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Pengaruh Gaji, Lingkungan Keluarga, Lingkungan Kerja Dan Pekerjaan Orang Tua Terhadap Pemilihan Karir Mahasiswa Program Studi Administrasi Rumah Sakit Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali Reganata, Gde Palguna; Saraswati, Anak Ayu Sri
Jurnal Kesehatan Bali Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Bali Health Journal
Publisher : LP2M Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34063/bhj.v3i2.82


Latar belakang: Perencanaan karir merupakan hal yang penting dalam mencapai kesuksesan dalam karir. Akan tetapi sebagian orang tidak dapat melakukan perencanaan karir karena dihinggapi kekhawatiran terhadap ketidakpastian di masa mendatang. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaji, lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan kerja, dan pekerjaan orang tua, terhadap pemilihan karir mahasiswa di Program Studi Administrasi Rumah Sakit IIK Bali. Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan di Program Studi Administrasi Rumah Sakit IIK Bali. Teknik total sampling menghasilkan 30 responden. Variabel yang digunakan adalah gaji, lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan kerja, pekerjaan orang tua, dan pemilihan karir mahasiswa. Analisis yang digunakan adalah multinomial logistic regression dengan ?(5%). Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis multinomial logistic diketahui bahwa dari 28 mahasiswa yang memilih karir PNS, sebanyak 26 mahasiswa (92,9%) diklasifikasikan secara benar untuk memilih karir PNS. Selanjutnya, dari 8 mahasiswa yang memilih karir sebagai pegawai swasta, sebanyak 5 mahasiswa (62,5%) diklasifikasikan secara benar dan, dari 7 mahasiswa yang memilih karir sebagai wiraswasta, tidak ada mahasiswa (0,0%) diklasifikasikan secara benar. Simpulan: Variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pemilihan karir mahasiswa adalah lingkungan keluarga. Mahasiswa cenderung untuk memilih karir sebagai swasta sebesar 0,102 kali dibandingkan memilih wiraswasta atau dengan kata lain mahasiswa berpeluang 10 kali memilih wiraswasta dibandingkan swasta jika mendapat dukungan orang tua yang tinggi. Pihak kampus agar memperhatikan arah pengembangan karir mahasiswa sehingga mampu menjembatani antara teori yang diperoleh di bangku kuliah dengan praktek yang terjadi di lapangan.
Pendekatan Analisis Faktor Konfirmatori Pada Motivasi Pegawai Administrasi Rumah Sakit Reganata, Gde Palguna; Saraswati, Anak Ayu Sri
Jurnal Kesehatan Bali Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Bali Health Journal
Publisher : LP2M Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Background: Statistics is a science that studies the characteristics of data. As one of the analytical tools, the use of factor analysis both confirmatory and exploratory in the field of management is mostly done. One of the indicators in management is work motivation. Objective: Factors which determines the motivation of hospital administrator. Methods: This research will be conducted at RS Bros Denpasar (BROS). The variables in this study are the dimensions of motivation. This sampling used total sampling technique. Data analysis technique used is factor analysis. Result: The result of the research using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method was obtained 52 indicators spread over five factors considered by hospital administrator in motivation to work on BROS. These five factors are able to explain all the variants that exist in the data. The most influential factor is the Physiological Needs factor, this factor has an eigen value of 8.755 and has a variance of 62.535 percent. Conclusion: Esteem or Status Needs is a dominant factor affecting motivation. Suggestions to the company's hospitals can give an immediate appreciation of the success of the workplace, better done while there are others, giving letters of appreciation, giving cash gifts, medals, raises and promotions, and the job itself.
Pengelompokan Rumah Sakit Berdasarkan Indikator Kinerja Rumah Sakit Reganata, Gde Palguna; Saputra, I Gusti Ngurah Made Yudhi
Jurnal Kesehatan Bali Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Bali Health Journal
Publisher : LP2M Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34063/bhj.v3i2.81


