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Legal Policy in the Prevention of Narcotics in Indonesia Muhammad Yunus Idy; Marif; Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 4 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.16902


The purpose of law enforcement against criminal acts of narcotics and psychotropic abuse is to improvethe health status and human resources of Indonesia. The new law concerning narcotics has two approachesto parties using narcotics illegally or in other words, abusing narcotics. The first approach is to see thedrug users as victims so that they must be rehabilitated, and the second approach is to look at drug users asperpetrators of criminal acts. Criminal acts related to narcotics crimes can generally be divided into 3 (three)types, namely supplying which is usually done by producers or importers, The act of distributing narcoticsand other illegal drugs carried out by dealers or sellers and then the users or people who abuse the narcotics.Therefore, the efforts to eradicate narcotics abuse must include all those three types of activities or actions.The efforts to eradicate it must start from the upstream part of the supplier.The policy in combating narcoticsabuse is a positive legal policy which is not only merely the implementation of normative juridical laws, butalso requires a factual juridical approach that is comprehensive and integral.
The Function of the State in Providing Health Services: Indonesia Perspective Marif; Nurhaedah; Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 4 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i4.16959


The function of the state in providing health services is divided into the regulatory function, the controllingfunction, the entrepreneurial function and the supervisory function. In the regulatory function, the statedevelops policies in the field of health services that ensure that all people can enjoy health services. Thestate control function is responsible for the availability of equipment and medicines as well as maintainingthe stability of the flow of health service distribution. In the entrepreneurial function, the state in addition toproviding health services can receive income from health services which can later be used to equalize thecosts of health care dependents, especially for the poor and underprivileged. In the oversight function, thestate is responsible for carrying out full supervision of health facilities in order to optimally provide healthservices to the people.Keywords: State functions, health services, the right to health.
Model Of Punishment: Juvenile Justice Systems Rafika Nur; Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar; Nurul Miqat; Darmawati Darmawati; Mustawa Mustawa
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (665.946 KB) | DOI: 10.33756/jlr.v3i0.8313


The position of children who have special rights in the law makes children get special treatment. In the juvenile justice system in Indonesia, there are two systems of sanctions, namely criminal sanctions and actions, and this is done to realize the protection of children who are dealing with the law.  This research is a normative juridical review, using a statute, comparative and conceptual approaches. The results show that the imposition of sanctions on children is based on the child's age, where children aged 12 to before 14 years can only be sanctioned with actions, and children aged 14 to before 18 years may be subject to criminal sanctions or actions.
The Principles Of Good Governance In Health Services Marif Marif; Nurhaedah Nurhaedah; Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar
Jambura Law Review VOLUME 3 NO. 2 jULY 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (427.798 KB) | DOI: 10.33756/jlr.v3i2.7307


This study provides an overview of the principles of good governance in health services in Indonesia. This needs to be known considering that health services are a constitutional right for citizens and their services must be carried out as well as possible. Providing health services is a state obligation and getting good and guaranteed health services are the right of citizens. This research is normative-legal research using statute, comparative and conceptual approaches. The results show the principles of good governance in health services that are reflected in the principles of participation, the principles of openness and transparency, the principles of effectiveness and efficiency, and the principles of accountability. Providing health services and covering all health insurance costs for the poor and underprivileged will automatically unconditionally be the responsibility of the government following the mandate of the constitution.
Bekasi City Government Policy In Financing Stunting In Children Rifa’at Hanifa Muslimah; Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar
Jurnal KESANS : Kesehatan dan Sains Vol 1 No 2 (2021): KESANS : International Journal of Health and Science
Publisher : Rifa'Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.72 KB) | DOI: 10.54543/kesans.v1i2.10


Currently, nutritional problems in Indonesia are still in the spotlight, one of which is the problem of stunting in toddlers. The government shows its commitment to tackling stunting by making regulations regarding the acceleration of stunting reduction as stated in Presidential Regulation No. 72 of 2021. The health financing system is an effort to fund the health sector to support the implementation of health with the aim of achieving the highest health status. This study aims to provide an overview of the Bekasi City government's policy in financing stunting prevention in Bekasi City. The research method used is normative juridical, with a statutory approach. The policies issued by the Bekasi City Government regarding the Prevention and Control of Stunting are contained in the Bekasi Mayor's Instruction No: 440/1914/Bappeda and the establishment of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Stunting Prevention and Control is contained in Decree Number: 440/Kep.277-Bappelitbangda/V/ 2020. The results of this study show that the participation of the Bekasi City government has been very good from issuing policies related to stunting reduction efforts, forming and implementing 8 integration actions by involving multi-sectoral roles in government which is an effort to prevent stunting. The financing used in the stunting prevention process is funded by the Bekasi City Government from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) and or other funds that can be utilized by the relevant government sector to be in charge of 8 integration actions.
The Imposition of Sanctions for Children Rafika Nur; Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar
Hasanuddin Law Review VOLUME 6 ISSUE 2, AUGUST 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/halrev.v6i2.2493


In the children criminal justice system in Indonesia, there are two systems of sanctions namely criminal sanctions and sanctions actions. A child who commits a criminal offense may be subject to criminal sanctions or sanctions. Imposing sanctions for children becomes something oriented towards coaching and protecting children. However, the imposition of sanctions for children can not be effective because of conflicting legal rules, law enforcement officials who have different paradigms in guarding the legal process against children, facilities and infrastructure that are incomplete and inadequate, making it difficult to enforce sanctions on children as well as the poor stigmatization of society against children in conflict with the law.
Formal Procedure Versus Victim's Interest: Antinomy of Handling Sexual Violence Cases In East Luwu Sunardi Purwanda; Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar; Nurul Miqat; Rafika Nur; Manga Patila
Jurnal Hukum Volkgeist Vol 6 No 2 (2022): JUNE
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35326/volkgeist.v6i2.2041


