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Associative Analysis Data Mining Pattern Against Traffic Accidents Using Apriori Algorithm Ruswati, Ruswati; Gufroni, Acep Irham; Rianto, Rianto
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol 5, No 2 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v5i2.16199


Traffic accidents are one of the causes of high mortality in the community. Based on information from the World Health Organization (WHO) the number of accident victims in each year amounts to 1,300,000 fatalities, this is caused by traffic accidents that exist throughout the world. The police recorded data on accidents that occurred in several regions of East Priangan namely Ciamis and Tasikmalaya Regencies for the 2016-2017 period reaching an accident rate of ± 1500. The analysis that can be done to reduce the intensity of the occurrence of these events is to use data mining processing techniques. The right method is used by looking at the condition of the data obtained, namely the Association Rules method with the calculation of the Apriori Algorithm. This method will look for patterns of data relations that are formed from combinations of an itemset, so that knowledge will appear from large datasets. The pattern of the relationship sought is the linkages of itemset variables involved in the accident by involving 4 variables that describe the identity of the perpetrators, namely gender, age, profession and level of education and 22 attributes of the dataset. The minimum limit of support, confidence and lift ratio values used in the Apriori Algorithm calculation rules is 15%, 70% and 1.1. This value is used to get many rules that have a high level of occurrence accuracy. The results of the combination pattern calculation were 3 times iterations on each number of data in each region, the pattern of associations found in the Tasikmalaya region were the relation of the professional variables and the age of the perpetrator with the attribute of the Student profession dataset and the boundary group ages 16 to 30 years, while for the pattern associations found in the area of Ciamis Regency, namely the relation between age and education level with the attribute dataset of the 16 to 30 year age group and high school education level. The accuracy of the value obtained is calculated manually and uses one of the data mining applications as a comparison of value accuracy, namely Tanagra 1.4.
Implementasi Knowledge base pada Aplikasi Data Orang Hilang (Studi Kasus: Polres Tasikmalaya Kota) Meidiyan, Mohamad Gibran; Mubarok, Husni; Rianto, Rianto
JEPIN (Jurnal Edukasi dan Penelitian Informatika) Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Volume 3 No 2
Publisher : Program Studi Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1009.14 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/jp.v3i2.22526


Pada proses perkembangan suatu teknologi, pengetahuan (knowledge) dan informasi menjadi sangat penting untuk menjadi sumber daya utama yang akan sangat menunjang pada suatu instansi. Kepolisian Resor Tasikmalaya Kota (Polres Tasikmalaya Kota) sebagai suatu instansi pemerintah, mengolah dan mengelola data orang hilang merupakan salah satu tugas Polres Tasikmalaya Kota yaitu pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Sejalan dengan meningkatnya laporan orang hilang di Kota Tasikmalaya, Polres Tasikmalaya Kota membutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat melakukan identifikasi data orang hilang berdasarkan pengetahuan (knowledge). Tujuan umum dari penelitian ini yaitu mengimplementasikan Knowledge Base pada Aplikasi Data Orang Hilang di Polres Tasikmalaya Kota yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan saat ini. Metode penelusuran yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelusuran runut maju (forward chaining). Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah aplikasi yang berjalan sesuai dengan harapan.
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 10, No 1 (2019): JURNAL SIMETRIS VOLUME 10 NO 1 TAHUN 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (845.283 KB) | DOI: 10.24176/simet.v10i1.2890