Latar belakang: Kinerja dan service quality yang tinggi merupakan faktor terpenting tercapainya kepuasan pasien. Indikator kinerja rumah sakit disamping memberikan gambaran tingkat efisiensi juga dapat memberikan gambaran mutu pelayanan Tujuan: Mengetahui pengelompokan rumah sakit di Provinsi Bali berdasarkan indikator kinerja pelayanan rumah sakit tahun 2016. Metode: Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif yang bersifat observasional (penjelasan) dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan teknik total sampling untuk seluruh rumah sakit di Provinsi Bali. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis cluster. Hasil: Rata-rata BOR seluruh rumah sakit di Provinsi Bali 57,8 dimana nilai paling kecil 1,8 dimiliki oleh RS Graha Asih dan nilai paling besar 100,0 dimiliki oleh RSUP Sanglah. Rata-rata BTO seluruh rumah sakit di Provinsi Bali 59,9, rata-rata TOI 2,8, rata-rata ALOS sebesar 3,4. Proses klasterisasi dimulai dengan penentuan jarak menggunakan Euclidean dilanjutkan dengan proses aglomerasi sehingga diperoleh kombinasi 2-4 cluster rumah sakit. Simpulan: RSUP Sanglah menjadi rumah sakit dengan karakteristik indikator kinerja yang paling berbeda dibanding rumah sakit lainnya, selanjutnya RS Graha Asih dan RS Tk. IV TNI AD Singaraja menjadi satu kelompok, RSU Bunda dan RS BIIMC Nusa Dua menjadi satu kelompok, dan 38 rumah sakit lainnya menjadi kelompok paling besar (anggota paling banyak).
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Nasional Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37294/jrkn.v5i1.312


Latar Belakang: Pelayanan Farmasi merupakan salah satu kegiatan di pelayanan kesehatan yang  menunjang pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu. Perubahan paradigma kefarmasian dari terfokus pada obat (drug oriented)  menjadi fokus kepada pasien (patient oriented). Patient Oriented menuntut pelayanan kefarmasian yang komprehensif bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien dan  mengutamakan keselamatan pasien. Dalam meningkatkan keamanan pengobatan pasien, konsep manajemen pelayanan farmasi saat ini bergerak ke arah manajemen obat yang aman (medication safety). WHO mengeluarkan suatu pedoman berupa alat ukur mengenai medication safety 5momen yang mencakup 5 pertanyaan yang digunakan oleh pasien dalam perawatan mereka sendiri guna mencapai pengobatan yang aman. Antibiotik merupakan golongan obat yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia yang digunakan secara tidak tepat dan tidak rasional. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran penggunaan antibiotika yang aman, berdasarkan 5 Momen for Medication Safety. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian potong lintang deskriptif. Hasil: Secara keseluruhan diperoleh 60% yang menjawab benar , yaitu 72,4% yang mengetahui kapan memulai pengobatan antibiotika, 68,8% yang mengetahui mengkonsumsi antibiotika, 42,6% yang mengetahui menambah antibiotika,  47,2% yang mengetahui mereview pengobatannya, dan 68,8% mengetahui dengan benar menghentikan obat antibiotika. Kesimpulan: 60 % masyarakat yang benar mengetahui pengobatan yang aman penggunaan antibiotika dan 40% yang tidak mengetahuinya.kata kunci: Medication safety, Antibiotika, patient safety.ABSTRACT Pharmacy services are one of the activities in health services that support quality health services. Change paradigms in Pharmacy form drug oriented to patient oriented. Patient oriented. Patient oriented demands comprehensive pharmaceutical services aimed at improving the quality of life of patients and prioritizing patient safety. In improving the safety of patient medication, the current pharmaceutical service management concept is moving towards safe drug management. WHO released a new tool for measuring the medication safety, 5 momen which includes 5 questions used to patient can be  describe in their own care to achieve medication safety. Antibiotics are the most commonly used in the world that are used inappropriately and irrationally. The aim of study was to describe the safe  use of antibiotics based on  5 Momen for medication safety. Methods : This research is a research with a quantitative approach with a descriptive cross-sectional study design. Result of the study Overall, it was found that 60 % who answer correctly, 72,4 % who’s can know when to start antibiotics treatment, 68,8 % can know taking antibiotics, 42,6% can know when must adding the  antibiotics, 47,2% can know review the medication, and  68,8% can know when must stop the antibiotics. Conclusion : 60 % people who are really use the medication safety  and 40 % do not know it.Keyword : Medication safety, Antibiotic, patient safety
Perancangan Alat Bantu Kotak Obat Berbasis Mikrokontroler Dalam Peningkatan Kepatuhan Meminum Obat Pada Pasien TBC I Made Agus Mahardiananta; I Made Aditya Nugraha; Gde Palguna Reganata; I Gusti Made Ngurah Desnanjaya
RESISTOR (Elektronika Kendali Telekomunikasi Tenaga Listrik Komputer) Vol 5, No 1 (2022): RESISTOR (Elektronika Kendali Telekomunikasi Tenaga Listrik Komputer)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/resistor.5.1.65-72


