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Paramasastra Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Vol 3 No 1 Bulan Maret Tahun 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/parama.v3n1.p%p


This research aims to answer the problems concerning the reading text material in English Textbook for Eleventh Grader published by Ministry of Education and Culture based on theory of good reading text (Nuttall, 2005). From three criteria proposed, this research focuses on the readability and suitability of reading text. There are two quantitative methods used in assessing readability, they are Miyazaki EFL Readability Formula and McAlpine® EFLAW Formula. In terms of assessing text suitability, the qualitative method is used by checking the target language covered by the reading text as the indicator of text suitability. Based on text readability, it is found out that overall reading texts Miyazaki EFL Readability score is 54.38 that can be interpreted as the reading text is in the level of fairly difficult and suitable to eleventh grader. While using McAlpine® EFLAW Formula, the readability score achieves 18.89, meaning that the reading text in English textbook of eleventh grader is easy to understand. In terms of suitability, it shows that, from 22 items of target language that is expected to be covered by the text, there are only 12 items which contain the target language which means text suitability is about 54.54% from overall text.
Blending Lines in TEFL: Attaining Literacy Thru Scientific Approach rohib adrianto sangia
Jurnal CULTURE (Culture, Language, and Literature Review) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Aki

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This writing is trying to elaborate Government’s policy in teaching English of primary and secondary school in Indonesia. The literacy has been developed not only read and write but also furthermore use the knowledge in order to help student role in society. It is revealing some theories and techniques that are supporting the literacy approach until in the classroom. It is suggested to the teacher to enrich not only their capacity in the professional competencies but also developing their pedagogy capacity in order to implementing national curriculum 2013 that is projected to change the language teaching paradigm from literacy approach which gives the students opportunity to use the information from what they read and write to scientific approach that gives students chance to develop their intelligence to higher order thinking in learning language and expected in using it in proper way as life skills equipment in facing the rapid changes of global society system in the near future. In brief, it can be determined that scientific approach is in the language learning process environment; meanwhile literacy approach is concerned to the language learning results framework. It is expected that teachers can understand and act in the classroom as the literate teacher.  Keywords: Literacy skills, scientific approach, TEFL curriculum.
Evaluation of the Adiwiyata Program at Junior High School 23 Palembang Rohib Andrianto Sangia; Andrias Andrias; Efendi Efendi; Afif Alfiyanto; Ida Bagus Benny Surya Adi Pramana
Tarbawi Vol 8 No 01 (2022): May 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32678/tarbawi.v8i01.5927


This study aimed to analyze the evaluation of the Adiwiyata program at State Junior High School 23 Palembang. This type of research is field research carried out in the scene or the place where the symptoms being investigated occur. This research approach uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data analysis technique according to Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and verification. Evaluation of the Adiwiyata program at State Junior High School 23 Palembang focused on using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation. Supporting factors for the Adiwiyata program at 23 Palembang Junior High School, namely 1) a large schoolyard for planting and gardening; 2) the presence of ornamental plants; 3) availability of water channels; 4) availability of waste bank; 5) greenhouse; 6) the presence of a clean water tank; 7) schoolyard using paving blocks; 8) budget funds from the government for the Adiwiyata program; and 9) school residents work together. The factor that hinders the implementation of the Adiwiyata program at SMPN 23 Palembang is the COVID-19 pandemic, where students cannot participate in the Adiwiyata program activities at their schools. In addition, students lack awareness of the environment, so teachers must provide education and socialization to them about Adiwiyata to create healthy schools that care about the environment.
Analysis of Full Day School Procurement as a Response to Social Change: A Sociological Perspective Rohib Adrianto Sangia; Sardjana Orba Manullang; Imanuddin Hasbi; Irfan Nurdiansyah
ijd-demos Volume 4 Issue 1 (2022)
Publisher : HK-Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37950/ijd.v4i1.239


AbstractFull day schools are not the latest issue. America has long recognized and applied it in the world of schooling. This issue heated up in Indonesia as a logical consequence of two things; on the one hand the more uncomfortable the social environment for child development, while on the other hand the parents rarely accompany the children at home because they work all day long. Then, is there still a comfortable environment for our children? This paper examines FDS from the perspective of the sociology of education. That school as a learning organization has turned out to be the best institution in fortifying children from the negative effects of the increasingly unfriendly social environment.Keywords: Full Day School, Sociology of Education. AbstrakSekolah sehari penuh bukanlah isu terbaru. Amerika sudah lama mengenal dan menerapkannya dalam dunia persekolahan. Isu ini memanas di Indonesia sebagai konsekuensi logis dari dua hal; di satu sisi lingkungan sosial semakin tidak nyaman bagi perkembangan anak, sedangkan di sisi lain orang tua jarang menemani anak di rumah karena seharian bekerja. Lalu, apakah masih ada lingkungan yang nyaman untuk anak kita? Makalah ini mengkaji FDS dari perspektif sosiologi pendidikan. Bahwa sekolah sebagai organisasi pembelajaran ternyata menjadi lembaga terbaik dalam membentengi anak dari dampak negatif lingkungan sosial yang semakin tidak bersahabat.Kata kunci: Sekolah Sehari Penuh, Sosiologi Pendidikan.
Primary School Character Education: A Sociology Review of Education Rohib Adrianto Sangia; Hendra Kurniawan; I Nyoman Wijana; Fajar Muhamad Ramdan
ijd-demos Volume 4 Issue 1 (2022)
Publisher : HK-Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37950/ijd.v4i1.236


