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Good University Governance Dan Kinerja-Pt: Model Pemetaan Dan Perancangan Kinerja-Pt Melalui Kualitas & Kompetensi Lulusan, Pelayanan Serta Daya Saing Menuju Kualitas Lulusan Dan World Class University Pratolo, Suryo; Jatmiko, Bambang; Manuhara, Wahyu
Akmenika Vol 12, No 1 (2015): AKMENIKA
Publisher : Akmenika

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The purpose of this research is to build Mapping Patterns and Good Design and Performance-PT: Quality and Graduate Competency, Services and competitiveness towards quality graduates and World Class University. Basing a common phenomenon that attempts Universities to wards international reputation in the fields of science, technology and art as mandated in the vision and mission of the University, should be managed seriously, education and research, and community service to build a shared commitment in supporting the quality of human resources in all areas in a sustainable manner. The problem in this research is low competitiveness of Indonesian state human resources is one of the nations major problems that require action immediately. According to data from the World Economic Forum, Indonesias competitiveness in 2013-2014 was ranked 38th out of 148 countries surveyed. Factors that affect the competitiveness of a nation is a community education. Research methods, using a survey method approach: pre-survey, observation, data used is secondary data, with the Forum Group Discussion. The results of the study all University at 5 Kopertis already mapped well, but not all integrated based on IT-Web (80%) means that the leadership commitment needs to be improved. Researchers have carried out the design of IT-Web and will be implemented in year 2 (two).
Kontribusi dan Peran Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa untuk Mewujudkan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa yang Transparan dan Akuntabel (Survey pada Perangkat Desa di Kecamatan Ngaglik, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta) Anwar, Misbahul; Jatmiko, Bambang
Akmenika Vol 11, No 1 (2014): AKMENIKA
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

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The purpose of the study was to provide training in how to create a web-based budgeting that is effective and efficient, providing information technology related trai-ning for village chief or village secretary (officer appointed) , train chief of village or secretary of the village about a strategy to make the financial report and train make good budgeting, train to make document and orderly administration as giving the number/letter code/code/document archiving, and train the chief of village or secretary of village to empowering potential of their village.
The effect of human resources, internal control system, and implementation effectiveness of village financial systems on village financial statements quality (Survey on entire village in Bantul district) Jatmiko, Bambang; Prawoto, Nano; Astuti, Rini Juni; Wulandari, Desy
MEC-J (Management and Economics Journal) Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (766.883 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/mec-j.v0i2.6700


The research objectives are follows: (1) to test and prove empirically the effect of human resources on village Financial Reports Quality; (2) to test and prove empirically the effect of internal controls on village Financial Reports Quality. (3) to test and prove empirically the effectiveness of Village Financial System (SISKEUDES) on the village Financial Reports Quality. The research object were villages in Bantul Regency. The samples were 43 villages selected by purposive sampling method. The respondent targets were village heads, village secretaries, or financial staff. This study uses a quantitative method with primary data collection by questionnaires. The study results show that human resources in villages of Bantul Regency are still low due to lack of training and experience to make financial reports. The internal control system of villages in Bantul Regency is quite satisfactory. They have understood the procedures of their respective main tasks and functions, the risks faced of their mistakes and frauds. The Village Financial System in villages of Bantul Regency has been effectively implemented because all villages have used the Village Financial System application in order all the financial reports can be directly accounted for by central government.
Informasi Interaktif Vol 4, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Informasi Interaktif
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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ABSTRACT The target of the program is that people who have not been economically productive but have a strong desire to become entrepreneurs, are a group of housewives with 10 members in the Dsn. Karanglo Sukoharjo Ngaglik Sleman. The aim of the program is to help empower housewives through the development of various taro-based cakes and help create peace and comfort. In general, the problems faced by partners are economic conditions that are still below average and productivity levels that are still low. To overcome this problem, the service team provided a solution in the form of building a business field tailored to the minimum skills of the community and local food-based partner areas. While the specific problem is that the majority of housewives are less able to take advantage of their free time in daily activities, do not have the effort to use taro around their home gardens as processed food, do not have the innovation of taro processing, do not have working capital to make business, do not have the ability to plan, record, and control a business, do not understand who the consumers will buy and do not know how to do the right marketing. The results of this activity are partners have received entrepreneurship training, the addition of production equipment, training and mentoring on how to make various cakes from taro, simple financial management training, and marketing management training.Keywords: taro, local food crops, empowerment, innovation, housewives
Good University Governance Dan Kinerja-Pt: Model Pemetaan Dan Perancangan Kinerja-Pt Melalui Kualitas & Kompetensi Lulusan, Pelayanan Serta Daya Saing Menuju Kualitas Lulusan Dan World Class University Pratolo, Suryo; Jatmiko, Bambang; Manuhara, Wahyu
Akmenika Vol 12, No 1 (2015): AKMENIKA
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta

