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Publisher : Fapetrik-UMPAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.552 KB) | DOI: 10.31850/jgt.v8i3.508


Important factors that form the basis of water management are plant characteristics based on water requirements, the amount of water supplied, irrigation methods, and soil characteristics to conserve water. These factors are also influenced by local agroecological conditions such as climate, soil type, and availability of irrigation water. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of inundation time on soybean growth and production to maintain soil moisture. The study was arranged in an experimental form using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of waterlogging time treatment (W), ie not flooded/field capacity (W0), inundation 0-15 days after planting (dap) (W1), inundation 15-30 dap (W2), inundation at 30-45 dap (W3), and inundation continuously until harvest (W4). The height of the water given was 5 cm. The results showed that continuous inundation until harvest increased the weight of seeds by 19.23% compared without inundation. This was evidenced by the increasing number of pods and number of seeds per plant by 31.1% and 37.59% compared to field capacity. Continuous inundation showed that the highest soil water content (moisture) compared to other treatments. As for the greenness of leaves, inundation at 15-30 dap showed the lowest greenness of leaves while the highest greenness of leaves is inundation 0-15 dap, and this was not significantly different from other treatments. Continuous inundation has shown the potential to increase soybean yield. These results indicated that the irrigation method until the soil was saturated with water or above the field capacity was still quite safe for the growth, development, and production of soybean plants.
Respon pertumbuhan vegetatif semaian akibat aplikasi mikroba potensial pada rehabilitasi pohon kakao tanpa penebangan Marliana S. Palad; Aminah aminah
Jurnal Agro Vol 7, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/9098


Usaha yang dapat dilakukan untuk megatasi penurunan produksi pohon kakao tua dan rusak adalah penerapan inarching grafting atau penyambungan tanaman kakao muda unggul berumur minimal 6 bulan yang ditanam di sekitar pohon tua. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pengaruh aplikasi Trichoderma asperellum dan Azotobacter chroococcum terhadap pertumbuhan vegetatif semaian kakao yang akan disambungkan ke pohon kakao tua menggunakan metode inarching grafting. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Petak Terbagi dengan tiga ulangan. Petak Utama yaitu aplikasi T.asperellum sebanyak 4 g L-1 setiap tanaman, dengan empat taraf: tanpa T.asperellum (T0), satu kali (T1), dua kali (T2), dan tiga kali (T3) aplikasi. Anak Petak adalah inokulasi A.chroococcum sebanyak 40 ml x 108 cfu setiap tanaman, dengan 3 taraf: tanpa A.chroococcum (A0), satu kali (A1) dan dua kali (A2) aplikasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan tidak terdapat interaksi antara aplikasi T.asperellum dengan A.chroococcum, tetapi terdapat pengaruh tunggal dari kedua mikroba potensial yang diaplikasikan. Pada umur semaian 90 hst, aplikasi dua kali A.chroococcum menghasilkan rata-rata tinggi tanaman 155,25 cm, total daun 41 helai dan diameter batang 13,10 mm. Pemberian tiga kali T.asperellum menghasilkan rata-rata tinggi tanaman 150,89 cm,  total daun 41,22 helai dan diameter batang 12,86 mm. Semaian yang diberi mikroba potensial digunakan untuk rehabilitasi pohon kakao tua. An efforts that can be done to overcome the decline in production of old and damaged cocoa trees are the application of inarching grafting or grafting of superior young cocoa plants with a minimum age of 6 months planted around old trees. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the application of Trichoderma asperellum and Azotobacter chroococcumon the vegetative growth of cocoa seedlings which was grafted to old cocoa trees using the inarching grafting method. The research used a Split Plot Design with three replications. The main plot was application of T.asperellum of 4 g L-1 for each seedling and cocoa tree, consisted of four levels. i.e: without T.asperellum (T0), one time application (T1), two times application (T2), and three times application (T3). The subplot factor was A.chroococcum as much as 40 ml x 108 cfu on each seedling and cocoa tree, consisted of three levels, i.e.: without A. chroococcum (A0), one time application (A1) and two times application (A2).  The analysis of variance results showed that no interaction between applications of T.asperellum  with  A.chroococcum, but it had a singular effect for both potential microbial applied. At 90 days after planting, the application of A.chroococcum twice resulted in an average plant height of 155.25 cm, a total of 41 leaves and a stem diameter of 13.10 mm. Application of T.asperellum three times resulted in an average plant height of 150.89 cm, the number of leaves 41.22 sheets and a stem diameter of 12.86 mm. The seedlings that inoculated with potential microbes can be used for rehabilitation of old cacao trees.
Effectiveness of Irrigation Methods and Time of Providing Water in Maintaining Soil Classification for Increasing Soybean Production Aminah Aminah; Fadjry Djufry; Abdul Wahid Rauf; Saida Saida; Marliana S. Palad; Salim Salim
AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 43, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture University of Brawijaya in collaboration with PERAGI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17503/agrivita.v43i3.2975


