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Resensi Buku Fathun, Laode Muhamad
Jurnal Mandala Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik Pr

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"Human Rights in International Relations"
DISASTER DIPLOMACY “How Disaster Affect Peace and Conflict “ Laode Muhamad Fathun, Wirda Sari Bakarekar
Jurnal Mandala Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Edisi Juli- Desember 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik Pr

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Disaster Diplomacy ‘How disaster affect peace and conflict’ merupakan sebuah buku yang ditulis oleh Ilan Kelman yang dipublikasikan pertama kali pada tahun 2012. Buku ini memiliki judul yang menarik dengan memberi gambaran sekilas tentang hubungan antara diplomasi dan bencana yang marak terjadi diberbagai penjuru dunia. Buku Disaster Diplomacy memiliki 174 halaman yang terdiri dari 12 bab dalam pembahasannya. Melihat sekilas tentang penulis buku, Ian Kelman adalah Senior Research Fellow di Pusat Internasional Iklim dan Lingkungan Penelitian-Oslo (Cicero). Minat penelitiannya mencakup kelemahan, resiko, pulau-pulau, dan bencana serta mengembangkan solusi praktis untuk permasalahan-permasalahan yang muncul di daerah-daerah tersebut. Dilihat dari tujuan judul buku, Disaster Diplomacy merupakan studi tentang bagaimana dan mengapa bencana menciptakan atau tidak menciptakan perdamaian atau konflik baik sebelum dan sesudah bencana. Dalam hal melihat apa yang terjadi sebelumnya, Disaster Diplomacy  melihat pencegahan, mitigasi, dan mengurangi kerugian, kemudian mencoba untuk berurusan dengan hal-hal yang berada di tempat sebelum kejadian terjadi. Sebaliknya, dalam hal melihat apa yang terjadi setelah itu, hal ini lebih berfokus untuk melihat tanggap darurat, pemulihan dan rekonstruksi. Disaster Diplomacy lebih memandang keadaan di mana perdamaian dan konflik yang terkena dampak bencana. Kemudian bagian lain dari Disaster Diplomacy adalah bahwa jika hasil yang didapat tidak memuaskan, maka kemudian dilihat bagaimana hal tersebut akan mungkin untuk mengubah situasi.
ASEAN Contemporary Security: Maritime Diplomacy in Handling of Maritime Security Threats in Malaka Strait Fathun, Laode Muhamad
Insignia: Journal of International Relations Vol 6 No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Laboratorium Hubungan Internasional, FISIP, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (916.936 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.ins.2019.6.1.1414


Abstract This paper will explain the consequences of Indonesia's geopolitical location, namely in the Malacca Strait as an international trade route. The Malacca Strait is a crossing route for foreign ships to distribute goods to various regions. However, the strategic channel not only attracts sympathy from international entrepreneurs but also attracts these criminals and hijackers to obtain economic results from this activity. The Malacca Strait strategically makes pirates and pirates criminalize passing ships. On the other hand, the consequences of state legal matters are maintaining security and safety, and the comfort of crossings in the Malacca Strait. With a number of problems, both defense, governance and management infrastructure that cannot be seen in a fixed manner. In addition, its position borders on three countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. With a qualitative descriptive analysis method, this paper explains the need for bilateral, trilateral and regional multi-level diplomacy approaches to solve problems. And the purpose of this article is that piracy occurred in the Straits of Malacca because of its strategic geopolitical structure and weak Indonesian defense. So, collaboration is needed, coordination through diplomacy and military projections as an effort to safeguard the sea area, sea control and military defense articulation. Thus, the authors hope that this article can add knowledge to the study of international relations, especially in marine studies. Keywords: Geopolitics, Maritime State, Malacca Strait, Piracy, Multilevel Diplomacy   Abstrak Paper ini akan menjelaskan konsekuensi dari lokasi geopolitik Indonesia, yaitu di Selat Malaka sebagai rute perdagangan internasional. Selat Malaka adalah rute penyeberangan bagi kapal-kapal asing untuk mendistribusikan barang ke berbagai daerah. Namun, saluran strategis tidak hanya menarik simpati dari pengusaha internasional tetapi juga menarik para pelaku kejahatan dan pembajak ini untuk mendapatkan hasil ekonomi dari kegiatan ini. Selat Malaka yang strategis membuat perompak dan pembajak mengkriminalkan kapal yang lewat. Sisi lain, konsekuensi dari urusan hukum negara adalah menjaga keamanan dan keselamatan, dan kenyamanan penyeberangan di Selat Malaka. Dengan sejumlah masalah baik pertahanan, tata kelola, infrastruktur manajemen yang tidak bisa dilihat secara secara terpisa. Selain itu  posisinya berbatasan dengan tiga negara yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura. Dengan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif, makalah ini menjelaskan perlunya pendekatan diplomasi multi-level bilateral, trilateral dan regional untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Dan tujuan dari artikel ini bahwa pembajakan terjadi di Selat Malaka karena struktur geopolitik yang strategis dan pertahanan Indonesia yang lemah. Jadi, diperlukan kolaborasi, koordinasi melalui diplomasi dan proyeksi militer sebagai upaya untuk menjaga wilayah laut, kontrol laut dan artikulasi pertahanan militer. Dengan demikian, penulis berharap bahwa artikel ini dapat menambah pengetahuan untuk studi hubungan internasional khususnya dalam studi kelautan. Kata kunci: Diplomasi Multilevel, Geopolitik, Negara Maritim, Pembajakan, Selat Malaka
Journal of Islamic World and Politics Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.069 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jiwp.2219