Kepatuhan pasien sangat diperlukan untuk mencapai keberhasilan terapi seperti tuberkulosis. Tuberkulosis merupakan penyakit yang banyak menyebabkan kematian di Indonesia dan merupakan penyakit kronis yang keberhasilan pengobatannya adalah kepatuhan pasien untuk selalu minum obat. Untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan minum obat, pada penelitian ini dibuat alat kotak obat yang memiliki alarm dan LED. Uji statistik dengan uji t satu sampel digunakan untuk memastikan bahwa alat bekerja secara tepat. Tidak ada perbedaan waktu yang signifikan pada pengaturan waktu pukul 07.00, 13.00, dan 19.00. Alarm berbunyi dan LED berkedip tepat waktu sesuai dengan waktu alat. Sedangkan pada uji Wilcoxon, terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada sebelum dengan sesudah penggunaan kotak obat berbasis mikrokontroler.Patient compliance is needed to achieve the success of therapy such as tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a disease that causes many deaths in Indonesia and is a chronic disease whose successful treatment is patient compliance to always take medication. To improve adherence to taking medication, in this study a medicine box device that has an alarm and LED was made. Statistical test with t-test is used to ensure that the tool is working properly. There is no significant time difference in the timings at 07.00, 13.00, and 19.00. The alarm sounds and the LED flashes in time according to the time of the appliance. Meanwhile, in the Wilcoxon test, there was a significant difference before and after the use of a microcontroller-based medicine box.
Workload and Performance of Nurses During The Covid-19 Pandemic: A Meta Analysis Study Gde Palguna Reganata; I Gusti Ngurah Made Yudhi Saputra
Jurnal Varian Vol 5 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30812/varian.v5i2.1657


The surge in Covid-19 cases has caused hospitals and health workers to experience functional collapse. The high workload in handling Covid-19 cases by nurses is happening everywhere. Many studies have been conducted to look at the effect of workload on nurse performance during a pandemic. This research was conducted to determine the effect of workload on the performance of nurses with a meta- analysis approach. This type of research is observational with a retrospective approach. This research conducted through secondary data obtained from relevant sources related to the workload of nurses and nurse performance in various journals. The population and samples were taken from studies that met the criteria. Data analysis using meta-analysis. The result showed that there is a negative correlation between workload and performance of nurses, with ρ= 0 .334 are in the reception area of the 95% (0.334±0.219) confidence interval with p-value < 0.0001. Workload has a contradictory effect on performance, where when the workload of nurses is high, nurses tend to experience a decrease in performance. This needs to be a serious concern, because nurses are at the forefront of health services. If the nurse’s performance has started to decline, then the patient’s handling becomes not optimal and can increase the risk of death for the patient.
Faktor Rasionalitas Swamedikasi Suplemen Yang Mengandung Vitamin C Di Kota Denpasar Ni Putu Aryati Suryaningsih; Gde Palguna Reganata; Ayunda Deva Rinata
Lumbung Farmasi: Jurnal Ilmu Kefarmasian Vol 3, No 1 (2022): Januari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/lf.v3i1.6440


