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ATAVISME Vol 19, No 2 (2016): Atavisme, Edisi Desember 2016
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (727.916 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v19i2.226.148-161


Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap negosiasi antara homoerotika dan prinsip machismo yang dijunjung tinggi dalam budaya Meksiko serta pengaruh faktor kelas sosial dan pendidikan keluarga terhadap hubungan tersebut dalam sastra Amerika Latin kontemporer berjudul Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe karya Benjamin Alire Sáenz. Masalah yang menjadi fokus penelitian adalah bagaimana negosiasi antara homoerotika dan prinsip machismo serta bagaimanakah faktor kelas sosial dan pendidikan keluarga memberikan pengaruh terhadapnya dalam novel tersebut. Dengan perspektif teori queer yang dicetuskan Annamarie Jagose dan metode pembacaan cermat, penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa machismo yang masih kuat dalam masyarakat Meksiko melahirkan perasaan homofobia, bahkan dalam diri kaum homoseksual sendiri. Kare-nanya, para gay cenderung menjadi rendah diri dengan orientasi seksualnya. Latar belakang pendidikan keluarga dan perbedaan kelas sosial memengaruhi persepsi tentangmachismo pada kaum lelaki. Keduanya merupakan faktor penting yang mendasari perilaku seseorang dalam me-nentukan orientasi seksualnya di lingkungan sekitar. The article strives to reveal the negotiation between homoeroticism and machismo norms highly valued in Mexican culture, as well as the impact of social class and academic background, toward such relationship in a contemporary Latin American literary work, Benjamin Alire Sáenz?s Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. The focus of the study is how the negotiation between homoeroticism and machismo values, as well as social class and academic background, affect that relationship. Using Annamarie Jagose?s queer theory and close reading technique, the study results in the fact that machismo, still strongly held in Mexican communities, begets a homophobic feeling even for the homosexuals themselves. Therefore, the gays tend to feel inferior with their sexual orientation. The family?s academic background and social class difference influence the perception about machismo in men. Both prove to be crucial factors in determining one?s sexual orientation toward his social surroundings.
DECONSTRUCTING CULTURAL IDENTITY IN RISHI REDDI’S KARMA AND OTHER STORIES Adji, Alberta Natasia; Karnanta, Kukuh Yudha; Putra, Gesang Manggala Nugraha
ATAVISME Vol 21, No 1 (2018): ATAVISME
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (494.894 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v21i1.443.1-16


This article strives to deconstruct the main characters? cultural identity in Rishi Reddi?s short stories collection, entitled Karma and Other Stories, as the characters deal with their lives as Indian diaspora in the United States. The applied method is the close-reading technique. This article employs Jacques Derrida?s deconstruction by tracing the binary opposition found within the seven short stories; later they are to be disseminated so that the true meanign can be revealed. The article finds that (1) the emerging conflicts in the stories are caused by the strong ties of the protagonists toward Hinduism and Indian family tradition, with (2) their cultural identity has managed to align with modernity in the US, but (3) their ties to the core Hinduism and Indian principles will remain strong.
ATAVISME Vol 20, No 1 (2017): ATAVISME
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v20i1.290.53-67


[Judul: Multikulturalisme dalam Novel Spring Karya Almino Situmorang]. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi relasi multikultural dalam novel Spring (2010) karya Almino Situmorang, yang dibagi menjadi dua bagian cerita yang menjadi inti fokus diskusi. Masalah yang dibahas ialah representasi relasi dan negosiasi antara empat tokoh utama yang berbeda suku, ras, agama, dan bangsa. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori multikulturalisme yang digagas oleh Will Kymlicka. Metode yang digunakan ialah teknik pembacaan cermat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) relasi multikultural yang direpresentasikan dalam novel tersebut mencakup keberagaman yang sangat luas dan kompleks dengan berbagai macam perbedaan, (2) perihal perbedaan latar belakang kultural dan agama dapat dinegosiasikan dalam praktik kesehariannya, terutama dalam relasi pertemanan, dan (3) untuk soal pernikahan, mereka masih terikat pada standar-standar tradisi dan adat-istiadat yang kuat. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah multikulturalisme di Indonesia masih cenderung terbatas pada praktik-praktik dalam ruang lingkup pertemanan dan belum sepenuhnya membaur karena tradisi kultural yang masih bersifat kaku dan monolitis. The research explores multicultural relation in Almino Situmorang?s Spring (2010), which is divided into two parts of story that become the main focus of the dicussion. The main issues to discuss are representations of relation and negotiation among the four main characters who come from different ethnic, racial, religious, and national backgrounds. The  theory used is Will Kymlicka?s multiculturalism perspective. The method is the close-reading technique. The result of the study shows that (1) multicultural relation represented in the novel encompasses a broad and complex diversity with various differences, (2) issues concerning cultural and religious backgrounds are still negotiated in daily practices, specifically in friendship, and (3) for marrital aspects, they are hardly free from standard norms and customs that are still strongly upheld. The conclusion of the research is that multiculturalism in Indonesia tends to be limited to social practices in the surface sphere. Therefore, it has not completely blended because of  rigid and monolithic cultural traditions.