Amrozi, Shoni Rahmatullah
Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Jember

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Genealogi Pengajaran Islam dan Nasionalisme Agama KH. Zaini Mun’im dan KHR. As’ad Syamsul Arifin Amrozi, Shoni Rahmatullah; Maskuri, Maskuri; Renaningtyas, Peni Catur
Islamika Inside: Jurnal Keislaman dan Humaniora Vol 6 No 2 (2020): DESEMBER
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin, Adab dan Humaniora Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/islamikainside.v6i2.108


Abstract: A thing that makes a difference between intellectual traditions of pesantren and other education, namely the existence of sanad. In the perspective of Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauzy, sanad called exceeding the exotological linearity of Islamic knowledge which is called 'ilm al-jally. Moreover, Imam Syafi'i said that the people of Zindiq would preach on the pulpit if the knowledge was not memorized by the sanad in the book. And a famous aphorism Imam Abdullah bin Mubarak says, sanad is a part of religion, if without sanad the people will say whatever they want. The aim of this research is to find out, analyze and interpret the scientific genealogy and nationalism attitude of KH. Zaini Mun'im and KHR. As'ad Syamsul Arifin. This research used qualitative research method with the phenomenology approach and interpretation. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that in terms of the scientific sanad, the two kiai have a sense of continuity between the ulama '(teacher) with one another, so that based on this scientific sanad it shows that the articulation of Islamic teaching is very accountable in the context of Islamic teaching and the institutional development process in both pesantren continues dynamically by doing the transition from traditional pesantren to modern pesantren. and based on the religious nationalism attitude, it can be concluded that both of them have high enthusiasm in their patriotism by carrying out a multicultural mission.
Kuttab : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam Vol 4, No 1 (2020): KUTTAB : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/ktb.v4i1.105


The history of Islamic education is inseparable from the internal and external influences on the development and growth of Islamic education, these two influences accumulatively converge into one and produce a whole form of Islamic education in Indonesia. On the other hand the existence of the history of Islamic education has also long been the subject of studies conducted by some historians, both from within and from abroad. There have been many research results that inform Islamic education in Indonesia in a complete and comprehensive form. Based on this fact, the study of the history of Islamic education needs to be analyzed and applied to be used as reference material and references by Muslims themselves to better understand the journey and growth of Islamic education itself reviewed in Ibn Khaldun's perspective.
KEBERAGAMAAN ORANG JAWA DALAM PANDANGAN CLIFFORD GEERTZ DAN MARK R. WOODWARD: Javanese Diversity In The View Of Clifford Geertz And Mark R. Woodward Shoni Rahmatullah Amrozi
Fenomena Vol 20 No 1 (2021): FENOMENA: Journal of the Social Sciences
Publisher : LP2M UIN KH.Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/fenomena.v20i1.46


Artikel ini membahas perbedaan pandangan Clifford Geertz dan Mark R. Woodward tentang keberagamaan orang Jawa. Kedua pandangan ini menjadi rujukan bagi para intelektual yang mendalami kajian tentang agama (Islam) di masyarakat Jawa. Geertz mengkategorikan kelompok agama dalam masyarakat Jawa (Abangan, Santri, dan Priyayi) berdasarkan penelitiannya di Mojokuto (Pare, Kediri, Jawa Timur). Sementara itu, Mark R. Woodward meneliti keberagamaan orang Jawa di Yogyakarta. Woodward menganggap Yogyakarta sebagai pusat budaya masyarakat Jawa dan dianggap mampu mengkolaborasikan Islam dan budaya lokal. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa Geertz menilai bahwa keberagamaan orang Jawa terkait dengan ketaatan dan ketidaktaatan. Sementara itu, Woodward melihat keberagamanan ini sebagai salah satu bentuk tafsir terhadap Islam oleh masyarakat Jawa.. This article examines the different views of Clifford Geertz and Mark R. Woodward about Javanese religiousness. Both of their studies, even today, have become references for intellectuals who study religion (Islam) in Javanese society. Geertz categorized the religious groups in Javanese culture (Abangan, Santri, and Priyayi). Geertz's (the 1950s) view have based on his research in Modjokuto (Pare, Kediri, East Java). Meanwhile, Mark R. Woodward researched Javanese religiousness in Yogyakarta (the 1980s). Woodward observed Yogyakarta as the cultural center of Javanese society. It is considered capable of collaborating between Islam and local culture. The article concludes that Geertz assessed that Javanese religiousness was related to religious obedience and disobedience. Meanwhile, Woodward sees this diversity as a type of interpretation of Islam by the Javanese community.
THE POWER OF RELIGION IN IMPROVING LABOR'S WORK ETHIC: Kekuatan Agama Dalam Meningkatkan Etos Kerja Buruh Shoni Rahmatullah Amrozi
Fenomena Vol 18 No 2 (2019): FENOMENA: Journal of the Social Sciences
Publisher : LP2M UIN KH.Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/fenomena.v18i2.140


