Ida Ayu Putu Utami Paramita
Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar

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Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AbdiMas Vol 5, No 1 (2018): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Abdimas
Publisher : Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/abd.v5i1.2450


AbstractPeanut processed business is one business that promises to be occupied and can generate profits if managed properly. This underlying Mr. Sulatra opened a processed peanuts “kapri” business in Nyanglan Village, Bangli regency on May 9, 2013 with the name of “Kacang Surya Bali”. The marketing of “Kacang Surya Bali” to date extends to the “Shop of Bali’s Souvenirs” and Ngurah Rai International Airport at Domestic departure. The second partner's partner is “Kacang Disco Kecak Mama” which is engaged in the same field of peanut processing into peanut food with various flavors since 2004. Founded by Mr. Gede Sumerta in 2004, until now “Kacang Disco Kecak Mama” has various variant of taste that is original, super spicy, cheese, barbeque, pizza, squid, shrimp, grilled fish, milk egg honey, and soy essence. So far Kacang Disco Kecak Mama can be found in some traditional markets in Bali or in the “Shop of Bali’s Souvenirs”. One of the problems faced by a group of processed peanuts for Bali souvenirs about the need for production equipment to support the production process so that more efficiently without neglecting the quality of nuts produced. From the implementation of this dedication, the two business partners get the benefit of capacity building and production quality where the spinner serves to make peanuts cleaner, dry and durable, and the partners can efficiently time from producing 5kg beans per 25minutes, and now only takes 5kg per 15minutes, a gasoline-spice grinder makes peanuts more hygienic and the use of tools is practical. In addition, the use of press tools can speed up the packaging process and beautify the look of the sold beans. Keywords : peanut, bali’s souvenier, quantity AbstrakBisnis olahan kacang merupakan salah satu bisnis yang menjanjikan untuk ditekuni dan dapat menghasilkan keuntungan apabila dikelola dengan baik. Hal ini yang mendasari Bapak Sulatra membuka usaha olahan kacang kapri di Desa Nyanglan, Kabupaten Bangli pada tanggal 9 Mei 2013 dengan nama kacang Surya Bali. Pemasaran kacang Surya Bali sampai saat ini meluas hingga ke toko Oleh-oleh Khas Bali dan Bandara Internasional Ngurah Rai di keberangkatan Domestik. Pegusaha mitra kedua yakni Kacang Disco Kecak Mama yang bergerak di bidang yang sama yaitu pengolahan kacang tanah menjadi makanan kacang dengan berbagai rasa sejak tahun 2004. Didirikan oleh Bapak Gede Sumerta pada tahun 2004, hingga kini kacang disco kecak mama memiliki berbagai varian rasa yakni original, super pedas, keju, barbeque, pizza, cumi, udang, ikan bakar, susu telur madu, dan sari kedelai. Sejauh ini Kacang Disco Kecak Mama dapat ditemui dibeberapa pasar tradisional yang ada di Bali maupun di toko oleh-oleh Khas Bali. Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi baik oleh kelompok usaha olahan kacang untuk oleh-oleh khas Bali mengenai kebutuhan akan alat produksi demi menunjang proses produksi sehingga lebih efisien tanpa mengesampingkan kualitas kacang yang dihasilkan. Dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini, kedua mitra usaha mendapatkan manfaaat berupa peningkatan kapasitas dan kualitas produksi dimana alat spiner berfungsi membuat kacang lebih bersih, kering dan tahan lama, serta mitra dapat mengefisiensikan waktu dari memproduksi kacang 5kg/25 menit, dan sekarang hanya membutuhkan waktu 5kg/15menit, alat penggiling bumbu berbahan bakar bensin menjadikan kacang lebih higienis dan penggunaan alatnya pun praktis. Selain itu, penggunaan alat pres dapat mempercepat proses pengemasan dan memperindah tampilan kacang yang dijual. Kata kunci : kacang, oleh-oleh khas Bali
UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PENDAPATAN USAHA PADA USAHA MIKRO KACANG DISCO KECAK MAMA Ni Made Dwi Puspitawati; Ida Ayu Putu Utami Paramita; Tjokorda Istri Praganingrum
Jurnal Bakti Saraswati (JBS): Media Publikasi Penelitian dan Penerapan Ipteks Vol. 6 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Bakti Saraswati (JBS) : Media Publikasi Penelitian dan Penerapan Ipteks
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan (Institute for Research and Community Empowerment) Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The increasingly fierce competition market requires an entrepreneurto always innovate on their products so that their sales can undoubtedly be top of the market line. Kacang Disco Kecak Mama is one of the micro enterprises that is available and ready to win the hearts of peanut lovers. This company often uses their peanuts as souvenirs, which is a highy sought after consumer product in Bali. They offer a variety of flavors such as original flavor, super spicy, cheese, barbeque, pizza, squid, shrimp, grilled fish, milk egg honey, and soybean. The name of Kacang Disco Kecak Mama comes from the founding enterpreneur’s hobby of enjoying “disco”, and the other part of the name “kecak” derived from the kecak dance which is a typical traditional Balinese dance and the last part “mama” comes from the desire of the entrepreneurto always have his mother’s blessing so that his endeavors always run smoothly. Twenty five employees are able to produce 250kg, which correlates to about 500kg of Disco Kecak Mama after processing. Some weaknesses in the promotion system, the shortage of electric scales in packaging and the layout of the packaging space. These weakness create a limited barrier to the entrepreneural company. A shortage in these areas make it difficult to work more efficienty and produce a larger mass product. In accordance with the problems faced by entrepreneur, we have created several solutions to offer that would make the business Kacang Disco Kecak Mama more advanced. Here are the following solutions created : (1) an advanced online tactical system either through website or social media (facebook and instagram) so as to reach consumers wordwide (2) create a neon box as a means to introduce this effort to the community, (3) electrical scales for product consumtion, this increases efficiency so that the entrepreneur is able to obtain the expected profit, and (4) renewal of packaging space, which mandates that employees would work more efficiently. From this dedication, kacang disco kecak mama felt the benefits of the increased order that was originally only 200pcs of peanut wrappers in a day increased to 400 pcs, causing they decided to increase the number of employees who originally only 25 people to 40 people, and employees feel comfortable with a well-organized work environment. With the increase in orders this means kacang disco kecak mama’s income has increased.