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Studies the Cold Cooling using Bio-Nanofluids, Characteristics and Applications in Milling Operations on High-Hardness Steels Sugiantoro, Bambang; Sutarno, Sutarno; Sakuri, Sakuri; Rusnaldhy, Rusnaldhy
Rekayasa Mesin Vol 10, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jrm.2019.010.01.10


The cooling system has an important role in the quality of machining results, the cooling fluid (air/fluid) are developed to be able to reduce heat and friction arising from the formation of the product, but also environment-friendly. The use of natural oils has been tested in various machining conditions with a minimum quantity lubrications (MQL) method, including the addition of materials that can improve fluid convective properties. Cooling performance with natural materials results in surface roughness according to product smoothness requirements according to ASTM classification and is able to maintain a low tool temperature and reduce chatter/tools vibration. Improvement of the MQL process, temperature, and compressed air pressure conditions determine cooling performance, the lower the compressed air temperature will increase the fluid's ability to reduce tool temperature and increase durability and tool life. The process of forming steel with high hardness requires a cooling system with special conditions. The properties of natural oils will be enhanced by the convective thermophysical properties by the addition of Titanium Oxide (TiO2), CuO and Aluminum Oxide (AL2O3). Natural oils used in the study are corn oil, sunflower oil, water with the addition of nanoparticles. The formation of nanofluids uses magnetic stirrer with varying time and rotation speed, and % weight ratio. The MQL System is equipped with cold air from the compressor which is cooled by utilizing the evaporation/refrigeration process which is kept constant at 10oC. The cooling system is equipped with a microcontroller/interface to keep the air temperature/pressure constant. In this paper the data presented is a study of cooling in the hard milling process to determine the most nanofluid/dominant factors that affect the results. The results showed that the use of cutting fluids reinforced by nanoparticles in natural oils in a minimum amount increased lubrication properties. There is a significant effect on the use of cooling fluid types with surface roughness, fluids with high lubrication properties, significant to reduce surface roughness, cutting temperature and power consumption. The nanofluid prove was able to apply in an environment-friendly manufacturing process very promising.
Penerapan Teknologi Epoxy Wood dan Pallet Dari Limbah Kayu Sebagai Produk Kerajinan Unik Bernilai Ekonomis Tinggi Bagi Kelompok Pengrajin di Desa Sangkanayu, Kecamatan Mrebet Kabupaten Purbalingga Sugiantoro, Bambang; Sakuri, Sakuri; Hartono, Hartono
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jsm.1.1.2018.12-20