ABSTRAKProvinsi Bali pada bulan September 2020, memecahkan rekor tertinggi penambahan kasus harian Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). Peningkatan pandemik menyebabkan penggunaan suplemen yang mengandung VItamin C meningkat secara signifikan. Penggunaan VItamin C masih sangat tinggi dan penelitian ini masih sangat terbatas. Penggunaan VItamin C yang meningkat dan tidak sesuai kebutuhan tubuh menyebabkan penggunaan vitamin tersebut tidak rasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui   faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi responden dalam swamedikasi suplemen yang mengandung VItamin C. Penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan Rancangan penelitian cross-sectional pada masyarakat kota Denpasar periode Januari- Juni 2021. Hasil penelitian di dapat responden terbanyak dalam swamedikasi di Usia Remaja Akhir sebanyak 49,5% terlihat paling banyak di Denpasar Barat terbanyak sebesar 31,4 %, dengan Jenis kelamin perempuan sebanyak 68,6 %. Tingkat pendidikan tinggi paling banyak sebesar 51,4 %  dengan Jenis suplemen Enervon C sebanyak 41% dan sumber Informasi terbanyak dari Tenaga Kesehatan sebanyak 41,9%. Faktor yang mempengaruhi rasionalitas swamedikasi adalah tingkat pendidikan dan sumber informasi dengan p = 0,001 dan p=0,009Kata kunci : Rasionalitas; Swamedikasi; Suplemen; Vitamin C.ABSTRACTProvince Bali in September 2020, the highest daily addition of cases of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).The increase in pandemic caused the use of supplements containing VItamin C significantly. The use of VItamin C is still very high and this research is very limited. The Increase use of  VItamin C and does not match the body’s needs causes the use  of this vitamin to be irational. This research aims to factors influence of respondents in swamedication supplements containing VItamin C.  This study is a quantitative descriptive with a cross-sectional approaches in Denpasar for the January-June 2021 period. In this study, the late teen as much as 49,5% was seen the most, the West Denpasar area was the most at 31,4%, with female as 68.6%. The highest level of higher education as 51,4% with Enervon C supplements as much as 41%, and the largest sources of information is from Health Workers as much as 41,9%. Factors that influences the rationality in swamedication are the evel of education and sources of information with p=0,001 and p=0,009.Keywords : Rationality; Swamedication; Suplement; Vitamin C 
Hubungan Pengetahuan dengan Perilaku Swamedikasi Obat Antinyeri di Apotek X di Kota Denpasar: berdasarkan Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) Ni Made Maharianingsih; Ni Luh Mia Jasmiantini; Gde Palguna Reganata; Ni Putu Aryati Suryaningsih; I Gusti Ayu Rai Widowati
Jurnal Ilmiah Medicamento Vol 8 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Ilmiah Medicamento
Publisher : Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36733/medicamento.v8i1.2115


Self-medication behavior is usually carried out to deal with complaints and minor ailments that many people experience, such as fever, pain, dizziness, cough, influenza, stomach ulcers, intestinal worms, diarrhea, skin diseases and others. The formation of behavior is influenced by knowledge. Behavior can be researched using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) method. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and the behavior of self-medication of analgesic medication at Pharmacy X in Denpasar City. This study uses a survey method with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique in this study used the convenience sampling method with the number of respondents in this study as many as 276 people with inclusion criteria, namely respondents who used pain medication without a doctor's prescription, aged 15-65 years, could read and write, were willing to fill out a questionnaire while the exclusion criteria were respondents with mental and physical disabilities.The instrument used in this study was a self-medication knowledge and behavior questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability with valid and reliable results. The data obtained were analyzed by the Somers'd correlation method because both use an ordinal scale. The results showed that the level of knowledge of the respondents was high 37,3%, moderate 33,7%, and low 29%. Respondents' behavior was divided into 3 categories of TPB, attitudes towards behavior with moderate results (47,1%), subjective norms with high results (43,1%) and behavioral control with high results (48,9%). The results of the correlation test show a significance value (p-value) of 0.000 (p<0.05), which means that there is a significant relationship. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between the level of knowledge and the behavior of self-medication of analgesic medication at Pharmacy X in Denpasar City.
Jurnal Riset Kesehatan Nasional Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institute Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1709.796 KB) | DOI: 10.37294/jrkn.v5i1.312