This study aimed to get the best irrigation method and determine the best time-effective provision of water to maintain optimum soil moisture for increase soybean crop production. This research was conducted in the field in Maros District, South Sulawesi. The experiment used a split-plot design and was repeated three times. The main plot was an irrigation method, namely the Scatter irrigation, Furrow, and Flood irrigations method, and its plot was the time of irrigation, namely every 15 days of age, at the period of 15 days, and full flowering and irrigation every 10 days. The results showed that the watering technique using the waterlogging method at the time at the age of 15 days and full flowering had the potential to increase the yield production of soybean, that was the number of pods 164.95 pieces, the weight of seeds 37.11 g, and production 4.64 t/ha. The inundation method was more effective in maintaining soil moisture and twice the application time. But in an optimal amount (229 l/time) was very effective in maintaining soil moisture.
AGROTEK: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Maret
Publisher : Percetakan Umi Toaha Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/agrotek.v4i1.94


The study aims to determine the effect of the provision of vegetable extracts on the quality and quantity of mustard crop yields, which was carried out in Malino, Gowa Regency, with a research period of 4 months, from March to July 2009. The research was conducted in the form of experiments arranged according to a randomized design Group (RBD) with five treatments and each treatment had 4 replications, so there were 20 experimental plots.Based on the results of the study, that plants that have economic value in the field can be used as a vegetable pesticide substitute for chemical pesticides to control plant pests, so as to suppress pest populations and reduce leaf defects by applying vegetable extracts at concentrations of 4 or 6 cc/liter of water with an interval of giving once a week. Application of vegetable extract with more doses the concentration can improve the quality and quantity of mustard greens with growth and yield of higher yields which is an average of 407.5 grams in the treatment of 6 cc/liter of water (E3).
Morphological Agronomy Character Of Gene Mutation Of Various Varieties Of Soybean (Glycine Max L) On Drought Stress Aminah Aminah; Marliana S Paad
AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 9 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : UNIVED Press, Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/agritepa.v9i1.2351


The research objective is to identify the responsiveness of mutated soybean varieties to the growth and production, which are tolerant to drought stress. The research was held in the experimental garden of the Agricultural Technology Development Center, Maros Regency, using a randomized block design method consist of three treatments: M1 Anjasmoro, M1 Argomulyo and M1 Dena-1. The selection method carried out by leaving the treatment of plants resulting from gamma ray irradiation mutant-1, also the plants were not given water until entered the first generative phase (R1) and showed symptoms of severe wilting. having shown the symptoms, then the plants were given water again to see their recovery. The results showed the best morphological character against drought stress was M1 Dena-1. However, for the growth and production parameters, M1 Anjasmoro was the best. M1 Anjasmoro plant height 86.00 cm, the number of leaves 21,22 strands, plant dry weight 177.54 grams, the fastest flowering age 35.50 days. M1 Anjasmoro gave the best results for the parameters of 100 seeds weight (21.50 grams), seed weight per plant (18.52 grams), seed weight per plot (1.39 kg) production per hectare (2.38 tons), and the fastest harvesting age was obtained in M1 Anjasmoro (83,33 days).
Respon Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Kandang Ayam dan Pupuk Kandang Sapi : Response to Growth and Production of Chili (Capsicum frutescens L.) to the Application of Chicken and Cow Manure Aminah Aminah; Netty Syam; Marliana S Palad
Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.993 KB) | DOI: 10.30605/perbal.v10i2.1816


Cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L. ) merupakan salah satu sayuran buah dari famili solanaceae yang memiliki peluang bisnis yang baik sehingga memiliki nilai ekonomi yang sangat tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk kandang ayam dan sapi terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai rawit. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Simbang Kabupaten Maros, yang berlangsung pada bulan Juni-September 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan yaitu: P0: Kontrol (tanpa perlakuan), P1: Pemberian pupuk kandang ayam 30 ton/Ha, P2: Pemberian pupuk kandang sapi 30 ton/Ha. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebayak 6 kali sehingga diperoleh 18 unit percobaan. Parameter yang diamati yakni tinggi tanaman, waktu berbunga, bobot segar, jumlah cabang, bobot per petak dan bobot per hektar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian pupuk kandang ayam 30 kg/Ha memberikan pengaruh terbaik pada tinggi tanaman yakni 66,33 cm, waktu berbunga tercepat yakni 36.33 hari setelah tanam, bobot segar per tanaman yakni 283,66 g, jumlah cabang yakni 15,50, bobot segar per petak yakni 3,4 kg dan produksi per hektar yakni 6,81 ton. Being a good business opportunities, chilli pepper (Capsicum frutescens L. ) is one of the fruit vegetables from the Solanaceae family that has very high economic value. This research aims to determine the effect of giving chicken and cow manure to the growth and production of chilli pepper. This research was conducted in Simbang sub-district, Maros Regency, which took place in June-September 2021. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD). which consisted of 3 treatments, namely: P0 (control (without treatment), P1: Application of chicken manure 30 tons/ha, P2: application of cow manure 30 tons/ha. Each treatment was repeated 6 times to obtain 18 experimental units. Parameters observed were plant height, flowering time, fresh weight, number of branches, weight per plot and weight per hectare. The results showed that the amount of chicken manure 30 kg/ha gave the best effect on plants, namely 66.33 cm, the fastest flowering time was 36.33 days after planting, fresh weight per plant was 283.66 g, branches 15.50, weight Fresh per plot is 3.4 kg and production per hectare is 6.81 tons.
Analisis Pembuatan Keripik Sukun (Artocarpus communis Forst) pada Berbagai Tingkat Kematangan Buah : Analysis of Making Breadfruit Chips (Artocarpus communis Forst) at Various Levels of Fruit Ripeness Nurul Muchlizah Z; Marliana S Palad; Sri Hajriani AR; Ravika Mutiara; Aminah Aminah
Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (137.661 KB) | DOI: 10.30605/perbal.v10i2.1821


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pemberian campuran bawang putih dan garam terhadap keripik sukun setelah perendaman berdasarkan tingkat kematangan buah sukun (Artocarpus communis, Forst), yang dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kimia dan Nutrisi Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar pada bulan Juni hingga Juli 2021. Data yang diperoleh diolah secara Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan tiga kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pemberian bawang putih dan garam dengan perbandingan: tanpa bawang putih dan garam (B1); 5% bawang putih (B2); 5% bawang putih : 0,2% garam (B3); dan 0,2% garam (B4); yang diberikan pada buah sukun muda (A1), sukun tua (A2) dan sukun masak (A3). Parameter yang dianalisis adalah kadar air, kadar pati, kadar abu dan uji organoleptik yaitu warna, rasa dan aroma. Semakin tua buah sukun sebagai bahan pembuatan keripik dengan memberikan bawang putih semakin banyak dan tanpa garam, akan meningkatkan kadar pati (0.039) dan mengurangi kadar abu (1.283) pada keripik sukun, tetapi keripik sukun yang dibuat dari buah yang masak dengan penambahan bawang putih dan garam yang semakin banyak, akan mengurangi kandungan kadar air pada keripik (4.084). Pada uji organoleptik, maka respon panelis terhadap keripik sukun yang dibuat dari buah sukun masak yang diberi bawang putih 5% tetapi tidak diberi garam merupakan keripik yang lebih disukai dibanding perlakuan lainnya untuk semua parameter baik warna, rasa maupun aroma. This study aims to see the effect of giving a mixture of garlic and salt to breadfruit chips after soaking based on the maturity level of breadfruit (Artocarpus communis, Forst), which was carried out at the Laboratory of Chemistry and Animal Food Nutrition, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Hasanuddin University Makassar from June to July 2021. The data obtained were processed in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. The treatments used in this study were garlic and salt in a ratio of non garlic and salt (B1); 5% garlic (B2); 5% garlic : 0,2% salt (B3); and 0,2% salt (B4); which were given to young breadfruit (A1); old breadfruit (A2); and cooked breadfruit (A3). Parameters analyzed were water content, starch, ash and organoleptic tests, namely colour, taste and aroma. The older the breadfruit as an ingredient for making chips by adding more garlic and without salt, it will increase the starch content (0.039) and reduce the ash content (1.283) of the breadfruit chips, but the breadfruit chips made from ripe fruit with the addition of more garlic and salt will reduce the water content of the chips (4.084). In the organoleptic test, the panellists' response to breadfruit chips made from ripe breadfruit with 5% garlic but not salt was the preferred chips compared to other treatments for all parameters colour, taste and aroma.
Isolasi dan Inventarisasi Cendawan Endofit pada Tanaman Tomat Maimuna Nontji; Marliana Palad; Wulan Diniarti; Saidah Saidah; Aminah Aminah
AGRIUM: Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 26, No 1 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/agrium.v26i1.13736


