, manufacturing
Developing Psychometric Property Measuring Equipment Readiness for Employees Retirement Angela, Grace; Fajrianthi, Fajrianthi; Syarifah, Dewi; Rahmadhani, Inastuti
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 5, No 1 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute February
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i1.4194


Retirement is considered a worrying time, especially for employees who are not mentally prepared. This study aims to develop a retirement preparation scale based on a psychometric approach. The survey design used a correlation approach with the survey data collection method. Respondents are PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali employees (N = 57). The retirement scale includes five aspects: physical, mental, financial, performance, and health assessment. The retirement readiness scale has 27 points. This study can be divided into two scenarios: Aikens V for Phase 1 tests and Properties for Phase 2 tests. The psychological analysis includes reliability of internal coherence (Alpha Cronach) and validity of constructs (convergence discriminant). Use the correlation between items to test the reliability of the measure. Use confirmatory factor analysis to test the effectiveness of the instrument. Analysis of the psychometric properties of the device that measures retirement readiness resulted in an Alpha reliability of 0.91. The result of this survey is a retirement motivation measure created using field data. The PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali employee's retirement motivation measuring instrument consists of 17 items, 2 of which are unanswered questions and 15 of which are for measuring retirement motivation. Most PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali employee retirement readiness scale findings can be transferred to other public companies.
The psychometric properties of parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire-short form in Indonesia Anayanti Rahmawati; Fajrianthi Fajrianthi; Urip Purwono
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE) Vol 11, No 1: March 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v11i1.21650


Parenting style was a set of parental attitude and behavior communicated by parents to children, forming an emotional climate condition used by parents to raise children. The study on parenting style had been conducted for a long time, but measurement of parenting style in Indonesia was still experiencing problem due to lack of sufficient and proper instrument, despite the monumental need for a valid and reliable instrument. The aim of this study was to examine the factor structure, internal consistency and others psychometric properties of the Indonesian version of the parenting styles and dimensions questionnaire-short form (PSDQ-SF). The instrument comprises 32 items (12 questions regarding the authoritative style, 15 questions regarding the authoritarian style, and five questions regarding the permissive style). The research sample consisted of 169 mothers with children of 5-7 years of age. Research was conducted in Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia. Structural equation modelling (SEM) with LISREL 9.20 was utilized as the data analysis technique. Data analysis results by CFA second order showed that construct validity testing fulfilled the minimum criteria, with the factor loading range of 0.51-0.99. The reliability score’s Cronbach’s alpha also fulfilled the requirement, including the authoritative parenting style 0.86; the authoritarian parenting style 0.76 and the permissive authoritarian parenting style 0.67. These findings support the PSDQ-SF original structure. The results showed that the adaptation of PSDQ-SF in Indonesia was valid and reliable to use in measurement of parenting styles of parents of children of 5-7 years of age in Indonesia.
Adaptasi alat ukur kesuksesan karier subjektif Tri Muji Ingarianti; Fendy Suhariadi; Fajrianthi Fajrianthi
Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): January
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.991 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/jipt.v10i1.19002


Subjective career success is an attitude regarding an individual’s achievement and satisfaction with their career resulting from a personal evaluation of their career experience. Subjective career success has eight dimensions: recognition, quality work, meaningful work, influence, authenticity, personal life, growth and development, and satisfaction. Subjective Career Success Inventory – SCSI (Subjective Career Success Questionnaire) has 24 items. The use of instruments at different cultural backgrounds requires an adaptation process so that the measurement results are valid and reliable, but until now, there has been no research on the adaptation of subjective career success measurement tools in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to obtain a standardized subjective career success measurement tool. The adaptation process was carried out using the International Test Commission reference in2016. Based on the results of the CFA analysis of the LISREL 8.8 program, it can be concluded that according to theory, subjective career success models have a good fit model. This means that the zero hypotheses that state the subjective career success model of the goodness of fit are acceptable. This explains that the resulting model can describe actual conditions and can be used to measure subjective career success.
Adaptasi dan Validasi Alat Ukur Perilaku Inovatif Karyawan Iffah Rosyiana; Fendy Suhariadi; Seger Handoyo; Fajrianthi Fajrianthi
Psympathic : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Vol 7, No 1 (2020): PSYMPATHIC
Publisher : Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/psy.v7i1.6235


The growth of the hotel business is increasing, along with the development of tourism. This condition encourages hoteliers to compete to advance their business with a variety of service innovation processes. Therefore, it is essential to know and identify the innovative behavior of hospitality employees. This study aims to develop innovative employee behavior measurement tools. We used a quantitative study involving 143 sales marketing employees in hospitality as respondents. The sample selection uses a random sampling technique. The development of innovative behavioral questionnaires was revealed through three dimensions, namely the idea generation dimension, idea championing, and idea implementation. Data analysis used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with the help of Amos 22 software. The results of the study revealed that the innovative behavior measurement model met the goodness of fit criteria. These findings indicate that innovative behavior can be measured by the dimensions of idea generation, idea championing, and idea implementation. The results of this study also have implications for several hospitality practitioners to evaluate the innovative behavior of hospitality employees. Keywords: innovative behavior, scale adaptation, validity, Confirmatory Factor Analysis