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Pelatihan Kewirusahaan Berbasis Internet : Tips dan Trik Sukses Berbisnis Online Bagi Remaja Milenial di Desa Kaduara Barat Pamekasan Aflahah, Aflahah; Sufiyanto, Mohammad Imam
PERDIKAN (Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 1, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : IAIN Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.393 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/pjce.v1i2.2661


The way to maximize the potential of youth entrepreneurial spirit is through the internet-based entrepreneurship training program "Tips and Tricks for Online Business Success for Millennial Youth in the West Kaduara Village". This program is a community service activity carried out in the form of training, as well as creating sustainable and independent activities to increase entrepreneurial interest for millennial youth in the West Kaduara Village. This program will take place on Sunday, August 3, 2019, which consists of five activities, namely Study Online Shop, Achievement Motivation Training and Succsess Story, understanding of online shop platforms and social media knowledge. The first stage is the online shop study, this activity aims to provide knowledge and capture program targets, after the targets are obtained, the program continues with the provision of training and skills on online-based entrepreneurship which includes platform knowledge and success stories, understanding of the online shop, and knowledge of social media in business management. After the target has skills in developing the business, then the provision of understanding of social media is carried out as a step towards the realization of the target to practice the entrepreneurial spirit that they have learned. The program's success criteria result from the enthusiasm of millennial adolescents in managing the business that has been given to the target, namely increasing the level of target knowledge about the meaning of entrepreneurship, increasing target commitment in implementing entrepreneurship programs, and increasing entrepreneurial desire from the target. Keywords: The Soul of Entrepreneurship; Social Media; Online Shop.
Thematic Based Private Vocational School Learning Chomparison Analysis In One Sheet Lesson Plan sufiyanto, Mohammad Imam; Roviandri, Roviandri
ZAHRA: Research and Tought Elementary School of Islam Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): ZAHRA: Research And Tought Elmentary School Of Islam Journal
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37812/zahra.v2i2.222


The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed the curriculum even though this is a common thing. The point is how learning practices in schools will become better, more efficient, and more effective. Likewise with the policy of drafting a one-sheet RPP which was initiated the Minister of Education and Culture to help reduce the burden on teachers in the field implementing learning. In simple terms, actually several RPP pages that previously could be summarized/abstracted into just one-sheet, then select the components that are considered core and must exist. There are also other components that can be attached or even removed, because it could be implied and expressed in the existing core components. However, for prospective teachers, it is better if they continue to study the lesson plans with the full component version and then learn to abstract into one-sheet RPP.
Relationship Pattern among Scientific Literacy, Thematic, and Scientific Materials in Online Learning Sufiyanto, Mohammad Imam; Jamilah, Jamilah; Hikmawati, Nisrina
Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar Vol 13, No 2 (2021): Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/mad.v13i2.12020


The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship among scientific, thematic learning materials, and scientific literacy integrated in online learning carried out in three different primary schools, namely MI Al-Ikhlas, Luqman Al-Hakim Integral Elementary School, and at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 1 Sumenep in Sumenep Regency. Learning science  is with a scientific approach in primary school can be meant as student's mastery of knowledge about scientific, thematic, and scientific literacy, which is learned from facts, principles, and the discovery process during online learning. However, the science material given must be adapteded to the age and characteristics of the students concerned, meaning that science material is given to students and adjusted to the grade level, so that mastery of science can be beneficial both for the students and for the natural environment preservation  around them. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research with a survey approach. The research population was 60 teachers and 280 students from three different schools, while the sample of this study consisted of 30 teachers and 150 students from whom the samples were taken using probability sampling. The data collection techniques in this study were in the forms of questionnaires and interview techniques for the teachers and students to complete the data. The research results showed that in the aspect of scientific literacy, namely explaining problems scientifically was 29.5%, interpreting data scientifically was 19%, communicating data scientifically was 40%, planning scientific investigations was 29.5%, carrying out scientific investigations was 33 %, and evaluated scientific investigations was 19%. These data indicate that there are still problems in the application of scientific, thematic, and scientific literacy during the pandemic period for students and thus, requires follow-up for solution
Thematic Based Private Vocational School Learning Chomparison Analysis In One Sheet Lesson Plan sufiyanto, Mohammad Imam; Roviandri, Roviandri
ZAHRA: Research and Tought Elementary School of Islam Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): ZAHRA: Research And Tought Elmentary School Of Islam Journal
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37812/zahra.v2i2.222


The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed the curriculum even though this is a common thing. The point is how learning practices in schools will become better, more efficient, and more effective. Likewise with the policy of drafting a one-sheet RPP which was initiated the Minister of Education and Culture to help reduce the burden on teachers in the field implementing learning. In simple terms, actually several RPP pages that previously could be summarized/abstracted into just one-sheet, then select the components that are considered core and must exist. There are also other components that can be attached or even removed, because it could be implied and expressed in the existing core components. However, for prospective teachers, it is better if they continue to study the lesson plans with the full component version and then learn to abstract into one-sheet RPP.
Practicum Activities in the Field of Natural Science Learning in Elementary Schools as an Alternative to the Open Natural Science Laboratory Mohammad Imam Sufiyanto; Roychan Yasin
Justek : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 4, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Unversitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/justek.v4i2.5237