Purbalingga mempunyai keunggulan ketersediaan kayu yang tinggi, kondisi tanah yang kebanyakan pegunungan sangat mendukung tumbuhnya kayu keras, hampir setiap desa memiliki jumlah tanaman keras yang melimpah. Beberapa perusahaan kayu lapis dan mebelair juga banyak menginvestasikan dibidang produksi kayu lapis dan barecore di beberapa kawasan di purbalingga. UKM mebelair, kayu lapis dan kusen membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang cukup banyak, tidak membutuhkan pendidikan formal, sehingga terbuka pengentasan tenaga kerja secara umum. UKM pengrajin mebelair dan kusen kayu di Desa Sangkanayu, Kecamatan Mrebet, Kabupaten Purbalingga, membuat model berdasarkan pesanan lokal, tidak mengikuti trend furniture terbaru, memiliki kesulitan pada pembentukan model radius dan lengkung, finishing kurang halus dan waktu yang lama. Kayu dengan lubang dan tidak simetris biasanya tidak digunakan sebagai produk kusen/furnitur, limbah kayu dalam bentuk potongan secara umum tidak dimanfaatkan, padahal volume kayu limbah pada pembentukan mencapai kurang lebih 30% dari bahan baku. UKM mebelair belum memiliki pengetahuan pembentukan kayu dari limbah untuk menjadi produk kerajinan. Disamping itu pengetahuan manajeman usaha, pengelolaan keuangan, dan metode pemasaran produk juga masih rendah hanya menunggu pelanggan, mengakibatkan UKM sulit berkembang, persaingan harga antar UKM. Permasalahan pembentukan dengan menggunakan limbah kayu dan bahan baku dalam bentuk potongan digunakan untuk pembuatan kerajinan. Pembentukan ditingkatkan dengan kemampuan untuk membentuk lengkung menggunakan cutting vertical/bendsaw, untuk percepatan pembelahan menggunakan mesin TTG circle cutting. Teknologi yang diterapkan untuk pemanfaatan limbah kayu akibat kerusakan lobang, tidak lurus, akan diubah menjadi produk bernilai ekonomis tinggi, unik dengan epoxy wood resin. Metode pembentukan produk kusen dan mebelair dari kayu (limbah) akan memberikan alternatif untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dan pendapatan, keuntungan lainnya penggunaan epoxy juga meningkatkan daya tahan, anti rayap dan bernilai ekonomis tinggi, berpotensi memiliki brand merk yang khas. Untuk penguatan manajemen, UKM dikenalkan administrasi keuangan, dan strategi pemasaran produk secara online. Solusi diatas diharapkan akan meningkatkan daya saing dan produktifitas UKM, desain produk baru dengan memanfaatkan limbah kayu untuk menjadi produk dinding kayu, dan produk epoxy wood resin, akan meningkatkan pendapatan UKM.Kata kunci: epoxy wood resin, wooden wall, circle rotary.AbstractPurbalingga has the advantage of high wood availability, the condition of the land that is mostly mountainous strongly supports the growth of hardwood, almost every village has an abundance of perennials. Several plywood and furniture companies also invested heavily in the production of plywood and barecore in several areas in Purbalingga. Furniture furniture, p lywood and sills need a lot of workforce, do not need formal education, sothere is a general elimination of labor. UKM of furniture and wood frame craftsmen in Sangkanayu Village, Mrebet Subdistrict, Purbalingga Regency, make a model based on local orders, do not follow the latest furniture trends, have difficulty in forming radius and curved models, less smooth finishing and long time. Holey and asymmetrical wood is usually not used as a frame / furniture product, wood waste in the form of pieces is generally not utilized, even though the volume of waste wood at the formation reaches approximately 30% of the raw material. Mebelair UKM has no knowledge of wood formation from waste to become handicraft products. Besides that, business management knowledge, financial management, and product marketing methods are also still low, just waiting for customers, which makes it difficult for SMEs to develop, price competition among SMEs. The problem of formation by using wood waste  and raw materials in the form of pieces is used for making crafts. Formation is enhanced by the ability to form curves using vertical cutting/bendsaw, for acceleration of cleavage using circle cutting machine. The technology applied to the utilization of wood waste due to damage to the hole, not straight, will be converted into high economic value products, unique with epoxy wood resin. The method of forming frame and furniture products from wood (waste) will provide an alternative to increase added value and income, other benefits of using epoxy also increase durability, anti termites and high economic value, potentiallyhaving a distinctive brand brand. To strengthen management, SMEs are introduced to financial administration, and online product marketing strategies. The above solution is expected to improve the competitiveness and productivity of SMEs, the design of new products by utilizing wood waste to become wood wall products, and epoxy wood resin products, will increase the income of SMEs.
The Effect of Shot Peening Hardening Treatment on Pressure Variation on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of S45C Steel Sakuri, Sakuri; Agung, M.; Prabowo, Nugrah Rekto; Sutisna, Utis; Al Hakim, Reza Azizul Nasa
Jurnal Rekayasa Mesin Vol 18, No 2 (2023): Volume 18, Nomor 2, Agustus 2023
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department - Semarang State Polytechnic

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32497/jrm.v18i2.4307


The purpose of the study was to determine the mechanical properties and microstructure of S45C steel with automatic shot peening treatment. S45C steel is classified as medium steel with a carbon content of 0.51%. Variations of shot peening treatment with varying pressures of 5 bar, 6 bar, and 7 bar. Steel ball shooting uses a size of 0.8 mm, a distance of 100 mm, and a shooting angle of 90o. Hardness test using Vickers and microstructure observation using a microscope. The results of the average hardness test at a pressure of 5 bar are 193.3 VHN, at a pressure of 6 bar with a hardness of 227.2 VHN, and 7 bar with a hardness of 250 VHN. So it can be concluded that the higher the pressure used, the higher the level of hardness obtained. The results of the microstructute photo shown that the higher the pressure released, the more a structure with more martensite phases will be obtained, this has a direct relationship with the hardness of S45C steel.