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The purpose of this research is to build Mapping Patterns and Good Design and Performance-PT: Quality and Graduate Competency, Services and competitiveness towards quality graduates and World Class University. Basing a common phenomenon that attempts Universities to wards international reputation in the fields of science, technology and art as mandated in the vision and mission of the University, should be managed seriously, education and research, and community service to build a shared commitment in supporting the quality of human resources in all areas in a sustainable manner. The problem in this research is low competitiveness of Indonesian state human resources is one of the nation's major problems that require action immediately. According to data from the World Economic Forum, Indonesia's competitiveness in 2013-2014 was ranked 38th out of 148 countries surveyed. Factors that affect the competitiveness of a nation is a community education. Research methods, using a survey method approach: pre-survey, observation, data used is secondary data, with the Forum Group Discussion. The results of the study all University at 5 Kopertis already mapped well, but not all integrated based on IT-Web (80%) means that the leadership commitment needs to be improved. Researchers have carried out the design of IT-Web and will be implemented in year 2 (two).
Informasi Interaktif Vol 4, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Informasi Interaktif
Publisher : Universitas Janabadra

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The target of the program is that people who have not been economically productive but have a strong desire to become entrepreneurs, are a group of housewives with 10 members in the Dsn. Karanglo Sukoharjo Ngaglik Sleman. The aim of the program is to help empower housewives through the development of various taro-based cakes and help create peace and comfort. In general, the problems faced by partners are economic conditions that are still below average and productivity levels that are still low. To overcome this problem, the service team provided a solution in the form of building a business field tailored to the minimum skills of the community and local food-based partner areas. While the specific problem is that the majority of housewives are less able to take advantage of their free time in daily activities, do not have the effort to use taro around their home gardens as processed food, do not have the innovation of taro processing, do not have working capital to make business, do not have the ability to plan, record, and control a business, do not understand who the consumers will buy and do not know how to do the right marketing. The results of this activity are partners have received entrepreneurship training, the addition of production equipment, training and mentoring on how to make various cakes from taro, simple financial management training, and marketing management training. Keywords: taro, local food crops, empowerment, innovation, housewives
Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Terkait Pengolahan Limbah Kotoran Ternak dengan Aerob-Fermentation Methods Parwoto, Parwoto; Priyatono, Margo; Jatmiko, Bambang
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks Vol 6, No 2 (2018): August
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/bdr.6241