This paper will explain the implementation of geostrategic policy of Indonesian foreign policy in constructivism approach. Constructivism has three basic arguments about identity, norms and language. Another geostrategic position is a way to achieve the objectives of the foreign policy policy of the country.Geostrategy is interpreted by the model of accommodation and corcondance to achieve the desired results. In practice the implementation of Indonesia’s foreign policy in crisis Rohingnya show the result that Indonsia proper use of its identity as, democracy, religion and unity. The argumentation is the constitutional and moral and cultural reasons so that Indonesia wants to get involved in the crisis. In the context of Indonesia’s engagement norm is any violation of the crisis that occurred in Myanmar is violating international norms as well as national norms due to human rights. On the other hand related to the Indonesian language using the approach of communication with the language of women’s diplomacy with women or the diplomacy of heart and heart so as to reduce conflict in Myanmar. The concrete form of Indonesia formulates diplomacy 4 + 1 with assistance such as education, economics, relief etc. Thus, hopefully this paper will add to the repertoire of knowledge related to the analysis of foreign policy
Mental Health Behind Japan’s Economic and Social Productivity Prameswari, Anisa Indira; Darmastuti, Shanti; Fathun, Laode Muhamad
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Juli-Desember (In Press)
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (225.974 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/sospol.v5i2.7977


This article describes the impacts given by depression as mental health disorder and suicidal behavior towards Japan?s economy and social productivity. Depression and suicide have become one of the main causes of mortality among other health conditions in Japan. Both depression and suicidal behavior are non-communicable, yet both can influence psychological states of other people near the patient. Depression and suicidal behavior are challenging for countries with high mortality caused by suicide, especially towards those who also have ageing population like Japan. Hence, this article will analyze further costs faced by Japan along with reviewing policies taken to overcome their mental health challenges. This study uses qualitative descriptive design with case study method. This study also uses secondary analysis to answer mentioned challenges. Result shows that Japan faces economic loss to sustain their mental health expenses and psychological expenses for the family left by the victims of depression and suicide, as suicide trend is popular among adults and youths in Japan. Depression and suicidal behavior can also affect individual?s productivity. The authors expect that this can be used to give broader knowledge on non-traditional contemporary global issues.
Jurnal Keamanan Nasional Vol 5, No 2 (2019): November
Publisher : Pusat Kajian Keamanan Nasional (Puskamnas) Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya (UBJ)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/jkn.v5i2.442


This research purpose the issue of maritime security through. One of the maritime security issues in Indonesia is the issue of waste management at sea. As a country that wants to establish itself as the world?s maritime axis, it should make waste at sea an important issue and need serious attention. Research from Ocean Conservancy reports that around 8 million tons of plastic pass into the sea every year. If the condition cannot be controlled, by 2025 about 1 ton of plastic waste will be found in every 3 tons of fish taken from the sea. This research was conducted in Pandelela Region, Banten Province from May to December 2019. This study wanted to look at the marine waste management challenge in Pandeglang District and its completion strategy. With the case study method through a qualitative research paradigm with data collection techniques, field observations, interviews, and literature review, the results were obtained while that waste management in Pandeglang Region has not been a government priority. The government is still focusing on poverty, education and health issues. To 2020 and has been included in the regional strategic plan. Challenges obtained in waste management are problems of policy orientation, economic problems, cultural issues, and resources. For this reason, hopefully this study can be useful for many parties, including government, academia, students and the community
KYBERNAN: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 12 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kybernan
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Islam 45

