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Dampak Sistem Zonasi Terhadap Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Chan, Faizal; Kurniawan, Agung Rimba; Sulaiman, Nandatulloh; Setiawati, Rita; Fitriana, Nur; Dawiyah, Dawiyah; Nurlayly, Cindy
DIKDAS MATAPPA: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dasar Vol 2, No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : STKIP Andi Matappa Pangkep

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (806.832 KB) | DOI: 10.31100/dikdas.v2i2.465


This study aims to describe the impact of the zoning system on student acceptance in the State Elementary School 112/I Muara Bulian, using a qualitative approach. This type of research used by researchers in this research is a descriptive case study. The population in this study is the principal, teachers, and parents of students. The data collection techniques of this study are observation, direct interviews, and documentation. Data analyze uses is the Miles and Huberman model which consists of activities namely data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study are as follows; (1) can eliminate the frills on regarding superior and non-superior schools, (2) students can easily enroll to the school, (3) guardians of students no longer need to deliver their children because of the distance of the house and school is near, and (4) it?s difficult for guardians of students to enroll their children in school through online channels.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengelolaan Limbah di Anak Sungai Citarum Darmawan, Deni; Setiawati, Rita; Triesti, Sekar Hana; Anggoro, Ridho; Surya A, Andy
Gunahumas Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Gunahumas
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


AbstrakSampah merupakan material sisa yang tidak di inginkan setelah berakhirnya suatu proses. Sampah didefinisikan oleh manusia menurut derajat keterpakaiannya, dalam proses-proses alam sebenarnya tidak ada konsep sampah, yang ada hanya produk-produk yang dihasilkan setelah dan selama proses alam tersebut berlangsung. Akan tetapi dalam kehidupan manusia didefinisikan konsep lingkungan maka sampah dapat dibagi menurut jenis-jenisnya. Sampah yang selama ini cenderung menjadi suatu yang dipersoalkan karena tidak adanya nilai guna didalamnya sehingga tidak heran jika saat ini kita sering menjumpai barang-barang bernilai ekonomi yang dibuat dari bahan olahan sampah. Bank sampah merupakan suatu lembaga yang berfungsi menampung sampah yang diberikan oleh masyarakat yang nantinya akan diolah kembali untuk dijadikan barang-barang yang memiliki nilai ekonomi kembali dimasyarakat, sebagai imbal baliknya sampah-sampah yang dikumpulkan masyarakat sangat membantu dalam program kebersihan lingkungan. Dengan adanya kepedulian dari tokoh masyarakat dalam melestarikan lingkungan melalui pengelolaan sampah, juga sebagai upaya mengurangi polusi sampah anorganik dan gulma yang berupa eceng gondok yang tumbuh di sekitar sungai Citarum ada juga sebagai upaya melatih hidup sehat dan bersih bagi masyarakat. Sehingga setiap sampah yang dihasilkan masyarakat setiap hari tidak terbuang percuma atau bahkan sampah yang tadinya menjadi hal yang sangat diabaikan nantinya akan menjadi barang yang diperebutkan karena memiliki nilai ekonomi setelah diolah sedemikian rupa menjadi berbagai jenis kerajinan tangan harga jualnya sangat tinggi. Kata Kunci :  Pemberdayaan, Pengelolaan LimbahAbstractWaste is a waste material that is not in want after the end of a process. Waste is defined by humans according to degrees of exposure, in natural processes there is no concept of waste, only the products produced after and during the natural process take place. But because in human life defined the concept of the environment then the garbage can be divided by the types. Garbage which has tended to become an issue because there is no use value in it even tends to be interpreted as goods whose existence so do not be surprised if today we often encounter goods of economic value made from processed waste materials. Bank waste is an institution that serves to accommodate the waste provided by the community which will be processed back to be used goods that have economic value back in the community, in return the garbage collected by the community is very helpful in the program of environmental hygiene. With the awareness of community leaders in preserving the environment through waste management, as well as efforts to reduce the pollution of inorganic waste and weeds in the form of water hyacinth that grows around the river Citarum there is also an effort to train healthy and clean life for the community. So every garbage generated by the community every day is not wasted or even garbage that had become a very neglected thing will be a contested item because it has economic value after being processed in such a way to be various types of handicrafts selling price is very high. Keywords: Empowerment, Waste Management