AbstractThe findings of this study corroborate the researchers' assertion that many aspects of sociology will be examined to aid in the implementation of character education, one of which is the process of socialization, which is a critical factor in shaping and building the nation's character in society. Additionally, sociology is a social science field in which students will undoubtedly study about values and norms, human conduct, and social aberrations from social control. As seen through the lens of sociology, there are several major factors that have a significant impact on the development of a primary school student's character. The research approach employed is literature review, in which all available data is examined and presented from a variety of data additional papers in order to produce conclusions and a study. The data were gathered from materials in the form of books and other scholarly works pertaining to this topic.Keywords: Character, Sociology, Education, Primary School. AbstrakTemuan penelitian ini menguatkan pernyataan peneliti bahwa banyak aspek sosiologi yang akan dikaji untuk membantu pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter, salah satunya adalah proses sosialisasi, yang merupakan faktor kritis dalam membentuk dan membangun karakter bangsa di masyarakat. Selain itu, sosiologi adalah bidang ilmu sosial di mana siswa pasti akan mempelajari tentang nilai dan norma, perilaku manusia, dan penyimpangan sosial dari kontrol sosial. Dilihat dari kacamata sosiologi, ada beberapa faktor utama yang berdampak signifikan terhadap perkembangan karakter siswa sekolah dasar. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah literature review, dimana semua data yang ada ditelaah dan disajikan dari berbagai data tambahan makalah guna menghasilkan kesimpulan dan kajian. Data dikumpulkan dari bahan-bahan berupa buku dan karya ilmiah lainnya yang berkaitan dengan topik ini.Kata kunci: Karakter, Sosiologi, Pendidikan, Sekolah Dasar.
Emerging Word Games to Improve Young Learners' Vocabulary Skills in Ambonese Islamic School Rohib Adrianto Sangia
Jo-ELT (Journal of English Language Teaching) Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa & Seni Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP Vol 9, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Mandalika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33394/jo-elt.v9i1.5233


This study aims to determine the implementation of word games and their impact on student learning outcomes in learning new vocabulary in grade VII Mts Hasyim Asyari Ambon academic year 2020/2021. This research was conducted in three cycles. Using word games as a methodology in teaching English vocabulary starts with the preliminary activities of the teacher opening the class, preparing word game activities, and conveying the objectives of the material. Then in the core activity, the teacher applies the word games. The teacher gives instructions about the rules and activities of word games. In the closing activity, the teacher asks students to express their difficulties and problems when doing word games. The subsequent finding is that student learning outcomes increase each cycle, wherein only five students, or 20%, have completed the pre-cycle using conventional methods. During the first cycle, learning was carried out using word game methodologies. The number of students who achieved completeness threshold rose to 16 people or 64%. In the last cycle, all students can complete the post-test with the same methodology. It shows that using the word games methodology to deliver vocabulary learning materials has significantly improved student learning outcomes.
Paramasastra : Jurnal Ilmiah Bahasa Sastra dan Pembelajarannya Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016): Vol 3 No 1 Bulan Maret Tahun 2016
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/paramasastra.v3n1.p%p


This research aims to answer the problems concerning the reading text material in English Textbook for Eleventh Grader published by Ministry of Education and Culture based on theory of good reading text (Nuttall, 2005). From three criteria proposed, this research focuses on the readability and suitability of reading text. There are two quantitative methods used in assessing readability, they are Miyazaki EFL Readability Formula and McAlpine® EFLAW Formula. In terms of assessing text suitability, the qualitative method is used by checking the target language covered by the reading text as the indicator of text suitability. Based on text readability, it is found out that overall reading texts Miyazaki EFL Readability score is 54.38 that can be interpreted as the reading text is in the level of fairly difficult and suitable to eleventh grader. While using McAlpine® EFLAW Formula, the readability score achieves 18.89, meaning that the reading text in English textbook of eleventh grader is easy to understand. In terms of suitability, it shows that, from 22 items of target language that is expected to be covered by the text, there are only 12 items which contain the target language which means text suitability is about 54.54% from overall text.