The purpose of this devotion program is to provide strengthening understanding and technical capability to the community of Klampis hamlet, related to the processing of cattle manure waste (kohe) which is still organic fertilizer by using aerob-fermentation methods. Method of implementation of devotion is survey and observation, counseling urgency of waste treatment, technical training of organic fertilizer processing, technical accompaniment in process-ing group of organic fertilizer. Results and discussion of this devotion program as follows: 1) the potential of livestock manure is compiled Klampis if processed into organic fertilizer is more than enough to meet the needs of agricultural land fertilizer, 2) the process of public awareness is done by counseling about the urgency of cattle dung sewage treatment with lecture method and discussions; 3) technical training methods undertaken using tutorial methods and practices related to the manufacture of stale MOL and organic fertilizer manufacture with aerob-fermentation methods using MOL and Rumen; 4) technical accompaniment performed intensively and gradually towards the organic fertilizer maker group from start preparation of materials, mixing, stirring, incubation, and reversal. The outcomes of this empowerment program are self-sufficient journals (Journal of Rural and Urban Development) Keywords: Community, empowerment,         aerob-fermentation methods
KINERJA Vol 25, No 2 (2021): KINERJA
Publisher : Faculty of Economics Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24002/kinerja.v25i2.4814


UU No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, discusses universities that are formed and managed on a non-profit basis, called private universities. The difference between public and private, only the founders and managers, for the form of both are similar. Private Universities need competent human resources to manage themThis type of research is quantitative research. The population of this study was employees at a private university in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. The sampling technique that will be used is the proportional stratified random sampling method with a total sample of 130 people. The analysis used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis.Based on the results of data analysis, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a positive effect on Employee Job Satisfaction; (2) Organizational Culture has a positive effect on Employee Job Satisfaction; (3) Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) has a positive effect on the Performance of Educational Employees of Private Universities in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta; 4) Organizational Culture has a positive effect on Employee Performance; (5) Job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance; (6) Job satisfaction is not able to mediate the effect of the variable Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on the Performance of Educational Employees at Private Universities in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta; and (7) job satisfaction is not able to mediate the influence of organizational culture on employee performance Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance
KINERJA PEGAWAI: DAMPAK KOMITMEN ORGANISASI DAN KOMPETENSI DENGAN KEPUASAN KERJA SEBAGAI PEMEDIASI (Survey Pada Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Sleman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) Titi Laras; Bambang Jatmiko; Edukasih Wawuru
Jurnal Perilaku dan Strategi Bisnis Vol 9, No 2: Agustus 2021
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26486/jpsb.v9i2.2096


One of the main functions of government is to provide public services as a manifestation of the general task of government to realize the welfare of the community. Along with this, the development of the state civil apparatus is carried out continuously, so that it can become an efficient and effective, clean and authoritative tool. This research aims to determine the effect of organizational commitment and competence on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction at the regional secretariat of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. In this research using quantitative methods. Placing the sample based on the saturated sampling technique or census with the population in this research being all permanent employees at the regional secretariat of Sleman Regency who visited 137 people. The results of the study indicate that organizational commitment and competence have a positive effect on job satisfaction. organizational commitment and has a positive effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction has a positive effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction is able to mediate the effect of organizational commitment on employee performance. Job satisfaction is able to mediate the influence of competence on employee performance. From this research the authors suggest that the regional secretariat of the Special Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta can optimize organizational commitment, job satisfaction to improve employee performance.
MAKSIMUM Vol 5, No 1 (2015): Articles
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/mki.v5i1.1721


In this era, local government performance in Indonesia is weak because there are many abuse of authority everywhere, like corruption, collusion, and nepotism. Each of local government should apply the principles of good government governance in the government environtment, this is to improve performnace of local government. In this research good government governance principle contain transparancy, accountability, residents particpation, fairness, and responsibility. The purpose of this research is analyze dan explain the empirical evidence about the influence of transparancy, accountability, residents participation, fairness, and responsibility to the performance of local government. This research use primary data. Primary data derived from quistionnaire which share to employee of local government in Gunungkidul. This research involve 100 sample’s. The sample is determined by Slovin sampling method. Sample in this research derived from the employee of local government and Gunungkidul’s residents. Analitycal method use multiple regression. The result of this research is transparancy, accountability, and residents participation don’t have influence to the performance of local government, but fairness and responsibility have a positive and significant influence to the performance of local government.Keyword: Good Government Governance, performance of local government.