Abstract:  The purpose of this research is to find out in science learning that it does not have to be theoretical, but also practical even during a pandemic. The research method is to use a qualitative research method with the phenomenology approach, namely looking at some natural facts that occur in natural events. The results of the study showed that students can be invited to practice in real, concrete, in accordance with the theory being studied (in the context of SD science, namely about the condition of the surrounding environment, or in everyday life). The problems that exist in the field are, in fact, some of the teachers only teach a few theories in the book and only apply lessons in the classroom. This is triggered by the absence of adequate laboratory facilities at schools, and the lack of motivation to make learning innovations that can be carried out during the pandemic so that it is lacking in generating practices and theories that can be implementedAbstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pada pembelajaran IPA bahwa tidak harus dengan teori saja, tetapi juga dengan praktik meskipun di masa pandemi. Metode Penelitian adalah menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan phenomenology yaitu melihat beberapa fakta alami yang terjadi pada kejadian alam. Hasil Penelitian yaitu Peserta didik dapat diajak melaksanakan praktik secara riil, konkrit, sesuai dengan teori yang sedang dipelajari (Dalam konteks IPA SD yaitu tentang keadaan lingkungan sekitar, atau yang ada di kehidupan sehari-hari). Permasalahan yang ada di lapangan, pada kenyataanya, sebagian dari guru hanya mengajarkan beberapa teori yang ada di dalam buku dan hanya menerapkan pembalajaran di dalam ruang kelas. Hal tersebut dipicu karena tidak adanya fasilitas laboratorium yang memadai di sekolah, serta minimnya motivasi untuk membuat inovasi pembelajaran yang dapat dilakukan dimasa pandemic sehingga kurang dalam memunculkan praktik dan juga teori yang dapat dijalankan.
Pelatihan dan Penyuluhan UKS Pintar Berbasis Homescholing Terhadap Guru MI Miftahul Mubtadin Pakong Sebagai Upaya Mencetak Generasi Sehat dan Pencegahan Covid-19 Mohammad Imam Sufiyanto; Fatimatuz Zahra; Mohammad Fausi
Jurnal Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Training & Research Institute - Jeramba Ilmu Sukses

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (248.288 KB) | DOI: 10.47747/pengabdiankepadamasyarakat.v1i1.120


UKS (School Health Unit) is one of the health business units in schools that is interesting to implement, because it has efforts to prevent disease in a curative way, the benefits will not be obtained in the near future, but will be felt in the long term. These characteristics make UKS efforts need to be encouraged for health and disease prevention by the community which are deemed difficult to be carried out continuously. The purpose of this activity is to provide counseling and training in health management in Pakong, and prevention of disease and health. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data. Meanwhile, the data collection procedure used three ways, namely interviews, observation and documentation. While the analysis used is deductive and inductive. The result of this activity is to train teachers to be skilled in disease prevention and handling of health in schools and infectious diseases.
Instructional Learning Model on WhatsApp Media Problem in a Pandemic Covid-19 Period Mohammad Imam Sufiyanto; Rocyhan Yasin; Hesty Kusumawati
Pedagogik Journal of Islamic Elementary School VOL 4 NO 2 OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : IAIN Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/pijies.v4i2.1999


The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of learning (Problem Based Instruction) on learners at the elementary unit level (elementary school) in one of the schools located in the Pamekasan area. This study is qualitative descriptive, the study subjects are elementary school students as many as 150 students consisting of 78 men and 72 women. Techniques in this study use interviews and questionnaires. Research instruments are with concessioners, as well as data analysis techniques by sampling methods. The results of this study were from 150 students who joined three classes in each class containing 50 people in WhatsApp groups. Known on the interpretation scale is 336 ≤ 307 < 400 which is categorized very well done during the covid-19 pandemic online with WhatsApp from media. This study concludes that the PBI learning model is very suitable to be done at the elementary unit level or elementary school with social media platforms that are WhatsApp connected to their respective class groups (WAG). Keywords:  
Publisher : CV ODIS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The covid-19 pandemic hit the economy in the micro business sector, so there needs to be a role from the government, especially from the local government, the purpose of this study is to find out the development of entrepreneurship by developing new types of businesses or new products. The object of research is several types of micro businesses that can survive the current pandemic, in the microeconomic sector. The research method is descriptive qualitative, which can be done through three inflow of activities, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verification. The result of this research is the development of new businesses both in terms of product design and type of business. The conclusion is that there is a business incubator to be able to develop a new entrepreneurial spirit and reduce entrepreneurship for young entrepreneurs in Sumenep Regency.
Publisher : CV ODIS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The communication model that is considered appropriate is to involve market managers as a source of credible messages, with messages containing the benefits and risks of revitalization which are effective in developing the motivation of traders and the media that allow direct responses from market players. This study aims to formulate a communication model to build change readiness for traditional market traders. The method used is a survey by interviewing 10 traditional market traders using a questionnaire instrument. The results showed that in the face of revitalization, traders are in a situation of uncertainty. All market elements, starting from the characteristics of traders, sources of messages, messages, and participatory communication, have a positive impact on traders' readiness in relation to revitalization with a high entrepreneurial capacity of traders. Therefore, to build merchant readiness, the main thing that needs to be done is to build the entrepreneurial character of traders.
Thematic Based Private Vocational School Learning Chomparison Analysis In One Sheet Lesson Plan Mohammad Imam sufiyanto; Roviandri Roviandri
ZAHRA: Research and Tought Elementary School of Islam Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): ZAHRA: Research And Tought Elmentary School Of Islam Journal
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37812/zahra.v2i2.222


The existence of new policies in the field of education is often interpreted as having changed the curriculum even though this is a common thing. The point is how learning practices in schools will become better, more efficient, and more effective. Likewise with the policy of drafting a one-sheet RPP which was initiated the Minister of Education and Culture to help reduce the burden on teachers in the field implementing learning. In simple terms, actually several RPP pages that previously could be summarized/abstracted into just one-sheet, then select the components that are considered core and must exist. There are also other components that can be attached or even removed, because it could be implied and expressed in the existing core components. However, for prospective teachers, it is better if they continue to study the lesson plans with the full component version and then learn to abstract into one-sheet RPP.