Data transaksi penjualan produk kartu perdana kuota internet dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan acuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar tingkat penjualan produk yang telah dipasarkan oleh beberapa operator telekomunikasi seluler. Data tersebut tidak hanya dijadikan sebagai data arsip penyimpanan laporan penjualan perusahaan saja, tetapi dapat dianalisa dan dimanfaatkan menjadi sebuah informasi untuk membantu dalam melakukan pengembangan strategi pemasaran produk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menemukan aturan asosiasi kombinasi antar item produk operator telekomunikasi seluler mana saja yang paling laku terjual di wilayah penjualan Priangan Timur meliputi cluster Ciamis, Garut dan Tasikmalaya. Perhitungan Algoritma Apriori pada aturan asosiasi ini dihitung melalui tiga tahap iterasi pembentukan kandidat k-itemset. Hasil analisa aturan asosiasi yang terbentuk dari perhitungan algoritma apriori dengan menentukan nilai minimum support 35% dan nilai minimum confidence 80%, menghasilkan 9 aturan asosiasi final terbaik pada cluster Ciamis, 21 aturan asosiasi final untuk cluster Tasikmalaya dan 7 aturan asosiasi final untuk cluster Garut. Ketiga wilayah penjualan tersebut produk yang paling sering laku terjual dipasaran outlet adalah produk dari operator kartu kuota internet XL dengan Telkomsel dan produk Indosat dengan Telkomsel. Dengan demikian hasil yang diperoleh dapat digunakan untuk membantu pengambil keputusan dalam meningkatkan penjualan produk yang lebih baik
Audit Tata Kelola Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Framework Cobit 5 Berdasarkan Domain APO12 Kurnia, Hutari Maulida; Shofa, Rahmi Nur; Rianto, Rianto
Jurnal SITECH : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 1, No 2 (2018): JURNAL SITECH VOLUME 1 NO 2 TAHUN 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.316 KB) | DOI: 10.24176/sitech.v1i2.2723


Penggunaan sistem informasi tentunya memiliki banyak peluang risiko, apabila terjadi masalah akan berdampak secara keseluruhan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan adanya pengelolaan manajemen risiko untuk mengelola kemungkinan risiko yang terjadi. COBIT 5 merupakan salah satu framewok tata kelola TI yang terdiri dari 37 proses tata kelola yang dimuat dalam empat domain tata kelola TI yaitu Evaluate, Direct, Monitor (EDM), Align, Plan, Organize (APO), Build Acquire, Implement (BAI), dan Monitor, Evaluate, Assess (MEA). Penilaian proses kapabilitas yang dilakukan terhadap proses APO12 (Manage Risk) pada sebuah instansi yang telah menerapkan teknologi informasi dalam aktivitas bisnisnya. Penilaian kapabilitas level APO12 yang dilakukan, menghasilkan bahwa instansi studi kasus masih berada pada level 3. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, dirumuskan langkah – langkah perbaikan yang dapat dilakukan oleh instansi agar tingkat kapabilitas level APO12 dapat meningkat sehingga pemanfaatan TI pada instansi menjadi lebih optimal.
Perencanaan Strategi Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Framework TOGAF Versi 9.1 Di SMK Kesehatan Hidayah Medika Tasikmalaya Siti Rukoyah, Givany Salsabila; Shofa, Rahmi Nur; Rianto, Rianto
Jurnal SITECH : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 2, No 1 (2019): JURNAL SITECH VOLUME 2 NO 1 TAHUN 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1129.689 KB) | DOI: 10.24176/sitech.v2i1.3123


