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Elementary School Teacher Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Elementary School Teacher
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/est.v3i2.29025


Based on the result of observation, interview, and data on learning outcomes conducted in 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City, it was found that the social studies learning outcomes were not optimal because the learning model used by teacher was not appropriate . The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of Think Pair Share type of cooperative learning model based on cultural heritage on social studies learning outcomes of social, economic, cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity in the local provinces as the identity of Indonesia; and its relation to the characteristics of space. This was experimental research used a quasi experimental research design in the form of nonequivalent control group design. The data collection techniques used tests, observation, and documentation. The hypothesis test result showed that the t-test was 5.455, while the t-table value was 1.994. So that the tcount was greater than ttable (5.455> 1.994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class n-gain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. So that the tcount was greater than ttable (5.455> 1.994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class n-gain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. So that the tcount was greater than ttable (5.455> 1.994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class n-gain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. 994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class n-gain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. 994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class ngain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. 542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. 542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City.
Jurnal Kreatif : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Vol 11, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Kreatif : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kreatif.v11i2.26336


Hasil studi pendahuluan menunjukan bapak ibu guru di Gugus Srikandi Kecamatan Semarang Barat belum memahami dengan baik teknik membuat instrumen soal HOTS, sementara kebijakan terkait dengan soal HOTS sudah di instruksikan dalam implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Dengan demikian guru memerlukan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tersebut untuk lebih meningkatkan kualitas evaluasi hasil pembelajaran. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat kepada guru-guru di gugus Srikandi Kecamatan Semarang Barat Kota Semarang  adalah (1) meningkatkan pemahaman guru Sekolah Dasar (SD ) tentang konsep penyusunan soal HOTS, (2) meningkatkan keterampilan guru SD untuk menyusun RPP berorientasi HOTS dan; (3) mengembangkan soal online berbasis HOTS dengan aplikasi google form. Metode pelaksanaan  mengacu kepada analisis situasi program-program yang disepakati bersama dengan Kelompok Kerja Gugus Srikandi Kec Semarang Barat adalah  ceramah, diskusi, demonstrasi dalam workshop daring penyusunan soal HOTS. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat peserta terampil menyusun soal HOTS, terampil menyusun RPP berorientasi HOTS dan terampil membuat soal online berbasis HOTS dengan menggunakan aplikasi google form. Hal itu terlihat dari 38 peserta nilai pretest rata-rata nilai 57 setelah mengikuti workshop daring nilai pos-test naik menjadi 81.  Selain itu dihasilkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP berorientasi HOTS, soal HOTS dan soal online berbasis HOTS menggunakan aplikasi googleform. Luarannya berupa artikel di proceeding nasional, artikel ilmiah pada media cetak/elektronik, dan buku panduan keterampilan penyusunan soal HOTS bagi guru-guru SD ber-ISBN.
Jurnal Kreatif : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Kreatif : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.257 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/kreatif.v8i2.16500


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kevalidan, keefektifan, dan kepraktisan bahan ajar tematik terpadu model Discovery Learning berorientasi Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS). Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan menggabungkan teks dan gambar gambar yang kontekstual dengan model Discovery Learning  sehingga pesan yang disampaikan lebih nyata, mudah dipahami dan menggiring siswa mampu menyelesaikan masalah, berfikir kritis dan kreatif.  Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Produk yang dihasilkan divalidasi oleh ahli materi  dan ahli evaluasi.  Uji coba kelompok kecil dilakukan di kelas IV SDN 01 Ngaliyan Semarang dengan jumlah 15 siswa, sedangkan uji coba pemakaian dilakukan di kelas IV SDN Ngaliyan 03 dengan jumlah 32 siswa. Data diambil dari tanggapan siswa dan guru tentang bahan ajar yang telah dikembangkan dan hasil belajar siswa. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode eksperimen One Group Pretest Posttest Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; (1) bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berkarakteristik Discovery Learning yang terdiri sintaks stimulus, identifikasi masalah, pengumpulan data, mengola data, verifikasi dan menarik kesimpulan; (2) bahan ajar tematik terpadu model Discovery  Learning dinyatakan valid,didapatkan persentase kriteria kelayakan validator 88% dan 90%. ; (3) bahan ajar memiliki pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar kognitif siswa, hal tersebut didasarkan pada uji t dan diperoleh signifikansi 0.000 < 0.05. Uji gain sebesar 0,595 dengan kriteria sedang; (4) Persentase respon siswa dan guru terhadap bahan ajar yang dikembangkan. Persentase respon guru  95% (sangat positif) dan persentase respon siswa secara klasikal 91% (sangat positif).Simpulan penelitian, bahan ajar yang dikembangkan berkarakteristik Discovery  Learning, bahan ajar valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar. Saran yang disampaikan; bahan ajar yang dikembangkan dapat dijadikan bahan ajar alternatif dalam pembelajaran, karena penerapan Discovery Learning dapat memperkuat pendekatan saintifik
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran IPA Materi Cuaca dan Pengaruhnya pada Manusia Berbasis Flash Kelas III Estiastuti, Aziz Fikri, Sri Hartati, Arini
Jurnal Kreatif : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Kreatif : Jurnal Kependidikan Dasar
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (448.574 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/kreatif.v8i2.16498


