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Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 7, No 1 (2020): Edisi 1 Januari - Juni 2020
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Keperawatan

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One of the efforts that can be done to reduce the infant mortality rate is by giving breast milk exclusively. Exclusive breastfeeding is breast milk that is given to babies, without adding and / or replacing with other food or drinks (except drugs, vitamins, and minerals). Children who are not sufficiently breastfed will be disrupted in their growth and development process and will be more prone to experiencing health problems in the future. The low rate of exclusive breastfeeding for infants is caused by problems in the mother. This study aims to analyze the description of problems in breastfeeding Palmatak Health Center with a descriptive research design with cross sectional approach. The sample of this research was 67 respondents taken using total sampling technique. The results showed the majority of research subjects were mothers aged 26-35 years (67.2%), the latest education was mothers of universities (35.8%), occupations of IRT mothers (55.2%),Malay ethnic (91.0%), gender of male respondents (59.7%), babies over 6 months (50.7%). The results of this study also show that the majority of mothers experience breast milk problems (65.7%). Breastfeeding problems are most common when babies are 0-4 months old (56.7%). It is expected that the primary health center can be made a reference for counseling material on breastfeeding problems for mothers.Keywords: breastfeeding, mother, problems
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Keperawatan Vol 5: Edisi I Januari - Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Keperawatan

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Pulmonary Tuberculosis is the 9th cause of death in the world. The family plays a role in caring for sick familymembers, the individuals in the family make the family as hope, get information and help get treatment. Thepurpose of this research to determine the relationship between family support fo r the pulmonary tuberculosispatient and self-concept. This research used descriptive correlation design with cross sectional method.Sample of this reaserch are 49 respondents drawn based on inclusion criteria. This research using purposivesampling techniques. Data was collected by using questionnaire of family suppor and self -concept. Dataanalysis is done by univariat and bivariat analyze with chi suare test. The results shows the majority are late asmany as 31 people (63,3%), the majority of respondents are male as many as 36 people (73.5%), the majorityof respondents are wiraswasta status as 28 (57,1%) with the majority of last education is senior hight school asmany as 25 people (51.0%), based on responden characteristic the majority of respondent s have tuberculosisless then 6 month as 33 people (67,3%). The majority of respondents who have hight family support amountedto 30 (61,2.9%) and the majority of respondents who have positive self -concept as many as 27 people (55,1%).Result of this research show that there is relationship between family supoort and self -concept with p value(0.003) < α (0.05). The results of this research recommends that families can be a support system to providemotivation and encouragement that as to facilitate and provide information on the treatment about drugcompliance to tuberculosis patien’s.Keywords: Celf-concept, Family support, Tuberculosis
ANALISIS KERAGAMAN GENETIK KENTANG HITAM Kusumadewi Sri Yulita; Fajarudin Ahmad; Diyah Martanti; Yuyu S. Poerba; Herlina Herlina
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 13, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v13i2.686


Kentang hitam [Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poiret) Sprengel] of family Lamiaceae is a minor root crop known only for people living in some parts of Java, Bali and Madura. It was rarely found in its natural habitat, thus it was assumed to have low level of genetic diversity. This present study aimed to assess genetic diversity of 63 accessions of kentang hitam from provenances of Java based on Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints. Ten primers of ISSR and RAPD were initially screened and eight were selected for the analysis. These eight primers (OPA13, OPB10, OPB13, OPD8, OPN14, UBC 807, 834 and 835) generated 61 bands with an average of 7.63 polymorphic fragment per primer. Percentage of polymorphism ranged from 8.20% (UBC 807 and 834) to 16.39% (OPB 10) with an average of 12.50%polymorphism.Clustering analysis was performed based on ISSR and RAPD profiles using the neighbour joining method and Principle Coordinate Analysis (PCO). The range of genetic similarity among accessions was 51-100% to which most of the accessions were clustered with more than 80% similarity. This confirmed our hypothesis of the low level of variation existed among accessions.
Jurnal Pengabdian Sriwijaya Vol 8, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian pada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37061/jps.v8i4.13206