SMK Kesehatan Hidayah Medika Tasikmalaya merupakan sekolah yang memulai ijin operasional untuk melaksanakan PPDB (Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru) pada tahun 2016. Pemanfaatan terhadap SI/TI saat ini belum sepenuhnya mengikuti perkembangan serta belum memiliki perencanaan strategi SI/TI jangka panjang menggunakan framework tertentu. Hal ini berdampak kepada tidak selarasnya antara strategi SI/TI dengan tujuan bisnis organisasi. Perencanaan arsitektur enterprise merupakan salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk mewujudkan tercapainya kepentingan organisasi secara keseluruhan. TOGAF ADM dijadikan sebagai pedoman untuk merencanakan arsitektur SI/TI jangka panjang. Tahapan TOGAF ADM yang dilakukan berfokus pada perencanaan arsitekturnya saja, yaitu Preliminary Phase, Architecture Vision (Phase A), Business Architecture (Phase B), Information System (Phase C), Technology Architecture (Phase D), dan Opportunities and Solutions (Phase E). Hasil dari perencanaan strategi SI/TI adalah blueprint dengan 18 pemodelan Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) untuk arsitektur bisnis, 11 pemodelan Use Case Diagram untuk arsitektur aplikasi, 11 pemodelan Class Diagram untuk arsitektur data, arsitektur teknologi yang menghasilkan infrastruktur jaringan usulan dimodelkan dengan Communication Enginering Diagram, platform technology dimodelkan dengan Platform Decomposition Diagram, katalog teknologi dimodelkan dengan Technology Portfolio Catalog; analisis kesenjangan (gap) arsitektur SI/TI dimodelkan dengan Matrix Analysis Gap, portofolio aplikasi menggunakan analisis McFarlan Strategic Grid, serta roadmap implementasi arsitektur SI/TI.
Telegram Bot Implementation in Academic Information Services with The Forward Chaining Method Rianto, Rianto; Rahmatulloh, Alam; Firmansah, Teguh Anugrah
Sinkron : jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): SinkrOn Volume 3 Number 2, April 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (439.281 KB) | DOI: 10.33395/sinkron.v3i2.10023


Academic information is an important information for students in assisting academic activities, every effort has been developed to improve academic services. With the continuous development of various mobile devices or smartphones, the traditional way of Short Message Service (SMS) has been replaced by instant messaging applications that make the communication process more real-time. So this research will try to use technology in instant message as a means of academic service information, it is expected academic information can be delivered more quickly and up-to-date. Telegram as one of the instant messaging application that offers various advantages in its feature than other instant messaging application. The most popular feature and is being developed on telegram is the bot feature, where a third party or user can develop bot features according to user requirements. Thus telegram can help overcome various problems such as academic information seeking problems. For that made the application of lecture information service using Telegram Bot. The making of this information service application is built with Rational Unified Process (RUP) process model, Forward Chaining method and using Python Telepot Framework for Telegram Bot API for application to run via Telegram instant message. With the making of this application, facilitate communication and delivery of academic information to lecturers, students, and the academic community.
Point Clipping Algorithm on Employee Presence Application for Geolocation of Employee Position Rahmatulloh, Alam; Rianto, Rianto; Shihab, Muhammad Quraish
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vol 4, No 4, November 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (796.302 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v4i4.796


In organizations, companies or agencies such as the Office of Communication and Information Technology, presence has become one of the critical things in assessing the performance of workers/employees. There are several ways to do attendance, where one of them can facilitate the present process with digital tools/machines such as smartphones that utilize the GPS feature to run APIs such as Google Geolocation on Android. Also, a system is needed that can manage the results of the present process, such as web-based applications that can also be accessed through either a computer or smartphone. Therefore, the need to build a presence application both in the presence and in management that can help agencies such as Office of Communication and Information (Diskominfo) to handle internal processes, especially in the management of its employees. In this study, the application in the construction of its application is used Point Clipping algorithm as a tool for the present process that can take advantage of the GPS feature. Based on the results of the tests conducted, the accuracy value of the incoming and returning attendance process was obtained in the location area with an average of each side of the area of approximately 11.21 meters at the entry point and 18.05 meters at the presence of going home outside the office, where the location area boundary outside the specified office which is around 15 meters and the time test is obtained the time delay value in the attendance process with an average of each side of the area of about 9.6 seconds at the incoming attendance and 8.3 seconds at the home attendance.
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 10, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 10 Nomor 1 April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.129 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jbi.v10i1.1842


