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J@ti Undip : Jurnal Teknik Industri Volume 13, No. 1, Januari 2018
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (674.658 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jati.13.1.17-26


AbstrakIstilah Industri 4.0 lahir dari ide tentang revolusi industri keempat. Keberadaannya menawarkan banyak potensi manfaat. Guna mewujudkan Industri 4.0, diperlukan keterlibatan akademisi dalam bentuk riset. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menelaah aspek dan arah perkembangan riset terkait Industri 4.0. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah studi terhadap beragam definisi dan model kerangka Industri 4.0 serta pemetaan dan analisis terhadap sejumlah publikasi. Beberapa publikasi bertema Industri 4.0 dipilah menurut metode penelitian, aspek kajian dan bidang industri. Hasil studi menunjukkan Industri 4.0 memiliki empat belas aspek. Ditinjau dari metode penelitian, sebagian besar riset dilakukan melalui metode deskriptif dan konseptual. Ditinjau dari aspeknya, aspek bisnis dan teknologi menjadi fokus riset para peneliti. Ditinjau dari bidang industri penerapannya, sebagian besar riset dilakukan di bidang manufaktur. Ditinjau dari jumlahnya, riset terkait Industri 4.0 mengalami tren kenaikan yang signifikan. Artikel ini diharapkan dapat memberi gambaran mengenai apa itu Industri 4.0, perkembangan dan potensi riset yang ada di dalamnya. AbstractIndustry 4.0: Study of Aspects Classification and Future Research Direction. The term Industrial 4.0 refers to the idea about fourth industrial revolution. In order to realize Industry 4.0, academic involvement is required in the form of research. This article aims to define the aspects and future direction of research related to Industry 4.0. Literature review of various definition and concept models of Industry 4.0. was conducted to acquire the aspects. Mapping and analysis of several publications were conducted to determine the future direction of research. Publications were sorted according to research methods, aspects and type of industry. The result shows that Industry 4.0 has fourteen aspects. Based on research methods, most of the research is done through descriptive and conceptual methods. Business and technology aspects become the focus of the researchers and most of the research is done in manufacturing industry. Based on quantities, Industrial 4.0 research has experienced a significant upward trend. This article is expected to illustrate the concept, future development and research trend of Industry 4.0.Keywords: Industry 4.0; Literature Review; Research Trend
Rancang Bangun Mesin Aqueous Cleaning Spray untuk Otomatisasi Proses Pencucian Produk High Speed Stamping di PT. ATMI IGI Prasetyo, Hoedi; Yuwono, Nurhadi Kusumo; Prabowo, Aloysius Avid; Prasetya, Valentino Arlis; Laurentinus, Yehuda
JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): JUNI 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmpm.v4i1.9123


Produkhasil permesinan high speed stamping masih mengandung kotoran dan pelumas sehingga perlu dicuci terlebih dulu sebelum diproses lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan otomatisasi proses pencucian produk high speed stamping di PT. ATMI IGI melalui rancang bangun mesin cuci berteknologi aqueous cleaning spray. Mesin memiliki dari 5 tahap proses yaitu Feeder, Pre-Wash, Wash, Rinse dan Spinning. Produk stamping dicuci secara otomatis melalui mekanisme konveyor, semprotan larutan deterjen, dan pengayak. Berdasar hasil uji coba, diketahui mesin memerlukan waktu rata-rata sebesar 34,5 detik untuk mencuci satu keranjang produk stamping. Mesin mampu mencuci 25 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan proses pencucian secara manual. Penggunaan mesin berpotensi meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi tenaga kerja. Mesin pada penelitian ini masih perlu dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi proses pencucian dan masa pakai penggunaan cairan pembersih.Washing process in order to remove dirt and lubricants from the products before further processing is required in high speed stamping. This research aims to automate the high speed stamping washing process in PT. ATMI IGI by designing aqueous cleaning spray machine. The machine consists of five stages namely Feeder, Pre-Wash, Wash, Rinse and Spinning. The machine washes the stamping products automatically by mechanism of spraying cleaning solution, conveying, and sifting. Based on the trial results, the machine takes an average of 34.5 seconds to wash a basket of stamping products. The machine is able to wash 25 times faster than the manual wash. The machine potentially increase the productivity and labor efficiency. The machine being designed in this research still needs to be developed to improve the efficiency of the washing process and to prolong the cleaning solution lifetime.
Analisis Kekasaran dan Kepresisian Hasil Surface Grinding pada Mesin Okamoto Grind-X ACC84ST Dengan Material DIN CK-45 Rinanto, Andhy; Prasetyo, Hoedi; Kurniawan, Agus; Putra W, Baruna Arya; R, Bobby Muhammad; S, Cahyanto Onky; Prapanca H, Nikolaus Alun
Quantum Teknika : Jurnal Teknik Mesin Terapan Vol 2, No 1 (2020): October
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jqt.020117