Religion is a system of belief or belief in the existence of something that is absolute outside of humans and is a system of human worship to that which is considered absolute, as well as a system of norms that regulates human relations with fellow human beings and human relations with other natural worlds that are appropriate and harmonious. with the system of faith and worship. This research discusses the manifestation of the work ethic of Muslim workers at PTPN X Jember bobbin industrial unit and the meaning of Muslim worker's work ethic at PTPN X Jember bobbin industrial unit. This study concludes that there are forms of religious manifestations toward Muslim workers. It can be supposed that these forms include: congregational prayers, annual istighosah, and commemoration of Islamic holidays as a form of workers' motivation in religion. In addition, the understanding of the religion of the workers in this study is how someone who works as a laborer understands the religion he adheres to. The understanding of religion discussed is about faith, worship, and muamalah.
Formulasi Kepemimpinan Pendidikan (Perspektif Teori Kepemimpinan dalam Doktrin Al-Qur’an) Shoni Rahmatullah Amrozi
JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): JIEMAN: Journal of Islamic Educational Management
Publisher : The Faculty of Education and Teaching Training

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/jieman.v1i1.9


Abstrak Ketika seluruh dunia tenggelam dalam arus kebohongan, hilangnya martabat manusia, jauh dari cahaya tauhid, dan komunitas sosial, politik, ekonomi, budaya dan agama, terutama ketika dunia Arab sangat rapuh dan gelisah, muncul seorang tokoh besar dalam sejarah panjang manusia. Dia membawa obor perubahan dari kegelapan menjadi cahaya terang dalam kehidupan. Dia memimpin masyarakat yang kacau menjadi masyarakat yang terbimbing dan terdidik, terlebih lagi membebaskan orang Arab dari politeisme menjadi monoteisme. Dia adalah Nabi Muhammad yang terkenal sebagai pembawa rahmatallil'alamin. Periode kepemimpinan Nabi Muhammad adalah cikal bakal pembentukan peradaban Islam. Krisis terbesar di dunia saat ini adalah krisis keteladanan. Krisis ini lebih kuat daripada krisis energi, kesehatan, makanan, transportasi dan air. Karena tidak adanya pemimpin visioner, kompeten, dan memiliki integritas tinggi maka masalah air, konservasi hutan, kesehatan, pendidikan, sistem peradilan, dan transportasi akan menjadi semakin parah. Akibatnya, semakin banyak biaya perawatan kesehatan yang sulit untuk dijangkau, manajemen transportasi semakin kacau, pendidikan kehilangan kesadaran akan karakter mulia yang berorientasi belas kasih, sungai dan air tanah semakin tercemar dan sampah menumpuk di mana-mana. Dalam hal ini, di antara masalah yang dialami oleh dunia Muslim, termasuk Indonesia, sebagai negara terbesar ketiga di dunia. Oleh karena itu, kepemimpinan Nabi Muhammad adalah tolak ukur yang harus diikuti oleh semua manusia dalam hal memproyeksikan pola kepemimpinan, karena kepemimpinan yang diajarkanya akan mengarahkan orang untuk menjadi pemimpin yang dihormati, dicintai dan diikuti oleh semua orang. Kata kunci: kepemimpinan, pendidikan, peradaban Islam Abstract At around the world drowned in a stream of lies, loss of human dignity, far from the light of monotheism, and the social, political, economic, cultural and religious communities, especially the Arab world is very fragile and apprehensive, appears a major figure in the history of all time. He carried the torch of transformation from darkness into bright light of life. He led a chaotic society into a society that guided and educated, moreover released the Arab from polytheism to monotheism. He is the Prophet Muhammad who is well known as a carrier rahmatallil'alamin. The period of the Prophet Muhammad's leadership is a forerunner to the formation of Islamic civilization. The biggest crisis in the world today is a crisis exemplary. The crisis is more powerful than the energy, health, food, transportation and water crisis. Due to the absence of a visionary leader, competent, and have high integrity then the problem of water, forest conservation, health, education, justice system, and transport will be more severe. As a result, more and more day health care costs increasingly difficult to affordable, transportation management increasingly chaotic, the education lose conscience of compassion-oriented noble character, rivers and ground water increasingly polluted and garbage piled up everywhere. Here, among the problems experienced by the Muslim world, including Indonesia, as part of the world's third largest. Therefore, the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad is the benchmark that must be followed by all human beings in terms of projecting the pattern of leadership, because the leadership taught by him will lead people to be leaders who are respected, loved and followed by all people. Keywords: leadership, education, Islamic civilization
Articulation of the Archipelago's Islamic Education-al Thought Suharto, Babun; Sham, Fariza Md; Fatmawati, Erma; Amrozi, Shoni Rahmatullah
IJIBS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): International Journal of Islamic Boarding School
Publisher : LP2M UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35719/ijibs.v1i1.21


The difference between the intellectual tradition of the pesantren and other forms of education is the existence of the sanad. From the perspective of Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauzy, sanad can be said to go beyond thecologicalal linearity of Islamic knowledge which is commonly called ‘ilm jally. Not only that, Imam Syafi'i once said that if knowledge is not memorized by the sanad in the book then the Zindiq people will preach in the pulpit. The famous saying of Imam Abdullah bin Mubarak says, and is part of religion, without sanad surely people will say whatever they want. Even advanced sanad (ittishal al-sanad) is one of the conditions for the validity of a hadith as described in the musthalahul hadith book. For this reason, hadith expert scholars (al-muhadditsin) pay great attention to sanad in their disciplines. Most of this muhadditsin write special books about sanad. In its development, not only about the study of hadith, all scientific enthusiasts, book history, and scientific genealogy through teachers and students are written in a book known as tsabat. In the context of scientific knowledge, it can then be traced to the products of his thought. For this reason, the author wants to provide a re-description, of how true the thinking of native Indonesian (archipelagic) scholars is in the context of building an existing national attitude