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kurangnya pengalaman belajar menggunakan me-dia yang inovatif. Berdasarkan arsip nilai UAS mata pelajaran IPA menunjukkan nilai rata-rata rendah yaitu sebanyak 13 siswa (40,625%) memperoleh nilai di bawah KKM. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Adobe Flash CS6, menguji kelayakan media, dan menguji keefektifan media untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Research and Development dengan metode pe-ngembangan waterfall meliputi analysis, design, implementation, testing, maintenance. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan persentase penilaian kelayakan ahli materi sebesar 86.84% dan ahli media sebesar 86,9% dengan kriteria sangat layak. Pada uji coba kelompok kecil terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan N-gain sebesar 0.70909 dan pada kelompok besar dengan N-gain sebesar 0,701107. Persentase tanggapan siswa sebesar 92.7% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Sedangkan persentase tanggapan guru sebesar 90% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Uji hipotesis dengan Uji t dihasilkan dengan hasil perhitungan 10.97426557, lebih besar dari 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑙 yaitu 1,998971517 sehingga Ha diterima. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar IPA kelas III SDN Muktiharjo Lor Semarang sebelum menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Adobe Flash CS6 dan sesudah menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Adobe Flash CS6.
Elementary School Teacher Vol 3, No 2 (2019): Elementary School Teacher
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/est.v3i2.29025


Based on the result of observation, interview, and data on learning outcomes conducted in 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City, it was found that the social studies learning outcomes were not optimal because the learning model used by teacher was not appropriate . The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of Think Pair Share type of cooperative learning model based on cultural heritage on social studies learning outcomes of social, economic, cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity in the local provinces as the identity of Indonesia; and its relation to the characteristics of space. This was experimental research used a quasi experimental research design in the form of nonequivalent control group design. The data collection techniques used tests, observation, and documentation. The hypothesis test result showed that the t-test was 5.455, while the t-table value was 1.994. So that the tcount was greater than ttable (5.455 1.994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class n-gain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. So that the tcount was greater than ttable (5.455 1.994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class n-gain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. So that the tcount was greater than ttable (5.455 1.994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class n-gain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. 994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class n-gain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. 994) which means that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was more effective on social studies learning outcomes. The experimental class ngain test result was higher than the control class. The value of n-gain control class was of 0.3231 which was included in the low category and n-gain of the experimental class was 0.542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. 542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City. 542 included in the medium category. The conclusion of this research was that think pair share model based on cultural heritage was effective to be used in social studies learning and could improve the learning outcomes of 4th grade students at Elementary School of Cakra Cluster Semarang City.
Adobe Flash-Based Interactive Media Development on Social Studies Learning Outcomes Class IV Lestari, Rizky Mega; Estiastuti, Arini
Elementary School Teacher Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Elementary School Teacher
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/est.v5i2.33826


This study was motivated by the use of technology-based learning media that was not optimal, thus resulting in low socialstudies learning outcomes. This study aims to develop interactive learning media based on Adobe Flash with the NHTmodel on social studies learning outcomes. This study used a quantitative approach with the type of research anddevelopment (RD). The subjects of this study were 20 students in grade IV at SDN Bumiharjo 2 Demak. Observations,Interviews, questionnaires, tests, and documentation were carried out to collect the data. Data analysis was conducted bya feasibility test and media effectiveness test. The results showed that Adobe Flash-based interactive media is feasible tobe used with the assessment of media experts and material experts obtained percentages of 100% and 96.8%. This mediais effectively used based on the results of the t-test showed tcount (5.690) ttable (2.024), then Ha is accepted, while theaverage increase (n-gain) from the initial test to the final test was 0.60 with moderate criteria. The conclusion of this studyis that Adobe Flash-based interactive learning media with the NHT model is feasible and effective to use in social studieslearning for class IV.Keywords: Adobe Flash-based interactive media, learning outcomes. social studies
JURNAL LITBANG PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH Vol 8 No 1 (2010): Jurnal Litbang Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36762/jurnaljateng.v8i1.249


The learning process that still traditional and focused to the given information from knowledge to the, student to trasnfer the knowledge as much as possible until the student as the mini library, so the learning become uninteresting and less meaningful, and do not develop creativity through the learning of social knowledge, they get knowledge, skill, and attitude and sense to face life. In order to the learning social knowledge become meaningful, the learning through the application of vicinity contextual that help the theacher to relate the material that thought with the situation in the student world realism and to encourage the student to make tine relation between knowledge that have to the application in their daily life. According to the result of research is advised to the teacher of fourth class elementary school that apply the contextual approach to the subject of social knowledge in order that the student can develop the knowledge and the skill basis that useful to themselves in the daily life.
The Comparison of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Screening between the One Step Method and the Two Step Method Arini Estiastuti1, Deviana Soraya Riu1, Nur Rakhmah1, St. Maisuri T. Chalid1, Nugraha Utama Pelupess
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 14 No. 4 (2020): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v14i4.12879


This research aimed to compare the results of gestational diabetes mellitus (DMG) screening based on theOne Step and Two Step method. This research was a cross-sectional study conducted in pregnant women24-28 weeks of gestation who meet the research criteria. The diagnosis of gestational diabetes using theOne Step and Two Step method was each carried out on 53 pregnant women so that the total sample ofthe research was 106 pregnant women. The results showed that 28.3% of pregnant women (15/53) werediagnosed with DMG with the One Step method compared with 3.8% (2/53) of pregnant women diagnosedby the Two Step method. There was a significant difference (p <0.05) between the diagnosis results ofthe two DMG diagnosis method. Further analysis of DMG risk factors showed that the highest positivelikelihood ratio (LR +) was found in the history of macrosomia with LR + = 4.45 with the One Step methodwhile the highest LR + for the Two Step method was found in obesity factors for pregnant women withLR + = 6.57. The highest positive predictive value (PPV) for the One Step method of 46.70% was foundin pregnant women with risk factors for obesity while the Two Step method was found in pregnant womenwith a history of DM (PPV = 100%). Pregnant women diagnosed with DMG were significantly greater in theOne Step method than the Two Step method. History of macrosomia (is found) as a risk factor for pregnantwomen diagnosed with DMG with the One Step method, while a history of DM for the Two Step method.