Penyakit typoid (tipes) merupakan penyakit infeksi usus halus yang disebabkan oleh bakteriSalmonella typhii. Bakteri Salmonella typhii dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia melaluimakanan dan minuman yang tercemar bakteri tersebut. Penyebab yang sering terjadi yaitu faktorkebersihan. Seperti halnya ketika makan di luar apalagi di tempat-tempat umum biasanyaterdapat lalat yang beterbangan dimana-mana bahkan hinggap di makanan. Lalat-lalat tersebutdapat menularkan Salmonella thyphi dari lalat yang sebelumnya hinggap di feses atau muntahpenderita demam tifoid kemudian hinggap di makanan yang akan dikonsumsi. Penyakit typoiddapat diberikan dengan terapi farmakologi maupun non farmakologi. Terapi non farmakologiadalah bed rest, diet lunak rendah serat serta menjaga kebersihan sedangkan terapi farmakologidengan terapi antibiotik dan kortikosteroid. Penggunaan antibiotik dan kortikosteroid secarasembarangan menyebabkan peningkatan kejadian penyakit typoid yang resistensi terhadapantibiotik dan timbulnya efek samping. Banyak dilakukan penelitian-penelitian mengenaitanaman yang memiliki efek yang sama dengan obat sintetik namun memiliki efek samping yanglebih ringan. Salah satu tanaman yang diduga berpotensi untuk terapi penyakit typoid adalahdaun karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) dan biji palem putri (Adonia merrillii) . Oleh karenaitu diperlukan suatu penyuluhan terkait penggunaan obat typoid secara rasional di Desa PulauSemambu Inderalaya agar didapatkan outcome terapi yang baik. Penyuluhan dimulai denganmemberi materi bagaimana memberikan penyuluhan penanggulangan dan cara penangananpenyakit typoid yang tepat sebagai salah cara untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat.Dengan memberikan penyuluhan mengenai swamedikasi terhadap penyakit typoid, diharapkanmasyarakat mampu menangani penyakit typoid dengan baik.
Modification of (Dioscorea alata l) starch with propylene oxide to make edible film Miksusanti Miksusanti; Herlina Herlina; Wiwin Wiwin
Science and Technology Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 4 (2017): October
Publisher : Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2267.759 KB) | DOI: 10.26554/sti.2017.2.4.96-101


The research about modification uwi starch (Dioscorea alata L) by using propylene oxide has been done. Concentration of propylene oxide were 6%(v/w), 8%(v/w), and 10%(v/w). The amilograf parameter after modification were characteristic breakdown viscosity 43 BU and setback viscosity 975 BU. The modification starch has edible properties according to FDA (food and drug administration) which have degree of modification < 7%, degree of substitution < 0,1 and propylene oxide concentration < 10%(v/w). The best propylene oxide in making of edible film was 8 %( v/w). The starch control can be made into edible film with thickness 0,136 mm, tensile strength 20,4605 MPa and elongation 22%. Modification starch of uwi can be made into edible film with thickness 0,146 mm, tensile strength 25, 3521 Mpa, elongation 30% and water vapor transmission 7, 2651 g/m2/24 hours. FTIR characterization of uwi starch showed the occurrence of hydroxypropylation. The peak spectrum at 2900 cm-1 showed bonding of C-H from methyl group, which is characteristic for modification starch with hydroxypropyl. Characterization with scanning electron microscopy showed that modification of uwi starch has turned the granule of starch to be fully swallon.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Wisuda Februari 2016
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract: This research is motivated by the problem of low student learning outcomes in science teaching fourth grade students of SDN 70 Balai Makam with an average grade of 60.92. The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes IPA fourth grade students of SD Negeri 70 Hall Tomb Mandau sub Bengkalis, through the application of participatory learning models, Active, Creative, Effective, and menyenagkan (PAKEM). This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles, one cycle will be done twice action research. As for the improvement of learning outcomes that have been conducted by Researchers in the first cycle and the second cycle in science lessons can be concluded, that the learning models of participatory, active, creative, effective, and menyenagkan (PAKEM) can improve learning outcomes IPA fourth grade students of SD Negeri 70 Balai Makam Mandau Bengkalis districts. This is evident from the increase is in the average student learning outcomes Increased 60.92 to 74.82 in the first cycle and a significant increase is in cycle II with an average of 87.85. This success is supported by the readiness of teachers in designing learning and the learning process is Carried out According to plan. Reviews These results indicate that the application of PAKEM learning models can improve learning outcomes IPA fourth grade students of SD Negeri 70 Balai Makam.Key Words: Learning Model PAKEM Learning Outcomes IPA
Manajer Pendididikan Vol 14, No 2 (2020): MANAJER PENDIDIKAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.025 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/mapen.v14i2.11716


Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh disiplin kerja dan dedikasi pada kompetensi pedagogik. Metode yang digunakan adalah korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian adalah 75 guru. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan korelasi product moment, determinasi, dan regresi. Hasil penelitian  1) disiplin kerja berpengaruh terhadap kompetensi pedagogik
Upaya Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Kimia dengan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching Learning di Kelas X SMAN 7 Rejang Lebong Herlina Herlina
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 4, No 1 (2020): NOVEMBER - FEBRUARY
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (241.911 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.4.1.24-30


The aims of this research were to determine the effectiveness learning methods with a contextual teaching learning (CTL) approach to increase the activity and student learning outcomes in redox reaction material in class X.1 of Rejang Lebong 7 Public High School. The research activity was carried out in two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. In the first cycle, the teacher had implemented a CTL approach which obtained student learning outcomes with average value of 68.39% and student learning completeness 67.74%. Out of 31 students who took the test, there were 21 students who completed learning. The activity of students in the first cycle has increased from pre-cycle, which is 56.69 or quite active category. Although activities and student learning outcomes from pre-cycle to cycle I began to increase, but have not reached the expected indicators. Therefore, the action continued to cycle II, where the student learning outcomes averaged 75.10 and classical learning completeness 87.10%. Likewise, the activity of students in the second cycle also increased, namely 71.53% or active category. From the results, it can be concluded that the use of learning methods with CTL approach can improve the activities and student learning outcomes in redox reaction material.
Penerapan Problem Based Learning Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kimia Pada Materi Hidrokarbon Herlina Herlina
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 4, No 3 (2020): JULY - OCTOBER
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.035 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.4.3.7-13


The aim of this study was to improve student learning outcomes on hydrocarbon material by applying the problem-based learning (PBL) method. The research method used was Classroom Action Research (CAR) which generally consists of 2 (two) cycles. This research was conducted in Class XI IPA 2 at public high school 7 Rejang Lebong with a sample of 25 students. Data collection techniques used were tests and observation sheets. From the results of research in the second cycle, an increase in activity and student learning outcomes from the first cycle was 69.47 with a percentage of 60%. In the second cycle, the average value of 78.53 students' posttest was achieved, and the percentage of completeness of student learning outcomes reached 92%, with score of students ?70. The results of student observations using the problem-based learning method have good responses from students. This proves that learning by using problem-based learning has a positive impact on students in teaching and learning.
Studi Potensi Talas Liar sebagai Sumber Bioetanol dan Implementasinya pada Pembelajaran Biologi Herlina Herlina; Aceng Ruyani; Zamzaili Zamzaili; Budiyanto Budiyanto
PendIPA Journal of Science Education Vol 3, No 1 (2019): FEBRUARY
Publisher : University of Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.572 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/pendipa.3.1.28-32


