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International Journal of Community Service Learning Vol. 1 No. 2 (2017): August 2017
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.467 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/ijcsl.v1i2.12095


Desa Jurug Kecamatan Sookomerupakan daerah dengan85% penduduknya bermata pencaharian sebagai petani.Pestisida merupakan salah satu unsur yang sulit dipisahkan dengan kegiatan pertanian.Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan kuesioner, petani di Desa Jurug belum mengetahui bagaimana bahaya pestisda untuk kesehatan. Berdasarkan referensi, pestisida yang terkandung dalam darah dapat menyebabkan efek toksik dalam menghambat enzim kolinesterase yang dapat mengganggu sistem saraf. Masyarakat petani Desa Sooko belum pernah mendapatkan penyuluhan dari Puskesmas terdekat tentang kesehatan kerja khususnya pada petani yang terkait dengan penggunaan pestisida. Selain itu kesadaran petani akan kesehatan juga masih rendah, terlihat dari hasil kuesioner pretest belum diperhatikannya cara menggunakan pestisida yang baik dan benar serta pemakaian APD sebagai upaya preventif terhadap terjadinya penyakit akibat kerja dari penggunaan pestisida belum maksimal. Berdasarkan hasil penyuluhan, terdapat peningkatan skor kuesioner (post-test) sebesar 50%. Hal ini menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman peserta dalam pemakaian pestisida dan bahaya pestisida.Hal ini baik untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat, khususnya petani untuk menggunakan pestisida yang aman bagi kesehatan.Peningkatan kesehatan petani diharapkan menjadi awal dari peningkatan produktifitas di bidang pertanian.
The Relationship of Belief, Experience, Knowledge, and Attitudes Toward Safety Behavior of Construction Workers at University X Ponorogo Sisca Mayang Phuspa; Edwina Rudyarti
Indonesian Journal for Health Sciences Vol 1, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (291.805 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ijhs.v1i2.614


Indonesia is a country with a record of accidents is quite high, where 38% of them are fallen from a height that is a work accident in the field of construction. The cause of high numbers is the implementation and supervision of OHS, as well as behavior of industrial society in particular and society in general that has not been optimal. Safety behavior is a safe working behavior of potential hazards. The factors that make up safety behavior are work experience, belief, knowledge, and attitude.The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between knowledge and attitudes toward safety behavior is carried out on the worker of lecturer residential development project of University X Ponorogo from June to August 2017. This research is a descriptive research with quantitative approach. Based on the time this research is a cross sectional study. The sample of this study amounted to 50 people with the technique of determining the total sampling.The results showed that there was a significant correlation between work experience with knowledge in construction worker of University X. As well as the belief in the fate of the worker with the knowledge. There is a significant relationship between work experience and worker attitude. As well as a significant relationship between the belief in the fate of the workers and the safety attitude to the construction worker of University X. However, there is no significant correlation between knowledge and safety attitude with safety behavior in construction worker of University X, because there is no enabling factor in the form of worker support facility to carry out safety behavior in their workplace.