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/kybernan.v12i1.2779


Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia (KKI) terdiri atas tujuh pilar yang terbagi kedalam lima kluster program prioritas, salah satunya adalah membangun kembali budaya maritim Indonesia. Untuk membangun kembali budaya maritim bukanlah sebuah perkara yang mudah dan cepat, namun butuh upaya dan proses yang memakan waktu cukup panjang. Sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah metode yang tepat dan efektif agar upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dapat membuahkan hasil sebagai mana yang diharapkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini ingin menggambarkan fenomena-fenomena yang ada, yang berlangsung pada saat ini. Hasil Peneliian ini dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi di era digital seperti sekarang ini, membuat segala sesuatu menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat begitu juga saat digunakan untuk menyebarkan informasi dan pengaruh di tengah masyarakat. Generasi X, Milenial dan Z yang begitu melekat dengan teknologi memiliki ketergantungan yang sangat tinggi akan penggunaan jejaring internet dan media sosial. Hal ini harus dapat dimanfaatkan dengan gencar oleh pemerintah yang tengah berupaya keras membangun kembali budaya maritim masyarakat Indonesia dengan cara memberi pengaruh kesadaran (awareness) akan domain maritim khususnya di kedua generasi tersebut. Sehingga dengan harapan kemajuan teknologi digital yang diiringi dengan pertumbuhan positif jumlah pengguna internet di tanah air dapat membawa dampak positf dalam membangun kembali budaya maritim masyarakat guna mendukung terwujudnya Indonesia sebagai negara maritim besar.
Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies (IJPSS) Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Indonesian Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Publisher : Department of International Relations, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.877 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/ijpss.v2i2.43


Poverty in this country. During the reign of Chavez and Maduro the people felt a little prosperity again, but this is what America hates because America is finding it difficult to implement its neoliberalism policy in Venezuela. After the events that continue to happen, Maduro does not remain silent. Namely by continuing Chavez's socialist policies. Here the researcher uses the theory of foreign policy decision making by Alex Mintz to explain what factors influence Maduro policy and here the researcher uses the concept of national interest to explain what Maduro's interests are in this policy, this research methodology is qualitative explanatory using interviews as data. secondary and librarian as primary data. This research finds 4 main factors in Nicolas Maduro's foreign policy. From the social condition of Venezuela itself which is very crisis-ridden to the point where there is a split between the layers of society, Maduro finally does not listen to the people's complaints to him, then from a psychological point of view, Maduro, who really hates the United States, has a very tough mindset that he is too confident in his beliefs. In order to be able to fight America, in the end his belief was not in accordance with expectations and instead had a negative effect. Therefore, it is clear that emotions play an important role in important political decisions. From an economic point of view, Venezuela is no longer able to support its own country in economic terms. If this country supports itself, there will be greater destruction
Geo Strategi Kebijakan Luar Negeri Indonesia dalam Produktivitas Ekspor Ikan Fathun Muhamad Laode
Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional
Publisher : Parahyangan Center for International Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (875.736 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jihi.v15i1.2938.55-73


Paper ini akan menjelaskan geostrategi implementasi kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia dalam konteks pendekatan organisasi. Pendekatan organisasi tersebut kemudian spesifik pada kepemimpinan Menteri Susi dalam upaya meningkatkan produktivitas hasil perikanan Indonesia. Dengan tipe penelitian kualitatif deskriptif melalui metode studi kasus, tulisan ini menggunakan data sekunder sebagai basis argumentasi. Hasil yang ditemukan adalah Menteri Susi menggunakan metode geostrategic military projection yang dikombinasikan dengan model kebijakan luar negeri konfrontasi dan leadership. Dengan metode tersebut lahirlah strategi penenggelaman kapal sebagai upaya untuk deterens,defensif, ofensif dan bahkan compliance dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas hasil perikanan dan bentuk kemampuan mempertahankan kedaulatan NKRI. Artinya memiliki argumentasi politik dan ekonomi. Oleh sebab itu, melalui kajian semoga dapat menambah khasanah ilmu pengetahuan terutama kajian maritim.Kata Kunci: Menteri Susi, military projection, geostrategis, deterrence, defence, ofensif, compliance, ekonomi politik    
Dauliyah Journal of Islamic and International Affairs Vol 3, No 1 (2018): DAULIYAH (JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS)
Publisher : UNIDA Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.806 KB) | DOI: 10.21111/dauliyah.v3i1.1869


Globalization brings sovereignty of the country as indefinitely. Glo-balization makes global communication increasingly limited. Communica-tion through diplomacy is the way in mengespresikan kepentinganya any State against another State. Due to the influence of technology in the glo-balization phenomenon makes the instrument of diplomacy was changed as well as the jumlaah actors. Conventional diplomacy that uses Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a single actor has shifted to the public role in the for-mation of international opinion. Reatif diplomatic instruments through the film is one way to India through the representatives of film directors in the form fictional story to make a change on the discourse discourse meaning of Islam as a terrorist religion. The discourse of meaning making psychological blow for followers of the Muslim identity of the adherents of identity that is considered by some countries call it the United States as an actor fundamentalism. Through instrument Indian Bollywood films try to shape public opinion, especially the people of the United States that fact does Islam not as bad as perception shown in US foreign policy.