ABSTRACT[Study of Potential of Wild Taro as a Bioethanol Source and Its Implementation in Biological Learning]. This research aims to (1) Determine the carbohydrate content in three types of wild taro. (2) Assessing the effect of different types of yeast on ethanol produced. (3) Assessing the effect of fresh and dried taro tubers on ethanol produced. (4) To find out the difference in learning outcomes of students who use research-based LKS and those who do not use research-based LKS. Bioethanol is obtained through fermentation using yeast. The method used is direct observation and testing of the bioethanol produced. The carbohydrate content of taro kembaang (Colocasia esculenta) in wet conditions is 23.04% and in dry conditions 78.433%. For kemumu forest (Alocasia macrorrhiza) in wet conditions 20.08% and in dry conditions 79,725. For black taro (Xantomonas nigrum) 23.20% in wet conditions and in dry conditions 72.622%. Traditional yeast produces more ethanol than packaging yeast (Fermipan). More ethanol is produced in taro in dry conditions, namely kembaang taro (Colocasia esculenta) 2.30%, kemumu taro forest (Alocasia macrorrhiza) 2.64% and black taro (Xantomonas nigrum) 2.23%. Based on the fresh dried taro tuber, dried taro tubers produce more ethanol. LKS which is a learning resource is used to determine whether there is a difference between the experimental class and the control class using the T test. There are significant differences in learning outcomes between the experimental classes using research-based LKS and the control class that does not use research-based LKS which is characterized by the T test test where th> tk, th = 18.3138 and tk = 2.0085. So that the experimental class learning outcomes are better than the control class. Keywords: Potential; wild taro; bioethanol; learning process.(Received November 6, 2018; Accepted February 9, 2019; Published February 26, 2019) ABSTRAKPenelitan ini bertujuan untuk (1) menentukan kandungan karbohidrat pada tiga jenis talas liar. (2) Mengkaji pengaruh perbedaan jenis ragi terhadap etanol yang dihasilkan. (3) Mengkaji  pengaruh segar dan keringnya umbi talas terhadap etanol yang dihasilkan. (4) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan LKS berbasis riset dan yang tidak menggunakan LKS berbasis riset. Bioetanol didapatkan melalui fermentasi menggunakan ragi.Kandungan karbohidrat talas kembaang (Colocasia esculenta) pada kondisi basah 23.04% dan pada kondisi kering 78.433%. Untuk talas kemumu hutan (Alocasia macrorrhiza) pada kondisi basah 20.08% dan pada kondisi kering 79.725. Untuk talas hitam (Xantomonas nigrum) 23.20% pada kondisi basah dan pada kondisi kering 72.622%. Ragi tradisional lebih banyak  menghasilkan etanol  dari pada ragi kemasan (Fermipan). Etanol lebih banyak dihasilkan pada talas dalam kondisi kering yaitu talas kembaang (Colocasia esculenta) 2.30%, talas kemumu hutan (Alocasia macrorrhiza) 2.64% dan talas hitam (Xantomonas nigrum) 2.23%. Berdasarkan segar keringnya umbi talas, umbi talas kering lebih banyak menghasilkan etanol. LKS yang merupakan sumber belajar digunakan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol dengan menggunakan uji T. Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan LKS berbasis riset dan kelas kontrol yang tidak menggunakan LKS berbasis riset yang ditandai dengan uji T tes dimana th>tk, th = 18.3138 dan tk = 2.0085. Sehingga hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih baik dari pada kelas kontrol. Kata kunci: Potensi; talas liar; bioetanol; pembelajaran.
