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Journal : Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal

Evaluation of the Implementation of the Youth Care Health Service Program in the West Lingkar Health Center of Bengkulu City Oktarianita, Oktarianita; Pratiwi, Bintang Agustina; Febriawati, Henni; Yanuarti, Riska
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol 15, No 2 (2021): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v15i2.4034


Background: One of the strategies to overcome adolescent problems is the formation of the Youth Care Health Service Program or Pelayanan Kesehatan Peduli Remaja (PKPR). PKPR itself is a health service program aimed at adolescents and is a forum for overcoming adolescent problems. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of the PKPR program in the working area of the West Lingkar Health Center. Method:  This research was a qualitative descriptive study conducted in March-April 2021. The methods used were observation and in-depth interviews with seven informants: the person in charge of the PKPR program, health workers, peer counselors, and youth participating in PKPR. Results: The results showed that the PKPR program was aligned with the 2014 standard guidelines. This research was done inside and outside the health center by collaborating with PKPR's person in charge and the health team based on the Decree of PKPR implementation. PKPR program is held in three schools in the working area of the West Lingkar Health Center and provides services such as health checks, counseling, and education about youth health. The peer counselor training subprogram has fulfilled the standard 10% of the target schools. PKPR is fully funded by the Special Operational Assistance or Bantuan Operasional Khusus (BOK) fund. Recording and reporting were done every two to three months to the public health office. Monitoring was reported during the activities, while the evaluation report is annual. This research discovered the availability of counseling rooms and related references about communication, information, and education books on PKPR. This research had collaborated with cross-sectors such as schools and the National Antinarcotics Agency. Conclusion:  Implementation is under PKPR guidelines, but overall it was still not optimal. There was no regular socialization of PKPR, especially for youth who did not attend school.
An Analysis on the Implementation of Posbindu PTM Program at Beringin Raya Community Health Center Bengkulu Oktarianita, Oktarianita; Wati, Nopia; Febriawati, Henni; Afriyanto, Afriyanto
Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal Vol 15, No 1 (2021): Disease Prevention and Public Health Journal
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/dpphj.v15i1.2841


Background: The implementation of Integrated Health Post or Pos Binaan Terpadu (Posbindu) Program for Non-Communicable Diseases is an effective and efficient strategy to control risk factor. The low interest in visiting Posbindu was shown from the number of visits that decreased in 2017 (75.4%) and 2018 (64.4%). This study aims to analyze the Integrated Health Post for Non-Communicable Diseases or Pos Binaan Terpadu Penyakit Tidak Menular (Posbindu PTM) program at Beringin Raya Community Health Center in Bengkulu. Method: This study used qualitative and descriptive approach, and was conducted in March-August 2020 using in-depth interview techniques. Results: The implementation of the Posbindu program was in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Funding for this program came from the Health Operational Assistance. However, it was not sufficient. Posbindu activities were held once a month and used 5 steps system (registration, health interviews, health checks, referrals, and health education). The examination results was only recorded on the visiting book, and they did not have specific monitoring tools. The supervision of the implementation and the evaluation were discussed in the monthly mini workshop. In addition, the facilities and infrastructure were still inadequate. There was a shortage medicine supplies, and the community participation in Posbindu PTM was still low. Conclusion: Posbindu PTM has been implemented according to the SOP, but the overall implementation such as funding, drug procurement, infrastructure, and the number of Posbindu visits is still insufficient.