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JAS (Jurnal Agri Sains) Vol 2, No 2: Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muara Bungo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36355/jas.v2i2.215


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui saluran dan margin tataniaga sayur-sayuran di Kecamatan Jambi Selatan Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan komperehensif metode survey observasi, yaitu menelusuri potensi produksi sayur-sayuran di Kecamatan Jambi Selatan dan proses pemasarannya mulai dari tingkat petani sampai pedagang. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode komplikasi data serta analisis data survey. Data ditabulasi selanjutnya dilakukan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, kemudian dihitung margin pemasarannya, dengan rumus : Mi     =Hei –Hpi............(1). Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukan Dalam distribusi komoditi sayuran di Kota Jambi terdapat 3 pola saluran tataniaga yang ada, yaitu pola saluran; 1) Petani−Pedagang Pengumpul−Pedagang Pengecer– Konsumen; 2) Petani−Pedagang Pengecer–Konsumen; 3) Petani −Konsumen.Persentase margin pemasaran sayuran di Kota Jambi untuk masing-masing komoditi melalui saluran 1adalah sebagai berikut; sawi sebesar43,3%, kacang panjang 37,14%, terung 43,61%, dan tomat sebesar 56,41%.  Saluran 2 untuk komoditi sawi sebesar 38,46% dan tomat sebesar 50%, sedangkan untuk saluran 3 karena petani langsung menjual kekonsumen sehingga margin pemasaran menjadi 0%. Kata Kunci : Margin Tataniaga, Petani Sayuran
Peranan Kelompok Tani dalam Peningkatan Pendapatan (Studi Kasus KWT Usaha Bunda Setinjau Alam Desa Simpang Talang Tembago Kecamatan Jangkat Timur Kabupaten Merangin) Pitriani, Pitriani; Yuliardi, Fajar; Afrianto, Evo
JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Agribisnis) : Jurnal Agribisnis dan Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 6, No 6 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Agribusiness, Halu Oleo University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37149/jia.v6i6.22655


This study aimed to determine the role of farmer groups in increasing coffee farmers' income and determine the level of farmers' income. This research was carried out in Simpang Talang Tembago Village, Jangkat Timur District, Merangin Regency on July 1-30, 2020. This location selection was carried out purposively considering that Simpang Talang Tembago Village is one of the significant agricultural developments in the coffee plantation sector in the District. Merangin Jambi Province is the only village with a Farmer's Group that played an important role when named the best coffee product in Indonesia at the International Coffee day 2019 event. The research method used was the Survey method which directly interviewed the management and group members. Farmer. Interviews in this study were conducted with all farmer group members, which amounted to 24 people with purposive sampling and were given questions or questionnaires. The data were analyzed using a Likert Scale. The results of the research show that the role of farmer groups in increasing the income of coffee farmers consists of 3 roles, namely social media or extension media that is lively, natural, and dynamic; tools to achieve change with the aim of agricultural extensionists; a place or container for a pure and healthy statement of aspirations following the wishes of the farmers themselves. From the research results, the role of farmer groups in influencing the income of high coffee farmers is 1035 with a score of 720-1080, and a high level of income is 505, with a category score of 384-576.