Co-Authors Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abidin Abidin ACENG RUYANI Agrina Agrina Agus Arianto Toly Amalia Sari Anak Agung Ketut Sudharmawan Anggrek Anggrek ANIK SUPRIANI Anisa Novianti Annisa Amriani Annisa Mutiara Bella Aprizal Lukman Arneliwati, Arneliwati Asriaty R. Purba Ayu Adelia Lestari Baginda Simaibang Bambang Ari Purwoko Basturi Hasan Bayhakki Bayhakki Bita Bita Budiyanto Budiyanto Christiana Gultom Deden Fahmi Fadilah Dewi Kurniati Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati Dewi Rayani Dian Aswita Dian firdia Dina Permata Wijaya Dinul Tauhid Almaturidi Diyah Martanti Dwi Oktiviani Dwi Yuli Rakhmawati Dyah Mutiara Annisa Fitri Eliza Eliza Elva Sulastriana Endang Sarmini Engla Merizka Erlita Chandra Dewi Erwin Erwin Ester Ester Eva Dolorosa Eva Utami Evi Apriana Evi Vestabilivy Fajarudin Ahmad Fathra Annis Nauli Fatriani Fatriani Febriana Astuti Ferlinahayati Ferlinahayati Fista Juliani Fitri Wulansari Fitriani Fitriani Ganis Indriati Gilang Ramadhan Gustia Padila Hambali Hambali Hamizi Hamizi Hamzah A Machmoed Hasyim Hermansyah Hermansyah Hery Yufrizal Hilma Hilma Ilhamsyah Ilhamsyah Indah Afriani Indah Permata Sari Indah Permatasari Indira Aprilia Fatrin Indrabulan, Tantri Istantyo Yuwono Jamorlan Siahaan Jelita Hotma Asy Simanjuntak Juhaepa Juhaepa Julia Loisa, Julia Khusnul Maulana Ibrahim Kiftiyah Kiftiyah Kusumadewi Sri Yulita Laksono Trisnantoro Lasmaryna Sirumapea Lizawati Lizawati Lizawati, Lizawati M. Ridwan Mahdia Fadhila Maison - MARDIANA, HEPPY RINA Mardiansyah Mardiansyah Masrifan Masrifan Maysa Yutari Dewi Medika Sulistiya Mellinda Mellinda Meri Suzane Meyshin Adelina Miksusanti Miksusanti Misnah Misnah Mita Nurmayanti Rohendi Muhamad Edo Karefo Muhammad Ali Muhammad Lahir Mulyadi Mulyadi Nanik Nur Rosyidah Nasruddin Nasruddin Nazwa Adibah Netti Yuniarti Ni Made Sulastri Nova Anggrainie Nova Nurwinda Sari Noviati Noviati Nur Amalia Nurbayani Nurbayani Nurchayati Nurdian Astuti Nurfajriah, Nurfajriah NURUL AZIZAH Nurul huda Oswati Hasanah Ovi Syapitri Prasetyo Ignatius Kristiyadi Puji Slamet Raden Rahmi Dewi Rafiastiana Capritasari Ramadhaniyah, Rieka Ratih Ellyza Putri Ratna Supiyah Regina Astryani Retno Indah Setyorini Rifa Arifati Riri Novayelinda Riska Aprilia Wardani Riska Aprillia Winingsih Rismadefi Woferst Roby Pahala J Gultom Rokhaidah Rokhaidah Rokhaidah Rokhaidah Rokhaidah Rokhaidah Rokiah Kusumapradja Rosdiana Rosdiana Rr.Tutik Sri Hariyati Rudi Hartono Ruhadi Ruhadi Rukmana Rukmana Samsul Madil Selfita Wahyu Selvira Efiskha Septi Widiyanti Shiyan, Shaum Siti Faridah Siti Mundari Sofiana Nurchayati Sri Kusnita SRI WAHYU INDRAWATI Sriyono Sriyono Suherman suherman Sukarman Sukarman Sukirman Sukirman Sukmawaty Sulastri Sulastri Suleman Samuda Surya Dewi AR Surya Mustika Sari Surya Sebayang Suryadi Harmanto Susanti Susanti Syahrilfuddin Syahrilfuddin Talenta Marpaung Teady Matius Surya Mulyana, Teady Matius Tia Suryaningsih Titiek Idayanti Triani Widyaningrum Triyanto Triyanto Try Hariadi Try Hariyadi Veny Elita Ver Virgia Vivi Dwiyani Wahyu Adi Wahyu Asih Winda Firdawanti Wan Nishfa Dewi Wasisto Utomo Winda Pebriani Wira Y. Rahman Wiwin Tyas Istikowati Wiwin Wiwin Yeni Rosdianti Yeni Rustina YUFI ARIS LESTARI Yus Ver Nandes Uzer Yuspar Uzer Yusri Yusri Yuyu S. Poerba Zakir Burhan Zamzaili Zamzaili Zuriyati Zuriyati