Surface grinding is the finishing proses needs high smoothness and precision. The main demands from this process is precise, roughness, and not burnt. This analyze is made to know the most influential variable for roughness and precision of a product. This analysis is also carried out to determine roughness and precision that can be achieved using the Okamoto Grind-X ACC84ST machine. Variables that used for this analyze are depth of cut, feeding, and cycle per feed. Every variable has three level. DIN CK-45 material is selected to be specimen because it is usually used by manufacturing and automotive industrial to make a main product. Taguchi method is used to reduce time and amount trial. Experiment replication is done to get more accurate data. The most influential variable for roughness is cycle per feed, while the most influential variable for precision is depth of cut. The roughness that can be achieved using the Okamoto Grind-X ACC84ST machine is in the range of 0,075 μm (N3) to 0,175 μm (N4). Size deviations that occurred in this study ranged from -0,007 mm to 0,005 mm.
Rancang Bangun Mesin Aqueous Cleaning Spray untuk Otomatisasi Proses Pencucian Produk High Speed Stamping di PT. ATMI IGI Prasetyo, Hoedi; Yuwono, Nurhadi Kusumo; Prabowo, Aloysius Avid; Prasetya, Valentino Arlis; Laurentinus, Yehuda
JMPM (Jurnal Material dan Proses Manufaktur) Vol 4, No 1 (2020): JUNI 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmpm.v4i1.9123


Produkhasil permesinan high speed stamping masih mengandung kotoran dan pelumas sehingga perlu dicuci terlebih dulu sebelum diproses lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan otomatisasi proses pencucian produk high speed stamping di PT. ATMI IGI melalui rancang bangun mesin cuci berteknologi aqueous cleaning spray. Mesin memiliki dari 5 tahap proses yaitu Feeder, Pre-Wash, Wash, Rinse dan Spinning. Produk stamping dicuci secara otomatis melalui mekanisme konveyor, semprotan larutan deterjen, dan pengayak. Berdasar hasil uji coba, diketahui mesin memerlukan waktu rata-rata sebesar 34,5 detik untuk mencuci satu keranjang produk stamping. Mesin mampu mencuci 25 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan proses pencucian secara manual. Penggunaan mesin berpotensi meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi tenaga kerja. Mesin pada penelitian ini masih perlu dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi proses pencucian dan masa pakai penggunaan cairan pembersih.Washing process in order to remove dirt and lubricants from the products before further processing is required in high speed stamping. This research aims to automate the high speed stamping washing process in PT. ATMI IGI by designing aqueous cleaning spray machine. The machine consists of five stages namely Feeder, Pre-Wash, Wash, Rinse and Spinning. The machine washes the stamping products automatically by mechanism of spraying cleaning solution, conveying, and sifting. Based on the trial results, the machine takes an average of 34.5 seconds to wash a basket of stamping products. The machine is able to wash 25 times faster than the manual wash. The machine potentially increase the productivity and labor efficiency. The machine being designed in this research still needs to be developed to improve the efficiency of the washing process and to prolong the cleaning solution lifetime.