Pengendalian penyakit dengan menggunakan cendawan endofit sebagai agens hayati yang hidup pada jaringan tomat merupakan tindakan yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan menginventarisasi cendawan endofit pada akar, batang dan daun tomat, dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan proses identifikasi. Sampel diambil dari Desa Erelembang Kecamatan Tombolo Pao Kabupaten Gowa. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan sistem diagonal, masing-masing tiga tanaman yang dipisahkan antara bagian akar, batang dan daun. Total keseluruhan sampel 45 unit. Metode uji Blotter digunakan untuk mendapatkan isolate murni. Hasil inventarisasi isolate pada bagian akar dan batang tomat memiliki persamaan, yaitu secara makroskopis koloni isolate pada permukaan atas berwarna hitam dan tekstur seperti benang. Secara mikroskopis memiliki konidia spora yang berbentuk bulat, hifa hialin dan tidak bersepta. Pada isolate bagian daun, secara makroskopis memiliki permukaan atas berwarna abu-abu kebiruan dan hijau, dengan tekstur seperti kapas dan tepung. Secara mikroskopis, konidia spora berbentu bulat, hifa hialin, dan ada hifa yang memiliki septa dan ada yang tidak. Berdasarkan dari 20 isolate murni yang teridentifikasi sebagai cendawan endofit, diperoleh tiga jenis spesies, yaitu (1) Rhizopus oligosporus ditemukan pada akar dan batang, (2) Aspergillus flavus ditemukan pada akar, batang dan daun, dan (3) Aspergillus fumigatus ditemukan pada daun tomat.
Respon Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kacang Hijau terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Herbafarm dan Pupuk NPK: Green Beans Production and Growth Response on the Application of Herbafarm Liquid Organic Fertilizer and NPK Fertilizer Aminah Aminah; Saida Saida; Nuraeni Nuraeni; Sudirman Numba; Netty Syam; Marliana S Palad
Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): Perbal: Jurnal Pertanian Berkelanjutan
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/perbal.v11i2.2311


Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui dosis pupuk organik cair yang terbaik serta mengetahui takaran pupuk NPK yang terbaik pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kacang hijau. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di greenhouse Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Makassar, yang berlangsung pada bulan September-Nopember 2022. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial, dimana faktor pertama adalah pemberian pupuk organik cair dengan 3 taraf yaitu: P1= 2,5 cc/l air; P2= 3 cc/l air; P3= 3,5 cc/l air. Faktor kedua adalah pemberian pupuk NPK dengan 3 taraf, yaitu: N1= 1,25 g/polybag (250 kg/ha); N2= 1,5 g/polybag (300 kg/ha); N3= 1,75 g/polybag (350 kg/ha). Dari kedua faktor tersebut diperoleh 9 kombinasi perlakuan dengan 3 ulangan, sehingga terdapat 27 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemberian pupuk organik cair dengan konsentrasi 3,5 cc/liter air berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman yaitu 62,28 cm, umur berbunga yaitu 31,63 hst, dan bobot 100 biji yaitu 6,81 g, meskipun pemberian dosis pupuk NPK tidak berpengaruh nyata pada semua parameter yang ada, namun perlakuan dosis 1,75 g/polybag (350 kg/ha) cenderung lebih baik dari perlakuan yang lainnya. Tidak terdapat interaksi antara POC dan Pupuk NPK baik pada parameter pertumbuhan maupun pada parameter produksi tanaman kacang hijau. This research purpose is identification of the response and the appropriate dose of liquid organic fertilizer and NPK fertilizer for the green beans growth and production. The research was conducted at the Green House of Agriculture Faculty Universitas Muslim Indonesia in Makassar, which took place from September to November 2022. Randomized Block Design with factorial pattern is used, where the first factor is the provision of liquid organic fertilizer with three levels, namely: P1 = 2,5 cc/liters water; P2 = 3 cc/liters water; P3 = 3,5 cc/liters water. The second factor is the provision of NPK fertilizer with 3 different levels, namely: N1 = 1.25 g/poly bag (250 kg/ha); N2 = 1.5 g/poly bag (300 kg/ha); N3 = 1.75 g/poly bag (350kg/ha). Based on those factors, 9 treatment combination with three repetitions is collected, thus 27 units of experiments are gathered. The results of the research indicated that the provision of liquid organic fertilizer with the 3.5 cc/liter concentration has significant influence on plant height, flowering age and 100 seeds weight namely 62,28 cm, 31,63 hst and 6,81 g respectively. Although the provision of NPK fertilizer has only slight impact on every indicator, treatment with 1,75 g/poly bag (350 kg/ha) concentration is better than the rest treatment on this factor. Lastly, interaction between POC (Liquid Organic Fertilizer) and NPK fertilizer on growth and production parameters have not been found.