Latar Belakang: Pelayanan Farmasi merupakan salah satu kegiatan di pelayanan kesehatan yang  menunjang pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu. Perubahan paradigma kefarmasian dari terfokus pada obat (drug oriented)  menjadi fokus kepada pasien (patient oriented). Patient Oriented menuntut pelayanan kefarmasian yang komprehensif bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien dan  mengutamakan keselamatan pasien. Dalam meningkatkan keamanan pengobatan pasien, konsep manajemen pelayanan farmasi saat ini bergerak ke arah manajemen obat yang aman (medication safety). WHO mengeluarkan suatu pedoman berupa alat ukur mengenai medication safety 5momen yang mencakup 5 pertanyaan yang digunakan oleh pasien dalam perawatan mereka sendiri guna mencapai pengobatan yang aman. Antibiotik merupakan golongan obat yang paling banyak digunakan di dunia yang digunakan secara tidak tepat dan tidak rasional. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui gambaran penggunaan antibiotika yang aman, berdasarkan 5 Momen for Medication Safety. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian potong lintang deskriptif. Hasil: Secara keseluruhan diperoleh 60% yang menjawab benar , yaitu 72,4% yang mengetahui kapan memulai pengobatan antibiotika, 68,8% yang mengetahui mengkonsumsi antibiotika, 42,6% yang mengetahui menambah antibiotika,  47,2% yang mengetahui mereview pengobatannya, dan 68,8% mengetahui dengan benar menghentikan obat antibiotika. Kesimpulan: 60 % masyarakat yang benar mengetahui pengobatan yang aman penggunaan antibiotika dan 40% yang tidak mengetahuinya.kata kunci: Medication safety, Antibiotika, patient safety.ABSTRACT Pharmacy services are one of the activities in health services that support quality health services. Change paradigms in Pharmacy form drug oriented to patient oriented. Patient oriented. Patient oriented demands comprehensive pharmaceutical services aimed at improving the quality of life of patients and prioritizing patient safety. In improving the safety of patient medication, the current pharmaceutical service management concept is moving towards safe drug management. WHO released a new tool for measuring the medication safety, 5 momen which includes 5 questions used to patient can be  describe in their own care to achieve medication safety. Antibiotics are the most commonly used in the world that are used inappropriately and irrationally. The aim of study was to describe the safe  use of antibiotics based on  5 Momen for medication safety. Methods : This research is a research with a quantitative approach with a descriptive cross-sectional study design. Result of the study Overall, it was found that 60 % who answer correctly, 72,4 % who’s can know when to start antibiotics treatment, 68,8 % can know taking antibiotics, 42,6% can know when must adding the  antibiotics, 47,2% can know review the medication, and  68,8% can know when must stop the antibiotics. Conclusion : 60 % people who are really use the medication safety  and 40 % do not know it.Keyword : Medication safety, Antibiotic, patient safety
Rasionalitas dalam swamedikasi vitamin c pada masa pandemi covid - 19 di kota denpasar: Rationality in self-medication of vitamin c during the covid-19 pandemic in denpasar city Ni Putu Aryati Suryaningsih; Gde Palguna Reganata; Ida Ayu Manik Partha Sutema; Dhiancinantyan Windydaca Brata Putri
Bali Medika Jurnal Vol 8 No 2 (2021): Bali Medika Jurnal Vol 8 No 2 Juli 2021
Publisher : Stikes Wira Medika Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36376/bmj.v8i2.187


Background The pandemic we can call Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has a significant impact in all sectors of human life.Indonesia reported its first cases of COVID-19 on March 2,2020 totalin two cases (WHO, 2020). World Health Organization (WHO) recommends to consumption healthy foods and increase immunity with more vitamin that during the pandemic COVID-19.Vitamin C is an alternative to boost the immune system. Increasing consumption of vitamin C needs to be seen by the rationality of using self-medicated vitamin C during the COVID-19 pandemic. Inappropriate or excessive use of vitamins can result in damage to organs such as the kidneys. The purpose of this study was to describe the rationality of Samedication vitamin C during the pandemic COVID-19 in the Denpasar City. Methods: The design of this study is descriptive using a descriptive design that uses non-probability sampling t. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The sample population is 100 respondents in the community in Denpasar. Results: The results of the study show the rationality of using swamedication vitamin C during the pandemic COVID- 19 in Denpasar amounting to 84.73% rational and irrationally of 15.27%, the rationality were measured from the right indication of  the drug, the right way of administration. medication, proper dosage, proper storage and side effect alert.