Complexity and challenges in uncovering crimes by the police have brought the law enforcement process to purely formal matters. Since the Indonesian police agency separated from the armed forces, their formal and professional attitude has faced many realities on the ground: choosing formal precedence (legal procedures) and ignoring the interests of victims. Legal procedures are more focused on formal justice in accordance with existing, written rules of the game and cannot provide freedom of action. The police are only the spokesperson for written laws and regulations. The idea of ​​being part of people's lives is collided with formal procedures. This condition requires the police to ignore substantial justice, whose importance is more important than mere procedural matters. Law enforcement that is only based on procedures without being balanced with efforts to achieve the goals of law enforcement actually has the potential to damage the order of human rights values. The type of research used is normative legal research using a legal approach, a historical approach, and a philosophical approach. Law enforcement by the police which tends to discriminate against the rights of victims has an impact on the low level of public trust in the police institution which ultimately makes many victims reluctant to report to the police.
Implementation of the Clinical Pathway Paradigm in Achieving Cost-Effectiveness in Health Financing (Systematic Literature Review): Clinical Pathway Paradigm in Achieving Cost-Effectiveness in Health Financing Yohanes Firmansyah; Handar Subhandi Bakhtiar
Jurnal Medika Hutama Vol. 3 No. 02 Januari (2022): Jurnal Medika Hutama
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Medika Indonesia

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Background: Clinical Pathway (CPW) is a clinical documentation technique that focuses on clinical practice standards for nurses, physicians, and others. The clinical pathway is a two-way instruction for handling patients on clinical problems, diagnosis, and stages of care. Any intervention given and the development of the patient is documented systematically based on the time criteria set and expected to increase the service quality and lower hospital expenses. This paper aimed to measure the CP role in increasing hospital expenses efficiency. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted to determine the effectiveness and efficiency of using clinical pathways for financing. The inclusion criteria were all types of research from descriptive to Randomized Controlled Trials containing at least 2 methods of comparison of interventions published in the last 30 years. Results: This review found 129 articles related to the relationship between clinical pathway use and the effectiveness of financing in hospitals. After going through the screening process based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, it was found that only 15 articles met the requirements. After analyzing the data, the use of Clinical Pathway in managing patients can lower hospital expenses. Conclusion: Implementing a clinical pathway for patients’ management in hospitals can increase hospital expenses efficiency.
Jurnal Medika Hutama Vol. 3 No. 02 Januari (2022): Jurnal Medika Hutama
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Medika Indonesia

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Jamsostek is implemented by the Health Social Security Organizing Agency which encompasses BPJS Employment Services and BPJS Health Services. Cardiac rehabilitation is done out so that the post-morbid cardiovascular system increases and is optimal. BPJS sets new laws on cataracts, delivery, and medical rehabilitation. Medical Rehabilitation control visits may only be held twice a week. Meanwhile, for conditions that do require medical rehabilitation more than 2 times a week, it is considered quite a lot, one of which is cardiac surgery medical rehabilitation. As a result, patients will use their own resources to pay for treatment because BPJS only bears rehabilitation costs twice a week. This study adopts a research technique that reviews the juridical normative. Medical rehabilitation is a new field of specialization in medical science. This field of science examines the care of patients with impairments as a whole, neuromuscular structure, loss of function arising from the heart and lungs structure, bone muscle structure, as well as physical and social mental illnesses that accompany the disability. BPJS Health is a public legal entity that is responsible for patients and is beneficial for establishing health insurance plans for all Indonesian people. Foreign citizens are also allowed if they work within a period of six months in Indonesia. BPJS Kesehatan covers medical rehabilitation services based on medical symptoms and service standards, as well as current laws and regulations. Currently, rehabilitation can only be carried out 2 times in two weeks or a maximum of only eight times per month and is in contrast to the old one, which can rehabilitate up to 29 times per month. This renders health services no longer covered by BPJS Kesehatan. This constraint can undoubtedly make it tough for medical rehabilitation patients. If the intensity of service is reduced, this can slow down the recovery process of cardiac surgery patients.
Jurnal Medika Hutama Vol. 3 No. 02 Januari (2022): Jurnal Medika Hutama
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Medika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Health development is a part of national development. In health development, the goal to be achieved is to increase the optimal level of public health. The principle of public healthcare prioritizes promotive and preventive services. Promotive services are efforts to improve public health for the better. While preventive services are efforts to prevent people from getting a disease. Health insurance applies to every individual (citizen), which should be the obligation of the state to fulfil it without distinguishing one citizen from another. The process of healthcare cannot be separated from health financing. Health costs are the number of funds provided to organize and/or utilize various health efforts needed by individuals, families, groups and communities. Strong, stable and sustainable health financing plays a very important role in the implementation of healthcare in order to achieve various goals of health development in a country. It includes the equal distribution of healthcare and access (equitable access to health care) and quality services (assured quality). This study used a research methodology that reviewed normative juridical carried out by a synthetic study. The deductive conclusions from statements in data sources such as library materials included journals, books, documents, and literature or secondary law such as laws, legal theories, court decisions, expert opinions that are relevant and related to the discussion in this journal. This study was a prescriptive-analytical study in which data synthesis, discussion and conclusions were analyzed qualitatively.