Abstract. The planning of system and information technology architecture which is abbreviated as SI/TI is one effort needed by the organization so that the applied system and information technology fits the business organization needs. The Tasikmalaya City Department of Library and Archive has not done the IS/IT architecture planning nor fully applied the IS/IT. Therefore, a system and information technology planning is required to identify the needed system and technology for the departement. The framework used in composing the IS/IT planning was TOGAF with the ADM as the architecture development method. The TOGAF's stages used in this research were started from Preliminary Phase to Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions. The result of this IS/IT architecture planning is a blueprint which is in sync with the business needs in the departement consisting of business architecture, information system architecture and technology architecture.Keywords: ADM, Archives, Architecture, Library, TOGAFAbstrak. Perencanaan Arsitektur Sistem/Teknologi Informasi menggunakan Framework TOGAF. Perencanaan arsitektur sistem dan teknologi informasi atau disingkat SI/TI merupakan salah satu upaya yang diperlukan organisasi agar sistem dan teknologi informasi yang diterapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis organisasi. Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Daerah Kota Tasikmalaya belum melakukan perencanaan arsitektur sistem dan teknologi informasi ataupun menerapkan sistem dan teknologi informasi secara menyeluruh. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu perencanaan sistem dan teknologi informasi untuk mengidentifikasi sistem dan teknologi apa yang akan digunakan. Tentu saja sistem dan teknologi informasi tersebut harus sesuai dengan struktur organisasi, tugas pokok, fungsi, serta kebutuhan di dinas tersebut. Framework yang digunakan dalam menyusun perencanaan arsitektur SI/TI tersebut adalah TOGAF dengan ADM sebagai metode pengembangan arsitekturnya. Tahapan TOGAF ADM yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu mulai dari Preliminary Phase hingga Phase E: Opportunities and Solutions. Perencanaan SI/TI menghasilkan blueprint yang selaras dengan kebutuhan bisnis di dinas tersebut yang terdiri dari arsitektur bisnis, aplikasi, data dan teknologi.Kata Kunci: ADM, Arsip, Arsitektur, Perpustakaan, TOGAF
Sentiment Analysis Provider By.U on Google Play Store Reviews with TF-IDF and Support Vector Machine (SVM) Method Fransiska, Susanti; Rianto, Rianto; Gufroni, Acep Irham
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol 7, No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v7i2.25596


Provider By.U is a relatively new and attractive telecommunications service with claims to be the first digital provider in Indonesia. All services are done digitally with the By.U application that offers convenience. Even so not all users are satisfied with the service, there are criticisms and suggestions, one of which is delivered through the By.U app review feature on the Google Play Store. Sentiment analysis is performed to extract information related to provider by.U. The steps taken are scrapping review data, positive and negative labeling, preprocessing data including data cleaning, data normalization, stopword removal and negation handling, sentiment classification using Support Vector Machine (SVM) and TF-IDF as feature extraction. TF-IDF+SVM with 5-Fold Validation produces pretty good accuracy with an average accuracy of 84.7%, precision of 84.9%, recall of 84.7%, and f-measure of 84.8%. The highest accuracy results in fold 2, 86.1%. The effect of TF-IDF on the measurement of model performance is not so great, but it is better.
JSON Implementation with Zlib Compression for Database Efficiency in Handling Dynamic Upload Multiple Images Rianto Rianto; Alam Rahmatulloh; Iqbal Muhammad Fajar Nuralam
Journal of Telematics and Informatics Vol 7, No 3: SEPTEMBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/jti.v7i3.


In this era, in an application it is often found that a dynamic input form is a form that can be filled in a lot of data, the application user is free to fill the data according to his wishes. To handle this dynamic input form, the developer usually adds a new table in a database specifically for storing dynamic data, it has the potential to waste tables and records in a database. Applying the JSON conversion technique is a solution to overcome this, dynamic data is stored in a special field so that the use of tables and records can be minimized, as well as to compress the JSON string length applied by the Zlib algorithm. In this study, dynamic data is a images file uploaded on an input form. The results of this study in the case of handling multiple dynamic form upload images shows that the JSON conversion technique is better than conventional techniques in terms of faster data storage speeds of 72.6%, in terms of simpler database structures, and in terms of 22.7% more data size small, so database management becomes more efficient.